Save the Date (Modern Arrangements) (23 page)

BOOK: Save the Date (Modern Arrangements)
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After a couple of days with the new
pill, I was feeling a little
. Nausea, headache and light bleeding
were just a couple of the side effects bringing about my bad mood tonight. 
Celia didn’t remember having such a severe reaction when she started the same

Celia and I were really busy tonight.
There seemed to be an obscene amount of people for a Thursday night. We’d been
working our asses off when a loud group made their presence known.

"I’ll deal with them," Celia
groaned. "It’s my turn and you are in no mood tonight."

"Nah, I’ll get them," Taking a
deep breath in effort to clear my bad mood, I moved toward the end of the bar.
"It’s the least I can do since I’m leaving you in a week."

"Don’t remind me." She pouted.

"Hey there sweetheart, can we get a
round over here!" A tall guy with dark, spikey hair yelled.

Grabbing a bottle of Jack Daniels, I
moved to stand before them. Sitting the bottle down, I grabbed shot glasses and
lined them up.

"So, how is it I’ve been here
before, quite a few times, but have never seen you?" He blatantly appraised
my body.

"I don’t know." With a fake
smile, I poured the whiskey. Closing my eyes, I gave myself a mental pep talk.
not smash the bottle over his head. Do not smash the bottle over his head.

"Hmmm…" When he hummed, I
opened my eyes.  He was leaning over the bar looking straight down my top.

The crash of the JD bottle onto the top
of the bar pulled his attention from my cleavage.  His eyes then shot up to my
face.  A shameless grin spread across the smug bastard’s face.

"I hate to see you go, but I love
to watch you leave," he yelled when I walked away. Twisting around quickly
to scowl, he slammed his empty shot glass onto the bar. Turning back away from
him, I repeated my
do not smash bottle

"This is really going to be fun
tonight." Celia said sarcastically into my ear.

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing like
overgrown frat boys getting loaded."

Fifteen minutes later, overgrown frat
boy was definitely loaded.

"Sweetheart! Hey, baby!" His
meaty hand slapped at the bar.

Taking a deep breath, I moved back to
his end of the bar. Grabbing a towel along the way, I wiped up the spills.

"More shots?" I focused on
wiping down the bar not mister tall, drunk and spikey.

"You can just leave us the
bottle," he winked.

"Great," I didn’t hide my
sarcasm. "No problem." Forcing a smile, I placed the bottle on the
bar. Before I could pull back my arm, his hand reached out and grabbed me.
"Let go."

"Not until I get your name,"
he smiled sleazily.

"Let go," I said more
forcefully, yanking at my arm.

"Oh, how rude of me," he
slurred, "I’m Tylor. What’s your name?"

"Lilli, now, please, let go!"

"Maybe…if you give me a kiss,"
he leaned across the bar. Placing the palm of my left hand over his sweaty
face, I pushed him back.

"Back off!" Celia came up from
behind, peeling his hand off me.

He put his hands up in the air, a shit
eating grin on his face and a shrug of his shoulders. "Sorry."

Rubbing at the red mark on my arm, I
turned to walk away. The sound of glass smashing on the floor brought my
attention back around. Before I could turn completely around, a sting spread
over my ass followed by a tight grip.

"What the—?" I spun and

All in his attempt to grope me, Tylor leaned
completely over the bar causing a shot glass to fall behind the bar. Before I
could say anything, Tylor’s body jerked backward.

"Who the fuck?" Tylor bellowed.

"Do not touch her again!" A
familiar voice snarled.

"Who the fuck are you to tell

Tylor meet the floor.

"Her fiancé, asshole!"

My eyes widened at the threat made clear
on Aidan’s face. James and Oscar applauded while Dixon’s uncontrollable laugh
floated over the crowd.

Tylor tried to stand.

 "Stay down, asshole or you’ll meet
her best friend next." Aidan motioned to Dixon who rubbed his fist in his
palm. Aidan looked to me and Dixon stood over Tylor in full intimidation mode.
"Are you okay?"

I nodded, still in shock of the scene
that just unfolded before me. With my hands flat on the bar, I leaned forward to
see Tylor still on the floor.

"Lilli?" I looked back to
Aidan. His angry eyes focused on me. "Where the hell is your engagement ring?"

"" Biting on my lip,
I furrowed my brow.


Chapter Thirteen
Plans, plans, plans


"It’s back in my room." I
answered, hesitantly.

"Why isn’t it on your finger?"
He grabbed my left hand. "Did that asshole make those marks?" Aidan’s
eyes focused on where Tylor grabbed me minutes before.

"I don’t wear it to work," I
shrugged, ignoring the question about the marks. "I’m afraid I’ll lose it
in a blender or something." I tried to explain.

Aidan glared and his grip tightened on my

"You wear the ring." He
growled, letting go of my hand and sitting down at the bar.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When that asshole grabbed her at the bar,
I lost it. Then, she wasn’t wearing the engagement ring. It pissed me off. We
were engaged, regardless of the circumstances.

I sat there drinking and watching men
ogle her the entire night. That fact just made it even more important that she
wore the damn ring. She was mine now and she needed to make sure people knew.
Having never been so possessive about a woman before, I wasn’t sure where these
feelings were coming from.  Regardless, possessing her took hold deep inside
me. The world should fucking know and they would.

Once everyone started to take off for
the night, I stayed waiting for Lilli to finish up. We needed to talk. When she
slid over the bar with her purse, I surprised her by being there waiting for

"Aidan, I thought you left

"Nope, I waited." With my curt
response, I grabbed her hand and walked her toward the door.

