Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) (15 page)

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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“Twenty three
grand through, Chas, I still can’t believe it,” she smiled and started to

“I know; it’s the
stuff dreams are made of. You’ve got the prize, Jess. You landed the fairytale
and the way that Lucas is with you, I know you’ll get your happy ever after and
you deserve it. He isn’t a frog, he’s a god damn prince, and if I were you,
when we get back there, forget all your worries and go and give him twenty
three thousand pounds worth of thank you,” I smiled mischievously as she

“I will, but what
about you, Chas. How are you getting on with your prize,” she asked as I

“Oh, Roman is a
frog, Sis, but he’s the best looking frog I’ve ever set eyes on. He’s utterly
irresistible. If I need to kiss a few more like him before I find my prince, it
will be a very happy search indeed,” I laughed as the car pulled across the
long gravel drive and she bounced out, into the arms of a grinning Lucas. They
disappeared before the driver had even unloaded the bags.

“How was the
shopping expedition?” Roman smiled as I walked into the kitchen.

“It was
brilliant,” I laughed as he pulled me into his arms, smirking with a very
peculiar look on his face. He took my hand and picked up a pink bag that the
driver had placed there, swinging it as he led me to the lodge.

“What have you got
there?” I asked as he patted an extended finger against his nose.

“I called Germaine
and asked for a few extra bits, I hope you don’t mind,” he said as I smiled. I
couldn’t imagine minding anything from that store. Whatever it was, I was
certain that at least it would be top quality.

“I missed you this
morning, I thought you might give me a show,” Roman said as I narrowed my eyes,
trying for a peek inside, but whatever was in there was all boxed and wrapped
in tissue.

“What sort of
show?” I asked as we made our way inside the lodge, straight to the bedroom and
Roman lay back on the bed with his hands behind his head, gesturing for me to
open the box.

I bit my lip in
barely concealed excitement, knowing immediately that he’d sent Germaine or her
assistant to the lingerie section. It was an area I hadn’t seen, and I could
only imagine how my eyes would water at the price of these flimsy pieces of
fabric. “You choose,” he grinned as I pulled out the garments one by one. They
were beautifully crafted, soft and incredibly intricate. Stocking and suspender
belts with matching bra and thongs in red, white, navy and black, sheer silk
stockings and a cerise pink baby doll with slits for my nipples and a very
small set of matching crotchless panties. I was feeling sexy and naughty and I
knew immediately which one Roman would be treated to first.

I disappeared into
the bathroom and pulled on the cerise ensemble which left nothing to the
imagination and everything on show. I’d never worn anything like it and
imagined Roman wouldn’t expect me to wear it first, but I was still on my
dressing room supermodel high and buzzing with excitement.

I kept my heels
on, sashaying confidently out of the bathroom, standing before him, smiling
sexily with my hand on my hip as he stared at me, black pupils ablaze as he
swept his gaze across my body, quirking his eyebrow. “I expected a slap for
that one,” he grinned as I smiled at him, walking over to the bed and climbing
over him as he grabbed my arse firmly, nipples hardening through the slits in
the fabric as his eyes roamed over my breasts.

“Fuck, Chas, you
look hot,” he said as I licked my lips, grinding my exposed pussy against the
solid bulge in his pants.

“How hot?” I
smiled as he breathed deeply.

“Extremely fucking
hot,” he said in short sharp breaths, groaning as I climbed off and he grabbed
me, pulling me back on top of him.

“Oh no you don’t,”
he grinned as I flashed my eyebrows, escaping his grip, already turned on but
determined to stick to my guns.

“Oh yes I do. One
outfit doesn’t make a show, Mr Hunter, and I promised you a show.” My eyes
landed on that tempting looking bulge as he groaned again.

I wiggled my arse
as I disappeared back into the bathroom, choosing the very virginal white
number next, by way of a contrast, taking my time before opening the door again
and walking around the room as he groaned deeply from low in his throat. “Baby,
I’m getting desperate over here, what the hell are you trying to do to me? The
horny little virgin looks just as amazing as the slutty, girly tease. Get over
here,” he said as I smiled at him, making my way to the bed and kissing him
long and hard before pulling away.

