Romance: The Billionaires Collection (Watched By A Billionaire, Stranded With A Billionaire, Caught By A Billionaire, Billionaire Stepbrother) (38 page)

BOOK: Romance: The Billionaires Collection (Watched By A Billionaire, Stranded With A Billionaire, Caught By A Billionaire, Billionaire Stepbrother)
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The morning drifts, and I join Tyler to sunbathe, and we
share secret glances and little strokes when no one is looking. And
all the while the utter euphoria that seems to have engulfed my mom
appears to have reaches its peak.

Her smile is brighter than ever. Her manner as friendly
and charming and cheerful as I've ever seen it. And it doesn't take
me long to find out why.

It's lunchtime, and Stephen appears with a bottle of
champagne. He fills four glasses, hands them around, and tells us
that he and my mother have some news.

They look at each other, eyes and mouths smiling.

And I know exactly why.

Now we wanted to run this by both of you first. Just
to get your blessing.”

My heart begins to pace.

Because last night, Abby, I asked your mother to
marry me, and she said yes, on the provision that you agree to the

All eyes turn to me, and all I can do is nod and say:
“of course, yes!”

He hugs me, and my mother hugs Tyler, and then we swap.
And we drink the champagne and all laugh, and Tyler and I
congratulate them both.

And then my mother speaks, and she brings it all home,
and I feel a heavy stab at my heart.

And it's so great that you two are getting along,”
she says, looking at Tyler and I. “Because soon, you're going to be

And at that moment, my heart dips, because it's all
brought home.

Soon Tyler will be my step-brother...

Surely I can't keep on sleeping with my


Chapter One

Water splashes gently around me, the light ripple of the
ocean massaging the soft skin around my lower back.

It's warm, comforting, the sun shining down from above
and tingling on my tanned shoulders.

I let out a light groan, and feel Tyler's fingers
sliding slightly deeper inside me. I want to tell him to stop, but I
can't. I'm powerless against him, unable to deter him, control
him...or myself.

The feel of his fingers massaging me beneath the surface
of the water is a new sensation. I glance around to double check once
more than we're alone.

We shouldn't, Tyler.”

I don't care. I want to.”

Yesterday, Stephen and my mother informed us that they
were getting married. My immediate reaction was entirely selfish –

Deflation at the sudden thought that Tyler and I would
become official family, legally bound by the title of step-siblings.
While nothing would really change other than the label, the idea made
everything we've been doing just that little bit more dirty, that
little bit more taboo.

That night we all celebrated together, drank until the
island grew dark and silent, and continued to bond like a newly
formed family should. Only my
with Tyler has gone well
beyond the boundaries of what's appropriate...and that thought has
begun to gnaw at me like there's a rat in my brain.

We didn't talk about it though. Not the two of us. We
just celebrated with our parents, ignored it all for one night. When
I went to bed, I felt a longing inside me for Tyler to come join
me...but he didn't. And a mixture of disappointment and relief spread
through me.

When we got up this morning, however, we decided to go
for a walk together along the beach. I wanted to use the time to talk
things out, decide what to do.

But no. As soon as we found a deserted stretch of
private beach, Tyler led me into the ocean and, now, he's got his
fingers massaging me once more, his lips rolling over mine.

I'm drawn to him in a way I've never felt.

My loins, a part of me that's never held great sway in
the court of my actions, has now become all powerful, joining with my
beating heart and making it impossible for me to deter him.

Yet in my mind I know it's all wrong...all forbidden. A
relationship that should never be, and can surely never be anything

Tyler, stop...”

I somehow draw the strength to pull his hand away from
me, stepping back and putting a couple of feet of open water between

He frowns, cocks his head in a questioning fashion.

What's wrong? What's changed?”

Our parents are getting married! That's what's
changed. You're going to be my stepbrother soon. Doesn't that freak
you out?”

He casually shakes his head.

Why should it. We're not related by blood or
anything. We're just two people who find each other irresistible.
What could be more natural?”

His argument is valid, or at least would be if the
little moral preacher in my head wasn't shouting so loud at me. Blood
relations or not, there's something not right about it all.

Well, put it this way, if you told someone about it,
how would you expect them to react?”

He shrugs.

I wouldn't care how they'd react. Why does it matter
what anyone else thinks?”

Well...there are rules. Societal rules.”

His laugh floats out onto the water.

Who gives a shit about that. We met before we even
knew our parents were together babe. There's nothing wrong here.”

Then why are we keeping it a secret from them?”


He has no answer, his words trailing off.

An awkward silence dawns, punctuated by the rolling
waves slapping against our bodies and the sound of sea birds cawing
in the air. We lock eyes for a time, before both turning away,
retreating to the recesses of our minds in search of a solution.

After what seems like an eternity, his words slide forth

I need to have you, Abby. How about we make a deal.”

I look back at him, raising my eyes, but hopeful that
he's going to come up with something good.


How about we enjoy each other until they get married?
Right now, we're just two people whose parents happen to be in a
relationship. But until they're married, that's all we are.”

He takes a breath of sea air, and lowers his voice into
a clandestine rumble.

So until then, you can still be mine...and I can
still be yours.”

He holds his ground in the water for a moment, watching
my eyes. Inside I consider his proposal, but I know that my loins,
which now seem to dominate my thinking, are going to have their way.

