Rough Play (14 page)

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Authors: Keri Ford

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Rough Play
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All she knew was what she could have in her hands. And right now, he was in her hands, waiting, open and ready for her, in this moment. It was the best she had and she was taking it, even though half of her said she better get her ass out of this pool and run like hell in the opposite direction.

The muscles wrapping his arms and shoulders were flexed and she turned into him and kissed him. Left open mouth kisses from his shoulder to the sway of his neck. A thick swallow moved down his throat, one that passed under her lips. Arms holding her, he pushed away from the wall at the deep end and kicked, pulling her atop him, with him to the shallow end.

His slow moving kicks grazed against her legs as they floated across the top, lips locked on one another until he stood and cradled her against his chest. “You okay with this?”

She held tighter to his neck, crossed her ankles. “Definitely.”

“This isn’t going to be something fast, like you usually like it.”

She bit at her lip. Darting from the pool hadn’t become more appealing over having him. Because right now, at this moment, there was nothing more she craved than his ever so gentle and patient touch. “I’m okay with it.”

“Are you sure? We’re at your house. You’re not going to be able to escape like last time.”

With a full breath, she nodded. “I’m ready for whatever you can give out.”

He rubbed a thumb across her cheek and lifted her out of the water, carrying her across the patio. “It’s fine. I just want you to know. Otherwise I’m going to go.”


He laid her down on a padded lounge chair. “I’ve come to realize that one thing you’ve never had is a lot of pampering.”

“Pampering?” She was confused, but not enough she couldn’t smile.

“Mm-hm.” He grabbed the pad off the chair next to them and knelt on it at her side. He braced an arm along the chair and was able to stroke her hair as he leaned over. “The way I figure it, you’ve mostly been treated like shit and left on your own. That changes tonight.”

She started to tell him no, but he had that look in his eyes. The dark, seductive one. “Okay.”

He curled hair around her ear. “Are you sure? I can leave.”

The thought of him leaving sent a sour knot to the pit of her belly. “I want you to stay.”

With a nod, he grabbed another cushion, tossed it on the ground next to the other and lowered her on them. “Wait here.”

She smiled. “You want me somewhere else, you’ll have to carry me.”

He tapped her nose. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

And then he was up, across the pool and digging in his jeans. In seconds he was back, a foil packet dropped on the ground next them before he stretched out alongside her. There was no complaining watching him walk around poolside, stark naked, the only light coming from the bright moon overhead. Now that he was next to her again, this was right where she wanted him.

Hovering over. All that power and strength vibrating out of him and right at her fingertips. She closed her eyes as he lowered and just let go of everything but this moment. Just gave it all up to a blank mind of nothing but her and Jacob leaning over, his lips pressing to hers and igniting a heat in her body. The way he made her feel. The speed he forced her pulse to beat.

He leaned across her, his weight sinking atop her and she wrapped her arms around his neck to welcome the pressure. His lips stayed over hers for that make out session he’d mentioned doing at the movies. He kissed and she kissed back. No rushing or hurrying, just simple enjoyment.

Any lasting, tiny thoughts concerning running away melted or were pushed away by the swipe of his tongue across her lips. He kissed her long and slow. His fingers cupped her cheeks. Breath swept against her face and his strong heart pounded next to hers.

Warmth filled low in her pelvis and spread through her body, especially in her chest. It was a good kind of heat. Felt so good. A full body hug.

He shifted completely between her thighs. His hips pressed to hers. His length against her belly. She rocked under him, needing just a little bit more while trying not to rush this moment. She wanted to savor the scrape of his prickled jaw against her neck. Have time to enjoy the shake of his fingers caressing her shoulders and arms.

There was no mistaking the slight tremble through his shoulders. She rubbed him there. Took time to learn the turns of his back, the dip of his spine and the prickly hairline against his neck. Places and spots she hadn’t really studied on him before. It was nice. His hand caressed up and down her arm. Fingertips just barely grazed the side of her breast and caused a tightening pull on her nipples.

Air caught in her throat as she waited. Anxious for more, but wanting to absorb it all. Remember each touch and stroke and lick of his tongue as he moved closer and closer to her chest. Oh so close with his mouth and now his fingers but not quite there.

And then finally the pads of his fingers just barely glided across her tight nipples. Enough to make her catch her breath. Not enough to soothe the ball of nerves strung tight. She was left clinging and needing and his mouth sucked her in and broke apart the ball of want twisted up in her skin. She cried out as he pulled her in and palmed her other breast, squeezed her nipple between his fingers.

There was nothing she could do to stop it. She needed a little more so badly and the strong base of his cock rested against her pelvis. As he sucked her nipple once again, she curved her hips up and pleasure shuddered through her veins. Then he went and stopped his movements on her breast and held still as she again lifted against him. A groan rumbled out of him that was deep and had to have come from his tightened abs.

He pushed up and rested on his elbows, forcing the lower half of him firmer against her. He smiled and traced the shell of her ear. “You have no patience.”

She laughed. “You’re just a sexy beast and making it hard.”

He chuckled. “Hard to argue with that.”

The laughter ended in her throat and she traced the muscled lines of his chest as he sat up over her. Followed the lines of his tattoo across his chest and to the single letter ‘I’ standing for his last name on his bicep. Chills bumped his skin and he shivered.

“I think the problem is, you have me pinned down and I can just feel.”

A single brow lifted. “Uh-huh.”

“So, it’s hard to just lay here and wait with you touching me like you are and I can hardly touch back.”

He shook his head, grabbed her by the hips and rolled. A squeak slipped out and she ended up across the top of him. His hands cupped her bare ass and he grinned as big as a man can. “Unlimited access, baby.”

