Rosalie's Player (5 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Rosalie's Player
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“Are you going to let me in?”

She held up her finger, indicating she’d be right there. She was young and sexually frustrated, and had a hot baseball player knocking on her door at bedtime. If that wasn’t the stuff dreams were made of... Maybe it was time to rewrite the fairytale she’d played out in her head so many times. Maybe some fantasies were meant to be a bit more R-rated. Who better to fulfill that dream than one very experienced player?

She smiled when she opened the door. “Holt. What are you doing here?”

“Um...” He ran his palm along his chin as he took in her appearance. “I expected you to have more clothes on.”


“I just didn’t think you’d be almost naked when you answered the door.” He held up his hand. “Not that I’m complaining, because you’re seriously smokin’, but you’re not going to make this easy, are you?”

“What are you talking about?” she asked. He appeared out of sorts, not at all the confident, panty-chasing guy she’d gotten used to.

“Can I come in?”

“Of course.” She stepped out of the way so he could enter. “I thought you’d be at the bar.”

“I would have been, but Ryder said you were staying home tonight.” He looked around the foyer, probably remembering the last time they were there together. “I wanted to see you.”

What’s he up to?
“Do you want to come in and sit down?” She pointed to the living room. “I just made popcorn.”

“Sure.” He followed her into the other room and took a seat on the couch with her. “How come you didn’t go to the bar tonight?”

“I wanted to get settled in here. I’ve been unpacking all day. I just took a bath.”

“Then I’m late.” When he smirked, she wanted to come back with something witty, but her mind was too cluttered with thoughts of him naked and in the hot, steamy water with her.

“I decided to relax with a book.”

“A romance novel.” He picked the novel off the table and perused the back cover. “Sounds mushy.”

“That’s the point.” She giggled. “I like mushy.”

“So you’ve told me.”

“But you haven’t told me why you’re here.” When she leaned back and pulled her knees into her chest, she caught him staring at her backside. “I’m sure you have more interesting things to do tonight.”

“Not nearly as interesting as you.” He winked, his innuendo didn’t escape her.

“You want to do me?” She arched a brow. “That’s why you’re here?”

“You already know I do.” He tapped the tip of her nose. “But that’s not why I’m here.”

“It isn’t?”


“No.” She placed the popcorn bowl in her lap. “I’m not.”

“I was thinking about what you said this morning.” He reached into the bowl and grabbed some of her snack. The ceramic container was the only barrier between his hand and her... “I’m never gonna be some prince who does noble things in the name of romance.”

“You’ve made that real clear.”

“But maybe I’ve been going about things the wrong way with you.” He tossed some popcorn into his mouth. “You’re not going to respond to my crass ‘I need to fuck you’ side. You’re not that kind of girl.”

That’s not true. I could be with you.

“You’re going to require something else. A concept completely unfamiliar to me, but I’d be willing to try.”

“Try what?”

“A more traditional method.” He took a piece of popcorn from the bowl and pressed it between her lips. “Would you like to go on a date with me?” He leaned forward and pushed the kernel into her mouth with his tongue. A cool charge radiated through her as he licked the seam of her lips. “That’s where the foreign concept part comes in.” He kissed her, softer than he had earlier that day. “I like the way you taste.”

When he took the bowl and placed it on the table, she inched closer to him. He gripped her waist and pulled her into his lap.
Here it comes
, she thought. Would she fight him off or give in and let him have what he wanted?

“What do you say, princess?” He swiped his lips across hers. “Will you go out with me?”

She wrapped her arms around his neck as she straddled his lap. The temptation of being that close to him was too strong. She couldn’t help herself. “I think it’s too late to go out tonight.”

“I was thinking when we’re in New York in a few days.” He slipped his fingers under her tank top and rubbed her sides. “I have to pitch Friday, so Saturday would be better. The Crushers have a three o’clock game, so we can have a late dinner.”

“It sounds like you’ve thought this through.” She was impressed. “I’ll go out with you.”

“I was hoping you’d say that.” He kissed a light path from her jaw to her lips, eliciting tiny goosebumps all over her skin. “I’ll text you when I get to New York and we’ll set it up.”

