Romance in Dallas - Tycoon! (15 page)

Read Romance in Dallas - Tycoon! Online

Authors: Nancy Fornataro

Tags: #romance, #texas, #sex, #contemporary, #rich, #sensual, #dallas, #tycoon

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Soon, he felt her hands lighten, and a new
sensation began for him. He realized she was kissing down his back,
lingering on his buttocks, then down to his thighs, while her hair
ran softly against his skin. Her hands drew lightly over his
backside, while she smoothed her lips over him everywhere, hair
lightly brushing as she kissed.

And he thought it was the most sensual thing
he'd ever felt in his life, as he tried not to gasp out loud.

But she stopped after a while, gently laying
the towel over his midsection again, and he heard her shut the door
to the bedroom against him, against his entry.

He let out a long sigh, as he rose heavily,
and walked to the other bedroom.

Trying to clear his head, he picked up his
phone and called Warren. "Hey, where are you?" he asked, not really
wanting to know.

"Hey yourself, man," Warren answered, "I
think we're halfway there. I'll call you when we get in. How's
everything going, or shouldn't I ask?"

"You shouldn't ask. Worst case scenario, she
leaves when you get here. Best case, you and Natalie will get a
nice vacation on me."



Warren clicked his phone closed, and shook
his head at Natalie. "It's not good, Nat."

She leaned back in the plane seat. "I know
Jace. She can be stubborn as nails sometimes."

They were both silent then.

After a while, Natalie thought of the night
before with Warren. The dinner went well at a steak house, but
she'd wondered if he was as attracted to her as she was to him.

She didn't have to wait long for her answer.
After dinner, as they walked out to the street, right outside the
front doors of the place, Warren pulled her over, and trapped her
with his two arms by her head against the brick wall of the

"Kiss me," he'd demanded.

A smile quirked her face at that. "What, you
have to ask?"

"I'm always polite," he said, with his lips
against hers.

"Damn," she breathed, "how boring."

At that, he'd pulled his whole body against
hers, and she felt his erection. His lips fairly slammed against
hers, tongue thrusting, as she wrapped her arms around his

And, at her apartment, they couldn't strip
off their clothes fast enough, helping each other, unbuttoning his
shirt, unzipping her dress, pants, shoes lay in piles on the

His hands roamed her body, while she tried to
tame his eagerness by kissing him long and slow. It didn't

He backed her against the wall, feeling then
sucking on her breasts with one hand while the other felt her
wetness and fingers explored her, as she moaned at the

Soon, his hardness was at her opening.
Whispering, he said, "I want you right now. I can't wait."

"You're still asking," she whispered back,
"just take what you want."

As he plunged into her, she felt the hard
wall against her back, along with his hardness within her, and she
came immediately, pulsing against him, crying out.

She couldn't even count the times they'd
thrust against that wall, before he'd come to his shuddering

"Damn," he gasped, still in her but not
moving, "you are so fucking hot. Sorry if I wore you out."

The same smile came to her lips then. "It
ain't over 'til it's over sweetie."

"Shit, there's more where that came from." He
was still breathless, as he grabbed her around the waist, and fell
with her on the bed, still inside her.

"Come to mama," she said, laughing.


Sitting on the plane, just thinking about it,
turned her on. And she stole a look at him, realized he was
probably thinking about the same thing, as he had a satisfied smile
on his face as he gazed off at some unknown spot.

"Kiss me," she told him. "Just a little one.
To last me."



Ram couldn't sleep, which seemed to be a
constant condition with him lately. He roamed the living room of
the penthouse, settling finally with a vodka on the rocks, as he
sat naked on the sofa, brooding.

He gulped the drink down and sat staring at
the moon peeking through his bedroom window.

A few minutes later, he carefully opened the
door to Jace's bedroom. A beam of light from the full moon shined
over her sleeping form, naked, uncovered.

Her hair flowed over the pillows gracefully
and her face was illuminated in the dark of night.

He just couldn't resist her.

Laying next to her back, his hand came around
her stomach and pulled her to him.

