Running To You (15 page)

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Authors: DeLaine Roberts

BOOK: Running To You
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Grayson kissed his way back up, sucking the rest of the water from my naval, before coming back up to my lips. As he began to kiss my lips, he got another piece of ice in his mouth and kissed the ice to me. As it melted, I could taste the sensual moisture from my climax and we enjoyed it together. Tears began to roll from the corners of my eyes down my cheeks. “Are you okay?” he whispered in my ear as he was kissing my ear lobes and found my tears with his lips.

“Yes, I am in love and in heaven! I want you to show me how to pleasure you, now it’s your turn.”

Bohren & Der Club of Gore’s Nightwolf
began to play in the background, a scene of sultry, sexually charged saxophone was setting the mood for me to explore Grayson’s body. I pushed Grayson to his back and climbed on top of him. Taking an ice cube in my mouth, I began to let the water drip a trail down the hairline from his navel to his stiff shaft. While stroking his erection with my hand, I began to kiss the insides of his thighs. Taking him in my mouth and sucking gently, I let him experience the coldness from the inside my mouth. This got his attention. I watched the pleasure in his eyes through my eyelashes. Although quiet, I could see that he was enjoying me and was fully aroused. He had his hands on the sides of my head playing with my hair. I began to lick the long, thick shaft before taking him in my mouth. I teased the tip with my tongue, before beginning to suck and stroke him in slow rhythm. As I glanced at his face, his gaze was saying everything. He was enjoying this. I sucked hard on the tip, and then took all of him into my mouth. Using my hands to rub and stroke him in between with an in and out, twisting motion. He threw his head back and moaned. I could feel his girth tighten and expand in my mouth and I knew that he was close to climaxing. He called out my name as he moaned...“Alexandra.” Just as he began to lose control in my mouth, I could feel the warmth and taste the saltiness from his climax. He was moaning, “Don’t stop sucking me.” I continued to suck and swallow him until he pulled himself out of my mouth and raised us up on the bed, taking me in his arms and laying me on my back. “Red, you are amazing, that was impressive,” kissing me with sweet kisses. “I am truly in awe of your body, I can’t get enough. You are my drug and I am totally addicted. You feel so good, Alexandra!” He was biting my ear, sucking down my neck, tracing my jaw with his tongue.

Grayson rolled onto his back and pulled me to his side so that I could lay my head on his chest. “You need to just lie beside me and behave, my sexed up little minx!” We were both still catching our breath, completely sated from pleasuring each other. Experiencing this kind of sensuality is so new to me and I am happy that I can let myself go with him.

Quietly snuggled together, I realized how much I was going to miss being with him every day for the next few weeks and tears began to stroll down my cheek. He must have felt the moisture on his chest. “Alexandra, please tell me those are happy tears?”

I smiled, “Yes love, they are the most happiest of tears.” We fell asleep, just comfortable with each other and enjoying being entangled.

When I woke up it was getting dark and Grayson was no longer with me. I found him in the kitchen on my phone talking to someone. Coop said he was talking with my dad? Oh no, please don’t tell him about the baby, I thought, I didn’t feel ready to go down that road. Too late, he was giving me the thumbs up and then he handed the phone to me. “Hey Dad, how is the cruise going?” “Alex, the cruise is fine, but I wish I were there with you to congratulate you on all of your news. This is wonderful news my dear, I couldn’t be happier. You are giving me a wonderful grandbaby. And if you agree to marry Grayson, a divine young man that I couldn’t be more proud to have as a son-in-law. Please take the jet home tomorrow, get your things and get back to Dallas to start your new life with Grayson. I couldn’t be happier, darling. I will see you in a few weeks and we will all get together when Gretchen and I get home. I love you, Alexandra. I couldn’t be more thrilled for you!”

“Thank you, I love you too, Daddy.”

“Grayson, did you call my dad and tell him everything?”

“No Alexandra, he had called several times and I finally answered it because you were sleeping. Are you angry with me about that?” I could tell he was taking a tone with me, since I know how he feels with the whole secrecy thing.

“Not exactly, but I would’ve liked for us to have discussed telling him. However, he seems okay with it and you’ve done something to win him over!” Glad that Daddy was happy with the news, I took a deep breath and could relax, but he said something that caught me off guard.

...if you agree to marry Grayson...

Grayson must have asked my dad for permission to marry me...chivalry!

We dressed for dinner and Grayson drove us to Sambuca’s. We had a lovely table and the band was doing a cover of
Tangled Up In You by Staind
, as Grayson led us to the dance floor to sway to the music. “I love you, Alexandra!” His words were soft, but he knew that I needed to hear them. He knew that by not sharing them before, he caused me to run. How was he going to handle me going back to Chicago for a few weeks? I wasn’t ready for the argument, but I didn’t want to go through everything with Drew and PMC. After all they had been so accommodating, it was easier to leave things as planned and I would come home in three weeks. I would miss him terribly, but we would be able to make it the time away now, because we knew we loved each other and loved our baby. Maybe we could even commute on weekends.

