Rough Riders (4 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Rough Riders
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She gave me her number after a little added
pressure; though I could already tell that she was more than a little
interested. It was only as I was putting the shit in my phone that a disturbing
thought struck me. Fuck, I was standing in a schoolyard picking up a chick.

“How old are you Lydia?” I looked down at
her, holding my breath for the answer. If she was underage I was so fucked, I
knew in my gut that she was going to be a part of my life, a part of me. But if
I had to wait, it would probably kill me; already I could feel the pull of
attraction. And knowing me, there’s no way I would ignore it. But if she turned
out to be too young, I’d have to readjust some shit.

“Eighteen, I just turned eighteen a few weeks
ago.” Thank fuck; I would hate to be one of those dicks
takes advantage of an underage girl. I studied her for a moment, trying to
decide on my next move. I can’t say that I’ve ever dated anyone so young
before, not since my high school days at least, and with my family being who
they are and her dad being who he is, it was a fucked up mess anyway you looked
at it.

“You said before that you know who I am, how do you know me?”

“Everybody knows you, at least the females do.” I glanced over to her
little group of friends and saw that their attention was focused solely on us.

Some of the guys didn’t look too jazzed that we were talking; shit, my
competition were high school kids.

“You sure you don’t have a man over there, that one with the Mohawk is
eyeing me pretty hard.” She looked back over her shoulder and turned back with
a frown.

“No, I told you, my dad wouldn’t let me. That’s just my best friend

“I have a sister, I’m pretty sure that shit wouldn’t stop her.” Like I
gave a shit, she was already mine no matter what obstacles stood in my way. A
beauty like hers didn’t come along everyday, and that shit would be wasted on
anyone else but me.

“No, no boyfriend.”

“Well you’ve got one now. “ I dropped that little bombshell in her lap
but didn’t give her any time to react before carrying on. “So here’s how it’s
going to be. I have some serious shit to do right now, but when I’m finished
taking care of that you and I are
get together
and talk over some things. Since you don’t have a man for me to get rid of,
then your dad might be the only problem. If you know about me then you know my
reputation, which means your old man being the chief isn’t going to be too
pleased about us being together, not to mention the fact that I’m eight years
older than you. We’ll deal with that as it comes. In the meantime, stay away
from that kid Sam, he’s bad news.”

“You been smoking any weed lately Lydia?” Her eyes widened and she
looked at me like I had two heads.

“Are you kidding me, my dad’s like a blood hound, I think he’d know if
I even thought of smoking a joint.”

“Okay then that’s good; like I said, I have
some shit that needs my attention, but once that’s squared it’s you and me. Do
you understand what I’m saying?” She shrugged her shoulders and bit into that
plump bottom lip again.

“I think so, you’re…you’re asking me out on a
date.” She peeked up at me from under her lashes and I kid you not, my cock
jumped and leaked in my jeans. She has the most amazing fucking eyes I’ve ever
seen on a woman. I laughed at her answer before running my finger down her baby
soft cheek.

“No Lydia, I’m not asking you out on a date,
I don’t do the dating thing. Simply put, I’m going to claim you. Don’t let that
scare you, it’s all good I promise.” Her body had trembled at my words.

call you later around seven, be sure to answer; don’t make me come looking for
you unless you want your dad to know about me.” She gave me her little blush
again and pulled her hair forward. The sight of all that hair gave me ideas. I
could already see myself fisting that shit while I fucked her hard from behind.
Poor little Lydia, she had no idea what she’d done by letting me get a look at

want to kiss you so fucking bad right now, but that’ll have to wait; too many
eyes.” She gave me my first smile then and I knew I was a fucking goner. She’d
thunder bolted my ass; my dad will be so pleased to know the legend lives on.

Chapter 6

That was then, since that day we’ve been
through the drama of sneaking around behind her old man’s back, her idea not
mine. She swore he would never let her see me otherwise. I went along with it
because she seemed petrified to do anything else, but I wasn’t planning on
hiding for long. I’m too grown for that shit, and besides she was eighteen,
legal in all fifty states.

It had taken her two weeks to get use to me,
and the idea of us. Some nights when he thought she was over at one of her
girlfriends for a sleepover, she was really with me. And the more time I spent
with her, the more I wanted. I was playing it cool, not wanting to scare her
off, but my dick was putting me through the ringer. One look at her ass in
those jeans she was so fond of, and the poor girl was teetering on the brink of
being taken before she was ready.

To keep her safe and give her time, sometimes
I took her to one of my places for dinner and sometimes we ate in, but only on
those nights I was sure I wouldn’t pounce. We spent those two weeks getting to
know each other. I’d learned that for all her sweet shyness, she was stubborn
as fuck. I also realized that if I was going to have anything resembling a
relationship with her, this sneaking around shit wasn’t going to work.

It left a bad taste in my mouth, but she was
adamantly set against telling her dad. In the end, it didn’t matter because he
found out anyway.

Now here we are, she was living with me and
going to school. Since I’d been the one to take her away from her home and
there was now a rift between her and the only family she had, I felt even more
protective of her.

She was spoilt as fuck, because I wanted
her to have everything she wanted, nothing was ever too much for her, and my
girl wasn’t shy about her wants and needs.

