Ruth's Bonded (Ruth & Gron Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Ruth's Bonded (Ruth & Gron Book 1)
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She needed him to survive, that much
was still true. Whatever their fate would be, they would share it. Whether they
froze and starved or thrived, whether they found civilisation or somehow
started a family out in the wilderness, or never saw another sapient living
being again, they would stay together.

Chapter 17

When Ruth slowly drifted awake the
next morning, the sun was already reaching into the cave, warming it up to an
almost uncomfortable temperature. Her body felt stiff and languid in all the
right places, and she stretched to work out the tension. Gron was not at her
back as usual, but she still had his arm for a pillow. She looked behind her
and saw that he was lying on his back, watching her. She smiled shyly,
wondering if he had been awake for ages already, pinned into place by her use
of his arm. She rolled over to snuggle into his side, putting her arms around
his big chest.

“Good morning, Gron,” she said. He
seemed to flinch when she touched him. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw
that he was hard again, and when she raised her head, she could see that
pre-come had run down the sides of his shaft like melting wax down a candle. He
must have been really turned on for a while, but was stoically letting her
sleep. That sounded like him. She couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t touch
himself, or think unsexy thoughts, instead of suffering through what looked
like a painfully unfulfilled arousal until she woke up.

Ruth met his eyes. Maybe he didn’t
want her help, he was just waiting for his arm back so he could go outside. His
tail twitched between them.

Ruth stretched her arm across his
waist and hugged him closer, going up on one arm to lower her face to his. If
he kissed her, they’d go from there but if he didn’t want to, that was fine.
She wasn’t sure she was up to a matinee performance after last night. She felt
the warm flickers of desire lick through her belly as she looked down at him.
It was hard not to be turned on by a beefcake waiting hard and dripping for

Gron looked at her mouth longingly,
his eyes constantly flicking back to hers as if to gage her intentions, so she
smiled and kissed him. It was like he came to life beneath her once she did, as
if he had just been waiting, desperately, for her to make the first move. His
hands roamed her waist and breasts, and she dug her fingers through the fur on
his chest. He was a good kisser now he’d got the hang of it. His hips bucked
and she reached down to stroke his shaft, hot and firm under her hand, making
him moan into her mouth.

She broke the kiss and shifted down
his body a little so she could reach under his erection to investigate his
balls. He breathed something to her and she smiled wickedly back. Ruth set
about kissing and licking his neck, and what other parts of him within reach
that weren’t covered in fur. His hand found her groin and she twitched, and
then moaned as he spread her wetness through her lips and stroked over her,
sliding over her clit and sinking into her. Her body responded startlingly
quickly, her sex feeling hot and swollen almost immediately. She might have to
revisit her earlier decision not to go all the way.

She’d never been this active in bed
with a guy back on Earth, but with Gron it didn’t feel wrong, like she was
stepping on his toes at all. He was a very submissive lover as it turned out,
despite all his strength. He had never done anything without her showing him
how and indicating it was okay. That wasn’t to say he wasn’t skilled though. He
definitely was, she thought as the first twinge of orgasm corkscrewed through
her. Gron was probably just aware that things could go bad in a hurry, given
their differences in size and strength and the fact that they couldn’t
communicate. Gron was more of a gentleman than anyone she had known on Earth,
and it gave her the space she needed to take control of their sex without

She shifted her hips over his,
straddling him and pressing her wet sex over his shaft, sliding back and forth,
coating his cock and sack. Gron pushed his head back against the cave floor,
babbling in his own language, and she spotted his tail moving up towards his
head. Remembering how he had bitten it the night before, she grabbed it and
yanked it back down. Unfortunately, she realised too late that she’d misjudged
just where on his tail she had grabbed, and ended up giving it quite a sharp tug.
Gron bucked and his hands seized her ass suddenly, and he was half-way to
spearing her onto his cock before he stopped himself, groaning. She pulled
again, slowly increasing the pressure and she actually felt his dick throb
between her legs as he writhed, saying her name as if he was begging her.

Interesting. Looked like his tail was
a direct line to his dick. She’d have to remember that.

His tail curled up her arm like an
enamoured vine when she let it go, as much as she wanted to play with it and see
if she could make him come, but she wanted his hot, hard, slick shaft inside
her. Rising up on her knees, she used her hand to steady him, then sunk quickly
down, gasping as he writhed and shifted under her. She loved watching the
effect she had on him. Ruth ground down on him, deliciously rubbing her clit
with the fur that framed his dick, digging her nails into his abs. She reached
for his hands and placed them over her breasts as she began to ride him.

 It didn’t take long before Gron was
grunting and gripping her hips to drive her down on his upthrusts, making her
moan. His tail slipped from her arm, the fur sliding sensuously across her skin
to press against her clit. She came almost the second the bristles touched her,
her muscles clamping down on Gron’s dick, the sensation twisting her higher as
he kept her moving over him until he stiffened and his hot come splashed inside

Ruth groaned and slid bonelessly off
him to lie panting next to him on the cave floor, the leaves they had gathered
having scattered. She definitely needed a bath now. And a drink. And something
to eat. She turned to look at Gron, but he didn’t look like he was in a much
better state as far as moving was concerned. Ruth looked back at the ceiling
and waited for her breathing to return to normal, a faint breeze from outside
the cave drying the sweat on her body.

