Romance: Seducing The Quarterback (59 page)

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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Chapter 4


When I left the beach, I picked up all of my things and
started to head inside. “I'm going to shower,” I called over my shoulder.
Neither my mom nor Paul said a word, which I was grateful for. I picked up my
phone when I got inside and noticed a text from my roommate, Ashley. She was my
absolute best friend and I could not wait for her to get here. Especially after
what just happened. It read:

Hey! Seeing you in two daaaayyyys, are you excited?

I wrote back:

Duh. Also, Paul just saw my tits and I have no idea what
to do with that.

She responded immediately with:

Paul is the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life. Go
with it.

I put my phone down and shook my head. Ash was always
telling me to just “go with it,” but I was not like her. She was beautiful and
curvy in a non-fat way, with long red hair and beautiful green eyes. Boys
flocked to her. Men flocked to her. Hell, women flocked to her. She was
stunning. I even caught myself staring at her changing in our dorm a few times.
She was much more adventurous than I was, and definitely much more beautiful.

I could not believe Paul's reaction to seeing me exposed
like that. He didn't even look away. And I didn't mind. In fact, I sort
of...liked it. The thought of it excited me in a way I shouldn't have.

After grabbing my shampoo and conditioner from my toiletries
bag, I took off my swimsuit and left it on the floor. I'd take care of it
later. Wrapping myself in a big bath towel, I headed to our tiny bathroom. It
was covered with ocean-related décor just like the rest of the house and had
completely terrible water pressure. I knew I'd be in the shower a long time to
even get the conditioner out of my hair. I grabbed a starfish-shaped decorative
soap from the top of the sink and dropped my towel, stepping into the tub and
pulling the shower curtain closed.

Lathering up my body with the soap, I paused briefly when I
reached my breasts. Once again, I thought of Paul's gaze. A little cautiously
at first, I began to play with my nipples. They hardened as I thought of what
it would be like for him to touch me like this. Just thinking about it couldn't
hurt anybody, could it?

My thoughts were stopped by the sound of the door sliding
open downstairs. Paul and mom were back, so I started to shampoo my hair and
pushed the dirty thoughts I was having out of my head.

I heard their footsteps on the staircase and realized they
were coming up to their bedroom. They were whispering and...did I just hear my
mom giggling? Their bedroom door opened and squeaked closed, but I didn't hear
it latch. They couldn't be...could they? Oh my God, they were making out!

I finished my shower but left the water on, not wanting them
to know I could hear them. I stepped out of the bath as quietly as I could and
tiptoed toward the door, which I'd left open a crack. From the bathroom I could
see into their bedroom, right to their bed. They'd left the door open a little
wider than they must've intended so I had a perfect view of them. I tried to
quiet my breath as I peered through the cracks in both doors. My mom was on the
bed still in her bikini. Paul, though, was completely naked.

Mom beckoned Paul to her with her index finger and he
climbed onto the bed, his hands sliding up her calves and down her thighs. I
couldn't hear them very well because of the shower, but I knew I heard Paul
groan and it made me instantly wet. He leaned down and pushed my mother's
bikini bottoms to the side, lowering his mouth to her pussy. I couldn't believe
I was watching this. Why was I watching this? I tried to push the thought of
this being my mother out of my mind. It was just Paul I was watching. He was

He licked and sucked her pussy like I'd never seen anyone do
before and I noticed my mom's hands grasp the sheets. She was squirming and I
couldn't blame her. I would be too. Slowly he licked his finger, a devilish
look in his eye, and inserted it into her pussy. I gasped and moaned, trying to
stay quiet. I wish he were doing that to me. Soon, he had two fingers inside
her and was doing very impressive things with them. Sincerely, I raised my
eyebrows in admiration of his skills. None of the boys I'd been with knew how
to do

He removed his fingers and licked them again, a move that
made my hips grind of their own volition. I was getting so wet. Against my
better judgment, I let my hand drift down to my clit and began to rub it,
knowing exactly how to get myself off.

Paul moved on top of my mom, positioned his cock - holy shit
it was huge - and pounded into her with a grunt that made me squirm. I let my
fingers move lower and stuck one inside of me, swirling it around and trying to
stay quiet. Paul was merciless, almost animalistic in his movements.  He thrust
hard and fast and I fingered myself, imagining it was him inside me.

All of a sudden, the towel I was wearing fell and took the
soap dispenser with it. It clattered to the floor and made what I felt was an
unnecessarily loud noise. Shit. I glanced out the crack in the door worriedly.
My mother didn't seem to notice the noise, but Paul did. He whipped his head
around and fixed his eyes directly on mine, before I slammed the door shut.

I leaned back on the door, hand on my forehead. What the
fuck was I just doing? He had to have known I'd seen the whole thing.
Mortified, I sunk to the floor. The shower was still running, so he probably
couldn't hear me running back to my bathroom.

