Ruth's Bonded (Ruth & Gron Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Ruth's Bonded (Ruth & Gron Book 1)
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Chapter 16

They stopped several times when Gron
thought he had identified something they could eat. Sometimes it was more of
those nuts, once it was a young tree which Gron broke into, digging the soft
inside out and offering it to her. It must have been some kind of sap, but it
had the texture and taste of peanut butter. It was a very lean diet, but it
would keep them alive for now, she hoped. They only stopped moving when night
was falling again, this time having found a small cave they could use for

Ruth looked around while Gron made
trips outside, bringing in leaves and moss that he was piling up for a bed. The
large palm-like fronds of the trees were surprisingly comfortable, but Ruth was
still concerned that she hadn’t seen any wildlife at all. Nothing like a deer,
or a bear, or a rabbit, or a squirrel or even a bird! It was ominous, to say
the least. Maybe they’d all been poisoned by something that wasn’t affecting
them yet. Whatever it was, Ruth didn’t think they could survive where they were
for long.

For now though, the cave was warm and
dry. Ruth moved about picking up the largest bits of debris and throwing them
outside. It was the best she could do without a broom. She wondered if she
could start a fire. She never had before, but she supposed she’d make it work
eventually with enough time. She would feel better if they had one for light
inside the cave, but she also knew if they were still being followed, it might
be seen and they would be captured again. She sighed. What would her life be
now? She was happy enough at the moment, free from the cell with Gron by her
side, but she knew eventually this kind of life would get very hard for her.
They would have to work for food every day or they wouldn’t eat. If the weather
got even a little colder, she would have to make her own clothes somehow. If
she got sick or injured, she might die. If anything happened to Gron, she
almost certainly would. Her life would be hard and precarious unless she
somehow rejoined civilisation.

She pushed those thoughts from her
mind as it got almost too dark to see. She joined Gron on the bed he had made,
and he pulled her into his arms to sleep. It didn’t even matter that much that
he wouldn’t or couldn’t have sex with her. This was enough. Having someone,
being held, being cherished. She kissed his arm as she settled down. Maybe she
just had to wait. Maybe he had a mating season or something. She felt his tail
drape over her hip again and smiled, giving it a welcoming stroke as she closed
her eyes. Yeah, this was enough.

She was woken in the night when Gron
shook her awake, saying her name. She looked over her shoulder at him, trying
to make out his face in the dark. His eyes were wide and he was leaning over
her, looking agitated.

“Gron, what is it?” she said, scared
he’d sensed their pursuers catching up to them again. He said something, then
began gently pulling her legs apart. “What are you doing?” she complained,
putting her hand on his arm. His skin was hot, really hot. She touched his
face. He must be sick with a temperature like that, maybe he was delirious.
Then she felt something touch her belly that was pretty hard to misunderstand.
Looked like he’d got over his little problem and wanted to share it with her.
The middle of the night was a funny time for it though.

She reached between them just to be
sure, and her hand met with a formidable erection. He did not disappoint in
that department. His flesh was super-heated and swollen, and he thrust into her
hand almost the second she touched him. When she looked back at his face, his
expression was almost scared. Was this the first time this had happened to him?
She stroked him again, more slowly, and his eyes drifted closed as he whispered
quickly. She could tell her palm was getting wet with pre-come. She settled
onto her back between his bracketed arms, position their bodies as she would
have on Earth, while he stared at her as if expecting her to do something to
fix him. She took pity on him.

He shifted his weight nervously, as
if impatient but not quite knowing what to do next. Ruth smiled and pulled his
hips down, encouraging him to settle more of his weight on her. She guided his
face to hers for a kiss, and he moaned. She wriggled so she could get her legs
open. Their height difference meant that her crotch was pressed against his
stomach, which was fine with her for now. She’d just woken up, she wasn’t quite
ready to go yet.