OK,” I say, as if agreeing to a contract. “Until
the wedding...”

A smile lifts on his face, and he closes the gap between
us, and without saying another word he puts his lips to mine.

Contract sealed.

Chapter Two

Before we return to the villa, Tyler shows me the joys
of sex in the sea.

He tells me that he's done it before, and that's it's
quite an experience. As soon as I get the image of him and another
girl, fucking in sight of the fish, out of my mind, I let myself go
once more and give myself up to him.

Tyler also insists that I give him a blowjob underwater,
something I try without a great deal of success. Every few seconds, I
find myself rushing back to the surface to suck air, and with the
buoyancy of the water around us, any friction of my mouth over his
shaft is largely removed.

Well, we tried,” he says, before repaying the
compliment and diving beneath the surface to feast on my pussy.

His lung capacity seems to outstrip my own by about
tenfold, so when he disappears he doesn't return to the surface for
nigh on two minutes. During that time, I delight in the silent
cunnilingus, seeing only his blurred shadow beneath the water, head
firmly positioned between my legs.

The sight of a man walking along the beach brings us to
a halt, however, and we coyly return back to the villa in time for
some lunch. After that's done, it's straight back to the airport,
onto the jet, and back to New York in time for dinner.

During the flight, Tyler sits near me, whispering under
his breath that this might be a perfect opportunity to join the
High Club
. With our parents right there, however, I decide that
it's not a good idea.

He merely smiles knowingly and returns to his thoughts.

Meanwhile, my mother and Stephen are in close
conversation for the entire trip, seemingly in the throes of some
sort of negotiation. As we prepare to land, Stephen finally stands
ahead of us to make an announcement.

Sue and I have decided to get married in one month's

Tyler and I share a look of slight despondency.

We know it's quick, but we aren't getting any younger
and feel that there's no point in wasting time. It will be toward the
end of the summer and neither of us can bear the thought of waiting
until the following spring. What do you think?”

As with everything, Stephen is keen to get our opinions
on their union. It's incredibly sweet that he's so thoughtful and
sensitive to how we might feel, even though it really has nothing to
do with us.

Tyler's the first to speak, always good at hiding his
true emotions.

That's great dad, perfect timing. Why wait, hey?”

That's just what we thought. Abby?”

I agree. The sooner, the better.”


Stephen orders a bottle of champagne from the flight
attendant and we share a brand new toast, all happy smiles and
excited chatter.

Tyler's eyes, however, narrow with a look of
disappointment that only I can see. One that says we only have a
month to enjoy with each other before the marriage of our parents
tears us apart.

When we reach the tarmac of the private airfield, two
cars wait – one for Stephen and Tyler, and one to transport my
mother and I back to our respective homes.

Tyler and I depart with the sort of affection
step-siblings should display; a simple kiss to the cheek that I want
to be so much more. We lock eyes one final time as Tyler steps into
his car and I step into mine.

Then we journey back home, a long, magical weekend over,
and I'm deposited back to my miserable apartment with its peeling
paint and endless smell of damp. And my life, empty of employment and
purpose, suddenly feels incredibly barren once more.

The following weeks pass by fairly quickly, though, and
I spend a great deal of time with my mother planning the wedding. For
once, the fact that I don't have a job is a bonus, for my mother at
least, and I'm more than happy to help her out and escape the
drudgery of my own life.

I'm sure Stephen can help you get a good job,
darling,” my mother says when the subject of my unemployment comes
up, as if often does. “He has his fingers in so many pies. I'm sure
he can help you.”

The idea is a nice one, and frankly I have no qualms
about getting help in securing work. As the old adage goes,
not what you know, it's who you know'
, and Stephen Black seems to
be a great person to be close to in this instance.

And soon, he'll be my stepfather...

For the first week, I hear nothing from Tyler aside from
a few text messages. He tells me he's incredibly busy with work and
is traveling around the country, but will be back soon.

When he returns, he lives up to his promise of making
the most of our time together. Almost every night I go into Manhattan
and stay at one hotel or another with him. We fuck each night like
it's our last, falling into a rhythm that I never want to end.

Every time I wake up the next morning, his hard, bronze
body lying next to me, I feel a deep pang of sorrow at the thought of
what's to come. At the thought that each day, we're getting closer to
our parting.

Gradually, something more that sexual attraction
develops. I realize that one evening, about a week and a half out
from the wedding, when we meet, as usual, at a hotel room near Times

That night, we order room service and relax watching
movies that we both loved during our childhood. We drink and laugh
and realize that we have far more in common than just the amazing sex
between us.

When we go to bed that evening, we don't even sleep
together. I lie in his arms, listening to his heartbeat, and
everything just seems right. And when I fall asleep, still lying
against his chest, I do so with a wide smile that sticks to my face
until morning.

When we wake, we kiss, take a shower together, and wash
each other's bodies without having sex. And all the time it begins to
dawn on me that I'm falling for him hard.

And what makes me even more happy is that I can see he's
doing the same.

Those moments of happiness, however, are naïve and
ignorant of the pact we made. We're both falling into the trap we
laid out ourselves, developing feelings that are going to make it so
much harder to part when our parents tie the knot.

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