I wrapped myself in the fluffy white towel and scurried out
of the bathroom and into my bedroom, where I flopped onto my bed, completely
horrified at the thought of Paul and mom knowing how perverted I'd just been. I
rubbed my temples and tried to forget.

After brushing my hair, I got dressed and ready for dinner.
I heard Paul and mom emerge from the bedroom and soon a light knock on my door.
“Dinner's on its way,” Paul said in a low voice.

“'Kay,” I replied weakly.

Now I
couldn't wait for Ashley to get

Chapter 5


Dinner was delivery from a local vegetarian restaurant (I
swear, my mom doesn't quit with this stuff) and ended up not taking very long
to eat. Mom left the table first, taking her takeout container with her and
dumping it in the garbage.

“I'm going to go take a nice, long bath...” she said
languidly. “It's been a long day.” Yeah, right.

“Okay,” Paul and I said at the same time. He winked at me
again and my heart started to flutter. He kissed her cheek, barely looking at
her, and said “Enjoy, honey.”

She turned wordlessly and headed upstairs. I heard the water
begin to fill the tub and stood to scrape my uneaten food into the garbage
disposal. Paul followed suit. Soon I could feel the heat from his body
radiating behind me. It intensified as he leaned in closer and I was surprised
to feel his hand on the small of my back.

“I saw you watching before, you know...” he said in a low

I tensed up immediately. “You did?” I asked shamefully.

“Don't worry, was fucking hot,” he added
seductively, standing directly behind me and wrapping his hands around my
waist, leaving trails of heat I could feel through my jean capris. “I've seen
you watching me for years. Don't think I didn't notice,” he whispered in my
ears. “I've been watching you too...”

All I could do was sigh and let out a little moan. His hands
rose up and grabbed my tits, hard. He massaged them as he said, “And when I saw
these before, all I wanted to do was get my cock out and tit fuck you. It's the
only reason I fucked your mother when we got inside. I was too fucking turned
on by you,” he said, still grabbing my tits but now his hand dipped below the
fabric of my shirt and bra and he gently tugged on my nipples. I could feel his
cock getting harder on my back through his jeans.

“But...” I whimpered quietly. “Mom's so beautiful.”

“She is,” he contended matter-of-factly, then dropped his
voice lower again, “But it's been you I've wanted to fuck since you turned
eighteen.” His left hand left my breast and traveled lower until he reached the
top of my jeans. He slipped it beneath the denim and cupped my pussy. “Were you
touching yourself here when you were watching us?” he enticed.

I nodded wordlessly, overcome with these new sensations. I
could feel myself getting wet.

“Yeah?” he asked wickedly, dipping his hand beneath my
panties. “Like this?” he asked as he started to rub my clit. I nodded again.
“And maybe...” he paused, his hand moving lower. He couldn't, could he? “Like
this?” he asked, thrusting his middle finger into my pussy.

I cried out in pleasure and he cupped my mouth with his free
hand. “We can't let your mother hear,” he warned.

I nodded yet again. He was right. I didn't know what she'd
do if she found out...
Oh God
. He'd started to move his finger in and out
of me slowly – torturously slowly. It was unbelievably difficult to stay quiet,
but his hand over my mouth more ways than one. I bucked my hips.

“Oh, you like that...?” he whispered. “What about this?” he
asked as he slid another finger inside and began to swirl them around inside me
in delicious circles. His thumb was rubbing my clit and I could feel myself
starting to cum.

“Mmm...” he moaned, cock still pressed hard against my back.
“You like that too, I see.” He chuckled seductively in my ear. “Are you going
to cum for daddy?” he purred.

I nodded vigorously as a shudder ran through my body. I
tightened around his fingers and he moaned. Moments later, he took his hand
away from my face, at which point I began to breathe heavily and hard. He
lifted his other hand – his wet hand – to his lips and licked them dry.

I turned around and looked at him, surprise and wonder in my
eyes. He was still very obviously turned on and kissed me hard. He pulled back
slightly and reminded me, “We cannot tell your mother.”

“Yeah,” I breathed.

He backed away slowly, grinning, and winked. I felt my legs
shake beneath me. He turned down the hallway to the living room and I was left
in the kitchen, processing the incredibly thing that just happened.

I grabbed my phone and immediately texted Ashley.

I went with it.

After I sent it, I walked away, feeling triumphant. I heard
the phone vibrating behind me but I ignored it. She'd have to hear about it

Chapter 6


Ashley rolled into our driveway in her green Beetle
convertible at 11:00 two days later. I saw her from my bedroom window and ran
downstairs to greet her.

“What's up, bitch?” she hollered, a big smile plastered on
her beautiful face. I hugged her and she hugged back. It had been a month since
we'd seen each other and I think we had developed separation anxiety. We truly
were inseparable.

“Wanna go to the beach?” I asked her.

“Hell yes I want to go to the beach,” she replied, taking
her bag out of the back of her car. She didn't bother to put the top up on her
convertible – it was so safe around here it would've been a waste of time.

