Rosalie's Player (10 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade

BOOK: Rosalie's Player
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“You did more than that.” She handed him a mug of piping hot coffee. “I wasn’t sure how you took your coffee.”

“Black is fine.” He looked down at the spread. She’d made waffles with blueberries and strawberries. “Those are my favorite. How did you know?”

“Sage did a feature on you and you mentioned it.” She drizzled syrup over the waffles. “I hope they taste as good as your mom’s.”

“They look delicious.” He swiped a white substance from her cheek with his thumb, holding it up to show her. “Powdered sugar too?” He licked his thumb. “Are those pecans?”

“I tried to remember everything.”

“This is fantastic.” He cupped the side of her face and kissed her cute little nose. “Very thoughtful.”

“Eat before it gets cold.”

“Aren’t you going to eat with me?” He noticed there was only one plate. “Did you already eat?”

“I’m not a big breakfast girl.”

“You need your nourishment.” He dipped a strawberry in the syrup and pressed it to her lips. “We used an awful lot of energy last night. If you plan on doing that again tonight, you need to refuel.”

“Tonight?” When she bit into the strawberry his dick twitched. She licked the syrup from her lips before taking the rest of the fruit into her mouth. He had to settle down or he’d be making her take him in her mouth next.

“Ryder and I are having a thing tonight.”

“A thing?”

“Some of the guys from the team are coming over to play pool and hang in the hot tub. We don’t have a game tomorrow, so we’re taking advantage and having a late night.”

“You want me to come?”

“I’m asking you to.” He cut his waffles, wondering if he was doing something wrong. “Unless you have other plans. That’s cool too.”
No, it isn’t.

“I don’t.”

“Sweet.” The waffles practically melted in his mouth. He’d never admit this to his mother, but these were delicious. “Some of the guys are bringing girls. We’re gonna order pizza and drink beer. Unwind before we have to go back on the road.”

“Sounds like fun.”

“It’s always a good time.” He continued to devour his food. He hadn’t been this excited over breakfast in years.

“How are the waffles?”

“Woman, you’ve outdone yourself.” He finished his coffee. “They’re my new favorite.”

“Really?” She tucked her hair behind her ear, revealing her long, smooth neck to him.

“Just don’t tell my mama.” He winked. “Although, I have a feeling she’d just adore you.”

“Maybe I’ll get to meet her someday.”


He’d never taken a girl home to meet his mother. She’d probably faint if he did. She was always scolding him after he was photographed with a different woman in a new city. She kept telling him it was time to settle down and behave.

Yes, he was certain his mom would fall all over the girl who had gotten him to take her on a date and spend the night in her bed.

Chapter 8


Rosalie spent an hour trying to decide which bathing suit to wear to Holt’s party. Would he like the yellow string bikini or the teal one-piece? The bikini. Holt seemed like a bikini type of guy.

The timer on the oven beeped, indicating the chocolate chip cookies she had made were finished. She wanted to bring something with her tonight. She ran down to the kitchen and pulled the cookies out of the oven, placing the trays on top of the stove. They smelled incredible. If he was half as appreciative as he was over the waffles, she’d be a lucky girl.

She thought back to that morning. He kept saying he had to go, but the more he said he was leaving the longer he stayed, until finally, they made their way into the shower. Soapy, steamy fun with a dirty man was definitely an experience. One she hoped to repeat soon.


They stepped into the stall under the hot stream of water. He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck as he pressed his heated flesh against hers.

“I’m never late for a workout,” he mumbled against her skin. “You’re very hard to resist.”

“I’m glad you decided to stay.”

“Me too.”

He grabbed the body wash from the shelf and poured some into his hand. She arched her back when he glided his hands over her breasts, swirling his palms over her aroused nipples.

He moved his hands lower, massaging the soap into a full lather over her stomach. “This is why you always smell like berries.” He nipped at the side of her neck. “Why I always want to taste you.” He brushed his fingers over her hip and to her thigh. “You taste sweeter than anything I’ve ever experienced.”

