Rough Riders (7 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Rough Riders
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I spent the
rest of the day playing catch up and doing the numbers. I got another call from
Colt about the shit that he was dealing with because somebody ran his family
off the road. What the fuck was going on anyway? Had everybody lost
fucking minds?

I left later in the afternoon and
went to pick up her new vest and some other shit to make her happy. She was
vegged out in front of the TV with a box of tissues when I got back to the

“What the fuck? Why are you crying?” I dropped the bags and
went to her.

“The movie’s so sad.” I rolled
my eyes and picked her little ass up to sit her on my lap.

“Why do you people do this shit?
it some twisted shit in your brain or something?”


“Watch shit that makes you sad.”

“I don’t know, it feels good to cry sometimes. By the way,
thanks for giving me back my dad.”

“You’re welcome, but the first
time he gets on my damn nerves I’m kicking his ass.”

“No you’re not you big softie. Your
mom said I should invite him to Sunday dinner with the family.”

“Are you nuts? Can you imagine him and my dad at the same
table? That’s a nightmare waiting to happen.”

“It’ll be fine stop fussing.
Come on let’s go, it’s almost time to get ready. I hope you don’t mind but I
called some of my friends. It’s been a while since they’ve all been.”

“Shit, okay, but I have to do some work
related shit when I get there since someone had me on lockdown for the last
three days and I didn’t get to go by and make sure the place is still standing.”


Just what I
need, a bunch of teenyboppers and horny fucks in my place! She was all excited
and shit as she flitted around the room getting ready for her night out. There
was no sign of the demon spawn that had taken up residence in my house for the
past few days thank fuck.

“Babe here
before I forget.” I passed her the bag with her goodies. She got to squealing
and chattering in my ear before she was peppering my face with kisses. Instead
of the short vest like the one I’d got her before, I got her a longer one that
was a little more chic and a new tennis bracelet that she was all goggled eyed

“Oh Travis it’s beautiful.”

“Why the fuck are you crying
now?” I had to spend the next ten minutes soothing her while she blubbered into
my chest. At this rate we’d get to the club next week.

Chapter 10

We finally
made it out of the house and I was a little pissy because she wouldn’t let me
see what she was wearing. Her new vest was long enough that it came to her
knees, so whatever she had on under there was knee length or a little shorter.
My problem is with the way much shorter category, she knows I don’t let her
wear shit like that out in public, so I’m hoping she’s following orders.

The place was
already hopping when we arrived, she saw her crew and they started over towards
us and I was looking for the nearest fucking exit. Those little girls are
annoying as fuck when they get together in a gaggle.

“I’ll see you
in a minute babe I gotta go do some stuff.” I gave her a long hard kiss to tide
her over, while the freaks that were her friends cheered us on like we were at
a parade or some shit. “Later.”

I went to find my night manager before
checking on the shit that I’d left hanging. Things seemed to be going well
there so no worries. My guys were spread out around the bar; some of them had
brought their girls with them so it was more a time for hanging than work. They
deserved it after picking up the slack for me here lately. I wasn’t thinking
about Wayne and his shit, I figured I’d flush out that asshole from whatever
hole he was hiding in soon enough. So after I made sure that things were cool,
I went and sought out my girl. Maybe I’d dance with her a little if her fucking
idiot friends didn’t get on my damn nerves with their shit.


What the fuck? I found her holed up in a dark corner with some kid who
was way too close for comfort. I walked up and grabbed the fucker by his neck. "Kid,
are you seriously trying to fuck my woman in my club?"

"What, sir,
what, I wasn't...Lydia."

The little shit looked like
he'd shit himself. Lydia was rolling her eyes, which probably meant I was
overreacting, which is something she was constantly accusing me of doing.

"Lydia what the fuck?" I dropped him and stepped to her and
she didn’t even budge, fucking girl.

"Travis this is Chad, he's my friend from school and he wasn't
doing what you said, geez." Sometimes she acted her age and jolted the
fuck outta me. If she wasn't as young as she is I would've already spanked the
shit outta her for her smart ass mouth, the few swats I’d given her were
child’s play, merely love taps, since they didn’t change a damn thing. She
always went back to her shit anyway, fucking girl.