I didn’t realize that we had danced through several songs. I was so lost in my thoughts of him. Grayson must have sensed that something was on my mind, so he led us to our table and proceeded to grill me. “What’s got you so deep in thought, Alexandra?”

“Grayson, oh, you know, day-dreaming about our baby girl?” trying to lovingly convince him that I am being carefree, and not planning an escape route.

“Angel, I can tell that there is something more serious in your thoughts, care to share, or are you going make me tickle you ’til you come clean?” I could tell he was trying hard to be funny, but it wasn’t working for him.

“Grayson, I need to return to Chicago tomorrow and finish my three week commitment to the work-force plan that Drew so graciously put together. Any hiccup to the plan is just going to draw question. Please don’t...” Grayson held his hand up to stop me from continuing.

“Alexandra, I knew you would want it this way. So I am prepared to travel on weekends and on the last weekend, we will go to your appointment with Dr. Creek, get your records and your things and bring you home. Agree?” Oh, I love this man. He sees through me and can read my mind and he isn’t fighting my stubborn streak, what gives?

“I love you, Grayson, thank you for not putting up a fight. You, being a push-over though, I am not used to that, what gives?” I couldn’t help but poke fun at him.

“Alexandra, I don’t want to take a risk upsetting you and I had a good guess that this would be what you wanted. Just to be clear, I am not happy about it. I don’t want to miss a day with you, but you hold the cards and can change your mind as soon as you want, I would come get you.” His eyes were sad; he voice was meek, as if he was losing something.

“It’s only a few weeks and it is going to be as hard on me as it is on you. Dad and Gretchen will be back in about the same time. It will be good for all of us to get together.”

We finished our dinner and headed back to my apartment to continue our evening alone before I leave tomorrow. Grayson took my hand and kissed my knuckles, as he twirled me around to the music. We were dancing and laughing. Just enjoying being a couple, happy in
our time, our moment.


Chapter 11


Our wonderful Saturday evening was getting late, as we had been enjoying ourselves in quiet time together, listening to music, talking, throwing out baby names, dreaming about a future together. I began to yawn and Grayson took that as his cue to pick me up and carry me to the bedroom. I snuggled my forehead into his neck, enjoying the coziness. Grayson stood me up as he sat down on the side of the bed. There were tears in his eyes “I am the happiest I have ever been in my life, Alexandra, you are my guardian angel.”

“Actually, you are mine, I’m just sad it took me so long to figure it out.” We undressed and got into bed and Grayson held me until I fell asleep, keeping one hand spread tight across my pelvis...protective.

I woke up to the sunshine coming into the room, but Grayson wasn’t in bed with me. I threw on my robe and walked into the kitchen to find Grayson and Cooper deep into the newspaper. I went to make some coffee, when Grayson pushed some juice in front of me. “Juice, doctors orders, not mine, yours. Read your packet, my dear.”

“Well, sweetheart, I can tell that you have read the packet, every piece, cover to cover. Am I right?” laughing at Dr. Know-it-all! “Yes, Ms. Morrison, I have and I can recite the entire do not's very well!” Clearing his throat ready for a debate, “Test me if you want!”

Aware that Cooper was not coming to my rescue, “Hey Coop, you going to let him get away with bossing me around?”

Cooper was enjoying that someone was taming my stubborn streak, throwing up his hands in retreat. “Thank God Grayson is around, that lets me off duty, and it’s his gig now!” Both guys enjoying the humor.

“Oh, you two teaming up on me is no fun. When my daughter is born, we will be even numbered again!” Gingerly patting my tummy. Grayson reminded me, “OUR daughter, Alexandra.”

I went to my closet and grabbed some running clothes, desperately needing some fresh air. The mornings are cooler now in Dallas, so a short run/walk would do me some good. Grayson joined me in the bedroom as I was dressing, “Where do you think you are going, angel?”

“Grayson, I thought I would go out for some fresh air, care to join me?”

“Yes, but only for a walk, you have to take it easy for a few days. In fact, I need to talk to your trainers and let them know.”

“Grayson, I heard the ER Doctor, I will take it easy, nothing strenuous, I promise.”

As we headed out for our
I was deep in thought about how attentive Grayson had become to my needs, both physical and sexual. He had quickly learned his lesson about keeping me in the dark, however, he was doing a complete 180 on me, to the point of being bossy, I suppose I would have to get used to that. As we strolled, he broke the silence, “Penny for your thoughts, Red?” “Oh, I was deep in thought about how attentive you’ve become in such a short, but sweet time. Don’t get me wrong, no complaints here.” I was trying to keep the mood light.