Her eyes rolled back when she thought about the night before and the things he had done to her. The soap made his actions slippery as he moved around her body, taunting her, drawing out her pleasure. It was his touch she craved. After last night he’d ruined her for other men. There could only be him.


Her phone dinged with a text, pulling her from her sizzling daydream. When she glanced at the screen, her stomach, among other body parts, fluttered. Could a person die from being overstimulated? That would be a hell of a way to go. Death by a Holt orgasm.

How are you?

Horny as hell.

She giggled over her reply, then quickly deleted it. No need to inflate his ego any more than it already was.

She couldn’t resist, and it was true.


She snickered at his response.
Thanks for your concern.

So you’re not up for it again tonight?

I didn’t say that...

I have to suit up, but I was thinking about you and that shower... I want to do that again really soon.

It’s like you read my mind, slugger.

See you later, princess.

Looking forward to it.

* * * *

Holt refilled the cooler with ice and beer and carried it out to the porch. The music was blasting, the hot tub was crowded, and the second game of pool was in full force. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, including his princess. She had fit right in with some of the other girls, chatting about the team.

He hadn’t had much of a chance to be with her since he’d been entertaining and making sure his guests were fed. Now that they were settling down and mellowing out, he decided it was time to be alone with her. He grabbed two beers and headed in Rosalie’s direction. He’d noticed several of the guys stealing glances at her all night. She was the new girl, so people were curious. He’d given strict orders for his team to back off. He wasn’t into sharing, and he didn’t like anyone touching what was his.

How she had driven him to become so possessive he didn’t know, but now that he was with her, he wasn’t going to screw this up. When he joined her by the fire pit, she was laughing with Ally and Tina. They worked in the ticket office at the stadium and always managed to find an in to team parties. They’d had their fair share of Crushers over the past few seasons. He came up behind Rosalie and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“There you are.” He kissed her neck. “Having fun?”

“She’s a trip,” Ally said. “We’re gonna do a girls’ night next week.”

“What’s that mean?” Holt tightened his hold on Rosalie. Ally and Tina had been around a while and were always on the prowl.

“It means maybe we’ll go hang out at Bennet’s and pick up a few players.” Tina laughed. “Would you be up for that, Rosie?”

“Sounds like fun.” She giggled.

“Hey?” Holt wasn’t sure she should be hanging out with them. Thank God he hadn’t slept with either one of them or things would be awkward right now.

“I’m kidding.” Rosalie turned and smiled at him. “I have the only player I need.”

“Good answer.” He took her face between his hands and kissed her, relishing in her soft lips as he probed her mouth with his tongue.

“Don’t mind us.” Ally killed the moment. “We like to watch.”

Rosalie placed her hands on Holt’s chest, pushing him away. Her cheeks held a hue of red, but he didn’t care who saw him kissing her.

“Let’s go.” He wrapped his arm around her waist. “It’s too crowded here.”

“Where are we going?”

“I want to show you something.” He slung an oversized pool towel from the bench by the pit over his shoulder.

“I’ll bet you do,” Tina snickered. “Watch him, Rosalie. He’s a wild one.”

“I already know that.” Rosalie waved to the girls. “Text me.”

“We will,” Ally said. “Have fun.”

“Where are we going?” she asked again as he led her down the stone path.

“The lake.” He pointed to the lights at the end of the path. “See the gazebo?”

“It’s beautiful.”

“The landscaper takes care of it. His wife insisted we needed all of these white twinkling lights. Ryder agrees to anything.” He guided her up the two steps and into the wooden structure. “I don’t come here much, but I thought you might like it.”

He spread the towel down, placed the beers on the built-in bench, and extended his hand for her to sit with him.

“I love it out here. It’s private and peaceful.” She sat close to him, never letting go of his hand. “I’ve been waiting to be alone with you all night.”

“These parties are always more work than I think they’ll be. These guys can eat and drink, but I think Ryder has it under control.” He took a beer and popped it open. “You want some?”

“I’m good. I’m feeling those two daiquiris you made me earlier.”