“Get back here,”
he growled and I almost caved, as wet and desperate for the feel of Romans hot,
hard cock as I knew he was for me.

“We’re not done
yet,” I winked, running back to the bathroom and locking the door before he
could follow me. I changed quickly into the black number, finishing with the
soft black stockings which thrust my need up to epic levels, and it was all I
could do not to touch myself.

When I finally
left the bathroom, he cursed and moaned under his breath as I gasped in
delight. Roman had taken the time to shed his own clothes, his tanned muscular
form lying across the cool white sheets looking utterly delectable as he
stroked his thick solid shaft in his hand. “Oh baby,” I moaned, my eyes fixated
on that incredible body, his sexy smirk revealing the fact that he knew he’d
got me. If he didn’t touch me soon I felt like I’d burst, but I wasn’t giving
in this easily.

I stood at the
foot of the bed, throwing my head back and moaning deeply as my fingers slid
under underneath the cool silk of my panties, looking back at him and stroking
myself. I expected him to pull me onto the bed, but he surprised me, flying up
from the sheets and manhandling me urgently to face the cabinet I’d dusted only

He was desperate,
breathing hard, smouldering as he caught my gaze in the mirror and pushing me
forward as my hands grabbed the wooden rim for support. His hands were roaming
up the front of my body, his lust pouring from every inch of his needy flesh, elevating
my need to the very brink. He pulled my breasts roughly from the bra before
ripping off my panties in a swift firm movement that made me gasp out loud and
with the swift rip of foil he was inside me, hard, fast and unrelenting.

It was like that
first time, the need so powerful and deep, spurred on by each other’s cries,
moans and sexual desire that we couldn’t get enough. Every thrust pounded
against my G-spot, lighting a fire so deep within me that it was hard to
breathe. He was at my neck, his smell, his sounds and the sheen of his sweat
meeting my flesh and driving me into paradise as I bent over further,
tightening my grip on the dresser.

This wouldn’t last
long, it couldn’t. We were already drowning in ecstasy, eyes locked in the
reflection of the mirror. He was cursing through ragged, shaky breaths as his
hard cock increased its delectable pressure and I couldn’t take any more, screaming
his name as my legs buckled beneath me. Roman held me, gripping me tightly as
he stilled, squeezing his eyes closed as he came hard inside me, opening them
with a blazing heat that flipped my heart and twisted my insides. This man was
something else.

I was still shaky
as he lifted me across to the bed. We cuddled for an age, trying to normalise
our breathing as I lay against that hot, hard, chest, my hair sticking to the
soft film of sweat that was covering his skin. I breathed deeply, taking in
every aspect of his scent. The smell of Roman after sex was laced with a pull
so powerful I never wanted to move, and that was dangerous territory. Every
inch of him was masculine, muscular and sinewy. It was perfect in its damage,
the marks of his past serving only to make him more exciting and interesting as
I swept gentle fingers slowly across each one.

His beautiful body
told a story, and it was one I would never fully comprehend or understand,
knowing that the dangers he had faced were not written in the lines of books or
filmed for entertainment, but every bit as real as the scars that littered his
skin. It was intoxicating.

“I need to shower,
baby. I have to be somewhere,” he said, almost regretfully and I couldn’t hold
back the sadness in my eyes that he was leaving. I knew he would, anytime, but
wrapped in solid arms, bathing naked in the light of the high sun that flooded
through the window, I didn’t want it to be now.

“Don’t pout,” he
said firmly as I pouted even harder and he kissed my forehead, swinging his
solid thighs to the edge of the bed before walking to the bathroom and not
looking back. I didn’t want him to go, listening to the heavy flow of the hot
water and deciding I might use a little feminine force here.

I didn’t know
where he was going and I didn’t care. All I knew was that I didn’t want him to,
making my way into the bathroom and watching him for a second as he lathered
his hair in that delicious smelling shampoo. His eyes were closed and he hadn’t
seen me, but I had a decision to make. Join him in that luxurious heat or
surprise him in a different way. I decided to pull out the big guns.

