Running To You (6 page)

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Authors: DeLaine Roberts

BOOK: Running To You
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“Is anyone working around here besides me? All I can hear is what sounds like a sorority party”

“Well, Dr. Brooks, they do say laughter is the best medicine
,” and with that, Millie joined Grayson, Zoe and I in a good laugh. He came over behind my chair, wrapping his arms around my neck as he gave me a kiss on the cheek. Both Millie and Zoe were responding with a surprised look on their face.

Grayson finished up his paperwork for the day, made a few calls, and came to get me from the break room. We said our good-byes to Millie and Zoe. “Normally, I take the stairs but there is something I have wanted to do all day.”

“Oh, what is that Dr. Brooks?” I asked while giving him a flirtatious wink.

As soon as the door closed on the elevator, Grayson took me in his arms and gave me the sexiest, rock my world kiss. He was in the process of biting my lip when the door opened and our secret moment came to an abrupt halt.

In the car, he held my hand and tapped to the music once again playing in the background. I have discovered he appreciates music as much as I do and we have the same taste in artists.

“I want to cook dinner for you tonight but at your place.” He was looking at me for approval.

“Why do you want to cook at my place, doesn’t your kitchen work?” I say with a slight giggle, giving him a hard time.

“Yes it does, but I think you would feel better with extra company around or at least, in your own private environment. There is so much we have yet to discover about each other, but there are a few things I am clear as day on. Alexandra, you are absolutely breath taking. You have the most luxurious red hair a man could ever want to entangle. Your eyes are the color of the Caribbean and have a story to tell and... You have a stubborn streak a mile long. I can’t get enough and I am completely captivated by you. When you gave me that wink last Friday, you started the blood pumping in my veins. This kind of feeling is so new and raw to me, that, well, makes me nervous but we’ll take this hour by hour if we have to. I just want you to be in your comfort zone and I want to be here with you. I have found a new love in cooking, so maybe we can cook dinner together in your kitchen, deal?”

“Yes, I would love that, and I second everything you said,” pausing to give him a quick kiss. “Oh, by the way, I wanted to let you know that your sister called me a witch today?” biting my lip as I brushed my finger down his nose, in a full flirt.

“What! What the hell was she thinking?” as he picks up his phone.

Yanking the phone from his hand, “You can’t call her. She didn’t actually call me a witch. She said I had cast a spell on you!” The giggle fest returned and we were still laughing when he pulled the car into a small corner market.

“Yes, my little witch-angel, I am completely in your spell! But please don’t undo it, I have enjoyed the last few days more than you will ever know!”

Little did he know, I was completely caught in whatever net he was casting…

We picked up some fresh fish and vegetables to grill, a couple of bottles of our favorite wines, a Riesling for me and a Cabernet Franc for him. Cooper will just have to take what we give him. Thinking about Cooper, I haven’t heard from him all day. In fact, my phone is quiet in my purse. That is not a good sign. Oh no! The battery died. In the blend of last evening, I failed to put my iPhone on to charge. This is not going to be good. After a few minutes of charge, there are seven messages and a dozen texts. Drew, Cooper,
Zoe, and Gretchen had been blowing up my phone. What does step-mommy dearest want? Oh, well, I will call her tomorrow. I don’t want to deal with her today.

Checking in with Drew, “Hey Drew, feel free to call me this evening. I am just getting to my messages, having been in the O.R. today with Dr. Brooks. All is going exceptionally well. I am forwarding the restaurant info to you by text and will pick you up at the airport. Call me!”

“I’m sorry, Alexandra, I didn’t think about putting your phone on to charge. I had other things on the brain!”

“It’s okay. He is used to not getting us when we are in the O.R. all day. Sometimes we don’t have reception, other times it is just as convenient to play like we don’t.” and then, all of a sudden, we started to laugh again.

“Girl, you are definitely showing me you have a devilish side. Must be the red hair?” He looked over and winked as he took a piece of my hair and twirled it for a second before taking his eyes back to the road.

Coop left messages and texts that he was doing a modeling test shoot, until late in the evening. This was perfect timing for Grayson and I to spend time alone. A chance to get comfortable or at least, try to again.

