Room to Breathe (10 page)

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Authors: Nicole Brightman

BOOK: Room to Breathe
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Chapter 14

“Leggings and a sweater work?” I ask since he has a suit on again.

“Well I prefer you in nothing but your idea is probably more appropriate,” he says as he slides his slacks on and reaches for his shirt.

I grab a pair of plum colored leggings and pull on a cream colored sweater over a matching tank. I smooth my hair into a low ponytail and apply a lite covering of lip gloss. I slip on a pair of ballet flats and turn to face Eric.

He is wearing his shirt with the sleeves unbuttoned and rolled up with a buttoned up vest that matches his slacks. His hair is still a little bit of a mess from my hands being in it. For a moment I am not sure there is a surprise in the world worth leaving this room for.

Just when I am about to attack him, Eric takes my hand and steers me toward the door. I can’t believe this is the first time I have left the room in over twenty-four hours. We reach the bottom of the stairs and head towards the front parlor. As Eric reaches for the door handle the door swings inward. A very pretty petite red head steps out of the room giggling and carrying a dress bag.

“Oh, hi! I am Claire you must be Cora. It is so nice to meet you,” she says in a bubbly voice. Her accent is thicker than Eric’s and not as polished. She looks directly at Eric and an understanding seems to pass between them. “I really need to go take care of things in my room. I’ll see you at dinner.” She smiles and heads up the stairs. I really want to ask Eric more about her but now is clearly not the right time.

“Cora! I am so happy to see you again!” Miranda says as she pulls me into the room by my hand. She looks as beautiful in her black pant suit and her long black hair in a ballerina bun. The room is set up like it was last time only with a lot more racks covered in clothing. Most of the clothing looks to be dresses. “So, Eric tells me you need the full treatment. So let’s start with some day clothes over here.”

“What do you mean ‘the full treatment’?” I ask looking at Eric.

“Well, you are going to need clothing for different occasions if you are going to stay here. We have a match-up weekend coming up soon and there is a formal ball as well. So, I asked Miranda to come and get you outfitted as a gift to you,” Eric answers with a satisfied look. He clearly thinks he has just given me a wonderful treat and he has. I mean what woman doesn’t love new clothing and shoes?

“Oh, Eric are you sure you want to do this? I am sure I have something that will work.”

“Absolutely, I know this is a different lifestyle than you are used to and I want you to be comfortable. Honestly, have fun and pick out what you need, no limit,” he says as he kisses me sweetly on the forehead. How could I not be falling for this man? In the past few hours he has driven all the way to my cousin’s pub and endured Maggie’s temper for me and now he is offering me an in-home shopping spree.

“Okay, Miranda let’s have at it,” I smile at her.

“I am going to be sitting over here working if you don’t mind. I am a little behind after being distracted for the past two days,” he says as winks at me and walks over to same chair he sat in the other day.

I let Miranda pull me further into the room. We stop in front of a rack full of black cocktail dresses. Miranda quickly pulls three down and after a moment grabs a fourth.

“Every woman should have a killer LBD. Here let’s start with these,” she says as she carries the dress behind a set of screens set up in the corner of the room. I try on the first two and hate them right away. I try on the third and I don’t hate or love it. I step out from behind the screen for a second opinion.

“It is good but not great,” Miranda comments barely glancing at me.

“What are you talking about?” Eric asks furrowing his brow. He is sitting in a chair off to the side sipping a glass of what looks like scotch with his iPad resting in his lap. “She looks beautiful.”

“She’s pretty so she is going to look pretty in a lot, but I think we can do better. Here, give me that last one back and try this,” Miranda takes the dress I didn’t try yet and hands me a dress with a very 1940’s vibe.

Before I even have it on all the way I know this is perfect. This time when I step out for them to see I get a very different reaction. Miranda claps once and squeals a little.

“Okay, well Miranda likes it. What do you think Eric?”

“I think I am giving Miranda a raise. You look stunning and I really want to carry you up the stairs again,” he says with a wink.

The next hour progresses much in the same way. Miranda insists that I need dresses for luncheons and dinners. She also thinks I need shoes and handbags to go with everything. Who am I to argue with the very nice lady? Eric spends most of the time pouring over his iPad. He looks up every now and then to give his opinion. His comments are getting more and more enticing.