We bounded up the front steps and I opened the front door.
“Ashley's here!” I yelled.

My mom and Paul came out of the kitchen moments later.
They'd been having brunch and I was too nervous around Paul to join them. Not
nervous, exactly. More like excited. If he winked at me one more time I wasn't
sure what I would do.

“Hello, sweetie!” My mother cooed, grasping Ash's shoulders
and air-kissing both of her cheeks.

Paul said hello and gave her a one-armed hug, looking over
her shoulder at me. He must have been up to something. I recognized that look.
I liked that look.

Ashley and I ran upstairs to my bedroom where she threw her
bag on my bed. She stared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You know what,” she accused. “How did you 'go with it?'”

I smirked, blushing and turning away.

“Claire!” She barked. Ashley always knew how to get
information out of me.

“Okay!” I yelled back. “But you can't tell anyone. Really.
No one. At all,” I warned.

Her eyes widened and she wore the smile she got when she
knew she was about to get some delicious gossip. She rubbed her hands together.

“You look like a TV villain when you do that,” I told her.

“Whatever,” she said. “Just tell me already.”

I jumped on the bed with her. “Okay, boobs
completely came out of my bathing suit in the ocean the other day.”

“Okay,” she laughed.

“Well, Paul completely stared at them. I mean, like, stared
them down. I was so embarrassed,” I told her.

“Why were you embarrassed?” She asked, truly not

I gave her a look. “Um, because he's my stepdad? Isn't that
a little gross?”

“Step,” she stressed. “Meaning not actually related.”

I flopped back on the bed. “Yeah,” I said.

“There's more, isn't there?” Ashley said knowingly.

“Yes,” I told her weakly, covering my eyes with my hands.
She hit me with a pillow.

“Well tell me!” She almost screamed.

“Shhh,” I hushed her. “I don't want my mom to hear. Or

“Sorry,” she whispered, giggling.

“Well,” I started, “after dinner last night my mom went
upstairs for a bath, so I was just alone in the kitchen with Paul.”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded.

“So we were at the sink scraping our food into the garbage
disposal and Ashley, he seriously went to fucking town.”

“What?” She said too loudly, smile as wide as her eyes.

“Would you be quiet!” I demanded, hitting her with the
pillow this time.

“Okay, okay, I'll shut up,” she promised. She locked her
mouth up and threw away the key.

“Okay,” I started again, “like I said, he went to town.
Like, he was all over me. Touching me everywhere. I couldn't fucking believe
it. I have had a crush on him for
. And last night he”

She looked like she was about to burst. “Oh my God!” she
squealed as quietly as she could. She high-fived me. “Yes! This is what I mean!
Go with it!”

We both erupted into a fit of laughter. It reminded me of
late nights in our dorm room, drinking and telling stories.

“So,” I said. “Beach?”

“Beach,” she repeated. She started rifling through her bag
and finally pulled out a string bikini. It was the kind of thing I didn't think
anyone actually wore to the beach – models just posed in them for magazines.
She took off her shirt and jeans so she was just standing in her thong and bra,
then unhooked her bra clasp. She took down the straps and I couldn't help but
stare at her. She was my best friend, but she was still totally beautiful. She
took off her thong and I noticed she was completely waxed down there. I was so
envious of her confidence.

“Come on,” she said, putting on her suit. “Do you have your
bathing suit on or what?”

“Yeah, I have it on,” I said. I'd placated my mother that
day and worn one of her picks, a greenish 1940s style one-piece that, in her
defense, really did flatter my figure. I had a waistline. I looked pretty hot.

Ash and I headed downstairs, finding Paul in the kitchen by
himself reading the paper.

“Where's mom?” I asked.

“Doing some yoga, I think,” he responded. “Why do you ask?”

“Just wondering,” I said. He really was so attractive.

Ashley, being Ashley, said “Claire, I'll meet you out there,
'kay?” She shot me a look and closed the door. I was alone again with Paul. In
the kitchen.

“Hi,” he said, keeping direct eye contact.

“Hi,” I stuttered.

He stood and walked toward me. His closeness was unbearable.
He smelled like salt and sweat and soap and I loved it. “What are you wearing
today?” he asked me quietly, somehow able to seduce me with just a question.

“One of the suits mom picked out,” I told him, breathy. “I
figured I'd make her happy.”

He smirked and moved even closer, so close that his lips
were brushing my ear. “Well, what would make me happy is if I could see those
big beautiful tits again,” he whispered, subtly squeezing one. “And I'm dying
to get my hands on this,” he growled, slipping a finger inside my bathing suit
to touch my already wet pussy. “My mouth, too...”

I leaned into his touch, ready to continue whatever it was
we were doing, when my mother called, “Paul? Claire?” I could hear her
footsteps coming down the hallway. Paul and I immediately separated. I started
to head out the door to meet Ashley. He winked at me again and my knees almost
buckled. I managed to escape before I had to look my mother in the eye

BOOK: Romance: Seducing The Quarterback
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