As she kissed him, she took his hand
and laid it over her breast, and he jerked away, breaking the kiss and looking
at her uncertainly, as if he wasn’t sure she’d meant to do that. She smiled and
put his hand back, showing him how she liked to be touched. He took over and
explored her, running his thumb over her firm nipple as if wondering at it. She
was starting to get hot herself under his ministrations, with his hard stomach
pinning her legs apart and his defined abs pressing against her sex. Ruth
rocked her hips against him, but he must have been too distracted to notice.

Or at least, that was what she
thought, until she felt fur come prickling against her. She gasped as his tail
took liberties with her, dragging leisurely up her slit for no reason she could
see other than to pleasure her. She knew she shouldn’t be reacting this way to
, but God help her, she was. She couldn’t help it, and ground
against Gron again to encourage him to do more. He looked down at her then as
if realising he’d been rumbled, and went back to kissing her, one hand still on
her breast, his tail flicking ruthlessly against her clit and making her
writhe. He was a quick study alright, only needing to be shown something once
before he was on it like a champ.

Ruth was getting ramped up quickly
and wanted to do a little touching of her own, so she wrestled her hand between
their bodies and scratched at the fur on his belly as if she could reel his
dick in. His erection was still new to her, and she didn’t know what had brought
it on when it had been so conspicuously absent earlier, but she was willing to
make up for lost time now. Gron obligingly shifted up so she could reach him
and she gripped him, stroking over him rhythmically, making him growl, and kiss
her harder. He reared up suddenly and went back on his knees, looking down
between her spread legs as if ready to move onto the next stage. She got a good
look at his erection then and quailed. She’d got used to his size when he was
just walking around, but now that it had finally woken up, the idea that it was
going inside her had her rethinking the physics of it.

Wet she might be, and she had ridden
his fingers to her heart’s content earlier that day, but she knew she wouldn’t
be able to communicate things like “go slowly” to him quickly. She took his
hand and guided it between her legs.

“Remember this, Gron?” she murmured.
“You know how to do this.” She was rewarded when he sunk a finger into her
tentatively as if not sure that was what she wanted. Her back arched and she
panted as he obligingly worked her. She bit her lip and smiled, holding up two
fingers, a request he immediately obeyed. She moaned and shifted their
positions, sitting up and pulling his hand away when she felt she was ready.
She gently pushed his chest, encouraging him to lean back and hold himself up
on his arms, his legs out in front of him as she climbed across them, sitting
across his thighs. His position really showed off his muscles, offering them up
to her hands like a buffet. She took a moment to trail her fingers over them,
watching them jerk under her touch, her sex pulsing with desire. She never
thought she’d have a guy like this under her, fur, fangs and tail

She speculated for a minute on all
the delicious things she could do with his body, running her fingertips up the
side of his hard, red dick, making him growl again. She thought about teasing
him for as long as she could, but she didn’t want to wait either. She’d been
ready for this days ago. She went onto her knees and directed him to her
entrance, checking his face for any sign that he was confused about what was
about to happen, but he only looked focused and curious, like he was committing
this to memory to be repeated and practiced later. Reassured, she wiggled
herself over him until the head of his shaft was unobstructed, then slowly
began working her way down, keeping her eyes on his face.

Gron snarled viciously after only
about an inch, and she immediately popped herself off him. Startled, she
wondered if she had somehow surprised him with her actions. He lay flat and lay
an arm over his eyes, breathing more heavily than she had ever seen him. Was he
having some kind of crisis? Had he decided he couldn’t cheat on Mrs Gron after
all? Ruth began to scramble off him but he seized her hips, suddenly in her
face. He settled her back into the position she had held before, only letting
go when he seemed to believe she would stay there. He spoke and ran his hands
down her sides and over her thighs, obviously explaining his actions though she
didn’t understand a word. He touched her face and ran his hands through her
hair, speaking low to her while she could only try to look sympathetic. He lay
down flat again, staring determinedly at the ceiling and making an obvious
effort to control his breathing.

