Rough Play (20 page)

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Authors: Keri Ford

Tags: #Erotica

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While they were a challenge, they weren’t the hardest part of writing this book. It was the slight overlapping of timelines with the first book in the series,
Rough Ride
, where Lane and Gretchen have their romance. That absolutely was not in the plans, but once Flora and Jacob met, there was no stopping either of those two from their romance.

I’m really excited and also a little sad that I’m now finishing the last book in the series,
Rough Tumble
. Trent and Tonya both have secrets, quirks, and drive in them I hadn’t been expecting. But then, as these two are going to learn, the surprises are just half the fun.

Rough Tumble

The Roughnecks (book 3)

Available November 2012


Tonya grabbed the fruit mountain, tried pulling at it but it tipped and tilted. The base was plywood that had been covered in some frilly girl shit to look pretty and there was no way she’d get her arms around it.

“Shit.” Trent ran through the pounding rain to her side. “This is stupid.”

“Do you know how hard it is to cut up fruit like this?” Her hair was flat to her face. Rain poured over, dripped off her pouty red lips, off her chin,
down to the low cut of her dress and that’s as far as he could see for the mound of pineapple diced up in a watermelon. She twisted the bottom board around, tugged the edge to the side of the table. “Get the other side.”

He didn’t wait or try arguing. With Tonya, it would be pointless and they were already drenched anyway. Rain poured down the back of his neck, soaked down his shirt under his coat and they stepped under the overhang of the back patio.

Laughter rang out of her voice and she glanced back at what was left of the wedding reception. “Is anything left?”

“Cheap wedding mints.”

Her eyes lit up and he shook his head. “I’ll buy you thirty bags of those things if you want them. Don’t even think about going back.”

She stuck her tongue out and maneuvered with the fruit tray. “I’m going, I’m going. The rain would have them mushy by now anyway.”

He walked backwards, guiding them through the turns and into the kitchen. Water dripped off the sides. Grapes dropped as they moved. He slid the edge on the kitchen counter next to the table and reached for a rag. “Still don’t think it was worth it.”

She moaned and he glanced up to find her chewing on something. Her eyes were closed. Lips turned up in a smile. “So worth it.”

He blinked and pulled in much needed air that had been robbed from his chest by watching her. Common problem. Nothing he couldn’t continue handling. He cleared the lump out of his throat that he was used to as well. “Until you get a look at yourself. I’ve seen drowned cats look better.”

She threw a grape at him. “Ha ha ha.”

She walked around the side, out from behind the pile of fruit and he suddenly saw the appeal of getting soaked for the fruit. She shouldn’t have done that. He should stop looking at her too. But he couldn’t stop. The white dress was plastered against her. Every last inch of her on display through the thin thing. Pert berry color nipples. Dark hair at the part of her thighs.

He closed his eyes, wishing he could forget. As much as he tried, it was no use. Nothing he could do, the image was stuck. He dropped his coat off his shoulders and handed it out to her.

“Thanks, but I’m not cold. And I’m going to need my arms free to bag all this food up.”

He peeked back at her as she was leaned over the fruit tray, this time her side to him. Her arm was up and there was no missing the curve of her breast. The shape of her ass rounding out and tucking back in. No panties that he could tell. No bra either. He cleared his throat. “Tonya.”

“It’s just water. And it’s not cold. They cut the air way down low today since so many would be in and out and there was a nice breeze.” She looked up from the fruit mountain and shoved a piece of pineapple past her pouty, full, kissable lips.

He kept the jacket out and waved in her direction. “I can see you.”

She frowned.

Flora walked in, unfolding towels and laughed. “Nice ass, Tonya.”

She turned. “What?”

And that’s when Jacob walked in, turned around and walked back out. “Holy shit.”

She finally dropped her gaze. Shoulders lifted to her ears. Arms came up and covered her chest. She looked back at him, eased closer with her hand angled out and took his jacket. Finally.

Even with her covered in his coat, the ends of it reaching to her knees, the sight was still stamped all over him. He walked out of the room and followed in the direction of his brother.

Unfortunate that Tonya’s naked body followed him in his mind. Even more unfortunate that she was planning to marry someone else.

About Keri Ford

Keri Ford was raised in South Arkansas on a farm surrounded by family, horses, cows, donkeys, ostriches, emus, chickens, ducks, Canadian Geese, and enough dogs one would think they were a pound…and then she bought a
when she was twenty-two. She doesn’t recall the fantastic sex tip that drew her to the magazine, but she vividly remembers reading an excerpt of Christina’s Skye’s
Code Name: Princess
. One elevator scene and quick thought of,
I didn’t know people wrote stuff like this…
and her life would never be the same.


[email protected]

Other Books by Keri Ford

Uninhibited in Apple Trail, Arkansas

Through The Wall

On The Fence

In The Hay

Making Her Nights

Satisfying Her Tastes

Chasing Her Trail

The Roughnecks

Rough Ride

Rough Play

Coming Soon

Rough Tumble

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