“Alexandra, it is hard to turn the Physician mode off sometimes. I am sorry if I am a little stern, it’s just that you are extremely thin right now. I don’t know if it is because of the therapy or the pregnancy, I am just concerned. Apparently, Dr. Creek is as well. Your health just worries me that’s all. Not to mention the stress I have put you under. I am so sorry!” I could see the pain in his eyes and he wasn’t smiling, he seemed sad.

“Grayson, I know that you are used to having control and it is going to be hard for both of us the next few weeks, but I promise that I will take it easy on the training and I will eat more. The trainers wanted me to try more small meals each day. The morning and night sickness isn’t helping right now, but the chef keeps my refrigerator stocked. He will even prepare meals for me, so I promise to keep him occupied.”

“The chef is there even while your dad is away?” I could tell he was just figuring out that I wasn’t at my parents', I thought he knew.

“No, the chef at the Millennium. I moved to the Millennium while my parents are away. I thought Cooper would’ve told you, since he tells you everything!” By now I could see the gasket was ready to pop off. Grayson stopped me in my tracks and pulled us off the sidewalk as people buzzed by.

“What the hell are you doing at the Millennium? Let me guess...Harrison? ARE YOU LIVING WITH HARRISON?" He was so mad. I swear I could see
coming from his ears. His eyes were digging into me like a sharp knife and I could see his pulse racing in his neck. He was gripping my arms so tight, he was bruising me and it hurt.

Trying to hold back the tears, “Grayson, you’re hurting me...” and just like that he released me and was plowing his hands through his hair in exasperation. Confused and trying to make something out of nothing from what he had just realized.

“Fill in the blanks then, don’t leave me hanging. Please explain why you didn’t mention this before?” He was yelling at me, so much anger in his eyes.

“I am sorry Grayson. I didn’t realize you didn’t know. I was out running a few of weeks ago. I managed to get lost. A moving song came over my iPod that caused me to have a meltdown, when Harrison found me melting into the sidewalk. When we got back to my dad’s house, we all discussed me moving to Harrison’s corporate apartment for safety and convenience. Dad’s experiencing some takeover threats and preferred the extra security. I would be closer to my old coffee shop, have access to the pool, the trainers and the chef. He also loaned me the corporate car so that I could get around. It was only until Dad came back in town. NO, I am NOT living with or sleeping with Harrison. You have been my only experience since...” I couldn’t finish, I was angry, caught with emotion, frustrated that this was happening, so I turned and took off running back home.

Grayson was running behind me and calling my name to stop, but I didn’t stop. I felt like running, to be alone. All the drama just keeps coming, I can’t do this, and then, suddenly, sharp pains. Sharp pains in my side that caused me to stop and double over. Oh no, not now. What is happening? Cramps, painful cramps.

I am doubled over on the sidewalk as Grayson catches up to me. “Alexandra, what is it, what’s wrong?” I can’t answer him, I am angry, I am in pain and I just want to be alone.

“Alexandra, answer me, what is it, where do you hurt?”

"Grayson, sharp pains and cramping in my side right here.“ I pointed to my lower right side. Grayson picked me up in his arms, carrying me the rest of the way. At home, he placed me on the bed and told me to stay there.

“You are going to bed and you aren’t going to Chicago today, period, end of story. You will stay in bed for a few days until you are out of the woods, understand? That is unless you are determined to lose our baby on purpose!” He was so mad at me. I couldn’t tell if this was about Harrison or about the pregnancy at this point, his emotions were so strong.

After I napped for a couple of hours, I felt better. I found Grayson watching TV. I sat in his lap and kissed him. “I am sorry sweetheart. I am not trying to hurt myself or the baby. I love you and I will listen from now on. I need to get a shower. Care to join me?” I kissed him again, but he was still angry and distant.

Grayson turned the water on for the shower, undressed us both and helped me into the shower. He was just watching me; his facial expression was very cold. As I stood there with the warm water running, my emotions took hold and I started sobbing, uncontrollably, but Grayson just watched me, without speaking a word.

I showered and dressed in a t-shirt and yoga pants. Heading to the kitchen for something to drink, Grayson pulled me into his arms, still wet from the shower. He didn’t say anything for a few minutes, “Where are you going?” he asked, in a quiet whisper.

“I was headed to get some juice, Grayson.” I turned and made eye contact with him. I could see he was hurt, still sulking.

“Are the cramps any better?” his tone bittersweet.

“Yes, Grayson, they have stopped. I am just a little shaky, but I do that sometimes even after my therapy session. Please let go of me, I am fine!” I pulled away from him and went to the kitchen.


