Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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“Oh fuck, Chas,
yeah. You feel so good, baby, you need me to fill you everywhere,” he growled
as he slowed his pace, pulling out slightly as his fingers wet my arse and worked
their magic, spreading my arousal
and I
knew it was only a matter of time.

“No,” I gasped as
I felt him push through the resistance of that tight space, but there was no
conviction in my gasp as he hissed through clench teeth.

“You want this,

He was groaning
low and deep in his chest, and knowing just how much this was turning him on
spurred me on even harder, enveloped in a new wave of insatiable need and
bliss. He moved his fingers further inside me, his cock plunging deep into my
pussy as I screamed out loud.

I was yelling
‘no’, but pushing myself further into him, forcing his fingers deeper as he
opened me up. His carnal groans were as forceful and abandoned as I’d ever
known. “I can’t take much more of your teasing, baby,” he said as his cock
moved to my forbidden place, stroking along the outside as his fingers
continued to open me up. His other hand was between my thighs now, teasing my
clit and I was lost, feeling the stinging burn as Roman entered me and I didn’t
have the strength or the inclination to even pretend to protest any more.

His lubricated
cock pushed through my resistance. It hurt, but not in a way that I wanted it
to end. It was thrilling, a new experience that I’d never had before as
delicious waves pulsed from my clit and I was close to falling apart. He eased
in gently as I screamed again, his pressure on my pussy increasing as I
exploded in pure bliss, white lights bursting behind my eyes, pain converged
with absolute pleasure and he filled me completely as I unravelled beneath him.

The burn was gone,
the unique feeling of fullness prolonging my orgasm as my muscles gripped and
squeezed. “Oh baby, you feel so fucking good. Your arse is so tight, so
pleasurable. I can’t begin to tell you how amazing this feels.”

He was groaning
deeply, moaning and cursing as he powered into me, those calloused hands
running across my skin before he gripped me tightly, stilling and shuddering,
releasing a deep carnal sound from low in his throat as I gasped and moaned,
feeling every inch of his jerking cock as he came hard inside my arse.

I couldn’t believe
I’d allowed him to do that, but I was glad that I had. He was right; I didn’t
know what I’d been missing. Sexually Roman was an expert; an experienced lover
who was delivering pleasure like I’d never known before. He extracted himself
slowly as I gasped, rolling me over and picking me up, carrying me exhausted
and sated into the shower.

We stood forehead
to forehead, our breathing still ragged as the water enveloped us in its lush
warmth, easing my aching muscles as we held each other closely, gazing and
kissing silently under the jets. We washed one another carefully as Roman
regarded me in what looked like awe. The intimacy in those quiet moments spoke
a thousand words, and I smiled gently up at him as he turned off the water,
wrapping me in a huge towel before drying himself and carrying me over to the

I watched him
through the mirror as he brushed my hair softly, perched on the edge of the bed
with Roman sitting behind me, strong muscular thighs encircling me as we
silently came to grips with what had just happened.

He might have had
anal sex a million times, but it had been my first and he was taking care of
me, showing me affection and warmth as I leaned back into his hot hard body and
he just held me there.

“Are you hungry?”
he asked as my stomach rumbled and I nodded, laughing. He plumped up the
pillows and beckoned me under the sheets. “Wait there, I’ll get us something,”
he smiled as I pulled the covers tight, grinning to myself. It was another side
of Roman I hadn’t seen and I was enjoying the hell out of it. He wasn’t going
up to the house, he was still bollock naked. I heard him opening and closing
drawers in the kitchenette before he appeared at the doorway with a giant smile
on his face, holding up a tub of ice cream and two spoons.

“Will this do?” he
asked, tilting his head.

“Perfect,” I
grinned as he bounded into bed beside me, handing me a spoon as I tucked
It was gloriously sweet and delicious
and exactly what I needed. I laughed when I noticed it was cherry flavour. “You
thinking of popping these too?” I smiled, taking one of the full fruits and
grinding it between my front teeth. I winced slightly, hit by a momentary brain

“Yeah, I love
popping cherries, there’s nothing so exciting,” he smiled, kissing my forehead
and squishing the fruit with his perfect white teeth. “Alison always keeps this
in the lodge for me, in case I come back. Unless we have expected guests the
kitchen isn’t stocked, but there is always cherry ice-cream. They make it at
the ice-cream farm in the next village. It’s not as incredible as your cherry,
baby, but it’s still pretty good. What do you think?” he smiled as I sucked on
another spoonful.