“Alexandra, I am going to run home and grab a quick shower and will be back in 30 minutes. Are you good here for a few minutes without me?”

“It will be painful, Doc, but I think I can muster some energy to get a shower of my own and get the wine open to breath. Take my keys and let yourself back in.”

I opened the wine, put my iPod on the intercom, and picked out another favorite playlist. Walking into the bedroom I could hear
Fall Again
come on. I love this song, such a soulful pleading about falling in love again. The words took me to a sweet place. I was deep in thought in my bathroom trying to get my hair to pretend to play along, when I heard Grayson call out from the kitchen.

“Alexandra, you aren’t going to the opera, so get your comfy clothes on and get your butt out here!”

Walking out to greet him, “Why doc, that sounded almost like a threat!” smirking at him. Handing me a glass of wine, he made a toast to starting over and like déjà vu;
Start All Over Again
began playing over the intercom. Of course, he took me for a short twirl around the kitchen. He is a great dancer, very strong arms and very smooth form. I enjoy dancing with him, it puts us so close together, and as we take the steps in unison, it feels like we are one. All of a sudden he stops.

Covering my mouth with his glorious red lips, he kisses me and plays with my hair, nibbling my neck, my ears until I become breathless. He lips taste so good, lingering with wine. I just want to drink him in. All of him!

He pulls away from me teasing me, “There will be plenty of time for more of that, Red, but I am starving. My alter ego is grumpy when I don’t eat,” he says with a gruff laugh. As he turned to walk outside, he looked back at me and winked. Suddenly, I had goose bumps on my skin tingling with anticipation.

He prepared the grill outside while I got the fish prepped. As he grilled the fish and veggies, I mixed up a side salad and got the flatbread ready to grill. We had prepared a yummy feast to enjoy while sitting on pillows around the coffee table, with beautiful music playing in the background. We enjoyed sharing food and conversation. Having a man feed me bites of food was a first for me. I found it to be sensual, erotic even. We were chatting about his days in the military and his travels, his love of Europe and how he would like to show me that part of the world.

“What made you choose the Army route, Grayson?” I was curious. He seemed too refined to be in the military. However, in his scrubs I noticed that he had tattoos. I was curious about them, but would wait to ask about the stories behind the ink.

“My dad was in the Army and got a chance to see the world and do things for people in need. Through the Army’s eyes, you see so much, both good and bad, that you can’t appreciate any other way. I got the chance to experience what I wanted to do and what I didn’t. I saw people that had never had the chance to have preventive medicine and I knew that with newer technologies, we could do a better job of treating diseases.” He took his wine to his lips and took a long, slow sip, never breaking his intense gaze into my eyes. What was he not saying?

“So you picked breast cancer? I'm curious, I don’t see the connection?”

“Alexandra, my mom had breast cancer and died from it at an early age when I was still very young, and Zoe carries the Breast Cancer gene. I hope to develop a cure someday or treatment regimen that can expand a patients’ outcome or experience. I learned so much about technology in the military that can be applied to medicine in a different way.”

“Grayson, my mom died from breast cancer when I was 12. I would give anything to have not experienced that with her and to have her with me today!”

“Do you know if you carry the gene, Alexandra?”

“No, I have never been tested, although it has been mentioned to me. But I am just not sure how I feel about it.” I began to drift off in my thoughts for a moment. All this talk about breast cancer and mentioning my mom made me miss her more. I wish she were here with me. There are still so many questions about life that I want to ask her. She would love Grayson, I just know it. The way he cares for people, the way he treats me.

This was an overwhelming coincidence for both of us! We were just staring at each other waiting for the other to make the first move, and then he did. He reached over and grabbed my hand pulling me up on my feet to dance. He held me so close and we just danced, swaying to any song that came on, gently touching, feeling, kissing, all of my senses heightened to
a high security level

“Alexandra, I know beyond any doubt I want to be with you. The way you make me feel, the way my heart beats when you are around. I want all of you, whatever you will let me have. When you are ready,” then he stopped. There was more that he wasn’t saying but what was it?

