Running To You (4 page)

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Authors: DeLaine Roberts

BOOK: Running To You
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As our dinner entrees arrived, the musical entertainment was taking the stage. Tonight, they introduced a local jazz artist that was beautiful and had a lovely voice. The three of us begin to engage in generic small talk about the Texas climate, my relocation, and the local happenings.

“Dr. Brooks, I am curious how you came to pick this establishment. Is it a favorite of yours?"

“Please call me Grayson, after all, we are going to be spending a great deal of time together. To answer your question, I live in the area. I happened to be here this past weekend and saw you with your date. You seemed to be enjoying yourself dancing on the patio.”

I could not contain my cough. I choked on my wine, giggling at the same time, and all eyes were on me. “Grayson, yes I did enjoy myself. I was dancing with Cooper, my roommate. Just so you know, he wasn’t my date, Cooper is gay. We have been lifetime friends and many people mistake us for a couple.” He and Zoe glanced at each other and then enjoyed a grin. After all, I had just thought the same about them.

Zoe asked Grayson for a dance. “Hey bro, spin me around the dance floor to my favorite song!” They took off as the jazz artist was doing a different, but very velvety rendition of
Sinatra’s Fly Me to the Moon.
Wow, both of them could dance very well. I enjoyed watching them show off. They looked comfortable doing it, as if they had danced together many times. As they were enjoying themselves, Drew phoned me back to let me know that the CEO, some board members, and venture capitalist guys would like to have a dinner meeting on Thursday with Grayson and I should set up the venue. Game on.

Finally, returning to the table, Zoe made an apology of leaving me alone so long while they enjoyed themselves on the dance floor. “We love to dance together. Grayson gave me away at my wedding, since our Dad had passed on. We took dance lessons so that he could do the father/brother dance with me at the reception. We both fell in love with dancing and love live music.”

“Well, I don’t dance well, but Cooper makes it fun, whatever you call what we are doing.”

To lock the business deal down before time got away, “Grayson, can you possibly join my boss and a few other business colleagues for a dinner meeting on Thursday for a discussion and planning of the beta site proposal?”

“Yes, I believe I can work that into my schedule.” Grayson agreed to the dinner meeting. After which, we continued to make small talk for a few more minutes. Zoe excused herself to go home to her new husband, leaving Grayson and I alone. The atmosphere quickly became electric between the two of us. I could feel some kind of connectivity. This crazy current runs through me when we are together. I wanted to get to know him more, now that I knew he wasn’t married. “How long has Zoe lived in Dallas?” I was trying to figure out how long they had resided here and what brought them here, and from where?

“She moved here eight years ago to attend the nursing program at TWU, which is one of the best in the country. Subsequently, she met Brent, her husband, whose family is also from the area. I joined them here two years ago.”

“Do you have any family here in the area?” he asked, as he refilled our wine. A move, which indicates he is not ready to leave just yet.


“No, my family is in Chicago. I just have Cooper here with me. Speaking of Chicago, are you really a Bears fan?” If so, that just scored him double points!

“Yes, I spent some of my younger years in Chicago and I enjoy the Bears. Maybe we can catch a game sometime?” spoken with a sheepish grin. Wow, that comment just indicated he wanted to see me socially again! Pausing, just studying my face, “How old are you, Alexandra?” I wonder why he wants to know, maybe it is the same reason I want to know. How much older than me he may be?

“I am 26, and you?”

“I got 10 on you,” he spoke rather abruptly, all the while just looking at me with wanting eyes.
Suddenly, our table was quiet, overcome with silence. It was as if the world had stopped in mid-motion, the rest of the restaurant a blur. The air thick with tension.

He twisted the wine bottle nervously, not making eye contact. After a few minutes more, he looked up, “Alexandra, do you live around here?”

“I do. Cooper and I share an apartment at the Manchester’s. We found the brownstone facade beautiful and we are in love with having a dual-master floor plan. And you?”

“I also live in the Manchester’s,” and I find that his eyes are on me, going up and down my body, giving me goose bumps. The sapphire
color of his eyes sparkles as if they are filled with deep blue glitter, full of intensity. Catching me in his trance. Several times, he smiled at me and his bright whites lit up the room. It was mesmerizing. I didn’t even notice the noise of our surroundings or the music of the band. I was lost in him and found it difficult to breath.

