Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (41 page)

BOOK: Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
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"When the hare dies the fox mourns," said Menghuo. "One sympathises with one's own as a rule. We are both chiefs and have been friends. I know not why you should injure me."

"I had to repay Chuko Liang the Minister for his compassion on me and mine, and there was no way till you rebelled. Why should I not offer up a rebel in propitiation?"

Leaving Menghuo and his brother and Tossu in the hands of Yang Feng, the
warriors dispersed, each man returning to his own valley. Liu Feng then took the prisoners to the camp of Shu, where he bowed at the tent door, saying, "I and my sons and the sons of my brother are grateful to you for much kindness, wherefore we bring to you as an offering the persons of these rebels."

K'ung-ming rewarded Yang and bade them bring forward the king.

"This time are you prepared to yield?" said the minister.

"It is not your ability, but the treachery of my own people that has brought me to this. If you wish to slay, slay; but I will not yield."

"You know you were the cause of my men entering into a waterless land, where there were those four evil fountains, and yet my soldiers were not poisoned and came to no harm. Does it not seem to you like evidence of a superior protecting power? Why will you follow this misguided road and always be obstinate?"

Menghuo replied, "My fathers have long held the Silver Pit Hills, and the three rivers are their ramparts. If you can take that stronghold then will I and my heirs for ever acknowledge your power and yield."

"I am going to liberate you once more," said K'ung-ming, "and you may put your army in order if you will and fight a decisive battle. But after that, if you are my prisoner and are still refractory and unsubmissive, I shall have to exterminate your whole family."

He ordered the lictors to loose the prisoner's bonds and let him go. After he had gone, the other two, the king's brother and Tossu, were led in and they also received their liberty. They were given wine and food, but they were confused and could not look K'ung-ming in the face. They were given horses to travel on.

The way has been long and now danger is near,
But faith in their leader banishes fear.

The next chapter will tell how Menghuo reorganised his army and whose was the victory.


the prisoners were released; and Yang Feng and his sons were rewarded with ranks, and his men were given presents. They expressed their gratitude and returned to their own, while Menghuo and his hastened home to Silver-pit Ravine.

Outside this ravine were three rivers, the Lu, the Kannan Shui, or Sweet South Water, and the Hsich'eng Shui, or West Water. These three streams united to form one river which was called the Sanchiang, or Three Rivers. Close to the ravine on the north was a wide and fruitful plain; on the west were salt wells. The Lu River flowed about two hundred
to the south-west, and due south was a valley called the Liangtu Ravine. There were hills in, as well as surrounding, the ravine, and in these they found silver; whence the name "Silver Pit."

A palace had been built in the ravine, which the
kings had made their stronghold, and there was an ancestral temple, which they called
or Family Devil, where they solemnised sacrifices of bulls and horses at the four seasons. They called these sacrifices "Enquiring of the Demons." Human sacrifices were offered also, men of Shu or men of their own people belonging to other villages. Sick persons swallowed no drugs, but prayed to a chief sorcerer, called Drug Demon. There was no legal code, the only punishment for every transgression being death.

When girls are grown and become women they bathe in a stream. Men and women are kept separate, and they marry whom they will, the parents having no control in that particular. They call this
(Learning the Trade). In good seasons the country produces grain, but if the harvest fails they make soup out of serpents and eat boiled elephant flesh. All over the country the head of the family of greatest local consideration is termed "Lord of the Ravine," and the next in importance is called a "Notable." A market is held in the city of Sanchiang, or Three Rivers, on the first day of every moon, and another on the fifteenth; goods are brought in and bartered.

In his own ravine Menghuo gathered his family and clan to the number of a thousand or more and addressed them: "I have been put to shame by the men of Shu many times, and I have sworn to take revenge for the insults. Has anyone any proposal to make?"

Thereupon a certain one replied, saying, "I can produce a man able to defeat Chuko Liang."

The assembly turned to the speaker, who was a brother of Menghuo's wife. He was the head of eight tribes of barbarians, and was named Tailai. He was a chief.

"Who is the man?" asked Menghuo.

Chief Tailai replied, "He is Mulu, Prince and Lord of the Pana Ravine. He is a master of witchcraft who can call up the wind and invoke the rain. He rides upon an elephant and is attended by tigers, leopards, wolves, venomous snakes and scorpions. Beside, he has under his hand three legions of superhuman soldiers. He is very bold. O King, write him a letter and send him presents, which I will deliver. If he will consent to lend his aid, what fear have we of Shu?"

