Romance in Dallas - Tycoon! (8 page)

Read Romance in Dallas - Tycoon! Online

Authors: Nancy Fornataro

Tags: #romance, #texas, #sex, #contemporary, #rich, #sensual, #dallas, #tycoon

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When she perused her clothes, only a few were
left clean. She chose a crop top with flare jeans and boots, and a
sweatshirt as she remembered the plane being chilly. That was one
of the few things she recalled about the first flight.


After she'd had some toast and coffee from
room service, she just waited for him. And, waited for him. And,
waited for him some more, watching TV morning news. Checking her
watch, she realized it was nine-thirty.

He laughed as he answered her phone call. "I
know, I know, I'm late. Hey you aren't the only one who can be
tardy you know."

She sniffed. "Just checking." And, she hung

Five minutes later, he knocked and strolled
into her room. "Ready?"

"I've been ready."


The double entendre was not lost on her and
she frowned. "I've got so many dirty clothes. I don't suppose you
have a washer and dryer on that plane?"

"Not yet," he said dryly, "we're working on
it. Besides, you look fine to me. Just fine. And we'll get them
washed for you in Nassau."


He thought he really liked her crop top look.
It was a total turn on for him, and he had to fight the urge to run
his hand down her hair, which she wore loose today. "Out the back,
as usual," he told her, "the porter will follow, just leave your

Gently guiding her by the arm, they went down
the service elevator in the back of the hotel.

She was silent on the taxi ride to the
airport, and silent again as they went through security.

Once in the plane, he asked, "You took your
airsick pill?"

She nodded and sat in the captain's chair
across from him.

He noticed her hands gripping the arms of the
chair, as they rose quickly into the clouds.

After a minimum of turbulence, he asked
politely, "You doin' okay, then?"

She nodded again.

"What?" he asked.

"Just a mood, I'll get over it."

He smiled, thinking she was mad at him for
being late, like she usually was...late for everything. "I want to
ask you about..."

Looking at him now, she said, "What?"

"Who's Gram?" he asked.

"None of your business."

"Talk now. Talk. We're just passing time
here, Jace."


She felt like his eyes were boring a hole
through her, as she replied, "What part of none of your business do
you not understand?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Guess I've been
told." And he picked up a magazine from the glass table and began
leafing through it.

"I'm sorry. It's no secret I guess," she
said, after a pause of several minutes.

"Tell me about it," he said, throwing the
magazine down.

They both unfastened their seat belts as the
plane leveled out, and he leaned forward.

"Well," she began, "obviously she was my
grandmother." Tears welled up in her eyes, and her hand came to her

He was silent, just observing her warmly now,
not saying anything.

"She raised me. I just remember my mother
coming to Gram's house one time. I hid because they were yelling at
one another. My mother wanted money, and Gram didn't want to give
it to her because she said my mother would buy drugs with it. And
my mother never even said good-bye to me."

"And what did your mother look like? I'm
really a visual person. Describe her. Describe your Gran."

"My mother had the same hair color as mine,
shorter, messy looking. And her face was sunken, like she hadn't
eaten for a while. Then Gran just had white hair ever since I could
recall. And she was short."

"And your father?" he asked softly, shifting
a bit in his seat.

"Do you need me to work on you?" she

"Not just yet. I took a pain pill earlier.
Your father?"

"He died when I was a baby, apparently. I've
seen pictures of him in Gran's house, but that's all. He had black
hair, and dark eyes. Handsome. He was Gran's only son, really all
that was left of her family."

"What did he die of, do you know?"

She scanned his face with her eyes, and he
watched her eye color changing from brown to almost a light brown
with gold flecks more noticeable. And she hesitated before she
said, "A car accident. I'm sorry to bring that up."

He shrugged, but Jace could sense a slight
change in him. He said, "It's part of my life. Actually a part of
everyone's life. Who doesn't know someone who's life was cut short
by a car accident?"