What are the odds, we’re neighbors! Before I can settle in to my thoughts, Grayson sees my reaction. “Alexandra, I have a full clinic day tomorrow, so I will walk you out. If it is alright with you, could we have the dinner meeting here on Thursday, or is the venue already set up?” His behavior was abrupt and almost dismissing.

“Of course Grayson, I am to pick the venue and your choice is perfect. We should verify accommodations with the maitre d' on the way out.” As I stood, Grayson offered his arm and walked me to the front, so that we could finalize a dinner meeting for Thursday. Reaching the restaurant lobby, he acted as though he wanted to kiss me. I waited, but instead, he sweetly touched the side of my face with his finger before taking his hand away. We said our goodbyes and a sense of sadness came over me; our wonderful dinner had come to an end. However, I was hoping that a new relationship was building.




Chapter 2


Back at home, Coop wanted to know all the details of my evening out. He kept me up way too late doing the 20/20 on Grayson. By the time I got in to bed, all I could think about was that Thursday couldn’t get here quick enough. Lying in my bed, I had sensual thoughts about a relationship with him. My body stirred.
My mind is adrift in a fantasy about him. I wanted to kiss those full, red lips. I wanted to know what it felt like to have his arms wrapped around me. I could picture myself happy with him. It was way off base to think those thoughts and that scared me, but I could not get the chemistry between us off my mind.

I decided to start my morning off with an early run to beat the heat, clear my head and process last night’s information
. Exiting the gates, I noticed shoulders ahead of me that looked vaguely familiar. My suspicions were correct, delicious Dr. Brooks was out for a morning run. God he is sexy from the back, I could stare at that view of him all day. As to not be seen in my running attire, that clearly shows my lack of boobs, I decide to go a different route. That ended my glorious view of Dr. Brooks.

Finishing my run, I find my way back to the front gate. Still entranced in the music playing through my iPod, I feel a hand grabbing my arm. I go into complete defense training mode and give a hard kick to my would-be attacker!

Uh-oh, I’m toast! I turn around to find that it is Grayson grabbing my arm and I just kicked the breath out of him, he’s all doubled over

“Grayson, I am so sorry! I was not expecting,” he cut me off.

“Alexandra, you just shortened my life-span and put an end to any children I would want to have! Good grief, are you trying to kill me? I was only going to say hello and ask you if you would like to join me for dinner tonight. Now, I think I may need to be a patient, I feel like I am dying!” By this point, he is literally rolling on the ground.

“Grayson, I am so sorry! You caught me by surprise. I was in my own little world!”

“I called your name, but you didn’t respond, I guess the volume was up too high in your ears!” Pausing for a moment, “This week is the last week for
Creya, the jazz artist
, to play at Sambuca’s, and I wanted you to join me for dinner and dancing if you, and now me, are up to it!”

He didn’t wait until I responded yes, “What is your apartment number? Our reservations are for 7:30 tonight.”

Reservations, what reservations, they aren’t open yet and we almost closed them down last night. He must have gone back in after we left or phoned them after I walked away. I am so loving this charming man!

“Alexandra, hello, Earth to Alexandra.
Your apartment number? I will be there by 7 if that is okay?” Helping him to his feet, I gave him my apartment number and quickly headed home. So self-aware that my running clothes do not enhance, my non-enhanced, breasts in a good way. However, Cooper, always shedding the fun light, says I have the tallest, tight-ass and nothing shows it better than my workout gear. He should know. He picked them out. Leave it to Coop to point out perfection rather than flaws, oddly something you don’t see often with models.

I spent the rest of the morning trying to wrap up some reports and paperwork. I received a text from Grayson:

Looking forward to dinner. Can’t wait to see u, GB

My response:
Me too! C’ya soon

As the day progressed however, I couldn’t focus on what I was doing. My thoughts were constantly grabbing stars in my
daydreams, thinking of my date with Grayson. Music always gets me going, so I put on my iPod to play. I found a favorite,
World Stand Still
by The Tenors. I love this song! Listening to it, I realized that my world felt idle when I was dreaming about Grayson. A noise brought me out of my thoughts and I could hear Coop headed my way, “Hey daydreamer, I think you have
really bad! What do you say, let’s get you dressed for your date Alex, now move it...and just so you know, that hair is coming down!”

