Rosalie's Player (7 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Rosalie's Player
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“I fuckin’ love you that way.” He pushed his fingers into her sensitive opening through her panties. “You’re so wet. I can feel it. I can’t wait to put my mouth on your slick, smooth pussy. Would you like that?”

“Umm...yeah.” Did he really have to ask?

“I’ll let you come all over my tongue if you’re a good girl.” He kissed his way back up her throat and to her mouth. “Will you be a good girl and do everything I ask?”

“Anything.” She rocked into his fingers. “Everything you want.”

“Give me the keycard,” he whispered.

She put the card in his hand as he kissed her again.

He released her from his hold and opened the door. Taking his hand, she tried to lead him into the room, but he stopped and handed her the key.

“I had a fantastic evening.” He kissed her cheek. “I hope you sleep well tonight.”

“You’re not coming in?” What was she missing? “I thought...”

“That I would
you to sleep with me tonight?”

“Well, not ‘expect’, but you said you wanted to take me to my room.”

“I wasn’t going to let you walk up here alone.” He traced her lips with his fingertips. “That would have been rude.”

“You’re really not coming in.”

“Don’t look disappointed.” He kissed her softly on the lips, lingering at the corner of her mouth for a second. “I told you I don’t want you disappointed on our first date. I don’t ever want you disappointed.” He stepped back into the hallway. “Good night, princess. I’ll see you soon.”

“Night.” She leaned against the doorframe in disbelief as he strolled down the long hallway, the sting of his kiss still fresh on her lips as she watched him disappear onto the elevator.

What the hell just happened?

* * * *

Holt hurried into the locker room, dropping his bag down by his feet as he fumbled with the locker. He didn’t sleep much the night before. Every time he tried to shut down, visions of Rosalie flooded his thoughts. How smooth her skin was, the way her lips tasted, how she pulled him in with her unique eyes, and the look on her face when he told her he wasn’t staying.

That little stunt took every ounce of control he had. His dick had been hard for the next three hours. He finally had to take care of business himself in order to relax. It had been years since he’d had to take matters into his own hand, so to speak. Women were always at the ready, but now he was only interested in one girl. The girl he left standing in the doorway, willing to give into his every whim. All he had to do was step inside her suite. Not yet. She’d made him crazy when she turned him down. Now, because he asked her on one date, things were somehow different? She was ready to spread those long legs of hers.
Not so fast, princess.
If things went his way, she would forget about all those silly love stories she put so much stock in. He’d make her see that his way was much more satisfying.

“You’re late,” Nic said as Holt opened his locker.

“By two minutes.”

“Five minutes, and you know the rules.”

“I’m here now, so relax.” Nic was a fierce leader. He’d been on the team the longest and was named captain two seasons ago. He looked after all the guys and kept them in line, but lately Holt got the sense Nic didn’t like him. “I got held up at the gate. Two kids wanted my autograph.”

“How was your date last night?”

“My date?”

“Anton’s?” Nic didn’t look amused. “I wouldn’t have pegged you for a guy who takes a girl to a place like that.”

“There’s a first time for everything.” Everyone knew Holt didn’t date.

“What are you up to?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Holt shut the locker and put on his cap.

“I know your reputation. You don’t date. You fuck.”

“Since when are you interested in my sex life?”

“Since you started taking an interest in Rosalie.”

“That’s what this is about?”

“Don’t screw with her. She’s not like the girls who hang around us looking for a good time. She has ideas and expectations.”

Don’t I know it!
“Look, you don’t have to worry. It was one date. I didn’t spend the night with her.”

Nic clenched his fists by his sides.

“I mean, I didn’t even go into her hotel room. We had dinner. That’s it.”

“You better not be playing with her. Whatever you’re after, go find someone else to do it with. Rosalie isn’t your type.”

“I get you look after her. I think that’s cool.” Just what Holt needed, an overprotective big brother type breathing down his neck. “I’m getting to know her. She’s told me how she expects things. You’re right, she’s not my type, but...I don’t know, I had a good time last night.” That was the truth. “She’s sweet.”

“Then we’re cool.”

“Yeah?” That was easy.