After years of living with a strict
father who didn’t find it necessary to lavish her with the things all young
girls wanted, or needed, she was like a kid in a candy store and it made me
happy to make her happy, so it was a win


I’d taken her virginity the first night she’d
moved in, she was still petrified of her dad coming after her and dragging her
back and couldn’t seem to settle down.

hadn’t exactly planned for anything to happen that night, but I’d started
kissing her on the couch to take her mind off of what was going on, and her
taste was so unbelievable, that I’d wanted more, so I took it.

wasn’t surprised to find her a virgin after everything she’d told me about her
father and the way he’d raised her, but I had been in no way prepared for the
way it made me feel to breech her for the first time. To know that I was the
first one to have her, and I’d vowed then and there that I would be the only

“Mine, you’re mine, you’ll always be mine.”

Those were the words I’d growled at her while my body had claimed hers
for the first time. And ever since then she’s had me by the balls.


I was in and out all day. On top of all the
other bullshit on my plate, I have two new businesses that are close to my
heart, a tattoo parlor, and a bike shop. My boy Colt builds custom bikes and I
sell some of them in my shop, and lately those shits have been flying off the
showroom floor. My boy was making his mark after years of putting in hard work.

We’ve been close since we were teens and
getting into trouble, though we were from neighboring towns, we still found
time to hang every once in a while. He’d had some trouble a year or so ago and
I’d helped him set some shit up to take care of it. Now it seems he was at it
again. Like me, he was always grumbling that he’d never seen so much trouble
until his lady came into his life. I can relate.

have to remember to call dad later about the favor he had asked me about last
night. Colt was settling down now, a married fucking man trying to walk the
straight and narrow, that shit was funny as hell. I think maybe with this new
development I just might take a ride out his way, besides I hadn’t gone to see
him and his new family in a while, and the holidays were coming. I
get the new baby some shit. Lydia would love that, she
and Kat were tight and she is a baby fanatic. That made me think of putting one
in her, but she wanted to go to college and shit.

Nothing wrong with that, she’s a smart
one, so if she wants to go to school to be a vet I won’t stand in her way. We’d
already checked into schools nearby where she could do that shit, because she
wasn’t going anywhere. Selfish I know, but I don’t give a fuck. No way I’m
letting my woman go across the country away from me, she’s lucky I even let her
out the house as it is.

was in my shop going over the books when my phone went off. Dad calling; I
wonder what he wanted this time of the day? Probably calling to bust my chops
about some shit, which was one of his favorite pastimes.



“Travis you burn down the
Potter dealership?”

Fucker’s always in my business.

“I’m hearing
rumblings, you know nothing goes on around here I don’t know about. What the
little fuck

“He put hands on

“He did what?” He
barked into the phone and I had to pull it away from my ear. This is why I
hadn’t told him shit.



“Why wasn’t he in
that shit when you torched it? I didn’t hear about any bodies.”

“I took care of it.”

still breathing?”


“I’ll take care of

“Dad I said I got it.”

“Somebody put hands on your mother he’d be so fucked.”

“I’m trying to do
things a little different.”

“What the fuck for?
I say go with what works.”

“I need a favor dad.” Better get him off the scent or he’d go messing
in my shit, bloodthirsty fucker. I didn’t want Wayne dead, not yet anyway. I
had too many things going on at once and it was never a good thing, no matter
how much power you wielded, to have too many fires burning at once.

I still had to deal with Slim and his shit
first, and then clean up the mess he’d made. Wayne will be dealt with in due
time, but not just yet. Besides, it was too close to me fucking him up, and
that might get tongues wagging; nothing more dangerous than wagging tongues in
a small town.

“Speak to me son.”

“My boy Colt got a
little situation he needs taken care of.” I told him about the problem Colton
was having with the chick in the hospital. “We need to find out who the fuck
she is.”

“Bring me what you
got I like that kid. He still married to that fox?”

“Yes he is, and if
he hears you talking about his wife he’d probably cap your ass.”

“Nah, if I even
looked at a woman like that your mother would have my balls, fucking woman. So
what’re we doing about the Potters, these fucks have been a thorn in my side
for too fucking long.”

“Stay out of it old
man and let me do my thing my way.” He mumbled some shit before hanging up in
my ear.


After getting off the phone with dad I
checked my watch, not much time had gone by but I still had a lot of shit I
needed to get done before my pain in the ass was due to be picked up from
school. I had to shake my head, because the girl keeps me on my toes. That
first day, I would never have imagined that she would give me more trouble than
all my enemies combined. At least with them I could just cap a motherfucker and
be done with it. Now I’m on my way to finalize my shit and hope that for the
next six hours or so that her little ass was in school, she’d stay out of

Fuck, I grew up with a father who was the
head of the local faction in this part of the state, whose arm and power had
spread even farther since I was a kid, and I’d never gotten up to as much shit
as the chief’s daughter. My girl is a fucking trouble magnet.

Of course my father loves the fuck out of
her, she’s his type of daughter he says. The two of them have these crazy fuck
conversations about politics and shit that didn’t mean shit to anyone else, but
those two could go at it for hours.

My little sister, who was all of thirteen, thought
she was her new playmate or some shit, and my sister in law Gillian was trying
her best to turn her into as big a bitch as she is. Like I don’t have enough to
deal with
her shit already, that one’s teaching
her how to make me old before my time.

Everything is Gillian said this and Gillian
said that, and my mother the ringleader, just oversees shit and runs
everybody’s lives. At least she had family now, I’d given her mine, and as soon
as she was finished high school I planned to make that shit official.

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