Romance: Seducing The Quarterback (65 page)

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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Chapter Two


When I asked Gerald to accompany me to Jeffery’s party he
was ecstatic.

“I’ll take you to get a dress, what you have at home is not
sufficient enough for this party.” I glared at him from the table at the café I
worked at. Gerald decided to surprise me during my lunch break with flowers, so
I treated him to lunch.

“What’s wrong with what I have at home? You don’t complain
about my outfits when we go out.” Gerald shook his head.

“You look amazing in everything you wear, but we’re talking
about billionaire Jeffrey Rogue’s party. You have to wear something that
matches his lifestyle.” I was unable to hold back my sigh.

“Whatever,” I said. There was no use in talking with him
when it came to stuff like this. Gerald made a sad face at me.

“I don’t mean to make you feel bad. I just want you to look
your very best.” He reached out his hand to me and held mine. I knew he meant
no harm, but I hated that he treated me like someone who he could change whenever
the need struck him.

“I know,” I said stroking the back of his hand with my
thumb. He means well but he goes about it in a terrible way. He looked at his
watch and stood up quickly.

“I’m sorry sweetie, but I have to head back to work.” Gerald
kissed me softly on the lips. “I’ll pick you up tonight and we’ll go shopping.”
I nodded my head and picked up the flowers. He walked quickly out of the café
and I waved to him from the door. When he had driven off, I took my flowers
into the back room and placed them on my locker. My lunch break was over and it
was time for me to get back to work.

Like he promised, Gerald was there at exactly 5:30 to pick
me up from work. I slid into his Mercedes Benz and he drove off.

“I hope the rest of your day was good,” he said once he had
picked up a good speed to put his car into cruise mode. The day was uneventful,
boring and slow, but I did make some good tips from the people that came, so I
couldn’t complain completely.

“It was okay. How were things at the office?” Gerald began
to go on and on about every little thing that annoyed him at work today. One of
his secretaries called off because she came down with the flu and an important
business meeting was cancelled today. The best part of his day was seeing me at
lunch. “Well, I’m sure tomorrow would be a lot better for you.” I didn’t know
what to say to him. Gerald and I worked in different worlds, what bothered me
the most doing my day was stepping on bubble gum that someone carelessly spat
onto the floor. Gerald complained about possibly losing a million dollar deal.

“I hope so,” he said once we pulled up at a fancy clothing
store. The name of the store was in French, so I knew the store was probably
incredibly expensive.

“Bonjour!” a man exclaimed in a horrible French accent once
we enter the store. Gerald smiled and walked closer to the man with his hands

“Leandro, it’s good to see you. How’s business?” Leandro ran
his hands through his overly greased hair and smiled.

“Business is good, even better since you’ve walked in.”
Gerald must have been a regular here. “So who is this beautiful plump woman?” I
blushed; I couldn’t believe he just said that. I looked over to Gerald
expecting him to say something, but all he did was smile and pull me closer to

“This young woman is my girlfriend, Michelle. Leandro we’re
going to a high class party tomorrow night. I want you to make her shine.”
Leandro’s smile widened at that. He walked over to me looking me over.

“I will make you the talk of the town,” Leandro placed his
hand on the small of my back and guided me towards the women’s section. “I
normally don’t have many full figure women in here, but I should have some
clothes to fit you towards the back.” He was really starting to irritate my
soul. I didn’t know why Gerald took me here anyways; this store was obviously
aimed for smaller women. “Ah here we are.” The section that Leandro took us too
was laugh worthy because there was only four dresses aimed at plus size women.

“Is this all that you have?” I asked even though I already
knew the answer to that. He scratched his head and thought for a moment.

“Yes, you see like I was saying before…”

“Let’s see if any of these are my size.” I said cutting him
off quickly, when we left here I was seriously going to have a word with
Gerald. The dresses that he had weren’t really my style, but I picked up one
that I thought that I could fit. “Do you have a dressing room?” Smiling
brightly Leandro led the way.

“I want to see the dress once you’ve tried it on.”

“Okay mother,” I shouted back and I could literally feel
Gerald staring at the back of my head embarrassed. It took me some time to put
on the dress because I didn’t know how to put it on. There were openings all
over the dress and I wasn’t sure which part to put my head into.

“Is everything alright in there?” Leandro asked.