“It’s delicious.
I’ve never even heard of cherry ice cream.”

“They do all kinds
of flavours, sweet and savoury and they have a play area and a petting zoo. Dex
would like it. It’s a nice day out, maybe I could take you sometime,” he said,
completely knocking the wind from my sails as I stared up at him.

“We both know
that’s not going to happen,” I smiled, but it was impossible to disguise the
faint trace of disappointment in my tone. It was a nice thought, and visions of
me, Roman and Dex casually strolling through the ice cream farm on a warm
summer day flashed into my thoughts before I pushed them away.

“You’re right,
gorgeous, I’m getting carried away on all the endorphins from this incredible
sex,” he laughed as I leaned into his shoulder. “Is your arsehole sore?” he
asked, and just like that he had burst the bubble of my impossible little
fantasy. It was probably just as well.

“A little,” I
said, biting my lip and trying to hide my embarrassment.

“Only a little? So
we can go again?” he grinned wickedly, flashing his eyebrows.

‘Absolutely not’
every muscle in my body screamed to my tempted brain. “Arsehole” I quipped,
smiling up at him.

brilliant, get on your front then.” I shook my head, slapping him playfully on
the arm. “You can’t blame a man for trying, Chas, you are pretty amazing,
baby,” he smiled, kissing me softly and sending a warm shiver through the very
heart of me, in direct contrast to the freezing cold ice-cream.

I felt blissfully
sated, comforted by Roman’s heart-warming affection, curled up against him as I
drifted off, reminding myself over and over again – ‘This man is not for


Chapter Eleven

The boutique was
an understatement. It was a huge designer paradise with private membership and
this season’s everything, with a service and price tag to match. This wasn’t
where you came to choose a dress. Here, the dress chose you, or at least its
wonderful owner did.

I wasn’t certain
what was happening at first when the beautiful and immaculate Germaine stood for
a few moments, looking us over in a way I’d never been looked over before. The
soft swish of her clear grey eyes across my entire being was neither catty nor
sexual, but neutral, hovering on my hair and face before she moved on to Jess.

“I have the perfect
things,” she smiled, gesturing for us to sit in plush high backed chairs as her
assistant trotted in and offered us a drink. Being ten in the morning we
settled on tea with a wafer thin ginger snap. Two hours later and I’d have been
diving into the champers.

“Thing,” Jess
called after her as I nudged her and scowled.

“He said we could
get what we wanted,” I grinned, flashing my eyebrows. “Let’s not be too hasty,
Sis. Lucas is a billionaire, he won’t mind,” I said as she shook her head.

“I don’t want him to think I’m with him for
his money.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that one.

“I’m fairly
certain he doesn’t, Jess. If you were, then you’d have sealed the deal on that
proposal without a second thought and pulled him into Asprey or Tiffany before
he could breathe. I have no idea why you keep holding back on that man, he’s
solid gold in every way. You forgave him for the ‘Daddy’ thing then?” I asked
as she smiled.

“When he explained
what had happened I had no choice. I actually felt sorry for him. He was asking
his brothers advice in confidence and Dex was listening. Lucas didn’t fully
appreciate how five year olds tend to do that, and then drop you in it at the
most inappropriate time,” she laughed. “How can I be mad at him when all he
wants is to provide security for me and my son? I never really appreciated just
how vulnerable Lucas is because he never seems it, but he said that when it
comes to me, he feels lost. He’s on unfamiliar territory here, we both are,
only it unnerves him much more than it does me, because he’s so used to being
in control. It disorientates him when he isn’t.”

I laughed gently.
I could only imagine. What I couldn’t believe was that my little sister was the
one who had made Lucas Hunter feel vulnerable. I couldn’t imagine it had ever
happened before. “Did you put his mind at ease?” I asked as she nodded,
flushing gently and I knew there was more mileage in this story.

“How?” I asked, holding her gaze and silently
demanding an answer.

“I told him that
theoretically I’d agree to his proposal, but that there was no need to rush
anything. He has me and Dex, we aren’t going anywhere. I love him, Chas, and
that’s enough for now,” she smiled as I shook my head.

“I’d still get the
ring, just to put Roberta in her place,” I said as she laughed.