“Alright,” Miranda exclaims after I am sure I have enough clothing for a small town, “all we have left is a dress for the gala that is coming up.”

“What kind of dress do I need for that?” I ask looking from her to Eric.

“It is a formal ball. You will need something much more formal than the other dresses,” Eric responds still looking at his tablet.

“Oh, the match making weekend. So soon?” I respond trying to hide the emotions trying to burst through. Eric must have heard some trace of them because he puts the tablet down and looks directly at me.

“Not for you. It is much too soon for that, I think. Unless, you are tired of me,” he raises his eyebrows imploring me. I shake my head “no”. “Good. It is for Claire and Brad.”

“Okay, so what did you have in mind?” I turn to Miranda who has been standing by silent for the first time today.

“This one,” she smiles holding up a black dress bag. “I’ll help you in to it.”

“Honey,” Eric calls from the other side of the screen. “I really need to look into something in my office. Come in there when you are done here.” I hear the door click closed behind him.

“Good. This really should be a surprise for that night,” Miranda winks. She unzips the bag and pulls out a gorgeous light pink dress covered in sparkles. She holds the dress and helps me step into it. It is long reaching all the way to the floor. It is completely backless with a cowl back. The neckline is a high and there is a slit that comes just above mid-thigh. Miranda grabs a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes for me to wear. The heels are high enough that the length of the dress is now perfect. She steps to the side and motions for me to have a look. I step in front of the mirror and can’t believe how good this looks.

“See how this fabric hugs every one of your curves? I knew it would look perfect on you! Cora, you are going to have men passing out when you walk into that room! I can’t wait to see it!”

“You’re going to be there too?” I am so glad there will be at least one friendly face.

“Yes, but just the one night. Don’t worry. Eric will take one look at you like this and you won’t be going anywhere until you want to.”

“Oh, I, um, it isn’t that I don’t want to, I, um,” I stammer. Damn! Was I that obvious?

“Relax he is oblivious and I would never say a thing. Be careful, though. People can be rather set in their ways. I have a few accessories to go with this and the others. I will have them all sent up to your room.”

“Thank you, for everything.” I change back into my leggings and sweater. After saying my good byes to Miranda, I head down to Eric’s office to let him know I am finished. The door to his office is open and I can see him sitting at his desk. He is just hanging up his phone when I walk into the room.

“Give me just a moment, honey,” he says as he types away on his keyboard. After a few seconds he closes the laptop and runs his hands through his dark hair. “Sorry I had to leave you like that. I take it you found a dress?”

“Yep, Miranda is fantastic at her job.”

“Yes, she is. She has done all my shopping and most of the charges shopping since she stayed with me in London.”

“Um, she is your ex?”

“Oh, no, not at all. She is an ex-charge but not someone I was close to in the way you are obviously thinking. If she was would that be a problem for you?”

I want to be honest and tell him that it would be a huge problem. I don’t want to even meet girls he had sex with much less become friendly with them. I just can’t bring myself to say it. I am sure he would freak out if I tell him what I am really thinking but I can’t say I am okay with it either. I opt for a in between answer.

“I realize you weren’t a virgin before yesterday, but that doesn’t mean I really want picture you with someone that just saw me half naked.” Just then something occurs to me. “You would tell me if you were sleeping with someone else, wouldn’t you?”

“I don’t recall doing much ‘sleeping’ with you, but if I was with someone else I would tell you if you asked.”

“Well, are you?” As soon as I said it I wish I hadn’t. I brace myself for his answer. He folds his hands in front of him and stares at me for a long moment.

“No, you are the only person I am having sex with at the present time. If I was planning on having sex with someone else I promise that I would have told you.”

“Okay,” I say flatly. The thought of him with someone else makes me feel sick and light headed. I can’t think about it too much or I am sure I will work myself up into a full panic attack.

“Good. Now back to Miranda seeing you half naked. Is that something we can recreate? Please tell me she was half naked as well,” he smiles a wolfish grin at me and sits back in his chair. I walk to him as he turns his chair to the side to meet me. I step between his legs.

“I am sorry to disappoint you but she was fully clothed.”

“Well now that is disappointing.”

“Would you like it if she wasn’t?”