I reached up and touched his face, drew my finger along the outline of his jaw and started kissing him, with passion that I had never felt for a man. I could feel the churning in my body. I was burning from my head to my toes and even down between my legs, I felt a gush of moisture. Oh, this is an experience so new and so raw for me. He picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, kissing me, holding me in his arms. Finally, he sets me down on the sofa and faces me.

“Grayson, my brain tells me to hold back, my heart is on high alert skipping beats. My body, well, let’s just say that my alter ego says you're in luck, but I don’t want a repeat of last night. So, would you be willing to sleep here tonight and stay with me, but keep your clothes on? I have never had a man sleep next to me, but I want to. Can we take it slow?”

“Alexandra, just so you know. I slept beside you last night holding you tight all night, chasing your nightmares away. I'm not going anywhere.”




Chapter 3


“Alexandra, not to be presumptuous or take a risk of scaring you off, I did not bring back an overnight bag with me. I will run to my place and grab a few things and I will be back in 10 minutes, are you good ’til I return?
” I nodded yes.

While he was out, I left a note for Coop explaining that Doc was staying over and I would see him in the morning. Now, what to wear when I sleep next to a gorgeous and very sexy Grayson Brooks?

Grayson returns and I have already brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, and changed into a long, emerald green silk gown and matching robe, a birthday gift from my stepsister Bethany. At the time that she gave it to me, I was puzzled, but now I am grateful to have it. Leading him to my bedroom, I found him to be extremely irresistible in the soft light of the lamp. I could still hear his iPod playing over the intercom.

Grayson takes his things to the bathroom and comes out in a t-shirt and scrub pants and I frown, is he working or sleeping. “Hey, there is nothing like working and sleeping in pajamas 24/7!” He laughs at me. True, very true. I laugh with him.

“Do you need to keep your phone close for your patients?” I wondered how he hears his phone when the hospital calls.

“No, the player will keep it charging and I will hear it ring over the intercom.”

Having Grayson in my room with the door shut was a big hurdle. In the past, I was never able to be alone with a man before without having an anxiety attack. Grayson must have noticed my tension, took me in his arms, and held me. Breathing him in, he smelled so good, of crisp bergamot and cotton, the sexiness of his scent piercing my senses. I could stay right here for eternity.

“Alexandra, you call all the shots here” he started slowly nuzzling my hair, kissing my cheek, then my mouth, my neck. I went to take my robe off, and suddenly decided to let him do it by guiding his hand. I do not know where that came from, but I wanted more of him touching my skin. I wanted to be completely close to him, but scared the wall would come up and he would run away, or worse, I would push him away.

Sensing what I feared, “Alexandra, I am not going anywhere. I will hold you and comfort you through the night. I want you to feel safe with me. I don’t want you to fear anything.”

Softly stroking my arms and shoulders, gently touching my skin, he starts kissing me again. Kisses so tender and with so much passion at the same time, slightly swaying to the music that was playing over the intercom. He pulled the comforter back on the bed and gently laid me back. Continuing to hold my hand, he climbed over my feet and snuggled up beside me.

“Did you take your med, already?” I nodded yes, and he asked, “Are you sleepy yet, because I won’t be accused of taking advantage of a comatose woman!” We both busted out in laughter! Oh the delight of this patient, sexy God in my bed! Where on earth did he come from? Gently, he starts kissing me again, biting my lips, my earlobes, and my neck. God, he tastes so good. I want him so badly and I know it will be beautiful when it happens. “Go to sleep Alexandra, we have a big night tomorrow night, you need your rest. When you get up in the morning, I may be gone to the office early. YOU MUST CALL ME THE MINUTE YOU GET UP, good night Red.” As I drifted off, I think I heard him say something about a delectable evening, but I was too far gone.

I woke up in the wee hours of the morning needing to pee badly, but Grayson was spooning me and all tucked in tight. I didn’t want to disturb him, but I had to get up. When I returned from the bathroom, he was awake and the bedside lamp was on.

“Alexandra, are you okay?”