Fixing myself something to eat and drink, I picked up the phone and sent Drew a text to let him know I was not well and would be taking it easy for a few days. I sent Harrison a text and let him know that I wouldn’t be back until Wednesday and we could catch up then. I also sent Dad a text and let him know that I was staying on until Wednesday, I am certain he would know why. When I turned to look in the fridge, Grayson was dressed and carrying his things. “Where are you going?” sending him a surprised look of disbelief.

“Alexandra, you can’t keep running away from me. You either want to be with me or you don’t, there is no middle ground here. Do you want me to go back to my place to give you time to yourself?” While lecturing me, he put his bag on the floor and put both hands on his hips.

“Do what you want, I have no argument left in me...” as I made my way to my bed in tears.

Cooper was just watching from the sofa, taking it all in. I could hear him talking to Grayson, “Dude, she has practically been on her own since she was 12, making all of her own decisions and she has a stubborn streak a mile long. I don’t have any advice for you on how to channel it, but I can tell you without a doubt, she loves you and she wants this baby.”

“Cooper, if only I could bottle up some of that stubborn-ass attitude of hers! God help us, if our child has half that stubborn spirit, we are in trouble. I don’t know what to do, but I know that she is not out of the woods for a miscarriage. She has to take it easy for a few more days. It must be the red hair. And to think, here I was hoping that we have a red-headed little girl that looks just like her mom. God, I love her so much it hurts.”

“Then don’t leave, let her face the issues with you, but don’t run away, that’s what she does.”

I didn’t hear anything for awhile, just quiet. I must have dozed off again. When I woke I could hear soft music playing,
Soulmate by Natasha Bedingfield
. Yes, how true, I did believe that Grayson was my soul mate. I needed to tell him that. Cooper is right, I am stubborn. I have raised myself and I don’t know how to have a close relationship. I don’t want to lose this baby. I will do anything to keep that from happening. I need to find Grayson; I want to tell him I am sorry.

Looking around the apartment, I didn’t see him, but his things were here. Glancing towards the patio, I could see a glimpse of his shoulder. He was sitting outside with a beer, talking on the phone. When I opened the door, he ended his call and smiled at me, “Zoe says hello.”

“Did you fill her in on everything?” I tried to smile, but it felt forced. I went over and sat down next to him, “I’m so sorry Grayson, my emotions are all over the place and the pregnancy issues are making my actions even worse! I will stay here in bed and eat well. I sent a text to Drew earlier letting him know I wasn’t going back until Wednesday. I love you so much and I know that you are my soul mate. I don’t understand why I try to push you away?”

“Alexandra, you push me away because that is easier than having to fear me leaving, but I am not leaving, not going anywhere and neither are you. You have to TRUST that. I am not sure what it will take to convince you other than time. We love each other and that is the only thing that matters. Once you move back, everything will fall into place, you’ll see.”

As we walked back into the apartment, “I was talking to Zoe, but I didn’t tell her anything about the baby. I thought I would let you do that or we could do that, publicly, when we are ready. Like you, I am tired of the drama. Regarding Harrison, please stay away from him, his intentions have an evil undertone and that is all I am going to say for now. Next weekend, I will take care of him.”

“Why do you have such disdain for Harrison? I understand you used to be inseparable.” I thought twins were supposed to be inseparable, but I am an only child, so what do I know.

“When I met Olivia, she was like a breath of fresh air. She reminded me of what I had missed from a civilian life: family, fun nights out with other couples, parties and events, dancing. She said she wanted to start a family and would give me what I had been missing being away in the military. Olivia was a sexual prowess and we had a very seductive sex life, very much on the dark side. I soon learned that Harrison was deep into BDSM and had sexually/physically tortured her in a way as part of that whole dominant/submissive lifestyle. From that moment on, I could never look at him the same way; it gave me such distaste for him. Because of that, she couldn’t get enough sexually, and will never be satisfied. Ultimately, that is what caused the end of our relationship. It is hard to realize that you are living a lie until it all unfolds in such a painful way. That was my old life and I never want to go back to it. Seeing him at your door in Chicago was almost too much to bear. All I could think about was protecting you from him, but you had made your decision and sent me away. I love you so much and will go over the mountain to protect you.”

“I did not see that side of Harrison. We went to the game and just enjoyed hanging out like beer buddies. He wants nothing more from me and he made that clear. I think you need to talk with him but there will be time for that soon.” I reached up and ran my finger down his cheek and across his bottom lip.

“Grayson, I am hungry, care to order a pizza with me? I could use one of those beers, but I bet my packet says that I can’t have one, doesn’t it?” trying to get some lighter conversation going.

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