The pace I set had us reaching my car
quickly. She jerked her hand out of mine the minute we stood next to my dark
silver Lexus.

"What?" I said, irritated.

"You aren’t driving," she

"I’m fine," I argued.

"Oh really?" She crossed her
arms over her chest. "Then you can go by yourself." She turned and began
to walk away. Grabbing her around the waist, I pulled her back against the car.

"Aidan," she protested.

Placing my palms on either side of her
body, I stepped close.  The heat from her body penetrated through my thin white
button down shirt. Her scent surrounded me, warm vanilla and exotic flowers.
Arousal burned through my veins, causing me to sway a little closer.

"Aidan," her warning barely a

"Here," I held out the keys. She
took them, hesitantly.

After a quiet drive, with the windows
down to cool my need to pull her in the back seat and fuck her like a teenage
boy, she parked in my reserved spot in the complex garage. We made our way up
to the apartment and she was halfway up the stairs. I didn’t want her to leave
me yet. I brought the subject of the ring back up.

"I want you to wear the ring, Lilli.
Not leave it in your room." I instructed.

"Whatever." She said without
stopping or turning around.

"I’m serious," I said louder.

She stopped.

"Fine," she spoke like a
disobedient teenager and went into her room.

Collapsing on the couch, I hadn’t been aware
of how tired I was until I closed my eyes.

Groaning, I covered my head when loud
music filled my throbbing ears.

"What the fuck." Groaning,
again, I sat up and saw the clock. "Christ!" I’d slept in.

Moving as quickly as my hangover would
let me, I went upstairs. The music was killing me, pounding in my head.

At the top of the stairs, I realized it
was coming from Lilli’s room. I slammed my bedroom door behind me and winced.

Showered, shaved and brushed, I threw on
a suit and headed downstairs for work. On my phone, talking to my secretary, I
halted at the bottom of the steps.

There was Lilli, bent over—ass up. I
groaned internally, taking in the curve of her ass, her forehead pressed to her
shins, arms wrapped around her calves. To make the situation even more
unbearably perfect she wore shorts so short I could just make out the beginning
curve of her bare ass and the tiny bra looking top exposing her bare mid-drift.
In an erotic trance, my secretary rambled on about something. I couldn’t even
comprehend with the sight before me.

Did she do this every morning?
Her ass is just…damn…it’s perfection

Then she moved. Lilli stood upright, her
hands stretching into the air, slightly pushing back. Her breasts pushed
outward. I started to harden and bit my lip to hold in the moan threatening to
erupt from my mouth. Using my free hand, I adjusted the  growing discomfort
within my black suit pants.

"Mr. Iverson?"


"Yes, I’m sorry. I was distracted
for a moment." I had no clue what my secretary had said. When Lilli heard
me, she snapped around quickly. "I’ll be in shortly." I hung up.

"I thought you were gone." Her
arms crossed over her stomach, pushing her breasts together.

Just when I didn’t think that it could
get any hotter in here, she bit her lip and blushed.

Fuck me! Please!
If I had to see this, even occasionally, there’s no way I’m going without sex for
four years. Hell, she’s lucky I didn’t bend her over the couch right now.

It took me a moment to collect my

"I passed out on the couch and
slept in this morning. I’m leaving now." Walking toward the door, I grabbed
my keys and quickly headed out before I acted out my desires.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

With thoughts of Lilli and a raging hard
on, trying to focus on work all morning was torture.  During each meeting, I
drifted off to the curve of her ass, the slope of her lower back, her breasts
pushed forward.

By the time four o’clock rolled around, I
was ready to explode. I’d been too long without sex. I contemplated telling Lilli
flat out that she needed to make sure I was out of the house before she did her
exercise shit. But the selfish, sick bastard in me wanted to see it—every
morning. Thinking about it, yet again, had me hard against my thigh.

Finally, having enough, I told my
secretary to hold my calls for the next twenty minutes and not to disturb me.
Channeling my inner sixteen year old boy, I went straight to my private

Attempting to calm myself with cold
water didn’t work, I just couldn’t erase the image or the fire lit by my arousal.
Closing the bathroom door, I undid my pants, letting them pool around my ankles
along with my boxer briefs.  Taking my hard length into my hand and closing my
eyes, I let the images of Lilli flood my mind.

The memories from this morning quickly
turned into my own fantasies of bending her over the couch. Yanking those short
shorts roughly down her thighs, letting my hands roam over her smooth skin.
Pushing my own pants to the floor and releasing myself to immediately press
against her.  She wriggles against me, moaning my name, begging me to take her.
I slip into her in one smooth motion, grab her hips and slam into her over and
over. Her orgasm around me triggers my own.

My satisfied groan bounces off the walls
as I stroke the last wave of my self induced orgasm. Steadying my breathing, I
clean up and go back to my desk. The rest of my day is much better.

Saturday morning, when I emerged from my
room, I saw that Lilli’s door was open. I stumble downstairs unsure, but
hopeful to find more masturbation material. When I find the living room
completely quiet and empty, I almost shed a tear.

After making some coffee, I sat in the living
room watching Sports Center until twelve thirty. Curious about her whereabouts,
I was about to call her when the apartment door opened. Lilli groaned as Phoebe
chirped away at her side. When both of them saw me, they stopped short.

"Ladies," I smiled.

"Hey," Lilli said quickly,
going toward the stairs.

"Hey, Aidan." Phoebe smiled
brightly, following after Lilli.


"Yeah?" She turned around
halfway up the stairs.

"We need to leave by—"

"Four. Yeah I know." She
smirked and continued upstairs.

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