“Yes, I’m about to come out now.” I walked out of the too
small fitting room and I stood embarrassed in front of the two men. I
personally felt a little exposed because the dress was pretty revealing. I
thought that Gerald would definitely say no to the dress, but he smiled at me
with desire filled eyes.

“You look absolutely breathtaking,” he said to me planting a
firm kiss onto my lips. I blushed slightly since he did that with Leandro

“Ah, absolutely stunning,” Leandro said walking over to us.
“To be honest I wasn’t sure if the dress would look this amazing on you. Looks
like I was wrong.” I swear if this man disrespects me one more time I’ll step
on his nicely polished shoes.

“We’ll take it.” Gerald said happily. I looked at him, the
dress was okay but I wanted to try another store.

“Can’t we try somewhere else? This isn’t really my style.”
Gerald shook his head.

“Sweetheart, you’d be the talk of the whole party if you
wear this. Go take it off so it doesn’t get ruined.” I turned around quickly so
that the two men wouldn’t see the scowl that formed on my face.

“That’ll be $3,000. Will that be cash or credit?” I heard
Leandro say just as I disappeared behind the curtains.



“That’s a new look on you.” My mother said once I had come
downstairs wearing the dress that Gerald bought me the other day.

“If you don’t like it just say so,” I said. My mother shook
her head.

“I think it looks great on you, I’m just saying that it’s
different.” She walked over to me and examined the fabric. “Is this a designer

“Of course, that’s all that Gerald buys me. I personally
don’t like the dress. It’s uncomfortable and it’s showing a little too much.”
The fabric of the dress barely held up my Double D‘s which was terrible
considering I couldn’t wear a bra with it. If I make a wrong turn, my breasts
would surely come popping out of my dress for everyone to see.

“I will admit that this dress isn’t that good for people
with a little more up top.” My mother helped me adjust my dress so that I
wouldn’t accidently flash anyone. The doorbell rang just as I was contemplating
changing into something else. “Gerald, it’s so nice to see you again.” My
mother beamed when she opened the door for my boyfriend. Gerald hugged my
mother and kissed her on both of her cheeks.

“It’s good to see you again too, Melony. I hope you are
doing well?” Gerald said before his eyes fell on me when I walked into the
hallway. His mouth fell opened and to my embarrassment I could see the lust in
his eyes. He quickly composed himself sense he still had my mother in his arms.
Letting her go, he walked over to me and kissed me on the forehead. “Wow, you
look amazing.” Gerald said almost like he was out of breath. I couldn’t help it,
but the way he was looking at me then, sent a dull ache between my thighs.

“Thank you, so do you.” I said removing myself from his
arms. After all, my mother was standing right there. My mother looked from him
to me and shook her head.

“You kids need to head on out. Save all of this lovey dovey
nonsense until you’re in the car.” My mother shooed us out of the house and
handed me my purse before she closed the door. “Have a good time sweetheart.”
Gerald held my hand as we walked to the car, he held the door opened for me and
I blushed at his sentiment.

“Absolutely stunning,” he said as he turned the engine on.
“I’d be really grateful if you’d consider letting me inside of you tonight.” I
laughed at how bold he was.

“Think again.” He mumbled but said nothing else.


When we pulled up in front of Jeffery’s place, I was
surprised that he owned a mansion. Gerald killed the engine and got out of the

“Why are you so surprised about where he lives? He is your
stepbrother and I think you should visit him sometimes. Who knows, maybe he’d
be willing to give you a job at one of his companies since you don’t want to
work for me.” Damn it! He had to blow the little excitement that I was getting
by bringing that shit up now. I glared at him and he shrugged. “I’m just trying
to help” I didn’t say anything to that. I held my head up high and made my way
to the massive front door.

“Ms. Stewart, it’s a pleasure to see you here.” A tall older
man said as we made it to the door. I had absolutely no idea who the man was and
how exactly he knew me. “I’m Charles, Jeffery’s butler. You’re his sister
Michelle correct?” I was surprised that the man knew me without me ever
stepping foot into this house. I guess my father must have showed him a picture
of me or something.

“Yes, it’s great to meet you too, Charles.” I said as I
shook his hand awkwardly. Gerald shook his hand as well and I was shock when
the butler greeted him by first name too.