“Rosalie’s a big girl. I trust her. It’s you I have the trouble with. But if she’s laid it all out there for you and you’re still hanging around, then I’ll leave it between the two of you.”

“Thanks, man.”

“Don’t screw it up.” Nic stared at him. “If you do, all bets are off.”

“Fair warning.”

“Come on.” Nic grinned, reducing the tension between them. “Let’s get this team meeting started.”

Holt followed Nic to go meet up with the rest of the team. He thought it was interesting that Rosalie had someone like Cordova looking out for her. Hell, she even had Ryder wrapped around her little finger. There was no denying she wasn’t the same as the other girls he was used to. She proved that when he couldn’t shake her from his thoughts all night. He had to keep telling himself she was just a girl. Nothing special. Just like any other chick in any other city. A dime a dozen.

Yeah, right.

Chapter 6


Rosalie peered out of the window of the cottage when she saw headlights shining through. Holt pulled up in the coolest car she’d ever seen. It was a brand new, black Porsche. As much as he touted that he didn’t live off his trust fund, there was no way his first year salary could provide him with that luxury.

He headed up the porch steps with a pizza and a six-pack in his hands. She opened the door before he could knock.

“Hey.” He smiled as he held up the pie. “Hungry?”

“I don’t know many pizza delivery guys who pull up in a ride like that.” She glanced over his shoulder. “Congratulations on the new car.”

“A present from my parents.” He shrugged as he came inside, his gaze taking in her attire. She had just showered and slipped on a tank top and a pair of tiny cotton shorts. He looked satisfied. “My father probably had to buy something significant before the tax man came after him.”

“It’s pretty awesome.”

“I’ll take you for a ride sometime. When you have more clothes on.”

“I can go get changed if my lack of clothes distracts you.”

“You stay just the way you are.” He leaned down and kissed her. Even without the use of his hands, it was a freakin’ sexy kiss. “I like it.”

“I thought so.” She motioned toward the kitchen. “What brings you here?”

“I was hungry.”

“Oh.” She laughed. “Okay.”

“I mean, I grabbed a pizza and since I was out, I thought maybe you’d like to eat with me.” He was much more casual than the other night. Back to his tight-fitting jeans and t-shirt that accentuated his shoulders and biceps. She couldn’t stop thinking about him hovering over her and holding her down. She hadn’t had a successful night sleep since their encounter at the hotel.

“Sure.” She pulled two plates from the cabinet before getting a bottle of water from the fridge as he placed the pizza on the counter. “Do you want a glass?”

“Nope.” He popped open his beer and took a long sip. “I’m good.”

“You’re home for a few days now.”

“Ten.” He pulled the pizza apart and put it on the plates. “Plenty of time to get to know you.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Why you answer the door in those skimpy clothes?” He glanced at her breasts. “Not that I’m complaining, but I don’t think I’d like it if someone else came calling.”

“You do make it a habit of showing up when I’m getting ready for bed, so...”

They sat down next to one another at the island in the center of the kitchen.

“Maybe I do that on purpose.” Biting into his pizza, he licked the sauce from his lip, making her squirm in her chair. “I like taking you by surprise.”

“You’re good at that.” She’d been totally surprised when he left her standing in her hotel room, waiting, wanting, and wet. “I was extremely shocked on Saturday night.”

“You didn’t like our date?”

“The date was perfect, but it was the ending you need to work on.”

“Hmm...” He finished his first slice before she even started hers. “I thought you wanted me to go slow.”

“I don’t think I ever said that.”

“Slow can be good.” His lips curved into a crooked smile. “That way you feel everything, savor every touch, kiss, lick.”

“You’re a charmer.”

“I never said I wasn’t a dirty, sex-crazed animal.”

“Where was he on Saturday night?” Her boldness shocked her. Now that the tables were reversed and he wasn’t pursuing her as hard as he had a few days ago, she didn’t like it. She wanted to be the object of his every desire.

“You’re confusing me, princess.” He took another slice from the box. “Eat.” He pointed at her plate. “While it’s still hot.”

“Why are you confused?” She took a bite of her slice, noticing he didn’t take his gaze away from her mouth.