"At any rate," Jace continued, trying to
skirt around the sensitive issue, "Gran was my mother and father
both. She'd help me with my homework, took me to my gymnastics
classes and came to all the parent's nights at school. All the kids
liked her. She was a favorite. They'd all come and hang out at our
house after school."

The tears were back and ran down her cheeks
now as she stared at the plane's portholes.

"What happened?" he asked gently.

"A fire. I woke up in the middle of the
night, walked out to the hallway, smelled the smoke, and saw flames
three feet high in front of me. I ran back and shut my door. I
didn't know what to do. We never talked about that possibility, you
know, fire in the house.

My window was open, and I jumped down from
the second story, actually, hung from the gutter, then dropped. The
hose was right there. I turned it on full blast and screamed for
the neighbor." Her voice softened. "I couldn't save her. I tried
going back in the house through the rear door. But there was a
giant back-draft that blew me off my feet."

She wiped at her tears with one hand. "I
tried. Then I just screamed and screamed. I don't remember anything
else." She sobbed.

"Come with me," he said gently, as he led her
to the bedroom. Pulling her down, he lay next to her, and opened
his arms, drew her in close, closer, stroking her hair and
murmuring softly in her ear.

He ignored his hardness which always seemed
to come with being close to this woman.

She took a shaky breath before she returned
his hug, with her arms around his waist.


When she woke later, she realized they'd
fallen asleep, as she heard his even breaths.

But when she tried to move away, his arms
tightened around her. "Mmmm," he said softly, "don't move. You fit
into me perfectly right there."

She had to admit, it felt good holding
someone close for a change, and she relaxed.

Ram began whispering in her ear,
unintelligible sounds, and she found the familiar heavy sensation
begin inside her, settling now between her legs. He always seemed
to produce it, with his looks, his voice, and his whispers.


And Ram thought she was so very sexy in his
arms, so sensual as she moved slightly closer, and edged towards
his hardness.

It was on her now, moving, thrusting, and he
heard her slow release of breath.

"What turns you on, sweet pea?" he whispered,
as his hands roved her smooth back, then her hair. "Are you my
sweet pea?"

A small noise was his response, and he
brought her even closer to him.

She reached around trying to unhook her

"Not yet," he whispered, smiling, "you didn't
answer me."

She said slowly, "I don't think I'm anyone's
'sweet pea.'"

"Think again," he whispered against her lips,
before his mouth came down hard on hers.

His tongue flitted in and out, tasting,
tantalizing her, before his lips barely touched hers again. "Say
it," he urged, "tell me what you feel. Tell me what you like."

She moaned, "My breasts..."

Ram unhooked her bra with one stroke of his

Pulling up her top, and the bra with it, his
breath came out in a long sigh while his thumb came up and stroked
her nipples, one then the other.

Arching towards him, she moved in a sensual
rhythm, as he pulled back to look at her. "You are just the most
beautiful little woman I think I've ever seen," he whispered. His
lips kissed down her neck, to her breasts. Bringing his hand up to
knead them, his tongue rolled on her nipples, before he sucked them
each, one then the other.

"You like that, sweet thing?" he said softly,
kissing her lips, not giving her time to answer. He'd waited so
long to do this, he wanted it to last, and he wanted to last for
her, bring her to her peak.

He tasted her lips with his tongue, and he
couldn't resist rolling on top of her now, as he thrust against
her, while she responded in kind.


Jace felt his hardness and wanted him inside
her. He whispered against her ear while he thrust himself, kissed
her neck then her breasts.

Holding his head with both her hands, she
pressed him hard on her breasts, and his hand came up underneath
her, holding her hips up to meet his.

Quickly as he could, he moved and took her
boots and pants off, even her underwear. Just her crop top was

Lying next to her again, his hand roved her
hips, her legs, then between her legs.

She moaned, while his fingers stroked her
expertly, and he continued whispering, rolling her, fingers inside
her now, as her eyes flew open, then closed again.

"Look at me," he whispered urgently.

She opened her eyes.

