Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (36 page)

BOOK: Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
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But K'ung-ming, fearing lest the guest should feel mortified, soothed him with fair words, saying, "This is all play upon words, the sort of puzzles one propounds at a merry feast.
honoured Sir, know that the tranquillity and safety of states are no matters to joke with."

The envoy bowed. Then Teng Chih was ordered to return to Wu and thank its ruler for his courtesy, and he was to accompany Chang Wen. So both, having taken leave of the Prime Minister, set out on their journey to the east.

In the meantime Sun Ch'uan was beginning to feel perplexed at the long delay of his envoy. He had summoned a council to discuss this question, when the report came that his own envoy had returned, and Teng was with him. They were brought in forthwith; and Chang Wen, having made his obeisance, began to discourse upon the virtue of the King of Shu and K'ung-ming and to lay before his lord the proposal for a league of peace. Teng Chih, the President of a Board, was empowered to discuss this matter.

Turning to Teng, Sun Ch'uan said, "Would it not be a happy result if tranquillity should be restored to the empire by the destruction of Wei, and Wu and Shu should share its administration?"

"The sky knows not two suns," replied Teng, "nor can the people recognise two kings. If Wei be destroyed, no one can say upon whom the divine command will devolve. But one who becomes a prince must perfect his virtue, and those who become ministers must be wholly loyal. In this way strife will cease."

Sun Ch'uan smiled, saying, "And your sincerity is like this, eh?"

Teng Chih was dismissed with rich gifts, and after this Wu and Shu were good friends.

The negotiations between his two rivals were reported in the capital without loss of time, and Ts'ao P'ei was very angry.

"If they have made an alliance it can only mean that they cherish the intention of destroying the capital. My best move is to strike first."

He called a great council. This council lacked the presence of Ts'ao Jen and Chia Hsu, who had both died, but Hsin P'i stepped forward and said, "The country is extensive, but the population so sparse that no successful army could be raised just now. My advice is to wait ten years, spending that period in forming an army and in cultivating the land till stores and weapons shall have been accumulated. Then both our rivals may be destroyed."

"This is only the distorted opinion of a perverted pedant. Having made this league, the two countries may fall upon us at any moment. This matter cannot be postponed for ten years," said the king.

An edict appeared commanding the enlistment of soldiers and the formation of an army. Ssuma I then pointed out that ships were necessary, as Wu was protected by the Great River, and he proposed a plan of campaign.

"Your Majesty must lead. The navy can advance by way of the Huai, taking Shouch'un. When you reach Kuangling, the river is to be crossed and Nanhsu is to be captured."

This plan was accepted, and the construction of dragon ships was put in hand and went on day and night. Ten were built two hundred feet long to carry two companies (of a thousand) each. They also collected three thousand fighting ships.

In the autumn of the fifth year the various captains assembled, and Ts'ao Chen was appointed leader of the first corps. Chang Liao, Chang Ho, Wen P'ing and Hsu Huang were chief leaders. Hsu Chiu and Lu Wen were guards of the centre, and Ts'ao Ho commanded the rear guard. The strategists were Liu Yeh and Chiang Chi. In all, land and marine forces numbered over thirty legions. When the starting day was decided upon, Ssuma I was made President of the Board of War with the Lordship of the Archery, and left in the capital with the powers of a regent.

Passing over the story of how the Wei army started, history shifts the scene to Wu, where the spies told the king's attendants of the dangers, and the latter hastened to inform, the king. They said Ts'ao P'ei was leading in person and the danger was great.

When Sun Ch'uan met his council, Ku Yung said, "My lord, you can call upon Shu for help according to the treaty. Write to K'ung-ming and get him to send out an army through HanChung so as to divert part of Wei's army. Also send an army to Nanhsu to oppose them there."

"I shall have to recall Lu Hsun," said the prince. "He is the only man to undertake this great task."

"Do not move him if you can help it; he is necessary for the protection of Chingchou."

"Yes, I know; but there is no other strong enough."

