Romance: The Billionaires Collection (Watched By A Billionaire, Stranded With A Billionaire, Caught By A Billionaire, Billionaire Stepbrother) (34 page)

BOOK: Romance: The Billionaires Collection (Watched By A Billionaire, Stranded With A Billionaire, Caught By A Billionaire, Billionaire Stepbrother)
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You have to see the eastern woods in the Fall, Abby,”
Stephen tells me. “Truly, they're a marvel, an photographers

He takes a sip of champagne, before another bolt of
lightning hits him. “And the vault. I don't usually show people the
vault, for obvious reasons, but I've got some fine art in there that
I'm sure you'll love. I am right in thinking you studied art in

He glances to my mother, who gives him a nod as I

Yes Sir, that's right.”

He holds his hands up and frowns.

No, no, none of these Sir's and Mr Blacks and any of
those silly formalities. Call me Stephen. Or Steve if you'd prefer.
That one I reserve for my closest friends.”

He winks at me and then turns to my mother with a wide

Sue, your daughter is delightful. I wish the same
could be said for my son.”

Right, yes. Where is Tyler?”

Stephen looks at his watch and tuts.

have been here 10 minutes ago but
that young man is the worst timekeeper. I suggest we start without
him. I won't let him dictate us with his tardiness.”

I giggle as I follow in behind my mother and Stephen,
walking back through the house and into a grand dining room. Ahead of
us stretches a long table fit for a banquet, although only four
places at the near end are set.

Sue, Abby, if you'd like to take your seats...I'm
just going to make a quick call, see where that son of mine is.”

He leaves the room, and I shape my eyes around the room,
at the wonderful wood paneling on the walls and the glorious works of
art in between. To me this house is a dream, as magical as an art

So...what do you think?”

I turn to my mom, who's looking at me with hopeful eyes.

Oh, the mansion is magnificent,” I say with a
smirk, knowing she's really talking about her new man.

No....Stephen.” She nods her head at the door he's
just exited, then leans in with a secretive air.

He's....” I leave her in suspense for just a few
moments. “Well he's amazing mom, seriously. He seems perfect for

Isn't he! Oh I'm so glad you like him sweetheart. I
think he really likes you too.”

A waiter comes in, bringing with him a tray of various
drinks, and asks us what we'd like. We both settle on a glass of
Sauvignon Blanc
and sip it as we wait.

A couple of minutes later, Stephen returns, wearing a
slightly more displeased expression than what I've seen so far.

Everything OK darling?” asks my mother.

I know, from the way she calls him darling, that it's
already quite serious between them. I just wonder why she didn't tell
me sooner. Maybe it was just like she said –
not to jinx it
not that I believe in hoodoo rubbish like that.

Yes, fine Sue, just fine. I couldn't get through to
Tyler so we're just going to have to get along without him. You have
to expect him to be at least 30 minutes late to everything, so I've
kind of gotten used to it.”

He raises his glass, newly poured by the waiter to his

Cheers, and fabulous to meet you Abby. Now, let's

As if switching a lever in his head, he's suddenly
incredibly affable and enthusiastic again, smiling wide and nodding
his head at both me and my mother in turn.

We eat, and Stephen regales us with various anecdotes,
holding my attention with ease and dominating the conversation.

Soon enough he seems to realize it, checks himself, and
then begins quizzing me on my own life. He does it, of course,
without probing too deeply, and tends to graze the top of the more
serious issues while merrily discussing just about every one of my
likes and dislikes.

Eventually, however, the gentle rumble of an engine is

It starts quiet, off in the distance, before gradually
getting louder until it's blasting into my ears, shattering the calm
of our dinner.

Excuse me ladies,” says Stephen, standing up.
“That'll be my son.”

He departs the room, and my mother and I share looks.

Have you met him before?” I ask her.

She shakes her head.

No, this was supposed to be when we introduce each
other to our kids. Looks like we're winning on that front, hey

I laugh, suddenly slightly nervous again at the thought
of meeting someone new. Although if he's anything like his father,
Tyler will be a welcome addition to the evening.

Voices sound outside, not raised exactly, but certainly
audible and slightly strained. Then, after a couple of long moments
of silence, the door opens once more.

Stephen walks through, trailing his son, and my jaw

Holy fuck....

Sue, Abby, I'd like to introduce you to my extremely
tardy son, Tyler.”

He steps forward, and our eyes meet, and I notice a
sudden spark go off inside his.

Because we've met before, and he certainly wasn't called
Tyler then.

I'm looking into the deep chestnut eyes of Vince.


Chapter One

Holy shit...

The same words echo in my head again and again as Vince
walks forward, courteously takes my mother's hand, and kisses it just
like his father did out in the gardens.

A pleasure to meet you, Sue. I've heard so much, so
it's great to put a face to the name.”

My mother smiles wide, almost embarrassed. Clearly, to
her at least, he's got the same charm and affable nature as his

I, however, have seen a different side of him. One
that's arrogant, rude, and incredibly conceited. Only last night he
was writhing on top of me with that smirk on his face and those half
open, cocky eyes that knew he was giving me the best fuck of my life.

And now he's here, the son of my mother's new man who,
as has become clear, just happens to be a damn billionaire. No wonder
he's got this air of superiority about him, this walk that aims to
show people that he's the boss and he's several levels above them.