“He’s paid to know the names of everyone attending this
party.” Gerald said whispering into my ear.

“But how does he know you?” I asked. Gerald had some wealth
but he wasn’t famously wealthy. “I didn’t tell them who I was bringing.” Gerald
frowned at my response.

“These people are paid to know these things without being
told.” It was apparent that I offended him, so I decided to keep my mouth
closed as we were being ushered into the main hall. The house was so big that I
couldn’t believe that it was a house! When we entered into the main hall, I was
surprised by how many sophisticated people were here. Looking at the people
actually made me feel a bit out of place and I reached my hand up to cover my

“I don’t think I’m dressed well enough,” I leaned over to
whisper to Gerald, but he appeared to not have heard a word that I had said to
him. He looked around the room in astonishment and I knew that he was thinking
that one day he’d have something similar. “Gerald” I said squeezing his hand.
He looked down at me briefly before looking back at the room.

“You look amazing, stop being so self-conscious.” I sighed.
I shouldn’t have brought him here, being around all of these stuck up rich
people was surely going to add to his already arrogant personality.

“I’m going to get a drink,” I said and he released my hand.
Several people walked over to him and embraced him.
He’s more important than
I thought
, I thought as I made my way to the bar that was in the back of
the room.

“What are you having, ma’am?” the bartender with a deep
Scottish accent said to me.

“I’ll have a brandy.” He nodded his head and busied himself
with making my drink. When he handed it to me, I turned around to take a look
at the people there. They all looked beautiful in their fancy suits and
designer dresses. Even though Gerald bought me a designer dress to wear to the
occasion, I still felt a little underdressed.

“I wouldn’t expect you to be a brandy lover,” I heard a deep
man’s voice in my ear. I turned around and was met by the man of the hour, my
stepbrother, Jeffery Rogue.

Chapter Four


I don’t know why, but the moment my eyes landed on Jeffery I
was unable to speak. Jeffery had to be the finest man that I’d ever laid eyes
on. Was this really the same boy I rode around with as a child? I’ve seen him a
few times as an adult, but that was briefly and I really only paid attention to
the suits that he was wearing.

“Jeffery, is that you?” I asked once I remembered how to
form words. He grinned.

“Have you forgotten your only brother?” I was going to
correct him and say stepbrother, but he was right. I had no other siblings on my
mother’s side and my father never had any more children, so he was the closest
thing to a brother that I’d ever have. I shook my head.

“No of course not,” I said still a bit shaken up.

“Well, don’t just stand there give me a hug.” I blushed, but
I walked over to his embrace. He held me tightly and almost a little too long,
but I didn’t mind. He smelled so good and he was stunning. As we held onto each
other, I couldn’t help but notice how different hugging him was from hugging
Gerald. He was taller than Gerald being well over six feet, but he held me
gentle and powerful at the same time. Gerald never pressed his body to me like
this, well he has but I didn’t feel the same electricity that I did with
Jeffery. When he pulled away from me, he held my gaze.

“You look amazing, Michelle.” I felt stupid about the
frequency in which the heat was rising to my face.

“So do you,” and he truly did. His bronze skin really was
accentuated by his cream color suit. His dark brown hair was wild over his
head, but it really suited the intensity of his light brown eyes. He grinned
exposing the dimples in his cheeks.

“How have you been? Dad told me that you’re working over at
the café on 7
street. It must keep you pretty busy.” I was
surprised that he said that. Gerald was so quick to say that my job wasn’t a
true job, but Jeremy took an actual interest in it.

“It’s great it’s been a little slow lately, but it’s my
pride and joy.” His smile made my heart do summersaults.

“It’ll definitely pick up soon. People are always working in
that area, they need places to go to when they’re hungry.” I was starting to
really get into the conversation with Jeremy when Gerald walked over with his
hand extended.

“Mr. Rogue, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Gerald
Thompson.” Jeremy was apparently taken off of guard by Gerald’s sudden approach
but he extended his hand to him.

“The pleasure is mine, Gerald. Please call me Jeremy; we
look to be the same age.” I stood there awkwardly as Gerald started to speak
business with Jeremy. “I’m sorry to be rude,” Jeremy interrupted Gerald as he
was going on and on about how he looked up to him. It honestly made me sick;
I’ve never seen someone kiss that much ass before in my life. “I was catching
up with my sister.” Gerald nodded his head.