Eventually, she felt strong enough to
drag herself up and went outside to relieve herself. When she came back, Gron
was up too, and they set off outside. They couldn’t talk, but they both knew
what they were looking for: water and food. They couldn’t survive for much
longer without them. If only they had something to carry the water in, they
could store it at the cave, or carry some with them, which would allow them to
explore further away from the stream. As it was, they were chained to it,
meaning that if the aliens who had captured them in the first place just kept
following it up, eventually they would find them. Ruth knew how much danger
they were in, and she got goose pimples as she thought about how close their
captors might be even now. How much longer did they have in freedom? Could they
stay in their cave another day? Should they move on today? But unless they went
back the way they came, they would be heading in the direction in which the
water thinned, and the weather was getting hotter by the day.

Their first stop that day was the
stream, were they drank their fill and rinsed off the sweat and cave dust. Gron
soaked his fur again, making Ruth think that he might actually be much more in
danger of over-heating than she was. It made her reluctant to ask him to travel
during the day, jumping from tree to tree with her on his back. Maybe they
should only move at night from now on, when it was cooler.

Ruth was starting to feel
light-headed. She needed more food than she was getting and her body was
starting to tell her about it. Water wasn’t enough, and she’d exerted herself
twice in one night, blasting through what few calories she had. They needed to find
something they could eat, and soon. Judging by Gron’s reluctance to hang
around, she guessed he was hungry too.

They searched as far as they dared,
staying together so as not to get lost and sharing anything they found. Gron
found a couple more of the young trees that he pushed until they snapped, then
split open so they could eat the marrow inside. It gave them enough energy to
keep looking but her stomach hurt as if something vital was missing. She needed
something solid, not just paste and handfuls of nuts. She found another berry
bush, and looked at it longingly, still not quite prepared to risk eating from
it. She examined it carefully, looking for any sign that animals had eaten from
it, but every berry was intact. On the other hand, there didn’t seem to be any
animals in this forest, so maybe it didn’t mean anything. Or maybe there were
no animals
they ate from this bush.

They came across a spot where the
water pooled, and there were a few plants growing around it. Ruth bit into a
leaf experimentally but it tasted like any other leaf: foul. She dug in the
dirt surrounding the plant and found that the roots took the form of tubers,
and might be edible. They looked like ugly parsnips, or turnips. She realised
that they had no utensils or crockery at all, no tools or anything to cook
with. She supposed if they could get a fire going, they could roast the roots
on sticks. She sighed as she looked at them. She was happy to have found them;
they needed all they could get, and they would supply different nutrients that
were surely lacking in the nuts and paste, but they would undoubtedly be
revolting, like eating a raw potato.

There were less than a dozen of these
things, but she pulled them all up and washed them off, showing them to Gron
for his approval. He didn’t look happy but he didn’t object, so she tentatively
sniffed, licked, then bit into the root. It was bitter and tart, but not as
hard as she had expected. She chewed for as long as she could, waiting for her
throat to start closing up or her mouth to start burning, but when nothing
happened she swallowed. She didn’t eat any more just then, just in case it was
bad for her. She would wait a while to see if her stomach rejected it. She
broke the point off for Gron so he could do the same, and then they kept

Chapter 18

Gron started leading them back to the
cave before dusk, but they only reached it as full dark was falling. They’d
managed to survive another day, but Ruth was still hungry. She sat on the floor
by the cave entrance, trying to see by the stars. Neither she nor Gron had had
any reaction to eating the root thing she’d found by the pond, so she was ready
to give it another try. She wished she had something to peel it with, but
unless she wanted to scrape at it with her nails or teeth, she had to just dive
in and eat it.

Gron sat down across from her and ate
one and a half of the things, while she struggled through half. She felt full
when she finished, but she wasn’t sure if that was because she wouldn’t be able
to digest the root and it would just sit in her stomach forever. Hopefully it
had some nutritional value. She was glad that Gron had managed to eat more. He
kept pausing and looking out into the forest, and she guessed he was watching
for signs of their hunters. She sighed. She knew she was losing weight, she
could see it in the way her hip bones and ribs were starting to stick out. They
would have to move on to something better in the next few days, or they
wouldn’t have the strength. She didn’t know now if they had the strength to
fight off an attack if it came. She was fairly confident though that she would
rather die free in the alien wilderness than die in captivity in a metal box.

As Gron sat looking out into the
night, Ruth ran her hand over his tail to soothe herself. He was still here. He
would still protect her. They were still together. She remembered what she had
learned that morning about his tail and pulled a little harder. He shuddered
and looked over his shoulder at her. She smiled back, again running the furry
limb through her tight grip with enough force to pull. He growled something and
closed the distance between them, moving lithely from sitting to all-fours. She
smiled triumphantly; she needed this, needed the distraction, the pleasure, the
adventure. She knew they probably shouldn’t use up any more energy than they
absolutely had to, but if she was going to die anyway, she wanted to do it in
Gron’s arms.