She stirred slightly then settled against him
comfortably. He was immediately hard, with just the scent of her
light perfume, and hesitating momentarily, his hands couldn’t
resist moving on her.

They moved softly over her generous breasts,
over her stomach, over her mound then her thighs. She moaned and
moved against him. His fingers found her wetness, roving in and out
of her opening, as she gasped.

"Sugar pie," he whispered, "my sugar pie,"
and he entered her from behind as he rubbed her bud softly, "I love
you sweet pea," he whispered, loving the feel of her, her sounds,
her fragrance, just the essence of Jace.


She woke a bit more, and a sigh escaped her,
before she moaned again. "You're making this hard, so hard," she
whispered, breathless, but still moving with him, still allowing
him the intimate access.

"It doesn't have to be difficult, darlin'
just stay with me, stay with Ram." His movements were hard against
her, giving her all of him, as she relished the feel of him inside

She was giving more and more to him, as she
leaned forward to arch her back, with his hands on her arms,
holding her firmly, not letting her go.

He thrust into her, moments passed, and she
couldn't suppress a cry of delight as he lasted longer, while she
cried out again and again.

"Ram," she whispered breathlessly, "I love

He was speechless, and finally whispered
back, "You'll stay with me, sugar pie? You won't leave Ram

Still moving against him, she breathed, "I'll



That night, Ram dreamed of Jace's hair
flowing across his legs, but when he woke up in the morning, it was
actually happening. And he realized what she was doing while he lay
on his side.

"Oh, you sweet thing," he drawled, as he
cradled her head.

Looking at him quickly, she said, "Thought
I'd give you something to remember me by," and continued stroking
him with her tongue, and sucking his morning hard-on. Then she
started to laugh, "Just kidding."

He sighed with contentment. "Believe me,
darlin' I don't need this to remember you by. How could I ever…"
and his voice trailed off, as her tongue worked its magic, licking
the length of him, with her mouth taking all of him seemingly at
the same time.

Her hands stroked him, like the night before,
rolled gently across his thighs, then his buttocks, and back
between his legs again. Meanwhile, her hair flowed delicately
across the both of them.

The movements became surreal to Ram, like
he'd gone to a place he'd never been before, a sensuous place where
he just felt softness and no pain. "Sweet baby," he gasped finally,
"come back up here."

But she shook her head, and continued
stroking, sucking him, while her hands came back around to push him
forward into her mouth and down her throat.

He tensed with the feel of it, once, twice,
feeling the thrill of Jace being her most intimate with him, and he
flung his head back to gasp.

Then as her hand suddenly was on him, rubbing
him, "Come for me," she whispered, "come for me, Ram."

He touched her head gently, stroked her hair,
while he felt her again, taking all of him, licking and working her

"I love you, Jace," he whispered urgently,
"love you, sweet baby," while his orgasm shook him to the core.



Chapter 13



Warren clicked his phone shut. "Still no
answer," he said to Natalie as they walked out of the airport
building at Nassau.

He hailed a cab and the driver threw their
bags in the trunk

While they drove to the Nassau Manor House,
he said, "This could be good or bad, I don't know. Ram is seldom
away from his phone."

She nodded, nestling closer to him. "I could
say the same about Jace. Guess we'll have to wait and see."

Looking down at her he said, "Have I told you
yet that I'm attracted to you?"

She laughed and smoothed his shirt. "Yes,
that was readily apparent, and I do mean readily."


Jace smiled at Ram as he walked out of his
room, already dressed casually for a meeting.

"God, you are so beautiful," he breathed, as
he watched her move to get him coffee. She wore a gold robe and
nightgown. "It's what you don't see," he added, "and even what I
don't see, I love."

Handing him coffee, she turned towards the
other bedroom. "Isn't that your cell?"

"I know. I've been ignoring it. I'm afraid
it's Warren."

"What do you mean? I'm looking forward to
seeing Nat again. You said yourself they'll have a little vacation
on you, right?"

He sat on the couch sipping his coffee. "Did
I say that?"

She sat next to him, eyeing him curiously
now. "Yes, Ram. You said it last night, remember?"