Menghuo was pleased with the scheme and ordered the "State Uncle" to draft a letter. Then he ordered Tossu to defend Sanchiang and make the first line of defence.

K'ung-ming led his men near Sanchiang. Taking a survey of the country, he noted that the city could be reached by a bank on one face, so he sent Wei Yen and Chao Yun to march along the road and attack. But when they reached the rampart they found it well defended by bows and crossbows.

The men of the city were adepts in the use of the bow, and they had one sort which discharged ten arrows at once. Furthermore, the arrows were poisoned, and a wound meant certain death. The two captains saw that they could not succeed, and so retired.

When K'ung-ming heard of the poisoned arrows, he mounted his light chariot and went to see for himself. Having regarded the defences, he returned to his camp and ordered a retirement of ten
This move delighted the
who congratulated each other on their success in driving off the besiegers, who, as they concluded, had been frightened away. So they gave themselves up to rejoicing and kept no watch. Nor did they even send out scouts.

The army of Shu made a strong camp in their new halting place and closed the gates for defence. For five days they gave no sign. One evening, just at sunset, a slight breeze began to blow. Then K'ung-ming issued an order that every man should provide himself with a coat by the first watch. If any one lacked he would be put to death. None of the captains knew what was in the wind, but the order was obeyed. Next, each man was ordered to fill his coat with earth. This order appeared equally strange, but it was carried out. When all were ready, the men were told to carry the earth to the foot of the city wall, and the first arrivals would be rewarded. So they ran with all speed with the dry earth and reached the wall. Then with the earth they were ordered to make a raised way, and the first man on the wall was promised a reward.

The whole of the ten legions of Shu, and their native allies, having thrown their burdens of earth near the wall, then quickly rushed up the incline, and with one great shout were on the wall. The archers on the wall were seized and dragged down; those who got clear ran away into the city. Tossu was slain in the melee that followed on this attack. The men of Shu moved through the city slaying all they met. Thus was the city captured and with it great booty of jewels, which were made over to the army as a reward for their prowess.

The few soldiers who escaped went away and told the king what had happened. He was much distressed. Before he had recovered they told him that the men of Shu had come over and were encamped at the mouth of his own ravine.

Just as he was in the very depths of distress, a laugh came from behind the screen, and a woman appeared, saying, "Though you are brave, how stupid you are! I am only a woman, but I want to go out and fight."

The woman was his wife, Chujung. Her family had lived long among the
but she was a descendant of the Chujung family. She was expert in the use of the flying sword and never missed her aim.

Menghuo rose and bowed to her. The woman thereupon mounted a horse and forthwith marched out at the head of many captains, leading five legions of men of the ravines, and set out to drive off the men of Shu.

Just as the host got clear of the ravine it was stopped by a cohort led by Chang
. At once the
deployed, and the woman leader armed herself with five swords such as she used. In one hand she held an eighteen-foot signal staff, and she sat a curly-haired, reddish horse.

Chang I was secretly troubled at the sight before him, but he engaged the amazon. After a few passes the lady turned her steed and bolted. Chang I went after her, but a sword came flying through the air directly at him. He tried to fend off with one hand, but it wounded his arm, and he fell to the ground. The
gave a loud shout; some of them pounced on the unlucky leader and made him prisoner.

Then Ma Chung, hearing his comrade had been taken, rushed out to rescue, but only to be surrounded. He saw the amazon holding up her staff and made a dash forward, but just then his steed went down under him, and he was also a prisoner.

Both captains were taken into the ravine and led before the king. He gave a banquet in honour of his wife's success, and during the feast the lady bade the lictors put the two prisoners to death. They hustled the two captains in and were just going to carry out their orders when Mengbuo checked them.

"No; five times has Chuko Liang set me at liberty. It would be unjust to put these to death. Confine them till we have taken their chief; then we may execute them."

His wife was merry with wine and did not object. So their lives were spared.

The defeated soldiers returned to their camp. K'ung-ming took steps to retrieve the mishap by sending for Ma Tai, Chao Yun and Wei Yen, to each of whom he gave special and private orders.