She kissed him as he came to her,
tugging on his tail rhythmically, making him groan. She reached for his already
hard cock, gripping and stroking him in time with her pulls on his tail and he
broke the kiss to pant in her hair. He quickly pulled her into his lap,
shifting his weight so that she was straddling him as he sat back, and pushed his
hand between them to cup her sex, teasing through her folds where she was
already wet. She moaned encouragingly, then pushed him away. If they continued
like this, she would end up riding him again, and she wanted to try something
new this time.

She scratched her nails through the
fur on his belly, moving lower as she slid down him. When she got to his groin,
Ruth gripped his shaft and stroked him a couple of times. She wanted to make
sure he was okay with what she was about to do, but she didn’t know how to
communicate it if it wasn’t something his species practiced. She decided she
would just have to go a bit at a time, and trust him to stop her if he didn’t
like it. Lowering her face to his shaft, she licked the head and he gasped.
Ruth quickly checked his reaction. She couldn’t say exactly what he was
thinking, but he didn’t look angry or upset at least. Just a little bewildered.

Hoping that she had his permission to
continue, she licked him again, slowly from base to tip. He spoke then,
breathing heavily, and she paused, but no hands came up to pull her away, so
after a moment she tried again. She licked him a few more times without
interruption, though his breathing hitched and he seemed torn between watching
her, rapt, or staring at the ceiling for control. Eventually she felt confident
enough to take her into her mouth properly. She hadn’t done this many times
before, and on Earth she might be worrying about her technique, but not with
Gron. Gron was such a responsive, enthusiastic partner, she never felt that
anything she did was wrong or disappointing. She had been walking around naked
with him for days now, riding his back, bathing with him, sleeping with him.
Unexpectedly, it had done wonders for her confidence.

When she closed her lips over him and
sucked for the first time, Gron made a noise almost like a bark and collapsed
onto his back, pressing his palms to his forehead while his tail lashed
excitedly beside him. Pleased, Ruth wrapped her hands around the base of his
shaft where her mouth couldn’t reach and set up a steady rhythm. His hips
bucked and his hands roamed his body, gripping his tail or fur, clearly at a
loss. Ruth took one and guided it to her head, but instead of directing her
motions, Gron just thrust both hands through her hair greedily, rubbing big
handfuls into his palm and running the long strands through his fingers over
and over again.

Gron moaned her name and said
something, his hips writhing. She took that to mean he was close to coming, or
at least, as close as she wanted him to be. She moved off him, lying on her
side beside him and guiding his hand between her legs, where he immediately set
to work, rolling onto his side to face her. She threw her leg over his hips and
pulled him against her, her hands exploring his muscular chest. Ruth tried to
roll them so that he was on top of her, but he didn’t go easily.

“Like this,” she cajoled, trying to
get her other leg out around his waist so she could push her groin against his,
hoping he would get the idea. He allowed her to position them to her liking,
but it was apparent he wasn’t immediately clear on what he was supposed to do.
She rolled her hips to catch his erection between her folds, not knowing how to
be any clearer. “I can’t do all the work all the time,” she said. She reached
behind him and circled the base of his tail, rubbing it between her thumb and
index finger, massaging the flesh underneath with her other fingers.

Gron writhed and moaned, dropping his
head onto her shoulder, his hips thrusting erratically. Deciding he just needed
a little more help, Ruth reached between their bodies and directed the head of
his shaft to her entrance, digging into him with her heels to drive him
forward, feeling like she was spurring on a horse.  He jerked up and looked at
her in disbelief, so she stroked his cheek and pushed harder. He said something
that sounded like a question, but all she could do was pull him down for a kiss
and hoped that was enough of an answer.

She moved her hands to his hips to
guide his movements, and after a few thrusts he got the idea and took over on
his own, or at least his body did. He was gentle with her, almost careful, and
she had to keep nudging him to go faster or harder or deeper. She was panting
properly now, her body twitching every time he bottomed out inside her, hugging
him tightly on his outward strokes as if to keep him inside. The fur around his
groin was wet from her sex, a delicious feeling when it hit her clit.

Being covered and warmed by his body
felt so different from what they had already done. She could kiss him and lick
the sweat from his neck and watch his biceps flex as he thrust into her. She
could stroke and massage his tail, and feel his fur against her breasts,
rubbing against her nipples. She raised her hips to grind her clit against him
some more as her orgasm tightened inside her. She pulled harder on his tail in
solid tugs that matched his thrusts and his rhythm stuttered and became
erratic, frantic. Soon she was coming hard, vaguely noticing him stiffen and
snarl over her, his body curling around hers.

They lay and got their breath back
for a minute. Gron moved off her, looking dazed. The tail thing was definitely
a good find. She struggled up and went to fetch what was left of her dinner and
couple more roots for Gron. When he finished, he pushed their leaves back into
a pile for them to sleep on and she curled into his arms again, happy and
satisfied, at least for now.

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