Heart Two Heart

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Authors: Dyami Nukpana

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #love, #shifters, #navajo, #skinwalker, #chupacabra

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Heart Two Heart

Skinwalker Tale

By Dyami Nukpana

Copyright 2015

K. George

at Smashwords

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~~ Glossary of terms
  • Skinwalker
    : All skin walkers are descendants
    of the Native American people. They are pure of heart and can take
    the form of an animal. This is done by calling on their life force
    essence guide while holding a totem of the animal they shift into.
    True Skinwalkers can only take one of the following forms; Wolf,
    coyote, fox, eagle, owl, crow, bear, cougar, bobcat, hawk, crow,

  • Naaldlooshi
    : Also descendants of the Native
    American people and are most likely shaman that have the ability to
    shift into two or more of the following animals; Wolf, coyote, fox,
    eagle, owl, crow, bear, cougar, bobcat, hawk, crow, eagle.

  • Chupacabra
    : All chupacabra are descendants of
    Native Central and Southern American cultures dating back to the
    Inca’s or Mayan’s and Inca’s. While similar to a skinwalker they
    are often considered tricksters or wicked humans based on the
    animal forms they take. Chupacabra are often mistaken for vampires
    in folklore because they drink blood and have an intolerance for
    sunlight. Like their skinwalker cousins, they call on their life
    force essence guide while holding a totem of the animal they shift
    into. Chupacabra can only take one of the following forms; Bat,
    crow, vulture, snakes, hyena, jaguar and puma.

  • Camazotz
    : A chupacabra or a skinwalker that is
    pure evil and drinks the blood of infants and children. More often
    than not, the victim of a camazotz dies. A camazotz can shift into
    the same animal forms as the skinwalker or chupacabra depending on
    which they started as.

  • Nagual
    : Is a skinwalker or chupacabra that can
    shift into the animals of a skinwalker and a chupacabra. The first
    of which was created during world war two in Germany where the
    Nazi’s experimented on skinwalkers and chupacabra. In the course of
    their experiments, they unlocked the secret to both the chupacabra
    and skinwalker DNA, then spliced the two of them together to create
    the first Nagual. Both the skinwalker and chupacabra societies
    believe the nagual are abnormal in nature and as such they are
    often rejected.

  • Vaettir
    : Thought to be mythological
    supernatural life force essences capable of vast magic. The Vaettir
    were divided into four families; Alfar, Dvergar, Jötnar and
    Sjövættir. These families sometimes intermarried with each other,
    and sometimes with humans.

  • Alfar
    : One of the Vaettir. Often mistaken as
    elves in human legends and folklore.

  • Dvergar
    : One of the Vaettir. Often mistaken as
    dwarves in human legends and folklore.

  • Jötnar
    : One of the Vaettir. Often mistaken as
    giants in human legends and folklore.

  • Sjövættir
    : One of the Vaettir. Often mistaken
    as sprites or water life force essences in human legends and

  • Aura
    : A visible emanation of a person’s life
    essence surrounding the body of a living creature. Ones aura can be
    viewed by mystics, life force spiritualist, shaman and one’s
    eternal heart.

  • Life essence
    : Sometimes also referred to as
    heart, life force essence or life force.

  • Eternal heart
    : The love of their life also
    known as true love or soul mate. Someone you love unconditionally
    and without reason.

I~~ Ulric's Perspective

I grew up with lies. Lies about my eternal
heart. An eternal heart is the way we skinwalkers think of our true
love, the love of our lives if you will. I grew up believing my
eternal heart was an ancient chupacabra that had gone insane when
she found out I was Nagual. Something so abnormal and hideous that
she couldn’t accept me. Then again, according to the tales, despite
how abhorrent she found me, she still kidnapped me as an infant and
managed to get herself killed trying to run from my parents and the
other skinwalkers that she made her enemies.

I wasn't unhappy believing that I had lost my
chance at knowing the love of my life but I had to tell myself that
I would find love without destiny. Seraphina and I had gotten to
know each other over time and had grown to love each other more
than any love destiny could force on me. I was going through med
school and had already made my intentions clear to Seraphina and my
family. After graduation I was coming home to marry Seraphina in
the traditional human fashion then we would create our own

That plan and my love for Seraphina however
changed the moment I learned Taini never died. She was alive and
well but trying her best to deny our love and allow me to continue
to think she perished all those years ago. The truth was, she chose
to remain alone and pay penance for her past sins... She was hell
bent on staying out of my life or trying to make me reject her.
Now, I don’t believe any of the stories they say about her and I
absolutely don’t believe she turned into a camazotz. A camazotz is
what we skinwalkers call a death bat. Legend says that a Camazotz
is a chupacabra or a skinwalker that has gone insane and begins to
feed on and kill humans indiscriminately. They don’t just feed on
the blood of animals like most chupacabra, they also feed on humans
but prefer infants and children. I refuse to believe my eternal
heart could be a camazotz. Now that I know she’s alive, the only
thing I cared about is finding her, and making her eternally

II~~ Taini’s Perspective

My heart ached on a daily basis. I had always
been somewhat crazy but I knew that I was becoming completely
insane. The pain alone was driving me out of my mind. My life
essence incessantly cried for its eternal heart. It knew he was out
there and just wanted to touch his heart.

I tried to get rid of the feelings, I tried
everything I could think of then I sought those who might know more
than me. Nothing satisfied my heart. It wanted Ulric and nothing
and no one else would do. I roamed through cities and felt nothing
for the inhabitants I passed or anything that I see.