“I tried the sex route with you. Three times, and to be honest, I never have to try more than once.”

“Why did you with me?”

“You shot me down.” He stared into her eyes. “No one ever shoots me down. I didn’t like it.”

“You’re not used to women who have some respect for themselves?”

“Just because women sleep with me on the first time doesn’t mean they don’t respect themselves. It just means they know we’re going to have a good time. There are no strings attached and no one gets disappointed when the sun comes up.”

“You’re saying every girl you sleep with knows it will never go any further than the bedroom?”

“Pretty much.” He finished his beer. “I don’t play games. I’m up-front with what I want. You know that. I told you back in January how I wanted it. I gave you the option to walk away and you took it.”

“That doesn’t happen often?”

“Never.” He laughed as he opened another bottle. “You definitely threw me a curve ball.”

“Isn’t that something?”

“It really is, sweetheart.” He swigged his beer. “I’ve never been this frustrated before.”

“We could change that.” She slipped off her chair and moved to stand between his legs. “I get who you are now.”

“Do you?” He set his drink on the counter and placed his hands on her backside. “Because I don’t think you can get me.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m not the type of guy girls like you get.” He looked down, and she wondered what he was thinking. “I’m the guy you have a good time with. The one who has the stamina to keep it up all night.” When he looked back up, he was grinning. “Does that interest you?”

Hell yeah!
“Maybe.” She leaned into his face. “You didn’t kiss me tonight.”

“No, I didn’t.” He squeezed her backside. “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to since we aren’t on an official date or anything.” He nuzzled her neck. “I’m trying to play by your rules.”

“I think they’re your rules.” She held onto his shoulders as he kissed his way to her chin. “I’m not sure what game you’re playing.”

“No games.” He slid a hand up her back and tangled it in her hair. “You don’t like games.”

“That’s not true.”

“What kind of games do you like?” He tightened his hold on her hair. “I’d be interested to know.”

“If you take me to my bedroom, I’ll tell you.” She didn’t want him to hold back anymore. “I know what I said before, but I’ve changed my mind. I want to have sex with you.”

“I never doubted that.” He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her hard, his stubble grazing along her jaw. “It’s all the other stuff you’ll expect after the sex that I’m having trouble with.”

“Why did you bother taking me on a date if you didn’t think this could go any further?” She threw her head back when he caressed her stomach, working his way to her breasts. “What do you want from me?”

“I want inside these tiny panties.” He slipped his hand down her shorts. “You’ve known that all along.”

“You seem to be inside them already.”

“You know what I mean.” He kissed his way to her ear. Her breathing quickened when he swirled his tongue over her earlobe. “When I finally get inside them, you’ll know what I want and how I want it.”

“Show me, now.”

“Trust me.” He leaned back in the chair, releasing his hold on her and getting a good, long look at her. “I’m not used to turning women like you down.” He stood and motioned toward the living room. “Let’s go watch the highlights from tonight’s game. I want to study the batters so when I have to pitch against them I’ll know the weak spots.”

“You want to watch TV?”

“Yeah.” He picked up his beer and tossed another slice of pizza on his plate. “Bring your plate.”

“You’re awfully bossy.” She grabbed her food and followed him into the other room.

“But you’re doing what I asked.”

“You’re not giving me much of a choice.”

“If you want me to go...” He turned and stared her down as he challenged her with his eyes. “I’ll go.”

You should go.
“No.” She sighed because he was winning this round. “You did bring pizza.”

“I did.” He patted the spot next to him after he sat. “Come here.”

“I’ll sit over here, bossy.” She chose the chair across from him. “No need to complicate anything.”

If he was going to play hard to get, she’d show him how competitive she could be.

* * * *

Holt sat at the bar, waiting for his beer. He’d had a tough night of pitching, giving up the lead in the third inning. The Crushers never regained the advantage. He’d done something he’d never let happen before when he stepped out on that mound. He’d lost concentration. He knew why. That little minx had him all stirred up and thinking about what was under those tiny dresses of hers. He had to get laid, and fast, if he wanted to get his head back in the game.

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