I couldn’t see me really letting her have it
though, as much shit as I talked, she’d had enough shit to deal with growing up
with the asshole. Then again, a good spanking might be just what she needed to
get her shit straight. I've spoilt her ass, so she thinks she can get away with
fuckery. But this was a no-no and she should know that shit.

"Watch it babe; now what the fuck is going on?"

She pointed across the room to a leggy blonde who was hanging out with
a group of teens. She’d turned my place into a fucking teen scene on Thursday
nights. I had to grease a lot of palms to pull that shift off. Had to have a
separate room and everything away from the bar
why I didn't see her holed up in the corner with the douche until now, I'd been
on the other side of the club.

"That's Marcia Cooper, I'm giving Chad pointers on how to approach
her about prom."

Shit, not this shit again;
my guys were already snickering about this prom shit, ordering me baby blue
tuxedos and shit, because my girl had discussed it with the sisters, and
apparently, I was obligated to take her to the fucking prom. Or like she said,
she'd ask her best friend Caleb. Over my dead fucking body that over grown ape
was taking my woman anywhere, I'd break his fucking neck first. With all the
other shit that was going down, I’d forgotten all about it and I still didn’t
know how I was
get out of it.

"What the fuck; you don't know how to
talk to a girl?
fuck outta here." He slinked
away after looking at Lydia like I'd kicked him; I give a fuck. I don't care
what she said, there's no way she could convince me the little shit wasn't
trying to get into her pants.

"As for you, next time I see you all huddled up with some fucker
you're gonna get it." There she goes with the eye roll again.

"Travis, how
many times must I tell you? Every guy in the state of Washington is not trying
to get into my pants? Besides it doesn't matter if they are, I'm all

"Damn straight, lets go to my office I want to show you

"Shoot, everybody's gonna know what you're showing me."

"Not to worry
stuff your underwear in your mouth."

"Good luck with that I'm not wearing any." Damn that means
she was all done with that period shit for real.

I looked down at her bare legs in the mini leather skirt; we were secluded
enough for me to get away with what I did next. I ran my hand up her leg until
I reached her heat, and entered her with two fingers. “Give me your tongue
baby.” I sucked on her tongue, inhaling her moans as I fingered her to orgasm. “Lets
go.” I licked her juices from my palm as I dragged her with the other towards
the stairs that led to my office upstairs.

“By the way I’m tossing the skirt as soon as
we get home.” I lifted it around her waist as I pushed her back against the
desk with my tongue halfway down her throat. I started fingering her again as
she opened her legs wider, I had to rub my cock into her side for some relief.
“Turn around.”

I helped her turn with her back to me and placed one of her legs up on
the desk with the other planted firmly on the floor. Kneeling behind her I
licked her already wet pussy. It had been way too long since I’d had her taste
on my tongue. “Ooh Travis.”

I teased her with soft licks and nibbles, while I released my cock and
stroked it to fullness.

I squeezed her
fat pussy lips together with my thumb and forefinger, trapping her clit, while
I sent my tongue on a nice long foray into and around her juicing slit. She reached
back and pulled the fuck out of my hair and begged me to fuck her, in that
sweet as fuck voice of hers, but I wasn't ready yet. I wanted her out of
fucking control when I finally climbed into the saddle. I wasn’t gonna think
about the fact that seeing her holed up in that corner made me want to go all
caveman on her ass. Innocent or not that shit had set me the fuck off.

While I was
back there I fucked around with her ass with my fingers, she’s not quite ready
for me to ass fuck her with my monster, but the way I feel right now, she just
might get it. Balls deep and no lube! With my tongue in her pussy and my thumb
in her ass, I worked her over until she was a blubbering mess. Her pussy juice
was running down my chin by the time I stood up behind her. I pushed her head
farther down on the desk and slammed into her pussy making her scream.


She looked
over her shoulder at me with her mouth hanging open. I guess she was finally
getting that I was a little pissed off. I held her eyes as I fucked into her
without mercy; with one hand on her hip holding her in place I pulled her hair
back hard with the other until I had her mouth. We tongue wrestled for a minute
before I bit her and won. Her pussy clenched around me from the pain and she
flooded my cock. My hot little bitch was starved. I let her cum twice more
before pulling out and teasing her ass with the tip of my cock.