“I’m not getting engaged just to spite someone
else! He’s only been calling me his girlfriend for a week and there is so much
going on with this family right now, he needs to put them first. He’s still
grieving, Chas, they all are. They’ve lost their mother and their father less
than seven months apart, both in tragic and sudden, unexpected circumstances.
He has the estate and the business to sort out, not to mention all the personal
stuff, so I told him to concentrate on that for now. When we get engaged I’d
like to be able to celebrate properly, with a happy heart, and I want Lucas to
do the same. It’s the right sentiment, just not the right time,” she smiled and
for a second I was blown away by her maturity. My sister had accelerated into
adulthood long before her time, and to her credit she was far less screwed up
than she ought to be.

“I’m really proud
of you, Jess,” I smiled as a text came through on her phone and she passed it
to me.

‘Go mad. I mean
it! Speak to your sister, she won’t hold back. Seriously, baby, you never let
me treat you. It will make me really happy xxx’

My grin widened
and I couldn’t resist texting back.

‘She will,
Lucas, leave it to me!’

There wasn’t time
for any further chit chat as Germaine came back through, smiling at us broadly.
“Ladies, please follow me. I have arranged all the outfits in the changing
rooms for you. I’ll be outside to check if there are any sizing issues or
alterations. We can do them today and deliver them to Greenfield Hall before
tonight if necessary,” she said happily as we followed her into a huge space
where a dozen dresses hung for each of us, together with bags, shoes and
accessories as we gasped out loud. I didn’t dare look at the price tags. I was
cheeky, but even I wouldn’t risk twelve!

“Take your time,”
she smiled as we took an outfit each, disappearing behind the broad curtains
and I could hear the assistant join Germaine outside. “Chas, the brunette will
look stunning in the black Prada,” she said as my ego mushroomed and I smiled
to myself. “And Jess has such golden hair and deep dark eyes, that I
immediately thought Versace. It would bring out her skin tone beautifully,” she
said as I zipped myself up, hearing my sister giggle under her breath,
regarding myself for the first time in the three way mirror.

This dress was
fucking awesome!

I wasn’t certain
how or where the underwear would go. It clung to every inch of my skin, from
the neck to mid thigh, with arms that flared out at three quarter length. From
the front it looked conservative, but the back was a whole other ball game. It
hung on my shoulders, open to the base of my spine with a golden zip that ran
the entire length of my arse to the hem. One small tug of that and I was
exposed to the world. It was as sexy as sin and Roman would love it.

I stepped out of
the cubicle at the same time as my sister and we looked at one another, gasping
and squealing. The assistant enthusiastically clapped her hands before Germaine
glowered at her. I wasn’t sure why. Perhaps she thought it was unprofessional,
but it was exactly what I wanted to do myself. We looked incredible.

Germaine rose from
the red velvet high backed chair that looked like a throne and walked around us
slowly, taking in every inch and shaking her head gently. “These are a perfect
fit, ladies. I’d suggest absolutely no alterations,” she smiled as we walked
across to the shoes. I picked out the highest I could find, my heart fluttering
slightly as I glimpsed the red soles. Jess spotted it and gave me a little

If there was such
a thing as lady heaven, I was here, looking at the full outfit in the mirror
and knowing this was it. “You look like a supermodel, Chas,” Jess laughed as I
smiled broadly, staring at my own reflection, somewhat disbelievingly. I was
attractive and I knew it. Insecurity about my looks rarely entered my radar. I
had bad hair days and big butt days like every other woman on the planet, but
generally I looked pretty good and never put myself down. There were enough
bastards out there doing that already, so I never saw the point in it, but I’d
never considered myself supermodel quality. Jess was right. In this dress there
was every chance I could just about pull it off.

“So do you,” I
smiled at my sister as she looked at me bashfully. Since Jake and before Lucas,
Jess hadn’t had many compliments, largely because she rarely went anywhere and
kept her head down when she did. She was always so focused on Dexter, that any
attention she got she blew off without listening, but my sister was stunning.
She rocked hot girl next door, and right now she rocked the supermodel look

“We’ll take
these,” she smiled at Germaine who nodded and asked the assistant to box them
up, returning to the curtain before I pulled her back.

“What are you
doing?” I asked as she laughed.

“I’m getting
dressed. We’ve got our outfits,” she smiled as I shook my head.

“One dress does not a mad woman make,” I
laughed. “We’ve got more to try. Come on, Jess, I promised Lucas,” I pouted
jokingly as she picked up the next and I did the same.

We were there for
two hours, trying on, waltzing around on the changing rooms, and by the time we
were finished we knew which designers were best for us and which were not.
Germaine pointed out the areas we should highlight, the colours that would do
us the most justice and the styles and cuts we should aim for, depending on
which look we were trying to achieve.