He lifted her hips over him again,
leaving her kneeling there. She guessed that was her cue to try again, but she
was hesitant after his previous reaction. She wanted this, but not if it hurt
him in some way. He noticed her reluctance and stroked her thigh again,
apparently telling her that it was okay, so she tried again to push him inside
her. Her eyes almost rolled back in her head as her muscles twitched around him
at the invasion, but she stayed relaxed as she finally got fully-seated, her
nails digging into his stomach, her head dropped forward as she breathed until
she got used to it. God, he felt good. So good.

She heard a grunt and glanced up to
see him biting his own tail, the furry limb going between his jaws behind his

“No!” she cried and lunged forward,
pulling his jaw open and sliding his tail out. “Don’t do that!” She cradled his
tail to her chest, the fur ruffled and wet where it had been in his mouth. He
panted something at her, some explanation, but she cut him off as she smoothed
the fur down again with a finger tip, making it twitch in her hand. “I don’t
care, you don’t hurt yourself. This isn’t worth
,” she said, making
to get off him. He grabbed her and drove her back down, pushing sudden moans
from both of them. His fingers gripped her hard and she fought not to grind
down on him. When they could breathe again, his tail slipped from her hands and
wrapped around her hips, going over one thigh, across her ass, and curling over
her other thigh to lie in the dip where it joined her body. He spoke again and
stroked her thigh.

Ruth didn’t move, watching him
sceptically. Apparently, Gron didn’t want her stopping, but she didn’t know
what to expect if she continued. He was very snarly and growly right now, and
while a big part of her found that incredibly hot, she wasn’t sure it meant he
was in a good mood. He said something short and stroked her leg again, this
time adding a small roll of his hips to encourage her. It looked like whatever
he’d been struggling with was fixed now. She dragged herself up a few
experimental inches and sunk down again, but he didn’t react other than to
start breathing a little more heavily. Okay then.

Keeping her eyes on him, Ruth built
up to a steady rhythm. God, he felt good, pushing into her just the right way,
the fur at his groin teasing her clit on every down-stroke. His tail tightened
around her, and his hand on her leg gripped her in time with her motions. She
placed his hands on her hips so he could communicate to her more easily what he
wanted, and he pulled at her almost instinctively. He growled again and bent
one leg for leverage as he began bumping his hips up to meet her, increasing
their pace. Ruth moaned and dug her fingers into the muscles of his stomach,
leaning forward to give her clit more stimulation. Gron was properly snarling
now, those huge teeth on display, grabbing her ass tightly and pumping up into
her. She brought his thumb to her clit and tightened around him as she raced
him to the finish. He came first, back arching against the cave floor, letting
out a powerful roar. She felt him swell and his heat empty into her which
pushed her over the edge, clamping down on him so hard he wouldn’t have been
able to pull out if he’d tried.

She cried out when she came then fell
forwards onto his chest. She lay there to catch her breath, feeling his heart
pound under her hand as his dick grew soft inside her. His arms came up around
her to hold her to him and he said something she didn’t understand. The fur
made his chest really quite comfortable to lie on actually. She watched her
fingers comb through it. When she felt strong enough, she pushed herself up to
smile down at him, disengaging from his body. He let her go and watched
curiously, readily accepting her back into his arms when she lay down beside
him. He stroked his fingers over her arm and face and said something quietly
that was probably romantic, given the circumstances. She considered the
benefits of sleeping with a guy who couldn’t say anything stupid about it
afterwards. At least he was a cuddler. His tail slipped over her hip again and
she reached for it almost reflexively, stroking over the end, checking for
damage caused by his teeth.

Gron settled down for sleep, but Ruth
found herself wide awake. What had they just done? She’d had sex, great sex,
with an alien she couldn’t communicate with in a cave on a planet she didn’t
even know the name of. She had no idea what significance he took from what they
had just done. She didn’t know anything about him, how old he was or his
marital status. She had no answers and no way of getting them. She looked at
him over her shoulder, still watching her. He didn’t even look alien to her
anymore, so used was she to his inhuman face, the only face she’d seen for a
week or more.

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