“Okay.” She pressed her lips to his. “I can’t wait.”

“I better get going.”

“You’re leaving?”

“Yes.” He took her face between his hands. “You want me to do things the right way. You remember what happened the last time I was here. I tore your panties right off.” He licked her bottom lip. “I may have come on too strong.”

“A little.” She touched his lips with her fingertips. “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it.”

“Maybe we’ll discuss what you do like during our date.” He smirked. “For now, I’m gonna have to settle for a goodnight kiss.”

“Just one kiss?” She traced her finger over his lips.

“Just one.” Darting his tongue out, he licked the tip of her finger before moving his mouth to hers. “I wouldn’t want to do anything inappropriate.”

“Inappropriate might be good.”

“Too late, princess.” He sucked on her bottom lip, and little shock pulses coursed through her. “You didn’t want sex, remember? I tried.” He squeezed her hips and pushed her down, over his erection. “You resisted.”

He thrust his pelvis up, showing her what she was missing. A low whimper escaped her when he tangled his fingers in her hair and guided her mouth to his. The warmth of his breath danced along her trembling lips.

“Now we’ll do things your way. Let’s see if you can handle that.”


“Shh,” he spoke against her jaw. “I’m not the one who’s going to be begging when I’m done.”

She shifted in his lap, waiting impatiently for his kiss.

“We’ll take this as slow as you need.” He kissed her jaw, working his way to her mouth. “Some things are worth the effort, and I have a feeling you’re one of those things.” Sprinkling slow kisses over her lips, he took his time, making her long for one of his heated, passion-fueled connections. “When I fuck you, it’s gonna be because you want it just as much as I do. No illusions and no games. Just the two of us and we’ll both be on the same page.”

“What does that mean?” She tried to steady her rapid breathing, but it was no use. Being close to him made her quiver with need.

“It means one of us is going to have to accept who the other one is.”

He crushed his lips to hers, hard and unforgiving. Tilting his head, he deepened their connection. Tightening his hold on her hair, he pulled her closer to him until her breasts were flush against his hard chest. He continued to rock his lower body into hers, making her wet with desire. The thin material of her shorts did nothing to conceal his excitement for her. When she slipped her hands under his t-shirt, his muscles flexed into her touch.

The urge to be one with him was overwhelming. Even more so than the first night in the foyer. She’d never wanted anyone the way she wanted him in that moment. He wanted her; that was evident. Was he challenging her to go for it?

“Holt.” She lowered her lips to his neck as she slid her hands down his delicious abs and to the buckle of his belt.

“Hold on.” He grabbed her wrists. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I thought we could...” Why was he stopping her? “Don’t you want me to?”

“Before our first date?” He shook his head as he held her gaze. “What kind of guy do you think I am?”

“You’re teasing me.”
“I thought you wanted this.” She motioned between them. “Sex.”

“I thought you wanted me to do things the right way.” He kissed her cheek as he lifted her off his lap and set her on the couch before standing. “I guess we’re going to have to see which way works.” He winked. “I already know which one I prefer.” He leaned down, took her face between his hands, and kissed her, more gentle this time, lingering at her lips. “Sleep well.”

“You don’t have to go.”

“Yeah, I do.” He stroked her cheek. “I’ll see you in New York.”

“But…” She let out a long, unsteady breath, but couldn’t argue. He was giving her what she’d asked for. “It’s a date.”

“Good girl.” He kissed her forehead before strolling out of the cottage, just as he had that cold night in January. Confident, sexy as hell, and totally sure he was going to get exactly what he wanted. Even she couldn’t deny that anymore.

* * * *

Holt waited at the bar in the posh Manhattan hotel lobby. New York City was an interesting place. So many people at every hour of the day moving at a fast pace. Where were they all rushing to? What was so important?

As he sipped his beer, he thought about the trips he used to take there when he was a kid with his parents. His father called them business trips, but when Holt was old enough to understand, he realized they were more than business. His father would take he and his mother to lunch, a show, or a baseball game. They had his undivided attention all day, but once dinner was over and they were back in their extravagant hotel suite that overlooked the city, his old man disappeared and didn’t come back until the early morning hours.