It was mind
blowing. I thought I knew what suited me, but this was a whole new world as we
finally settled on three dresses each, jewellery to compliment, two pairs of
shoes and one handbag for tonight. I still wasn’t certain we’d gone mad enough,
but when I whispered to Germaine to ask how much it all was, I nearly keeled
over right there. We’d spent over twenty three thousand pounds. I wasn’t
telling Jess, at least not until we were in the car.

“What a morning,”
she grinned as I joined her. The experience had been incredible and I had loved
every second of it.

“There are
definite perks to having a billionaire boyfriend,” I quipped as she laughed.

“I’m glad those things didn’t have price tags
on, Chas. Even now I have a problem with splurging cash. I guess it comes from
when we had nothing, Sis, except the choice between food and heating,” she said
as I squeezed her hand tightly.

“That’s all the
more reason why you should enjoy it when it comes along,” I smiled at she
looked across at me.

“You’re right,”
she laughed gently. “I bet that was over two grand or something,” she said
sheepishly, biting her lip. In my sister’s defence, she had never entered a designer
boutique in her life. She read trashy celebrity magazines instead of high end
fashion ones and wouldn’t have the faintest idea that each dress alone had cost
more than that. If she ever wore designer it was borrowed from Elite, and I
knew the prices because I bought the things. It was a deal I’d negotiated early
on with Patrick and he’d agreed without reservation. He hated shopping and
thought I had impeccable taste. It was one of the highlights of my job.

“That little lot
came to £23, 634,” I grinned, watching her face contort in a shock before the
blood drained from her cheeks and she gasped loudly.

“Fuck, Chas, we’ve
got to go back. We need to return some of this stuff,” she said as I shook my
head, pulling out my phone.

“Hi Lucas, do you
have a brown paper bag in this car, only my sister needs to regulate her
breathing. I think she’s having a panic attack.”

“What’s the matter
with her, Chas?” he asked seriously, flooded with concern as I burst out

“She says we spent
too much and we have to go back and return some stuff,” I said as he sighed.

“Put her on.”

I smiled, passing the phone to my sister and
clicking it to loud speak. This I wanted to hear.

“What’s the
matter, sweetheart?” he asked kindly and I could hear him smiling down the

“Nothing has a
price tag, Lucas, I honestly had no idea how much everything was. We went mad
like you said and got three dresses each and shoes and everything. Chas just
told me it was over twenty three grand,” she said, still in shock as she repeated
the figure and Lucas started laughing.

“Is that all? I
thought I told you to go mad. Germaine opened up especially for you,” he said
as my sister’s jaw dropped open.

“Don’t be so glib,
Lucas. That is an absolute fortune,” she said, shaking her head as he sighed.

“I’m not being
glib and I have a fortune which I very much enjoy spending on you, so get used
to it. Now put your sister on,” he laughed as she smiled finally, glancing at
me, her eyes narrowing as I clicked it off loudspeaker.

“Chas, you need to
work on your sister. I intend to spoil her with everything her heart desires.
It won’t be much fun for either of us if she hyperventilates every time I pay
for something, because that will be always. I’ll work on it from my side and
all I ask is that you back me up. I appreciate this is a whole new world for
her, but it’s a really great world if you can sit back and enjoy it,” he
laughed as I joined him.

“You got it,
Superman, and thank you for the awesome new wardrobe,” I quipped, ending the
call as my sister glowered at me.

“What did he say?” she asked as I smiled

“He asked me to
help you get used to accepting that he’ll pay for everything your heart
desires. Accepting it happily is a good thing, and not something you should
ever feel guilty about. He wants to love you and spoil you, treat you and
shower you with gifts. Really, Sis, you need to change your mind set about
this. I think you worry about ending up in poverty again and I get that, I
really do. I don’t earn that much and I’m not rolling in it, but you can bet
your bottom dollar that if some glorious billionaire wanted to take away my
financial worries and shower me with expensive gifts, that I’d let him. It
makes him happy, Jess. He’s not some sugar daddy exchanging gifts for sex. He
wants to marry you for goodness sake,” I said, rolling my eyes as she nodded.
She didn’t look convinced. “I know you struggle with this, Jess, but Lucas
isn’t trying to change you. You walk around on his arm in high street clothing
and suits from the bloody supermarket and it doesn’t put him off. He isn’t
shallow; he just wants you to have nice things. You really need to go with the
flow here, or at least accept the gifts and give them to me. I’d happily accept
them,” I grinned.

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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