“Grayson, sweetheart, chill out, I just had to pee.” Not exactly a sexy conversation to have in the middle of the night. Back in bed with him, I intended on snuggling us back to sleep, but Grayson starts kissing me again. The taste of him was so exciting that it made me hot in places I didn’t know I had. I backed up to him and could feel that he had a full erection. WOW! He was pulling my hair to the side, kissing my neck and my shoulder as he began to touch my nipples. With his fingernail, he gently drew circles around my belly button. I shivered and tingled all over! I could not resist him any longer. I knew that I needed to feel him, all of him.

“Grayson, I want you, I can’t deny these feelings that I have for you. I am burning deep with desire. I want you to make love to me, please.”

He took a deep breath. “You’re sure about this? It very well may be your meds talking, Alexandra.” Pausing to get his breath, “We’ll take this slow, just stop me if,”

I cut him off, “Grayson, I don’t want to stop...hush.” I put my finger on his lips. Oh, those beautiful full lips! Yummy lips, totally better than chocolate! I kissed them slowly, then more aggressive, biting his lower lip as I sucked it into my mouth. I could feel his heart beating hard against his chest and my back.

He continued to kiss me, my mouth, my neck, and my breasts. Then he found his way down, biting my fully erect and tingling nipples. My whole body was yearning for him. He pulled the straps down from my nightgown and continued to tease my breast and then he removed his t-shirt. Ah, yes, his gorgeous, strong chest and narrow hips. He had beautiful, dark chest hair that I could run my fingers through. Lying beside me, I could feel his full, stiff shaft pressing on my thigh. I knew he wanted me as bad as I wanted him.

He continued to kiss my breasts and suck on my nipples as he slid his hand up my nightgown gathering it up around my waist. Sliding his hand down my hip and thigh, he drew his fingernail back up the inside of my thigh. Amazing, I thought I was going to lose control and began to scream out in pleasure. I have never experienced anything like this before. Whatever he is doing to me, I didn’t want him to stop. It tingled so much, I almost lost control. Grayson sensed me squirming.

“Alexandra, are you okay, do you want me to stop?”

“NOOOOO, please don’t stop! I want you, I want all of you!”

He took his hands, removed my
panties, and began to massage me very slowly, gently exploring me. His touch so tender, like velvet, so gentle and so patient, yet so sensual. If I couldn’t get more, I felt as though I might explode. I could feel my body giving to him in many ways. I was lifting my pelvis up to meet his hand and at the same time, felt this incredible warmth and moisture. My body was responding and wanting him. He was still kissing me, biting my jaw, kissing my neck, exploring my breast and I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Grayson, I want you. I want to feel you together with me as one. I want to enjoy this experience with you. I know what I am doing and I can do this, please don’t make me beg.” Burying his face in my hair, he took in a deep breath and backs away to look at me. Those piercing blue eyes of steel were cutting holes in me, making me burn.

“Alexandra, I can’t deny I want you, more than anything, but I want to take this slow and won’t risk you having a meltdown. I promise, I am going to take care of you, satisfying your need for release,” and promptly, Grayson pleasured me with his hands, his fingers inside me, his mouth and tongue on my cleft. Teasing and arousing all of my senses and sensual parts of my body I didn’t know existed. Spending time learning my body and what felt luscious, until I was able to achieve my first, very first, climax.

My body was left trembling and completely sated. Whatever he did and how he did it, I knew I wanted more, more, more! Please, yes and thank you

In the throw of my passion, I never realized that I was still partially dressed and Grayson was still wearing his scrub pants, sans the t-shirt, but neither of us seemed to care. We were both breathing heavy, passionately and still in the mood to cuddle and play. Lying on my side next to him, nibbling the corner of his mouth, his jaw, stroking his chest and exploring his tight abs, was pure heaven. Wow, seeing that he was still fully aroused, oh yes!

“Grayson, what about you? I can’t get you all worked up and leave you unsatisfied, I...” he put his finger over my lips and hushed me.

“Red, it gives me extreme satisfaction and reward for pleasuring you. There will be time for me, but not right now, we both must get some sleep. We have a big day and another big evening, so just lay here with me, and sleep, my angel.”

My Angel, he called me his...