“I just want you to have fun.” The chirp of crickets surrounded the lake as a warm breeze swept over them. Summer was in full force.

“Everyone is great.” She rested her head on his shoulder as she looked out at the water.

He glanced down at her, thinking how comfortable she was with him. How natural it was to have her close to him.

“The girls are friendly,” she said.

“Yeah, about that...”

“What?” She looked up at him. “You don’t want me to hang out with them?”

“Not a chance.”

“Is this you trying to take charge again?”

“Oh, I’m not
anything. I am taking charge. Tina and Ally go out for one reason and one reason only.” He took her chin between his fingers. “You already have that reason.”

“I do?”

“Yeah, you do.” He kissed her lips without releasing her from his hold. “More than you know.”

“I get it,” she whispered, and he appreciated that she didn’t push him. She let him be him without any conditions.

“You’re coming to Boston next week, right?” He didn’t think he could handle being away from her for four days.

“Yes. My parents are looking forward to having me and Sage home for a few days.”

“I guess you’ll be busy then.” He’d hoped to spend his downtime with her, exploring the city and checking out some of the sites.

“We’re meeting with my parents one night for dinner. You’re probably booked, but if you want to come with me...” She looked down at her lap, and he sensed the awkward tone in her voice.

“I’d have to check my schedule.” He wasn’t sure he was ready to do a family dinner.

“It’s no big deal. I just thought I’d ask. I didn’t think you’d commit or anything.”

“Why not?”

“Meeting parents doesn’t seem like your thing. That’s okay.”

“Can I get back to you?” Why was he finding it so hard to say no to her?


“What else will you be doing in Boston?” He smoothed her hair away from her face because he couldn’t resist touching her.

“I’m meeting up with some friends who I haven’t seen in a while.”

“Girls or guys?” Again with the possessiveness. But he couldn’t help it.

“Does it matter?” She smiled because she thought she was being cute. He really wanted to know who she’d be spending her time with when he was busy with the team. “I have several friends.”

“Don’t taunt me.”

“Can I get back to you?” she challenged.

“Touché.” Her fiery side fascinated him. “You’re a spunky one. I like when you test me. It makes things interesting.”

“Not used to a woman with her own mind?”

“I never cared if she had her own mind. I don’t usually talk this much.”

“I’m teaching you all sorts of new things.”

“That you are,” he agreed, because in a few short weeks she had changed his outlook on several of his ideas. “I’m hoping I taught you some new things last night too.”

“I’ll never tell.” She grinned before changing the subject. “I’m coming to the game you’re pitching in when you’re in Massachusetts.”

“You might distract me.”

“I’ll try to behave.” She wasn’t close enough, so he shifted her into his lap. “Although, my dad won’t be rooting for Kingston.”

“Really? Not even with Nic on the team? The fans love him in Boston, even if he doesn’t play for their hometown.”

“My dad wasn’t always a fan of his.”

“Why not? Everybody loves Nic.” He was often voted the most charismatic player. In polls, he was always top among the crowds. On fan appreciation day Nic’s lines for pictures and autographs were always the longest.

“It’s a long story, but they’ve found common ground now.”

“I’m guessing he doesn’t want his beautiful, intelligent daughters falling for baseball players.” He finished his beer and set it on the ground next to him. “Smart man.”

“Too late.” She rolled her eyes.

“Have you fallen for me?” He lay her down on the towel and moved on top of her, curious for her answer.

“It must be that southern allure of yours.”

“It has to do with the things I do to you.” He unwrapped her bathing suit cover-up, spreading it apart to reveal her lower half. “You’ve been thinking about it all day. Haven’t you?”

“Once or twice.” She bit the bottom corner of her lip, trying to keep her cool, but he knew what she wanted.

“You’re not being honest.” He maneuvered his hand inside her bottoms, pressing his thumb to her slit. “Are you?”

“Maybe it was more like three or four.” She squirmed when he fingered her. “Eight or ten.”

“That’s more like it.” He kissed her neck. “I’ve thought about it at least twenty times.”

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