“I tell Michelle all the time to make an effort to keep in
touch with you. She could be quite the loner sometimes.” Jeremy’s eyebrows shot

“Oh, do you two know each other?” Jeremy looked from me to

“Of course, we’re dating.” I don’t know why, but the fact
that he just told Jeremy that we were dating made me incredibly mad.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t know that. Dad didn’t tell me that
you were seeing someone.” I looked away then.

“Because I haven’t told him yet,” Gerald turned towards me

“Why haven’t you told him, it’s been half a year?” I barely
spent time with my father and when we did spend time with each other we barely
spoke with each other. My father was always taking phone calls so I really
didn’t get a chance to really talk to him about my life. I just gave him the
“need to know” information.

“It’s just that we really haven’t talked much lately.” I
could tell that Gerald had more to say about it, but he didn’t want to ruin his

“I could introduce you to him, he’s around here somewhere.”
Gerald beamed with happiness.

“Yes, of course.” I followed behind the men as they spoke
with each other. Gerald didn’t turn around to acknowledge me at all, but Jeremy
stole glances at me every now and again making my heart beat with anticipation.
I’d never felt so excited about a man before, not even with Gerald.

“Sweetheart” I heard the familiar baritone voice. I turned
around and saw my father smiling brightly at me and I couldn’t help but to
smile back.

“Dad” I said as he wrapped his arms around me.

“Look at you, you look amazing.” My father said as he
pressed his lips against my forehead. He smelled like the same cologne that he
always wore when he came to pick me up on weekends when I was a kid.

“I’ve missed you.” I said as he let me go. He looked me in
my eyes still smiling. My eyes went down to his grey beard that was neatly
trimmed; my father looked so much older than his age. He must have been working
extremely hard because he looked so tired. I looked back at Jeffery and Gerald
and Gerald was basically squirming in his spot. I sighed on the inside. “Dad,
this is Gerald Thompson” I said and Gerald shook my father’s hand and he looked
quickly over to me agitated.

“I’m Michelle’s boyfriend.” My father’s eyebrows shot up the
same way that Jeremy’s did.

“Darling, why didn’t you tell me?” I was feeling
uncomfortable about the stares the men were giving me.

“Excuse me; I’m going to get a drink.” I shuffled away from
the men and made my way back to the bar. 

“Michelle, wait up!” I heard Jeremy called out behind me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you three were going to talk for a
while.” Jeremy shook his head.

“I’d like to catch up with you for a little while if you
don’t mind coming into my studio with me.” I was quick to nod my head. It was
something about him that I wanted to learn more about. I followed him to his
studio which was bigger than my mom’s house. He led me to the sofa and asked me
if I wanted something to drink.

`’Can I have another brandy?” He smiled and brought me over
the drink. We sat there and talked for a very long time and I was surprised by
how easy going he was. Despite him being a billionaire, he wasn’t an arrogant
jerk like everyone else. He made me feel comfortable; something Gerald hasn’t
done in a long while. We down drinks left and right till the point that we were
both drunk, but we didn’t care we we’re having so much fun. “I never thought
you’d be like this.” I said eyeballing him. I was getting a little dizzy and I
was starting to feel lightheaded.

“Well, maybe you’d hang out with me sometimes. I don’t
bite.” Jeffery said as he stood stretching his legs. He asked me if I wanted
another drink, but this time I refused. I was too drunk to handle anymore. For
some odd reason I watched him closely as he stretched. I looked over his long
muscular body in awe and I started to feel intense feelings of desire. My eyes
moved hungrily to his crotch and I was shocked to see a little tent forming
there. I looked up back to his eyes and I blushed when he was staring right at
me! It was apparent that he saw my sexy glances. I turned away and fanned
myself with my hand. I needed to push these thoughts out of my mind, he was my
brother, well stepbrother, but either way it went these feelings that I was
having were not pure, especially since I wanted to save myself.

I watched him walk over to the bar and poured him something
more to drink. The muscles in his ass flexed as he expertly handle the bar like
he was a bartender in his last life. I licked my lips, Jeffery was incredibly
sexy and I wanted him for the night. In my drunken stupor, I stumbled across
the room to him and before he realized I was there, I pressed my full breasts
against his back and held his waist.

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