His father, of course, has clearly grown out of such
things, if he ever had them at all. I quickly deduce in my head that
Stephen Black probably came from nothing and built his fortune
himself, maintaining that down to earth persona that is incredibly

His son, on the other had, has most likely grown up with
extreme wealth, surrounded by like-minded people, and has therefore
developed a disdain for everything he feels is beneath him.

So now, as he kisses my mother's hand and gives her the
most gracious of compliments, I know that it's all a big show. When
he comes and kisses my hand, rounding the table to approach me, his
eyes confirm my suspicion.

They light up as they meet me, that cockiness coming to
the fore once more, and a quick grin passes by his face like a high
speed train, quickly disappearing as he turns back to the others.

I'd like to apologize for being late ladies.
Timekeeping has never been my strongest suit.”

Well at least you're man enough to admit it,” says
Stephen. “Now let's move on and hear no more about it. Come on,
we've only had our starters so far so you're here in time for the

Tyler takes a seat next to me, and I can smell the smoke
on him immediately. There's also the hint of something else, a light,
fruity fragrance that smells nothing like the sort of cologne a boy
would wear.

And then I realize that it's the same perfume I was
wearing last night when his body and mine were tangled in the throes
of our carnal desire. Clearly, he hasn't yet showered, although
thankfully he has decided to come dressed in a suit, not that leather
jacket and vest combo he wore last night.

Dinner restarts, and an awkwardness fills my body that I
don't quite know how to deal with. Tyler himself seems to be
completely at ease with everything, drinking wine, eating heartily
and never giving any sign to the others that we already know each

The same can't be said for me.

From across the table, my mother's eyes pick something
up that must show in my expression. A crinkle in the nose, a wrinkle
in the forehead. Something to suggest that, suddenly, I'm not
particularly comfortable.

Abby, honey, are you OK?”

A fake smile hits my face.

Yes, mom, I'm fine.”

I take a sip of wine to hide myself away and tuck right
back into my food, which is delicious but I'd hardly know it now. My
appetite does seem to have all but dried up since Tyler arrived.

Stephen, meanwhile, flows right back into the swing of
things, once more entrancing the group with his many stories to which
Tyler groans and yawns and cuts in with '
not this one again'
several times.

It hardly seems to put Stephen off, who merely continues
without losing stride. And all the while I begin to notice Tyler's
eyes skipping to me every so often, see that smirk come and go out of
the corner of my eyes when his father and my mother aren't looking.

And me? Well, I hardly say a word, and just try to keep
my head down and keep on grazing on my food until the evening draws
to a close, praying for a quiet and easy exit.

As dinner winds up, Stephen invites my mother out for a
nighttime stroll under the stars. He stands, takes her hand, and
leads her to the door, telling Tyler and I that now might be a good
time to get to know each other a little bit.

As soon as they've left, Tyler turns to me, twisting in
his chair and finally letting that grin return to his face and stay

You know, Abby, I think we know each other pretty
well already.” He winks at me, and all I do I shake my head and try
not to react.

So I'm surprised that you're actually called, Abby. I
mean, if I wasn't sure it was your first time before, I certainly am
now. That's a rookie error that, using your real name online.”

I bite.

Yeah, well I didn't expect to see you here! And,
seriously, if you're going to use a fake name...Vince...really?”

He shrugs. “Babe, I'd could call myself Princess
fucking Margarita and it wouldn't make a difference. Who gives a shit
what your name is when you're just there to fuck?”

Yes, well, maybe I'm just a naturally honest person,”
I retort.

You should drop that habit if that's true. Honesty
gets you nowhere in life.”

He refills his glass and does the same with mine.

So, your mother and my father huh. How bout that, I
certainly didn't expect to walk in and see you here.”

Maybe it's fate,” I say sarcastically, thinking the
guys just about the biggest dick in the world.

And then my stupid brain actually thinks of his dick,
and my eyes instinctively glance down at his pants.

Stupid fucking brain...

Maybe it is,” he says. “You know, since we're

He glances back at the door, making sure it's shut, and
leans right into me as if he's trying to kiss me.

I pull back, my face screwing up, and hold my hands up
between us.

Whoa, whoa....once was enough...”

He laughs loudly and seems to take no offense at all. In
fact, he looks to be loving every damn minute of it.

Maybe it was...I did make you come three times,
remember. It's probably more sex than you've had in a month.”

Make that two years.

Yeah, I was faking for two of those.”

No you weren't.” His voice goes flat, as if the
idea that I'd fake it with him is insulting to his ego. “I know a
proper orgasm. Trust me, I've heard enough.”

I'm sure you have. But why like that?”

Like what?”

Well, with a random girl from the Internet like that.
I mean, I've got to be honest with you Vince, or Tyler, or whatever
the hell you're might be a bit of a cock, but you're
rich and good looking. So...”

I get it. You think girls are falling at my feet all
day, right? And I can just pick and choose and fuck who I want?”

I shrug my shoulders. Frankly, that makes him sound a
bit too cool, and is probably giving his massive ego a nice massage,
but I can't deny its viability.

Well, sure, maybe I could. But I like the whole
online thing and the fake name thing. Gives me some anonymity.”

I actually have no pithy retort to him this time. That
actually makes perfect sense, sleazy as it is.

Not that I can really say that now. I'm just as bad as
he is.

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