Next day the
soldiers reported to the king that Chao Yun was offering a challenge. The amazon forthwith mounted and rode out to battle. She engaged Chao Yun, who soon fled. The lady was too prudent to risk pursuit, and rode home. Then Wei Yen repeated the challenge; he also fled as if defeated. But again the lady declined to pursue. Next day Chao Yun repeated his challenge and ran away as before. The amazon signalled no pursuit. But at this Wei Yen rode up and opened a volley of abuse and obloquy. This proved too much, and she gave the signal to go after him and led the way Wei Yen increased his pace, and the amazon doubled hers, and she and her followers pressed into a narrow road along a valley. Suddenly behind her was heard a noise, and Wei Yen, turning his head, saw the lady tumble out of her saddle.

She had rushed into an ambush prepared by Ma Tai; her horse had been tripped up by ropes. She was captured, bound and carried off to the Shu camp. Some of her people endeavoured to rescue her, but they were driven off.

K'ung-ming seated himself in his tent to see his prisoner, and the amazon was led up. He bade them remove her bonds, and she was conducted to another tent, where wine was laid before her. Then a message was sent to Menghuo to say that she would be exchanged for the two captive leaders The king agreed, and they were set free. As soon as they arrived, the lady was escorted by K'ung-ming himself to the mouth of the ravine, where Menghuo welcomed her half gladly, half angrily.

Then they told Menghuo of the coming of the Lord of the Pana Ravine, and he went out to meet him. He rode up on his white elephant, dressed in silks, and with many gold and pearl ornaments. He wore a double sword at his belt, and he was followed by the motley pack of fighting animals that he fed, gambolling and dancing about him.

Menghuo made him a lowly obeisance and then poured out his tale of woes. Mulu promised to avenge his wrongs and was led off to a banquet which had been prepared.

Next day the deliverer went out to battle, with his pack of wild creatures in his train. Chao Yun and his colleague quickly made their array of footmen and then took their station in front side by side and studied their opponents. The
banners and weapons were all extraordinary. Most of the men wore no armour and none wore any clothing. Their faces were ugly. They carried four sharp pointed knives in their belts. Signals were not given by drum or trumpet, but by a gong.

King Mulu had two swords in his belt and carried a hand bell. He urged his white elephant forward and emerged from between his flags.

"We have spent all our life in the army, but we have never seen the like of that before," said Chao Yun.

As they talked to one another they noticed that the opposing leader was mumbling something that might be a spell or a curse, and from time to time he rang his bell. Then suddenly the wind got up, stones began to roll and sand to fly, and there was a sound as of a heavy shower of rain. Next a horn rang out, and thereupon the tigers and the leopards, and the wolves and the serpents, and all the other wild beasts came down on the wind snapping and clawing. How could the men stand such a thing as that? So they retreated, and the Mans came after them fiercely, chasing their enemies as far as the city.

Chao and Wei mustered their defeated men and went to their leader to confess their failure. The chief, however, was neither angry nor dejected.

'The fault is not yours," he said. "Long ago, when I was still in my forest hut, I knew the
possessed certain powers over beasts, and I provided against this adventure before we left Shu. You will find a score of small sealed carts in the baggage train. We will use half of them now."

He bade his staff bring forward ten of the red box-carts. They all wondered what would happen. Then the carts were opened, and they turned out to be carved and coloured models of huge wild beasts, with coats of worsted, teeth and claws of steel; each could accommodate half a score of men. Choosing a sufficient number of seasoned warriors, he told off ten companies and bade each company stuff the mouths of the beasts full of inflammables.

Next day the army of Shu marched out to the attack and were arrayed at the entrance to the ravine. The
soldiers went into the ravine and told their lord. Mulu, thinking himself perfectly invincible, did not hesitate, but marched out, taking Menghuo with him. K'ung-ming, dressed in the simple robe of a Taoist, went out in his light chariot. In his hand he held a feather fan. Menghuo, who recognised his enemy, pointed him out to Mulu.

"That is Chuko Liang in that small chariot. If we can only capture him, our task is done." we can only capture him, our task is done."

Then Mulu began to mutter his spells and to ring his bell. As before, the wind got up and blew with violence, and the wild beasts came on.

But at a wave of the simple feather fan, lo! the wind turned and blew the other way. Then from out of the host of Shu there burst the wonderful wild beasts. The real wild beasts of the
saw rushing down upon them huge creatures whose mouths vomited flames and whose nostrils breathed out black smoke. They came along with jingling bells snapping and clawing, and the real beasts turned tail and fled in among the men of their own side, trampling them down as they sped. K'ung-ming gave the signal for a general onset and his men rushed forward with beating drums and blaring trumpets. Mulu was killed. Menghuo's whole clan fled panic and tore up among the hills out of the way. And thus the Silver Pit Ravine was taken.

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