“Honey, I don’t know of any man that wouldn’t want to see both of you half naked or more.”

“Hmm, well then maybe we will have to arrange that some time,” I tease as I step closer to him so that my legs are touching the chair. I am just messing with him. It is fun to watch him get worked up.

“We certainly can see about that. Right now I really just want to kiss you for a moment,” he says as he reaches for my arms pulling me towards him.

I lean over him and meet his lips softly. He kisses me gently and pulls me into his lap. I face him and wrap my legs around him. His hands are in my hair gently encouraging my mouth on his. It feels so good just to be this close to him. One of his hands reaches under my loose sweater and cups my breast. He gently rubs it before turning his attention to the nipple causing it to harden. I can feel his erection growing beneath my thin leggings. I reach down to pull my shirt off and he pulls back from me.

“This isn’t a good place for that,” he says removing his hand from my breast. “Sorry, I got a bit carried away. It just seems to happen so easily with you. This isn’t a private place. The other day was different. Almost everyone was gone and those that weren’t were told to not disturb us for any reason. Today is different and anyone could walk through that door. I am a lot of things but not much an exhibitionist.”

“Alright, and I suppose you have too much to do down here to come up stairs with me.” I rotate my hips rubbing my aching center against his bulge.

“As tempting as that is,” he says putting his hands on my hips to stop me, “I really do have a lot to do. The others should just be sitting down to tea in library if you want to join them. You should be okay in what you are wearing.”

“Well, I guess if I can’t lure you away I might as well.” I get up off his lap and head for the door. I pause for just a moment in the door way. “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.” I smile over my shoulder and give my ass a little smack. I giggle and head out of the room.

Chapter 15

As I am closing the door I hear him mutter under his breath, “the end of me”. I turn back down the hall and start to walk to the library. The room looks exactly like what you would expect an English country home library to look like. It is very cozy in shades of brown with touches of warm deep red. There are of course several floor-to-ceiling book cases loaded with books.

On one wall there is a large fireplace with a roaring fire. Seated in front are two very comfortable looking brown leather chairs. Miranda’s assistant, who’s name I never got, is in one and the in other is a man that must be Brad. He seems to be about six feet tall and muscular but lean. He has short messy blonde hair that is a little lighter than my own. I can tell he has a perfect tan and absolutely perfect white teeth from here as he smiles at me. He is wearing khaki colored pants with a dark blue sweater over a button-up shirt.

There is a sitting area in the center of the room with a small sofa and a few chairs seated around a coffee table containing a tea set and assorted food items. Claire is sitting there along with Miranda and another woman that must be Lucinda.

She seems tall even sitting and very thin dressed in a solid navy blue pencil skirt and a green silk blouse. Her rich brown hair is pulled back into a knot at the nape of her neck. She has full pink lips and perfect high cheek bones. She is eyeing me over her tea cup with large bright blue eyes. I shiver as her stare penetrates me. I have yet to speak to her but I already know she is not someone I want to make angry.

Claire jumps up from her seat and rushes over to take my hand.

“Cora! I am glad you’re here! Sit right here,” she gushes pointing to a chair next to Miranda. “How do you like your tea?”

“Um, just a splash of milk. Thank you,” I smile as I take the cup and saucer from her. I firm believer in giving everyone a chance, even if they scare the hell out of me, so I might as well say something first. “You must be Lucinda. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

“Is it?” She says raising her perfectly shaped brows. Okay, so clearly we aren’t going to be best friends.

“Thank you again for your help Miranda. I really love everything,” I turn to Miranda next to me trying to gloss over the awkwardness.

“Good. You are a lot of fun,” she smiles back at me. “I hope we will get to see more of each other.”

“Claire did you get a dress too?” I ask remembering she was carrying a black bag earlier.

“Yes! I love it! I am so excited for the gala. I have four possible benefactors coming. It is going to be such fun! Like shopping for man,” she giggles at herself. She is so energetic that her red curls bounce as she talks. “Do you have anyone coming or is it still too soon?”

“No, I don’t have anyone coming. I am not sure how long Eric wants me to wait,” I reply honestly. My stomach grumbles and I realize I haven’t had a chance to eat anything in too long. I take a small plate and reach for a cucumber sandwich.