At these words Hsu Sheng advanced, saying, "I know I am not very able, but I desire to be given an army to meet this danger. If Ts'ao P'ei crosses the river in person I will make him prisoner and present him at the gate of your palace. If he does not come over here I will slay so many of his men that his army shall not dare even to look this way."

Sun Ch'uan was pleased to find a willing volunteer, and replied, "Noble Sir, what anxiety need I feel if I have your protection?"

Hsu was given the title of "Protector of the East" and made Commander-in-chief of all the forces in Nanhsu. As soon as he had received his orders, he retired. He gave command to gather enormous quantities of weapons, and had many flags and banners made for the protection of the river banks.

But another impetuous young leader was anxious to take more vigorous measures, and he stood forth, saying, "My lord has laid upon you, O General, a heavy responsibility, but if you really desire to capture the ruler of Wei you should send an army to meet him on the north side in Huainan. I fear failure if you wait till the northern men have come this far."

The young man was Sun Shao, cousin of the Prince of Wu. He had already the title of "Leader of Wide Prestige," and was in command at Kuangling. Though young and impetuous, he was very valiant.

"Ts'ao P'ei's army is strong and its leaders famous. I hold that we may not cross the river to meet him, but wait the arrival of his ships on the other side. Then I shall carry out my plan," said Hsu.

"I have three companies of my own, and I know the country about Kuangling thoroughly. Let me go across the river and fight a battle. I will willingly undergo the penalty if I fail," said the younger Sun.

However, Hsu Sheng refused, and all the pleadings of his impetuous captain were vain. And when he still persisted, the Commander-in-chief grew angry and said, "What control shall I have if you are allowed to disobey orders?" He ordered the lictors to take him out and put him to death.

They led him away, and forthwith the black flag was hoisted. But one of Sun Shao's captains went off in hot haste to tell Sun Ch'uan, who came immediately to try to save his favourite.

Happily the execution had not been accomplished when the prince appeared on the scene, and he bade the executioners disperse. The youth was saved. He began to press his claim to the prince. "I have been at Kuangling, and if we do not attack the enemy there, but let him get down to the river, there will be an end of Wu."

Sun Ch'uan went into the camp, and Hsu Sheng came to receive him. When the prince was seated in his tent, he said, "O Prince, you placed me in command of the force to repulse Wei. Now this captain of mine, Sun Shao, is disobedient and should suffer death. I would ask why he should be pardoned."

"He is naturally hot and impetuous. He has been guilty of disobedience, but I hope you will overlook his fault."

"The law is none of my making, nor is it yours, O Prince; it is a state penalty, and if relationship is enough to evade it, where is discipline?"

"He has offended, and you have the right to judge and punish. But although his real name was Yu, yet my brother loved him and gave him our family name. He has rendered me good service, and if he should be put to death I should fail in my fraternal duty."

"Since you have intervened, O Prince, I remit the death penalty."

Sun Ch'uan bade his nephew thank his chief, but the youth would not make an obeisance. On the contrary, he loudly maintained the correctness of his view. "I can only lead my men against Ts'ao and so die," cried he. "I cannot consent to the other plan."

Hsu Sheng's countenance changed. The recalcitrant young man was ordered to leave the tent.

"He will not be any loss," said Sun Ch'uan, "and I will not employ him again."

Then the prince left and returned to his own place. That night they reported to Hsu Sheng that Sun Shao had gone secretly over the river with his own force, and the commander, who did not wish him to come to harm, as evidently that would displease the prince, sent a force to support him. Ting Feng was chosen to command this reinforcement, and he was told what to do.

The Ruler of Wei, in his dragon ships, reached Kuangling, and the van got to the river bank. He came to survey the position.

"How many soldiers are on the other bank?" asked Ts'ao.

Ts'ao Chen replied, "I have not seen a single one; nor are there any flags or encampments."

"That is a ruse; I will go and find out."

So he set out to cross the river in one of the dragon ships. He anchored under the bank. On his boat were displayed the emblems proper to an imperial equipage, and they shone out bravely. Seated in the ship, the prince looked up and down the south bank, but not a man was visible.