“Quiet.” I ignored the touch of
fear in her voice as I eased into her puckered asshole, that hand in her hair
tightened and I brought her head back so our eyes could meet. I got the first
two inches in her and then it was smooth sailing. “I ever see you doing that
shit again you’re in serious shit you hear me?” She started to answer but it
was cut off by the scream that left her throat when I slammed all the way into
her ass.

I didn’t let
that deter me as I stroked in and out of her and added a few smacks to her ass
for good measure. Reaching around I stuffed three fingers in her pussy. That
seemed to take her mind off the pain in her ass and she was soon moving against
my hand, which she flooded two minutes later. Pulling out I sprayed her lower
back with cum while she writhed and moaned in the throes of her last orgasm.

I pulled her around the desk to sit
on my lap when she was done cooing. She snuggled into my neck. “Travis that was

“Tough shit, first the skirt
that you knew I wouldn’t like and then your little stunt downstairs, you deserve
it.” She pouted and jumped off my lap to go into the little bathroom to clean
up. She wasn’t walking too straight, I noticed; serves her little ass right.

When she came
out I had one more thing for her. Pulling her into my arms, I sucked the skin
of her neck into my mouth and marked her for
all the
world to see. She rubbed herself against me, still in heat. “No more for you
until we get home, let’s go see what’s going on downstairs.”

Chapter 11

We had made it
to about the third step when I heard the ruckus over the loud music. I stopped
short and pushed her back behind me while I tried to make out what was going

“Go back to
the office baby and don’t come out until I come and get you.” Of course she
started to cry because she was scared, so I had to spend another
minutes reassuring her. I walked her back up myself
and kissed her before locking her in.

I made my way
slowly down the stairs, keeping to the wall. I could barely make out the
warbled words of the idiot downstairs, who seemed to be holding the place
hostage. “Where is he, get him out here now or she gets it.”

“I told you,
he’s not here.” That was Scottie. I couldn’t see what was going on, but from
the direction, it sounded like they were in front of the bar. I had a fleeting
thought for the kids that were down there and hoped to fuck they had made it
out the other door.

“I know he’s
here I saw his bike outside, now get him out here. I’m through fucking around
now you hear?” There was a yell of pain, probably from the ‘she’ that he said
get it.

By this time
I’d made it down the stairs where everyone was standing around in fright. I
didn’t take my eyes off of the asshole as I tried to process the situation. The
good thing is that he was alone in the middle of the room with the woman who he
had around the neck. Everyone else was keeping
distance, hugging the wall.

My boys had
seen me but they knew not to give that shit away, I wasn’t sure about the
patrons though, so I had to move fast before this asshole hurt someone. I was
pretty sure from his slurred words that he was high on something, like he
needed any help being even more of a fuck up than he already was.

I got into
place a good twenty feet behind him. “Hey asshole.” He turned and I fired. The
woman he’d been holding ran screaming to some guy on the wall and I walked over
to Potter who was writhing around on the floor holding his shoulder.

“Turn that
fucking music off.” The manager went to take care of that while people started
heading for the exits. “Everyone I’m sorry about this, those of you who choose
to stay can have free drinks on the house for the rest of the night if you’d
like.” I’m a businessman after all, can’t afford to lose customers because
Wayne is an asshole.

The exodus
came to a standstill and people skirted around us to get to the bar and back to
what the fuck they were doing before their lives were interrupted. “Take him
around back, I’ll be right there.” A couple of my boys picked him up and headed
for the backdoor, while I went over to a few of the regulars to have a chat and
do damage control.

The kids had
stayed on their side apparently, and I could hear them chattering away
excitedly like they thought this was a movie set or some shit.

After I was
sure that things were cool I had the music turned back on before heading up the
stairs. She flew off the couch and right into my arms. “I heard a gunshot are
you okay?” She searched me for holes and I pulled her into my chest.

“I’m fine
everything’s good. Come on, I’ve got something to take care of so why don’t you
go hang with your friends until I’m done?”

I took her
down and left her with her girls after putting a couple of my guys on guard
duty. I’m sure if Wayne’s boys had been here they would’ve been seen or heard
from already, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

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