“Oh! You have to try these little cakes,” Claire eagerly points to the petit fours. “They are so good.”

I take one of the bite-size cakes as well before sitting back in my chair. I devour the sandwich quickly. Just as I am about to take a bite of the petit fours I hear Lucinda chuckle. I put in back on my plate and look over to her. She is looking at me with a smirk. I look back at her and raise my eyebrows at her in silent question.

“Are you sure you should really be eating that?” Lucinda asked raising her eyebrows.

“What do you mean?” I ask returning her look.

“Just that, if I was your size I wouldn’t be eating like that,” she says sipping her tea.

“What do you mean ‘my size’?”

“Your size. Fat.”

“I am not fat.”

“Well, maybe not for an American, but in the rest of the world you are fairly rotund. I mean honestly have you not seen your thighs or backside in the mirror before? You are one sweet away from poor Miranda having to sew two dresses together to fit you.” She sits back with a satisfied look on her face. I have met girls like her before. Women that like to tear those around them down so they can be the queen bee. I have never put up with it before and today is certainly not going to be the first time I do.

“Wow, you’re really a bitch aren’t you? I am sorry if you seem to think I am fat. I am far from it. Maybe if you tried eating something yourself you wouldn’t be such a horrid person and people might want you around,” I say in a sweet voice.

“Well, I guess you have all the answers don’t you? Maybe you really don’t know how massive you are. I mean if you did you would have to be mad to wear those leggings.”

“I guess it doesn’t matter if I am really fat or you just think I am. I like the way I look. Eric seems to really like the way I am built. He clearly finds me attractive the way I am right now in these leggings.”

“You are so pathetic. You think you are any different? You think he cares for you any more than he has all the girls that have come before you. You are just a sad, delusional little girl. He is using you. You are just his newest toy and when he gets bored of you he will pass you off to the highest bidder.”

I can feel my eyes prick with the tears starting to build.
Damn it!
I don’t care what I have to do I am not going to cry in front of her. I ball my fists at my side. I am deciding whether to punch her or run away when a booming voice comes from the doorway behind me.

“Lucinda that is more than enough!” I whirl around to see Eric walking towards me. His eyes are narrowed and he is clearly furious.

“How dare you speak to Cora or anyone under my roof that way?” He is now standing next to my chair. I stand and place my hand on his chest. I can’t tell him how much I appreciate that he would come to my defense.

“Eric,” I say softly as he looks down at me, “thank you, but I’ve got this. Lucinda, you can say whatever you like.”

“The hell she can,” Eric roars his eyes are like daggers at Lucinda. “I have warned you before Lucinda. Did you not think I was serious?” She hasn’t moved at all since he entered the room. Her face is blank and emotionless.

“No, really it doesn’t matter what she says,” I say softly to Eric. “Lucinda, you are the one that is pathetic. You sit there like you are so much better than the rest of us. You are really just jealous. You are the one that has been tossed away; twice, I believe. And you will continue to be tossed aside when people get bored because there is no substance to you. You are just show. You look perfect on the outside but your inside is rotten and you know it. I feel sorry for you, really I do, but make no mistake; if you ever speak to me like that again I will punch you right in your fucking face.”

With that I turn on my heel and head to the door. I pause before steeping out of the room. I forgot to say one thing. “Oh and by the way I am not fat. They are called curves. I love them and I wouldn’t change them for anyone.”

“I really like her!” I hear Claire say as I head to the stairs.

I take them two at a time. I desperately want to get my room before I lose it. I feel my eyes filling and vision is getting blurred. Mercifully, I make it to my room and close the door behind me before I break down.

I hate that I cry when I get angry. It makes me look weak. I go into the bathroom and blot my eyes. It only takes a minute for me to calm down. There is a soft knock on the door to my room and then it opens. It’s Eric and he is carrying a silver serving tray.

“Um, don’t you have people to do that,” I say walking over to him. He places the try on the little table by the window.

“You have been crying. Honey, I am so sorry about Lucinda. I knew she was going to be a little rough but I never expected her to attack you like that.”

“I cry when I get really angry. I am fine now, honest. Don’t worry about her. She isn’t the first bitch I have come across and she won’t be the last. Eric, you don’t think I am fat do you?” I hate to admit it but her saying I am fat stung. I have never been really thin but I am comfortable with how I look. I have always focused more on being healthy than just thin.