This feeling is one that I have never known before, complete satisfaction in the arms of a man, and a beautiful, gorgeous, sensual man he is. My heart is beating like a Porsche motor, ready to leap out of my chest. Our breaths deep and heavy, but in sync. Both of us still sweaty from such activity, we were emitting these pleasing pheromones that say

Realizing that I am completely inept when it comes to lovemaking, I know there is so much for me to learn and for Grayson to teach me. I think I will look for an eBook on sexual gratification and try to learn a few things in private. I don’t want to disappoint Grayson or make him afraid to make love to me. I want to satisfy him, gratify him. I want to learn to pleasure him like he does me. Yum!

When the alarm went off, I found us both still entangled and Grayson still asleep. I just wanted to stay here and look at him for a moment, still relishing in last night’s events, or this early morning's fantasy come to light.

Opening his eyes and giving me a slight grin, “Good morning, Angel, how did you sleep?”

“Well, I don’t think I slept much,” starting to giggle, “this big, burly guy hogged my bed,” Teasing him. Grayson whacked me with his pillow.

“Do you want to pillow fight with me first thing this morning, because I will win, Dr. Brooks. You know already that I can take you down.” I got in on the pillow whacking and before I knew it, we were in a
full-blown wrestling match.

“Alexandra, we have to get up. I have a busy clinic day today and must hit the office. What time will you be heading out to pick up your boss? I would like to meet him before dinner, if there is time. Can you bring him by the office or I can drive us early to Sambuca’s so we can have a glass of wine and visit?”

“Grayson, about that, I need to keep this thing between us private for now. So tonight, you will have to keep our conversation light and platonic, no touching and no, you can’t drive me!”

“Alexandra, I will do no such thing. First of all, trust is a huge factor for both of us and if this is going to work, we have to be honest with ourselves and everyone around us. From the very beginning. I refuse to play games. NO GAMES got that?” He was yelling at me. He went from fun to furious in less than a second.

“Grayson, you don’t get a say in this matter when it involves my career. It is my choice and if you don’t like it, you can leave.”

In addition, just like that, Grayson threw on his t-shirt, grabbed his things, and left without saying another word, but the look he gave me on his way out was of both pain and anger.

I am not sure what was driving him more, not being able to control me, the anger part, or my not wanting a public relationship, the hurt part. Well, he would have to get past the
issue, which is
issue, not mine. I had just started my first real career and I couldn’t risk getting in trouble at work. I would figure out a way to make our relationship known, but I need time to do that, tonight wasn’t the time.

I had a few minutes before I had to leave to pick up Drew, but I didn’t want to push my luck in this wonderful world of traffic hell, so I quickly made some coffee and looked to see if Cooper was up yet. Strangely, Cooper wasn’t here and it appeared as though he hadn’t been here all night, since my note hadn’t moved and his things were undisturbed.

I checked my phone and there were no texts or messages from him. This would leave me disturbed for the entire day. I must find Cooper and know that he is okay.

“Hey Coop, where are you, what’s going on? Why did you not call me? Okay, call me or I will.”

Just then the door creaked open and Cooper walked in, dressed to die for. He is so handsome, it is a shame girls aren’t his type, although I know he has broken a few hearts over the years.

“Coop, where have you been and why do you look so good?” pausing to look up, “I was just leaving you a message.”

“I got a modeling gig, last minute. They wanted to do the test shoot last night at a really cool place called
for some great lighting of the Dallas skyline or something or another. Anyway, we started doing the test shoot and the photographer got a family emergency call, so he asked me to work all night and we completed the entire shoot. Fortunately, the stylist and the rest of the team were willing to stay and we just went for it. Sometimes the best things in life just happen.”

“Uh huh, you could say that.” I turned and hid my expression because I knew my face would give me away.

“Coop, I have to run to the airport. Today is the big day. Wish me luck!”

“You got it, LUCK...
,” he yelled as I left for work.

Driving to the airport, my mind rolled and rolled over the stinging last words with Grayson. Was I being out of line? Would he play along tonight like I requested or would he throw me under the bus? I couldn’t trust that he wouldn’t say or do something. So rethinking my decision last minute, I decided that I must clue Drew in on my budding relationship with Grayson Brooks.

“Hey Drew, how are you, how was the flight?” greeting each other with a warm hug.

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