As usual, Cooper styled me and actually fixed my hair. He persuaded me to cut a few
layers throughout my hair. Surprisingly, he gives quite an excellent trim. He had the layers flowing softly to the tiny curves of my breast and the volume pumped up. While we were playing dress up, he told me that he had a great time hanging out with his new friend, Mark and that he had about a dozen go-sees this week for modeling. Of which, he had a great opportunity with a new campaign for a new menswear line. So here’s to hoping it comes through for him. He talked about several of the stylist that he had been meeting at the preview shoots and they enjoyed showing the latest fashion trends, which he wanted to share with me.

Screeching in the mirror, “Coop, this skirt is too tight and a bit short, I can’t wear this.” It was a cream pencil skirt. He matched it with a tan, sleeveless top and heels of course.

“You can and you must. He needs to see that tall-tight-ass darling! Quit hiding it under flowing clothes!”

“Trust me, he saw it. He was watching us dance Friday night at Sambuca’s. He also saw it in scrubs, and he saw it this morning when I was running!”

“You don’t have time to change, Alex. He is going to be here any minute, wear the damn skirt!”

I had just a few seconds to finish my make-up and slip on my heels before I heard the bell. Opening the door for Grayson, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Doc was so sexy in dark-washed metro-sexual jeans and a sapphire-blue Robert Graham dress shirt, without the tie. YUMMO! His hair had that glossy, messy curl to it, and I wasn’t sure I would be able to keep my hands out of it throughout the entire night.

“Come in Grayson, I want you to meet Cooper.”

As I turned to walk to the island bar, I could hear Grayson take in a deep breath, but he was speechless...could it be the skirt? Facing Cooper, he was winking at me. I guess I had my answer.

“Grayson, this is my life-long best friend, Cooper, the best brother I ever had.” Pleasantly, the gentlemen shook hands. Coop kissed my cheek and was out the door, he had plans. On his way out, he let me know that he may not be home when I got back. His plans were taking him late into the evening with Mark, Monica and some of the other stylists he met at work.

Taking my hand in his and playing with my fingers, Grayson touched my face with his free hand and brought my chin up. He brought his lips to mine and gave me the sweetest, lingering kiss that left me breathless! His mouth tasted so good and when he pulled away, he left me wanting more.

“I have wanted to do that since Friday. You have the most kissable lips," as he traced his thumb across my lower lip. “This is my apology for acting like such an asshole to you in my office.” As he kissed my lips again, “I have not been able to stop thinking about doing this since I first laid eyes on you. Thoughts of you keep filling my head and driving me crazy. God, you are beautiful!”

Taking a step back, “I saw you last Friday walking with Cooper to Sambuca's, so I followed thinking maybe he's a boyfriend or husband. I was immediately jealous and I needed to know if you were available, Alexandra.”

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting that, yes, I am available Grayson.” Speaking in barely a whisper, I was still trying to catch my breath. My heart was leaping for glory, my pulse racing, and face blushing.

“If you weren’t expecting that, then you should’ve worn a different skirt!” and we both startled giggling. He pulled me into a deep kiss, bringing my whole body in tightly to him. It was perfect. We felt perfect together. I didn’t want to leave; I just wanted to be here with him.

He pulled back muttering something about leaving before he couldn’t stop himself. We held hands as we made our way to his car. When we got to his car, I am not certain what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t a CL63! A very beautiful, distinguished black Mercedes and he looked gorgeous next to it, as he opened the door for me. His genuine smile, made my stomach turn in flips and I loved his show of chivalry.

We left the car with the valet and he kept his hand on my lower back as we walked in. I wasn’t used to men pulling out the chair for me. He kissed my cheek as he helped me take my seat. Our seats were close to the dance floor and we could hear the wonderful music of
band playing. We were enjoying a glass of wine before dinner and he reached over and took my hand in his, playing with my fingers. After some time, Grayson stood and held out his hand, “Please dance with me,” he asked with a cute grin on his face.