“You are joking right? Honey, I thought I made it pretty clear in the last few days how I feel about your wonderful body. I thoroughly enjoy every inch of it. If I thought you were fat would have brought you this as well?” he asks gesturing to the silver tray. It has some more of the cucumber sandwiches, a few scones, and some of the petit fours.

“No, I guess not. Thank you for this I am starved.” I smile at him as I grab another sandwich.

“Good eat up. I don’t want you complaining that you are out of energy,” he smiles and gently smacks my ass.

“Oh really? Why did you want to go for a jog or something?” I ask coyly pushing a petit four in my mouth. Oh my goodness! Claire was right these are amazing.

“Well we could do that or maybe you could tell me about being half naked with Miranda again.” He says sitting the wingback chair next to the table. I step towards him and stand between his legs. He reaches and places both hands on my hips.

“You are still stuck on that huh? I already told she was fully dressed.”

“Well a man can dream right? Besides I think you are enough for me to handle,” he smirks his playful smirk at me.

God, I have really fallen in love with him. For a moment I consider grabbing my things and running from the house in favor of self-preservation. I look down into his warm brown eyes and know that I am not going anywhere unless he makes me.

I lean down and kiss his soft lips. I breathe him in and he wraps his arms around me pulling me into his lap. We continue where we left off downstairs. I am in his lap kissing his lips, his jaw, his neck, and down to his collar bone.

He pulls me tight against him so my head is resting on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me tightly. I exhale deeply and snuggle into him.

“I just want to be still with you for a moment. My life doesn’t have enough moments of just stillness and with you here like this it seems like the perfect time for it,” Eric murmurs softly with his mouth on my hair.

“There isn’t any place I would rather be right now,” I say and mean it. Being in his arms like this is perfect.

We sit like this for a while. Silent and still. We just breathe against each other enjoying our separate rhythms.

“You never really talk about your family in America. Are you close to them at all?” he asks breaking the silence.

“Kinda, I guess,” his question surprises me. Maybe he is still feeling bad about Maggie. “My mom and I were really close but it is hard sometimes. We are really different. I have one brother that is only a two years older than me so we were pretty close as kids. My younger sister is a fire cracker but she is as loyal as they come. We talk the most. My oldest brother is quite a bit older than me so we don’t have much in common.” As soon as those words leave my mouth I wish I could pull them back. My oldest brother is two years younger than Eric.

“Oh really,” he says I can hear the curiosity in voice. I leave my head on his shoulder to avoid his eyes as I try to dig myself out of this.

“Well yes, but he is one of those people that he has been old his whole life. I think that even if had been younger than me I would think of him as my older brother,” I stumble out.
Nice one Cora, point out why you shouldn’t work as a couple to the man you want to be a couple with.
“Are and your sister close?”

“Yes we are,” he says with a slight chuckle. He clearly caught on to my mistake and finds it funny. “My mother had a hard time with things after my dad passed. She didn’t really know how to take care of anything. I sort of stepped in, as it were, and took care of everything concerning my sister. I still do a little too much I am afraid. She has been sort of flighty lately.”

“I am sure it isn’t your fault,” I reassure him. “I think I could fall asleep like this.”

“I am sure you could,” he says hugging me tighter. “I have never seen anyone fall asleep so fast before.”

“Hey, that isn’t normal for me. You wore me out and then some.”

He kisses my head and then pulls back slightly. He looks deep into my eyes with a softness that I don’t usually see there. It is almost like he has something to say but doesn’t. Instead he kisses each one of my cheeks softly.

“I am going to go get ready for dinner since thanks to you I need a shower.”

“Hey don’t blame me for that. You were the one that had to be all nice to me and so good looking. You know you could always shower in here.” I am not sure I could even handle Eric in that shower but I would love to try.

“No I can’t. Something tells me if I get into that shower with you I won’t make it down stairs until tomorrow.” He gently lifts me off his lap and stands up.

“Yeah, you kinda have a point there.”

“You should wear the black dress Miranda helped you pick out. Everything should already be in the closet.”

“Okay I will.” He kisses my sweetly on the forehead before heading out of the room.

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