But he just sat, sipping his coffee, staring
off into space.

A few minutes later, they heard a knock on
the penthouse door.

Jace ushered Warren and Natalie in, crying as
she saw Nat, and hugging her.

"My man," Warren said to Ram as he shook his
hand then hugged him briefly. "So, how is everything?"

"What do you mean?" Ram asked him.

Natalie and Warren watched him then looked at

"It's okay," Jace said quickly, "everything
is fine, so now you can have a vacation on Ram."

There was silence, as the three of them
looked at Ram, who sat down again, sipping his coffee.

Warren pulled Jace to one side. "What's going
on?" he whispered.

"I don't know," she said softly, "he seems
muddled today. I'm calling his doctor right now. Something is just
not right."


Ram heard whispering, voices from far away;
he heard Warren's voice, then Jace, then Natalie. He tried to think
of what he was saying and thinking, but he was confused. Jace. She
was staying, with him. She stood in front of him now, a cell phone
held to her ear. He looked up at her, smiling, before he lost


"Oh my God!" Jace cried, as she tried to
catch him. He slid then fell to the carpet. "Call 911 Nat!"

"Ram!" Jace loosened his shirt, undoing the
top buttons, feeling for his pulse. "He's thready," she told
Warren, who hovered above them.

It seemed an eternity before the paramedics
arrived and started firing questions at her.

"When did this start?" the tall one

"He seemed a bit confused," Jace responded,
"then he just passed out. Is he in fib?"

"Seems like atrial fib," the other one said,
after he'd hooked up Ram to heart monitors. "How long was he

"I'd say about ten minutes," Jace

"May have been a stroke. And his name?"

"Ramsey Knowles." The two attendants looked
at each other.

"Hey, Ramsey!" one said loudly, "Can you hear
us, Ramsey?"

But there was no response. Ram was still

After that, things moved too fast for Jace,
who watched helplessly as they rushed him into the waiting
elevator, then an ambulance.

She changed quickly to casual clothes and
followed with Nat and Warren in a cab.


Ram became aware of sounds of a siren,
distant sounds, before a jolt told him he was the one being
transported. "What happened?" he asked one of the attendants, his
voice sounding far away, watching the inside of the ambulance
before they wheeled him into the emergency room.

"Just take it easy Ramsey," the man told him
loudly, too loudly. So Ram closed his eyes again, too tired to keep
them open.

As he heard swishing sounds, then bleeps, he
felt himself being lifted onto another bed. He tried to sit up, but
his body wouldn't cooperate. Jace. He needed Jace, where was she?
No, but Jace had left him, he remembered from yesterday. She was
gone. She was mad at him. About the Victoria picture. Damn Victoria
anyway, he thought.

"His pressure is two-hundred over one-twenty
five," he heard someone say.

He winced as he felt someone stabbing the
back of his hand, as he struggled to open his eyes. Again, swishes
of material against material, as his hand felt warm. "That should
take care of the pressure for now," someone said.

Then, he heard Jace, and he smiled.

"Suspected parathyroid tumor," she said, and
he wasn't sure who she said the words to.

But, why was Jace here? he wondered. Had she
come back to him?

"Ram," he heard Warren say. It was so
familiar. From long ago.

"Susan?" Ram said, still trying to open his
eyes. "Did Susan make it?"

"Christ," Warren breathed, as his voice faded

"Ram, wake up," he heard Jace say. But, he
thought, where was Susan?

Finally, his eyes opened to see Jace bending
over him. Still confused, his eyes caught hers. "She didn't make
it, Ram, Susan didn't make it," she said quietly. She took one of
his hands in hers. "But I'm here. I won't leave you, Ram. I won't

He nodded, before he lost consciousness


"Such a simple thing to fix," Jace said to
Natalie, as they waited in Ram's room for him to wake up after the
operation. "It's just a fifteen minute procedure. After this, his
blood-pressure will be all right, he won't be confused, the atrial
fib will be fixed, he won't pass out and his bones won't hurt him
anymore. He'll still have the osteoporosis, but the supplements
will help that. At least he won't be in chronic pain. And no more

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