"Do you think we should cross?" asked the prince of his strategists.

"If the rules of war mean anything, they ought to be prepared. We think Your Majesty should exercise caution. Wait a few days and watch. Then perhaps the van might be sent to make a reconnaissance."

"So I think," said the prince. "But as it is now late, we will pass the night on the river."

It was a dark night, and the ship was brilliantly lighted up; it seemed like day on board. But all along the south bank there appeared no glimmer of light.

"What do you think it means?" said Ts'ao.

The courtiers replied, 'They heard that Your Majesty's heavenly army was coming, and ran away like so many rats."

The prince laughed to himself. When daylight came there came with it a thick fog, so that nothing on the bank could be seen. After a time a breeze blew off the fog, and then, to their immense surprise, they found that the whole length of the south bank as far as they could see was one battlement, with towers at intervals, while spears and swords glittered in the sun and flags and pennons fluttered in the breeze. Also the scouts began to report a similar wall at Nanhsu. A long stone wall had grown up in a night and stood there with carts and masts of ships lying along it.

This may be explained. The fact was that the wall was an imitation, and the warriors that manned it were bundles of reeds dressed in soldiers' uniforms. But the sight chilled the ardour of the invaders.

"My hosts of men are no use against such warriors; we can do nothing," said Ts'ao.

He thought over this sadly enough. But now the wind had increased in force, and white combers began to heave up in the river, and seas broke over his boat, drenching the dragon robes. The ship seemed as if she would roll right over. So Ts'ao Chen sent out small boats to rescue his master and his men. But they were too affrighted to move. Wherefore Wen P'ing, who was in charge, leaped on board and helped the prince down into one of the smaller craft, which then flew away before the wind and got safely into a creek.

Soon came a hasty messenger from the west to say that Chao Yun had marched out through Hsip'ing Pass and threatened Ch'angan. This frightened Ts'ao P'ei so badly that he decided to retreat, and gave orders to retire. The whole army were in a mood to run away, and moved off toward the north, pursued by the men of Wu. To hasten the march, the Prince of Wei bade his men abandon all the imperial paraphernalia and impediments. The dragon ships withdrew into the Huai River one by one.

As they moved in disorder, suddenly arose the sounds of an enemy force, shouts and the rolling of drums and the blaring of trumpets, and a cohort marched down obliquely on to their line. And at the head was Sun Shao.

The men of Wei could make no effective stand, and many were slain, while large numbers were driven into the river and drowned. By dint of great efforts, the prince was saved and got away up the river. But when they had sailed about thirty
they saw ahead a tract of blazing reeds. The enemy had poured fish oil over the dry reeds and set them alight. The wind was spreading the flames down river toward the men of Wei, and the heat was intense. The dragon ships had to stop.

Ts'ao P'ei was put into a smaller craft and taken on shore; his larger ships were presently set on fire and destroyed. They mounted the prince on a horse and moved along the bank, but soon they fell in with another body of men. This time it was the supports under Ting Feng.

Chang Liao rode ahead to engage the leader, but was soon wounded by an arrow in the loins. However, he was helped away by Hsu Huang, and the prince was got safely out of the turmoil. The loss of men was heavy, and a huge booty of horses, carts, ships and weapons fell to the victors.

So the Wei armies went away north thoroughly beaten, while Hsu Sheng had scored a great success. He was richly rewarded.

Chang Liao got to Hsuch'ang, but only to die from the effects of his wound. He was honourably buried by the prince, but the story of his funeral will not be told.

It has been said that Chao Yun was threatening Ch'angan, but soon after he went through the Pass the Prime Minister of Shu sent a despatch to recall him because the aged General Yung K'ai of Ichou had joined himself with the
and invaded the four districts. So Chao Yun returned. Meanwhile Ma Ch'ao was put in charge of the Yangp'ing Pass. The Prime Minister was about to go to invade the south. He was then preparing at Ch'engtu for this expedition.

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