I tiptoed out,
pink bag in hand and pulled on the baby doll and crotchless panties, knowing I
wouldn’t have long. I styled my hair into bunches, slathering my lips in the
girliest, bubblegum pink gloss I could find in my toiletry bag. The look was
striking, if somewhat deviant, and as the water stopped I sat on the bed, cross
legged and waited for him.

He was looking
down as he emerged from the bathroom, a small towel around his waist and as he
looked up, his eyes almost bugged out of his head. He was stunned and
speechless and there was definitely some movement behind that white towel. I
bit my lip before smiling coyly.

“Jesus fucking Christ,
Chas, I really need to go. You’re killing me here. This is work, babe,” he
said, holding my gaze as I batted long lashes, being as girly as I could. It
wasn’t a role I was used to playing, but it seemed to be having the desired

“Okay,” I smiled,
widening my eyes and knowing from my cross legged position that everything was
shamelessly on show for him.

He ran his hands
through his hair in something akin to exasperation as I shuffled on the bed,
nipples hardening as I trained my eyes on the growing bulge beneath that towel.
“Stop it, Chas,” he growled, his voice laced with frustration. “You look like
some horny little Lolita there, trying to tempt me from what I should be doing,
into what I most definitely should not. God, you look barely fucking legal,” he
said as I smiled coyly, pouting again. I’d certainly pulled off the look.

“I thought you
liked illegal,” I smiled as he threw me a stern glare, tilting his head, eyes
blazing into mine and I knew he was torn.

“Chas, this is
important. I really need to go,” he said, his breath hitching as he said it.
He’d said the words, but his conviction was wavering as my confidence soared.
Perhaps it was time to up the ante on the role play a little. I chewed on my
lip, holding his gaze.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,
I didn’t mean to be a naughty girl. Do you want to punish me?” I asked,
puckering my lips as he threw his head back, staring at the ceiling and
squeezing his eyes shut. The bulge underneath that towel right now was
unmistakeable and I smiled inwardly. The man was tormented and I couldn’t help
the gleeful little giggle that burst from my mouth at the thought of a tortured
Roman Hunter. I was getting my own back.

The second he
opened his eyes I knew I was in trouble. They were blazing with danger and that
delicious little smirk was there as he cocked his head sexily and seared me
with that penetrating gaze. “You know what happens to naughty little girls,” he
said as my heart flipped in my chest, my stomach somersaulting in a unique
combination of anxiety and glee as he stalked towards me, beckoning me to
stand. I did so without the first clue what he was planning, and it only added
to the excitement, firing up my cells. I could feel every bristle of
anticipation that raced across my skin and the feeling was electrifying.

“Naughty girls get
spanked,” he said, smirking at my sharp intake of breath. I’d started this
game, but I was sure he would end it. My brain was screaming that I wouldn’t
like it, although the stirrings in my centre were telling a whole different
tale. He sat on the bed, legs parted, discarding the towel as he pulled me over
his lap, that beautiful, thick naked cock, pulsing against me. He rubbed my
arse in circular motions, hooking his fingers beneath the sheer fabric of the
pink panties and warming my skin, pulling my pigtails back as he forced me to
look up at him.

“Have you got
something to say?” he growled, as I felt my own wetness seeping onto my thighs
through the open crotch.

“Sorry, Daddy,” I
pouted as he took a deep breath, crashing his hand down on my arse as I
screamed out a strangled sound that came out more like a moan. He took a sharp
intake of breath as he assaulted my other cheek, pain radiating into a strong
burning heat through my flesh and I was surprised at just how much I was
enjoying this.

“You’re a bad
girl,” he said, smacking me again as I moaned out loud, craving more as those
broad firm palms traced their comforting circles over my ignited skin. I felt
his fingers slide across the swollen wet folds of my pussy, flushing as he
gasped at the extent of my arousal. It was undeniable. Romans firm hand was
turning me inside out as he dipped into my pussy, rotating his fingers as his
cock twitched and jerked beneath my stomach and I knew I wasn’t alone in this.

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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