"Come for me."

Her eyes fluttered.

"Come for me," he whispered again urgently,
but she could tell he was smiling as he said it.

He laughed softly, as his fingers ran in and
out of her.

Her body stiffened, and she cried out with
pleasure, as he rubbed her quickly, expertly, while she found her

Drawing her leg over his, spreading her legs
more now, his fingers barely touched like velvet, she thought,
gasping at the sensation he caused.


Ram knew she was close, and he whispered,
"Come for me, sweet thing. Are you ready? Mmmm..."

He slowed his fingers, felt her softness,
reveling in it, loving it, loving her. Soon, he felt her inside
squeeze tight, as he watched her lashes flutter on her closed eyes,
and she cried out, as his fingers delved further inside her.

"Come again," he whispered insistently, "Come
for Ram, sweet...sweet." And his lips came down on her breasts,
sucking, nipping softly, while she gasped and moved her hips in


But the plane jiggled back and forth then,
and the captain buzzed him.

Cursing softly, Ram gathered up her pants,
and said, "We need to buckle up, sweet thing." Then looking down at
her flushed face, "We can continue later," he said gently.

She nodded as she dressed quickly, and they
both went out to sit in the captain chairs.


Jace fastened her seatbelt and felt like
someone had let the air out of her.

But, she also noticed Ram wasn't saying too
much. He avoided eye contact and gazed at some spot above her head,
as a muscle twitched in his jaw.

"Is anything wrong?" she asked him.

"Nothin,'" he replied quickly, as the plane
jostled them around.

She gazed at him curiously for at least ten
minutes then watched as he brought his right hand up to his mouth,
rested his elbow on the arm of the chair, and breathed deeply.

His eyes came back to hers, his look heated
now. "The scent of you, woman. The beautiful fragrance."

She felt his physical impact then, all that
was Ram, from his wavy blond hair, to his black boots. Her eyes
roamed over his frame, his chest muscles she could see now, peeking
through his unbuttoned shirt, his broad shoulders, slim waist,
casual blue jeans. The totality of him hit her like a physical
blow, as she remembered his expert hands, guiding her, inflaming
her until she cried out.

Then, a slight smile appeared on his face,
while his tongue appeared and rolled around his lips. Keeping the
tongue on his lower lip for seconds, he grinned and laughed

Now, she wanted him physically and she could
almost taste it. Pulling her eyes from him, she said, "What's so
funny?" But her voice came out weaker than she would have

"Nothin,'" he repeated, while she could just
about feel the grin on his face while he said the words.


The door to the cockpit opened then, and a
dark-haired man came out.

Ram looked up at him. "Hey Mac. Meet

She shook his hand, and thought he was around
thirty-five, with a nice build and clean cut face with a square

"Who's flying?" Ram asked.

"Auto pilot."

Jace blanched, but said nothing. Her hand
came up and patted her stomach.

"You all right, darlin'?" Ram asked her.

"Think I'll lie down," she said, looking at
the pilot now, "unless we'll have more turbulence."

"I think we're in the clear," he said. "Let
you know if anything changes." Then to Ram he said, "Just
stretching my legs."

He continued, in a low tone, as Jace
disappeared into the bedroom, "Where'd you meet her?"

Ram chuckled. "She's a physical therapist I
hired for my back problems."

"Some guys have all the luck, you dog," Mac

"Got some society chicks I could introduce
you to," Ram said.

"Nah. Too uptight. Had one once. Didn't last

"Gotta know how to treat 'em, my man."

"That goes both ways," Mac said before he
went into the cabin again.


Ram looked out the portal to the clouds below
them. And he realized this was one of those days when he was
haunted by his wife's smiling face.

And he thought he might be too attached to
Jace already. What if she rejected him in the end? He wasn't sure
if he could take that. She was just so different from the other
women he knew. Strong, independent, capable, yet soft, pliable,
sensual without even knowing it.

In the end, his physical needs overran his
mental quandaries.

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