My love of life is long gone. I have lived to
many years of solitude I allowed my hatred to fuel my life and turn
me into a monster. While I wasn’t a camazotz per say, but close and
getting closer every day. I certainly did just as much evil in my
years on earth as any true camazotz. I even kidnapped my own
eternal heart and risked his life to satisfy my own whimsical
feelings. I am not worthy of his love and will never allow Ulric to
feel my pain.

I will walk through life for as many years as
I have left, paying penance for my sins against my eternal heart.
Which could be a long time. As a chupacabra I age very very slowly.
My lifespan will likely be hundreds of years old. I am nearly
ninety years old and don’t look a day over twenty. My one and only
chance at unconditional love will likely live even longer than me.
That said however, I will make sure that our paths never cross and
that he never suffers a single moment because of me. I make sure to
keep very close tabs on him so that we are never accidently in the
same place. So for that reason alone I couldn’t imagine why my
heart was suddenly humming with excitement.

It was like it knew something that I hadn’t
yet figured out for myself. I looked around and didn't see any
faces that stood out in the crowd. I inhaled deeply and was
assaulted with the wonderful fragrance of honeysuckles that I knew
belonged to my eternal heart. I pivoted my head around the
restaurant and made eye contact. He was more handsome in person
than photos.

His dark brown slightly wavy hair laid on top
of his head haphazardly like he’d just gotten out of bed. He was
dressed in hospital scrubs and still looked like a million dollars.
Every woman in the restaurant stopped and gawked at his good looks.
He had a very attractive female skinwalker attached to his side and
I briefly found myself wondering if she was his girlfriend.

Part of me wanted to stand up and rip her
throat out while screaming at the other women in the restaurant to
stop looking at him. Ulric belongs to me, always has and always
will. Then the rational side of my brain kicked in and I knew I had
to get out of there before he realised who he was looking at. I was
no longer safe to be around and I knew that my presence alone put
my eternal heart in danger.

I knocked over the table with my hasty exit
and several patrons in the restaurant tried to stop and ask me what
was wrong. I bolted out of the restaurant while simultaneously
grabbing at the vulture claw I kept around my neck. I ran full
speed into the desert and shifted the moment I was out of site. As
a vulture, I topped out around one hundred kilometres and hours and
could fly as high as ten thousand feet in the air.

I flew until I was deep into the Nevada
desert. Once I was exhausted, I descended onto the cold sand,
shifted back into my human form and allowed my emotions free reign.
I moved through them like most people move through grief. First I
was in denial. I couldn’t understand how my eternal heart and I
were in the same state nonetheless the same restaurant.

Then I moved on to anger. I was angry at
Waylon and Pau for saving my life. I was angry that I had been such
a bad person before Ulric’s birth and that I would never be able to
be with my eternal heart. I was angry that I was probably
clinically insane and that my very own mind was turning against me.
I was no longer able to rationalise right from wrong. The only time
I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that I was doing the right thing
was when I stayed away from Ulric. I knew I was giving him a chance
at real happiness. That wasn’t going to be enough however to keep
me from turning into a Camazotz.

That thought moved me on to grief, sadness
and depression. This is the phase I have been stuck in for years.
Waylon assures me if I move past this to acceptance that even my
mind will begin to heal and I might escape turning into one of the
things I hate the most. But how can I accept that I lived for
dozens of years for the chance to be with my eternal heart, only to
find him and lose him over the course of a few days.

It was my own fault and my own obsessive
behaviour that caused me to lose him. I never allowed myself to
heal mentally from the abuse I had lived through at the hands of
the Nazi’s and subsequently the skinwalkers. I’d gotten to the
anger stage and stayed there for more than a fifty years. I’d taken
my hurt and anger out on every skinwalker that crossed my path. I’d
never given any of them a chance. I attacked first and never
actually got around to the questions part. I’d always assumed they
were all guilty. Guilty of what? Who knew but definitely guilty of
something? Most of them were most likely innocent.

If I’d ever actually allowed myself to move
through all the steps maybe I wouldn't have been such a bad person.
Maybe just maybe I wouldn’t have killed so many innocent
skinwalkers. Then, maybe just the tiniest littlest maybe… I would
have been able to have Ulric’s heart and finally known what
unconditional love felt like.

III~~ Ulric’s Perspective

The last minute trip to Vegas had been
Seraphina’s idea. I finished my final hours of residency at the
hospital last night and we hopped in the car and drove straight to
Vegas with the intention of getting married in a chapel and
consummating our vowels in the Palazzo hotel and casino.

Seraphina and I’d decided to elope since
lately my mum and nan have been trying to put a wedge between
Seraphina and me. I wish I knew why, but I don’t. It doesn’t even
make sense since Seraphina has been part of our family since I was
a baby. My nan took Seraphina under her wing and helped to shape
her into the wonderful woman that I fell in love with.

Then, out of the blue they start saying
things like maybe you two are moving too fast. What if Seraphina
has an eternal heart of her own? As a skinwalker, we all know
chances are she does. Don’t bind her to you and cause yourself and
her pain when he comes along. Seraphina and I couldn’t disagree
more. Both of us feel we know how to make better choices than the

I was starving and we decided to stop for a
quick bite before checking in. I will still in my scrubs and it
wasn't really appropriate for a sit down meal but my life essence
was pulling me towards this tiny little Italian restaurant that was
known more for the wine they served then the food.

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