Room to Breathe (14 page)

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Authors: Nicole Brightman

BOOK: Room to Breathe
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Chapter 20

I have spent most of the day in the library curled up in my favorite chair in the whole place with a new book in the southern vampire series I love so much. You think girls would learn, if you date a vampire, at some point he is going to try and eat you, and not in the good way. Eric is sitting opposite me reading a book of his own. His choice is much more refined. He is reading
The Great Gatsby
. It has been nice to spend a few hours just relaxing with him. I am so grateful that he has a day of down time.

I look up from my book to steal a glance at him. He is in jeans again this time with a white t-shirt. As breathtaking as he is in a suit his body does amazing things to a t-shirt. I can feel the space between my legs start to throb at the thought of taking that t-shirt off of him and running my hands over his sculpted abs and chest. His hair is slightly messy from him running his hands through it mindlessly while he reads. I am lost in thoughts of touching every inch of him when I realize he is looking at me smiling. My cheeks flush hot and I smile back.

“How’s the book?” He asks putting his own down.

“Oh, it is good. I was just thinking.”

“Thinking about what?” He asks rising his eyebrows.

“Um, the party this weekend,” I lie. “What is going on each day again?” He raises his eyebrows even farther. I know he isn’t buying it but he goes along anyways.

“Well let’s see. Friday most people will be arriving in the late afternoon to evening. We will have drinks in the parlor so everyone can meet. Then during the day Saturday different groups of people will be doing different things. You will be free at that time to do whatever you please. The idea is to give people one on one time to get to know each other better. Then that night will be the big soirée. There will be dinner and dancing. Lots of people coming in from all over for Saturday night.

“How many people are coming?” The manor is large but there is only so much space.

“Oh, probably close to a hundred. It is to celebrate the house being finished too. I haven’t had any kind of party out here before. I think most people will just be here for the party but some are probably staying somewhere nearby. I am sure you will have a great time.”

“I think so. There is just one thing though,” I bite my bottom lip nervously. “I don’t know about the dancing part. I know how to drop it like it’s hot but something tells me this isn’t the kind of dancing you are talking about.”

“Drop what?” He asks with a wide grin.

“You know like dancing at a club,” I smile back at him.

“Oh! No, this is ballroom dancing. It is a chance for each couple to see how each other behave at a formal event. A large part of the reason that most benefactors need a charge is to accompany them to events.”

“Well then I am just going to have to skip it. I haven’t a clue how to ballroom dance.”

“Oh, come one you must at least know how to waltz?” He asks with raised eyebrows.

“Nope, I have seen it on that show with the celebrities dancing but I have never tried it.”

“Here stand up,” he says placing his book on the table between us. “Come on, stand up.” He places my book on top of his. Then he pulls me to standing. He walks over to the command center for the room. He presses the display a few times changing the song and increasing the volume. I recognize the song at once. It is ‘Hey Jude’ by the Beatles.

“Come here,” he says guiding me by the hand to open space of floor. He pulls me into a traditional hold for a waltz. “Now just relax and follow me.”

“How am I supposed to follow you when I can’t see your feet?”

“Oh good god. You really haven’t ever danced properly have you?”


“Okay, take a deep breath and relax. Good. Now just trust me to lead you.”

Eric always makes me feel relaxed so that part isn’t hard; but the trusting is. We start to move in time with the music.

“Ouch!” Eric yells as I step on his toe.


“It is okay. Honey, just trust me,” He says as he leans forward to kiss my forehead. “Close your eyes.”

I do as he asks. We start to move again to the music. Somehow with my eyes closed this is much easier. My body is completely in tune to his. I am listening to the music and for a moment I forget I am dancing. He is way too good at this. Just when I think I can go join a competition the song comes to an end. I open my eyes to see Eric look down at me. He has almost a sad expression on his face.

“Are you okay? Was I that terrible?” I ask.

“I am fine, better than fine really. And no, you were wonderful. Once you stopped overthinking it.” He smiles and takes my face in his hands. “Cora, I think I…”

“Oh, sorry to interrupt,” Dean says walking through the door.
Are you freaking kidding me? Now. He has to walk in right now?
I want to ask Eric what he was going to say but I know the moment is gone.

“What is it?” Eric asks shaking his head a little.

“I was just heading up to get ready for dinner but wanted to check if you needed me to do anything fist,” Dean says shifting his feet.

“No, that should be good for the day, thank you,” Eric responds a little irritable.

“Okay. I’ll just go then,” Dean practically runs from the room.

“I suppose we should head up too,” I pout.

“What’s wrong?” Eric questions running his thumb across my bottom lip.

“I just have been really enjoying being alone with you. Isn’t there a way we can skip dinner with everyone else?”

“Not really honey. Come on. I will walk you to your room,” he says ushering me towards the door.

I have him walk in front of me when we reach the staircase. He is even perfect from this angle too. I want to reach out and just grab a hold of his ass. My body is still all tingly after being so close to him in the library. If he wanted to throw me down and have his way with me right here on the stairs I wouldn’t stop him. I sigh deeply as we reach the top of the steps and approach my room. I really don’t want to sit through another dinner with everyone. That really is the only down side to being here. I am just about to try to weasel out of dinner as Eric moves to open my door. He smiles at me, opens the door, and then steps to the side to let me enter first.

To my surprise the room is lit by dozens of candles spread around the room. There is a small table set with a white table cloth and a small bouquet of white roses. There are two place settings with sliver-domed entrées and a bottle of white wine chilling. I am in complete awe. No one has ever done anything like this for me before. I am overwhelmed and in shock.

“Oh Eric,” is all I can manage to say.