How his mother had put up with it for all those years Holt would never figure out. That was between them. Their marriage of convenience had lasted for over twenty-five years. Apparently something was working for them.

“Holt Clemson.” A long-haired blonde beauty with sparkling blue eyes and full breasts approached him. “I saw you pitch yesterday.”

“Did you?” He smiled as his gaze traveled over her body, eyeing her barely there blue dress. The material was thin enough for him to see her black bra and panties. The dress was at least two sizes too small for her. Even in the dim lighting of the bar, he could see she had gone overboard on the black eyeliner and dark red lipstick. Her perfume flowed between them, almost distorting the taste of his beer. “How’d I do?”

“Well, I’m a New Yorker, so I’d be a traitor if I said anything positive.”

“Smart.” He laughed because he was used to hometown fans giving him a hard time. “I respect that.”

“Do you mind if I sit with you?” She took the seat next to him. “I’m meeting some friends.”

“I won’t be here long.” He looked around the lobby. “I’m waiting for my date.”

“Date?” She smiled as if she didn’t believe him. “I’ve read the papers. You don’t date.”

“The papers don’t know everything.”

“My friends and I are hitting the clubs tonight. Why don’t you ditch your date and come out with us? You’ll be glad you did.” She inched closer to him. “We’d love to have a strong baseball player escorting us. Maybe you could get some of your boys to come along?”

That request would have been a no-brainer last weekend, but not tonight. He had bigger plans on his mind tonight. They didn’t include desperate women who wore tight dresses and way more makeup than necessary.

“I’m sorry, sugar, but I’m going to have to pass.”

“Are you sure?” She motioned toward the double doors that led to the lobby. “I have five hot girls over there just waiting to have a good time.”

“Looks like you girls will have no problem getting into some trouble all by yourselves.”

From behind the chesty blonde’s shoulder, he spied his prize. Rosalie stepped off the elevator and looked around, searching for him. She was already tempting him with those long, tanned, toned legs. Her feet were adorned with a high, light brown wedge heel, and her dress...
Holy hell.
A beige strapless dress that barely covered anything. But, unlike the girl sitting next to him, Rosalie displayed class and sophistication. Her fun and flirty appearance had his dick begging to break free. He hadn’t planned on being the one who would beg tonight.

“If you’ll excuse me.” He stood from the bar and made eye contact with his gray-eyed beauty. Her long, dark hair was curly tonight, fuller, sexier. “My girl is waiting for me.”

The blonde looked in Rosalie’s direction. “I can see why you wouldn’t want to bail on her.”

No man in his right mind would bail on her. “Have a good night.”

“This is why I root for New York,” she said as he walked toward Rosalie. “Those players know how to have a good time.”

“Hey.” He took Rosalie’s hand and pulled her to him, ignoring his new admirer. “You look amazing.”

“Who’s your friend?” Rosalie glanced at the bar.

“Occupational hazard, sweetheart. It happens everywhere I go.” He kissed her cheek, taking in her sweet berry scent. “I told her I was waiting for my date.” That was a first for him. “Do you still want to be my date?”

“I bought a new dress.”

“It’s stunning.”

“I hoped you would like it.”

“I love it.” He placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her to the elevators. “We’re eating on the top floor tonight.”

“At Anton’s?”

“You know it?” Of course she would. Her family came from money, and her sister had lived in New York City before moving to Kingston.

“I’ve eaten there with my parents. It’s fantastic, but how did you get reservations on such short notice? It usually takes us six months to get in there. My dad plans his trip to the city based on when he can dine there.”

“Sometimes, being a major league pitcher has its perks.” He pressed the button to the elevator that went to the highest level of the hotel. “Having a senator for a father doesn’t hurt either.”

“The view up there is incredible.” They stepped into the empty elevator. “It’s a great choice. I’m impressed.”

“I’m happy you’re pleased.” He hit the button to the top floor before pushing her against the far side of the elevator, caressing her neck. “Can I get a kiss?”

“You’re asking this time?” Her flirty laugh echoed through the tiny space. “I like when you just take what you want.”

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