She went back to the tattoo. For weeks she’d seen it. Glanced at it briefly, but this time, she traced it. “What does it mean?”

He flashed a wide grin. “That I’m a badass because I have a tattoo.”

She laughed. “You and thousands of teenage girls with butterfly tramp-stamps.”

He pinched her rear. “Someone is a comedian tonight.”

She touched the ink again. “You still didn’t tell me.”

He glanced at the black design. “I don’t know. I just liked it. Trent doodles when he gets bored. He was doing this design on a napkin at a bar one night. I’d just been moved up to
on the rig I was working. It was just a good night. Nothing really special, I guess.”

“It’s neat.” She leaned over and kissed the edges of the swirling design that covered part of his chest and shoulder. It wasn’t large, or tacky. It was…pretty, but masculine too. His hands stroked along her sides and she took her time kissing across his chest, licking each nipple. Every touch made him catch his breath. Each shifting movement caused his cock to flex against her thigh.

His hand quit stroking and instead cupped her hips. Fingers squeezed into her sides as she leaned over, kissed his sternum and down his abs, going somewhere she hadn’t on him.

“Flora.” Her name tore off his lips as she scooted backward on her knees.

She glanced up and found him staring back. “You said slow.”

“What you’re headed for is the opposite of keeping things slow.”

She smiled but continued on. “No worries. I’ll just tease you long enough to drive you crazy, but that’s all you’ll get. Slow is the name of the game.”

A low chuckle hummed from his throat. “Can’t wait.”

And she didn’t make him wait either. Silky liquid beaded over his tip and she licked it. A harsh breath tore from him with her tongue. Oh yes. For weeks she’d been at the mercy of his attentions, but never had she really gotten to explore him.

Never had she even taken time to explore, but tonight was different.

His length bobbed in her hand and she was anxious to learn his fit as she pulled him inside her mouth. A rewarding hiss slipped passed his lips. She tightened her grip around him, pressed her tongue against the thick base and took him to the back of her throat, out and then back again.

His thighs bunched under her. Hands worked in her hair as she licked and teased. His ass squeezed and breath gasped out into the quiet night air until her name squeaked past his lips.

“Flora,” he managed again.

A smile pulled at her lips, but she didn’t release him. Not yet. She glanced up, her gaze found his and he stilled for a moment. So did she. No more than a second passed before a thick swallow moved down his corded throat and his thighs tightened further. She sucked him in her mouth, pulled out, watching him, unable to look away from the way his eyes glazed over. How his jaw clenched.

Her breath picked up a little more. Heart beat a little faster.

His ass clenched, thighs squeezed. “This is about to end if you don’t stop right now.”

But she didn’t. She took him a little further, sucked a little harder and released him. His hardness jutted up, firm, strong, wet from her mouth. He muttered a low curse as he fumbled with the condom.

She ripped it out of his hands with a clearing of her throat. The lump wasn’t from the act, but from watching him. Seeing his reaction and liking it. Wanting to give more because of it and liking that part too. But she couldn’t say that. That’s not what they were about. Not to mention, she sounded crazy enough in her head. No need to voice it and make it worse. “Someone is all thumbs.”

There was no laughter. Only dark eyes, warm body and slightly shaking hands on her hips. She covered him and gave them both what they wanted, needed. Sitting over him, he reached deep and she rode slow. Even so, it didn’t last. Not long and her breath matched the pace of his.

His hands tugged at her hips, urging a faster pace. She was about to call him out on his patience, but then he pressed his thumb to the front of her and all else was gone. She settled down over him. Before a breath could even fill her, his arms wrapped around her and a moan slid from her throat without warning.

Just a soft, easy, happy contentment for a moment and she completely relaxed in his arms. She couldn’t say how long she’d laid there across his chest. The temperature dropped and a chill blanketed over her slightly damp hair. The moon had lowered closer to the fence line, too. Deep breaths lifted and lowered his chest. Flora angled up to find him sound asleep, even with the secure hug he held on her.

A smile that started in her chest rose up and tugged her lips as she traced his jaw. “Jacob.”

He hummed a non-answer response.

“It’s getting late. And kind of cold.”

He sucked in a deep breath, stretched beneath her and just like that, all that soft coziness of him stirred to firm muscles coming awake and eyes blinking dazedly. “I’m awake.”

She left an easy kiss on his lips and pushed to standing, as much as her muscles rejected it. Even as she got to her feet, her knees weakened and wanted to fall back over him as he was laid out bare before her.

Thankfully he pushed to standing and took the thought away. Not that she wanted him any less, and when he stretched his arms over head and all the muscles in his arms, chest and abs flexed.
Oh my

She cleared her throat and knew to get this man out of her house before she dragged him off to her bed. “Uh, thanks for dinner.”

He shook his head with a chuckle and swept her off her feet. “Where’s the bedroom?”

“You don’t…it’s late….”

“I remember someone saying I was going to have to carry you.”

“I didn’t mean this!” But she wrapped her hands around his shoulders anyway. So what was the big problem? He’d carry her to bed. And then probably leave. Or they’d do it again, which really wasn’t so bad of a deal either. She directed him to her room.

As he reached the side of her bed, she realized they smelled like a swimming pool, but who cared? Sheets could be washed.

He put her down and slid into the bed with her and warmth threaded through her all over again. From the bed and the covers. More so from him. Oh, yes. Good idea. He wrapped up around her and…got still.

His breath was easy and slow on her shoulder. Hands tucked her against him. “Jacob?”


“What are you doing?”

“Warming you up. You said you were cold. I’ll go in just a minute. How big of a shit would I be if I left you cold and you got sick?”

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