“So, does that mean you like it?” he asks, taking my arm and leading me further into the room. “Because if not I can have them clear it away and we can go down with everyone else.” He says with a slight smirk.

“Don’t you dare! This is lovely! Thank you so much,” I say, really grateful. “When did you arrange all of this?”

“Last night. I wanted to take advantage of the little bit of time we would have together before the manor starts filling up. I am glad you are so pleased,” he responds with a smile. He is clearly proud of himself.

“It is perfect,” I say as he guides me into my chair. He can say whatever he wants about the nature of our relationship. Guys don’t do things like this for just some girl they are just having fun with.

He lifts the lid off of our entrées and reveals salmon and green beans with slivered almonds. “Do you know this is my favorite?” I ask in further shock.

“Yes, I do,” He smiles placing the domes on a cart next to the table.

“Did I tell you that?”

“No, you didn’t and I am not going to tell you how I know so stop with the questions.” He winks and reaches for the wine. He pours us both a glass. I catch the label and it is again my favorite. I am beginning to think he has my room bugged.

“That is delicious,” I say taking a drink. “Do you have a hidden camera in here? Or my lap top bugged?”

“No, neither,” he says laughing slightly.

The food is wonderful and cooked exactly as I like it. I am amazed that he would do all of this. I consider letting my guard down and telling him how I feel. Before I can say anything my fear stops the words from leaving my mouth.

“What time is Tristan coming?” I ask instead.

“Some time in the afternoon I would think. He doesn’t usually wake up until after ten and it is a bit of a drive.” He frowns slightly at the mention of his friend. Eric pours me my second glass of wine. “Are you finished?” he asks, pointing at my plate.

“Yes, I am. That was wonderful,” I respond as he takes my plate from in front of me. He then takes my already empty wine glass and puts them both on the cart.

“I have one final little surprise,” he smiles as he sets another domed plate in front of me. He lifts the lid to revel strawberries and whipped cream. I don’t know whether to laugh or hide under the table. I look up at him and shake my head. He opens a bottle of champagne like a professional and returns to his seat.

“I am pretty sure I swore off eating strawberries and whipped cream in front of anyone ever again,” I say narrowing my eyes.

“Well, I have already witnessed you with them before so therefore your rule can’t apply to me.”

“Oh is that how it works?” I ask, sipping the champagne.

“Oh come on, just a little bit,” he suggests. I give an exaggerated roll of my eyes. I pick up one of the strawberries and run it through the whipped cream. Then I very slowly lick the whipped cream and take a small bite of the strawberry. The whole time Eric is watching me like it is the most interesting thing he has ever seen.

“There. Happy?” I smile at him.

“Almost,” he says with a half-smile. He reaches across the table and scoops a little whipped cream on his index finger. He holds it out for me. I lean forward and lick it off his finger tip.

“Good God,” he exhales. “I don’t know what it is about that glorious pink tongue of yours but it seriously makes me crazy.”

“It does?” I smile tilting my head to the side innocently.

“You know it does.”

“Hmm, well then if that drives you crazy I wonder what this will do,” I say getting out of my chair. I move around the table and kneel next him. He moves his chair back to give me room to fit between his legs. I unfasten his jeans and he helps me slide them down his hips. I can see his growing erection pushing against his boxer briefs. He tilts my chin up with his hand and kisses me deeply. His tongue is dancing in my mouth with my own. I lower my hand and gently rub at his increasingly hard cock.

“Oh, honey,” He whispers against my mouth. I pull back from him to lower his boxer briefs. He again helps me until they are at his knees with his jeans. I take his large cock in my hand and gently stroke it. I lean forward and run my tongue from the base to the tip on the underside. I flick at head gently with the tip of my tongue while my hand continues to work at the base. He closes his eyes and leans his head back.

I take his cock in my mouth until I can feel it hit the back of my throat. “Mmm, Cora,” he says running his hand through my hair. I start to move my mouth up and down his cock, gently sucking. I move my hand in time with my mouth as I increase my pace.

“You need to stop,” he says. I ignore him and continue. “No honey, please stop,” he asks again this time gently pushing me away.

“Oh god Cora, you are amazing at that but I need to be inside you now,” he says, kicking the clothing off the lower half of his body. He stands and takes off his shirt.

I am still on my knees in front of a very naked Eric. His slightly tanned skin is golden in the candle light as the flames dance over every inch of his defined toned body. He looks like a god and I am some mere mortal at his feet. He lifts me up by arms and pulls my shirt off over my head tossing it to the side. Eric reaches behind me unfastening my bra and tosses it with my shirt.

I start to pull my leggings and panties down but he pulls my hands away and removes them for me. “It isn't polite to unwrap someone else's present,” he smiles at me. Eric takes a step back looking me over. “Oh Cora, you are so fucking beautiful. Do you have any idea how incredible you look right now?”

“I doubt I look that great,” I say smiling off his compliment.

“You must be joking. This light makes your hair look like spun gold,” he says reaching to run his fingers through it. “And your fair skin almost glows,” he runs the back of his hand down my arm. “And your eyes,” he takes my face in his hands as he steps close to me, “your eyes are sparkling like the most beautiful blue diamonds. You look like an angel.” He kisses my waiting lips softly and my whole body gives in to him.

“I may look like an angel but I have no intention of acting like one,” I say pulling him into my kiss. He returns my affections with intense passion. As he kisses me it feels like we are almost floating. It is just the two of us alone in a sea of golden light.

He lifts me into his arms effortlessly. I bury my head in the crook of his neck as he carries me to the bed. He lays me down and moves on top of me in one motion. He kisses my mouth briefly before moving down to my neck and to my collar bone. He kisses down between my breasts before turning his attention to each one.

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