“Grayson, you don’t want to do that, really! I will embarrass you, I am a horrible dancer.”
Nevertheless, he pulled me to my feet and led me out on the small dance floor. It was just us, and it felt as if every eye in the room was drinking us in, but soon, I did not care. Grayson Brooks was beautiful and for the moment, he was mine, my date for the evening. He was holding me so tight and gently swaying to a beautiful song. He started humming along and I could not hold my hands back any longer, I had to feel that silky hair of his. We were so wrapped up into each other; it felt like we were in “couple-land.” When the song was over, the room erupted into applause. Creya added, “Thank you to the lovely couple for sharing in the magic of music.”

We took our seats and enjoyed a fabulous dinner that Grayson ordered for me. I wasn’t used to someone making my choices for me; I had been doing that since I was 12. However, tonight I did not mind, and his choice of grilled fish in a chardonnay sauce was decadent and did not disappoint. We talked about our love of sports, especially shooting hoops. Another common interest: The Chicago Bears, which was a big hit for me, as anyone that loves the Bears, is a friend of mine. We both like to run, he likes to lift weights and I like Pilates and Yoga, he loves to eat fish and so do I. I found that his favorite weekend past time of watching football on Sunday afternoons with pizza and beer were right up my alley.

“When you were here last Friday night with Cooper, was that the first time you had been here for dinner?”

“Yes, it was the first time
we’d been here, but it was only for drinks. Cooper found this place while out for a run that morning and decided we should come check it out. Both of us enjoy sultry, jazz music and even more when it’s live.”

“I agree and I have found a love for music as well and listen to it 24/7, in the car, even the Operating Room. I play it constantly when I am at home and now, I sleep to it. I read a study a couple of years ago, about how playing music softly all night, helps one relax and get into a deeper sleep. Since I have been doing that, I do sleep better.”

“I haven’t heard about that, but it sounds like a novel idea. I will have to try that, especially since our apartment is equipped with an iPod intercom, Coop and I share the same artists.”

The night seemed to move
excessively fast, through music, dancing, and delightful conversation. Then it happened, my favorite song came on. Creya was doing a cover of
Start All Over Again
by Dave Koz and Grayson pulled me to my feet taking me to the dance floor. He had us swaying so sexily, as I have never had anyone dance with me before. I think we almost needed a room. We were so tuned in to each other that I didn’t mind when he laid the most beautiful, delicate, kiss on me that lingered through, what seemed like an eternity. He left me powerless.

“Alexandra, I know we have been seeing each other
all of a hot minute
, but I want private time with you. Let’s get out of here” his words were so sharp, it seemed like he was on a mission.

“Grayson wait, did something wrong just happen here?”

“No Alexandra, you are ah, God, you are so beautiful, your lips are so delicate, I want to be alone with you. If we stay here, I can’t be held responsible for my public display of affection.” We both started giggling as we drove off to the apartment complex.

“Your place or mine, Alexandra”

“Uh...hmm, yours,” was all I could muster up. I was so nervous. Grayson’s touch, his kisses, made me senseless. But the problem was my alter ego kicking into gear, reminding me that I would not be able to go through with what it appeared he had in mind.

Grayson had never let go of my hand since we started our date, except to get in and out of the car or to eat. I wasn’t sure if this was a mechanism to calm his nerves or if it was a way to hold on to me so that I could not leave. He had been so quiet since leaving the restaurant, I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, his blue eyes so intense. My heart was racing and I am sure he could feel my pulse while holding my hand.

I knew that going to his place would give me time to get to know him better. Ask questions that I had about him. I still didn’t know how or where he grew up, or why he decided on the Army, or anything about his parents. I didn’t have much time to think or analyze things, as we were already at his apartment.

Grayson’s apartment was on the opposite side of the complex from mine. His layout was different; he had a smaller island and a separate wine/coffee bar. His decor was modern, in sleek black and grey colors with splashes of red.

Letting go of my hand, “Would you like to join me in a glass of wine?” He asked as he put on some background music. Ah yes,
I Wish You Love
by Rachael Yamagata. Grayson was setting the mood up right!

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