Rock Solid (Rock Hard #3) Seduced By The Rockstar - BBW Erotic Romance (3 page)

Read Rock Solid (Rock Hard #3) Seduced By The Rockstar - BBW Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Adriana Hunter

Tags: #rubenesque, #rockstar romance, #bbw romance, #curvy heroine, #bbw erotica, #rockstar erotica, #bbw heroine, #full figured heroine, #rubenesque erotic romance, #curves romance, #rockstar romance chicklit, #rocker romance, #rockstar erotic romance, #rubenesque billionaire romance, #rockstar contemporary romance

BOOK: Rock Solid (Rock Hard #3) Seduced By The Rockstar - BBW Erotic Romance
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Gage was standing in front of Sarabeth’s as
Kate’s cab pulled to the curb. She paid the driver and stepped out
on the sidewalk. For a moment, she was struck by how beautiful Gage
was, the perfection of his face, his body, the sun glinting on his
dark hair. She wondered again, for the hundredth time, what he
wanted with her. Would she ever get over her insecurities when she
was with Gage?




Gage had been at Sarabeth’s for almost twenty
minutes, pacing back and forth. He knew he was early, but he still
had the tug of worry that Kate wouldn’t show up. When her cab
finally pulled to the curb and she stepped out, he abruptly stopped

She was beautiful, the sun setting her red
hair on fire, her grace as she stepped out of the cab. Such a
simple gesture and she made it look like a ballet. He was rooted to
the spot for a moment as she walked toward him.

“Hi, Gage.” She stopped in front of him,
looking up, the light reflecting in her clear green eyes, making
them shine.

“Kate.” Instinctively he reached for her,
pulling her against his chest. He felt her stiffen briefly in his
arms, then slowly relax against his body. The world faded, the
crowded sidewalk disappeared, the traffic noises ceased as he
buried his face in her hair, breathing deeply, inhaling the scent
of the woman that drove him wild, the scent of the woman he

“Gage... We’re blocking the sidewalk.” He
raised his head, looking down at Kate with a chuckle. He realized
they were being jostled by pedestrians. As much as he longed to
kiss her lush lips, he stepped back, still resting his hands on her

“Okay. I went ahead and made a reservation.
They should have something private for us.”

He held the door and the entered the
restaurant. They were seated at a booth, set in the back of the
restaurant. A white-aproned waiter appeared with menus, took their
drink order and silently departed, hands clasped behind his

Gage looked at Kate, her head bent over the
menu. He wanted this to go well, wanted it so badly he wasn’t sure
he could manage to eat. It had been a long time since he’d been
this nervous with a woman. He laughed softly.

Kate looked up, startled. “What’s so

“Me…I’m nervous, Kate. You’ve got me on edge
and I forgot what it felt like to get all worked up for a woman
like this. I’m not sure I can even eat.”

Kate smiled at him. “Me too, although I am
starving. I think we just need to relax. We’re not going to make
any life-changing decisions over lunch.”

Gage watched her face grow serious. He
reached across the table, holding her hand.

“I know, Kate. As much as I want whatever is
next to happen right now, I know that’s now how you want this to
go. And I’m willing to go slow, take as long as it takes for us to
work something out. All I want, Kate, is you. And this time I’m
willing to work for it, do whatever it takes to make it work
between us.” He held her hand, watching a kaleidoscope of emotions
flash across her face.

She took a deep breath, squeezed his hand
briefly and then let go. For a moment Gage thought she was going to
bolt from the restaurant, but she looked up at him, and he saw
tears in her eyes.

“Gage, this is going to be hard. There’s so
much between us now. Let’s eat lunch, keep it light and work on the
heavy stuff later. Court me a little, let me get used to you here,
without all the glitz of the tour. Let me get used to Gage, the
man, not Gage Stevens, the star.” She was smiling, her eyes
sparkling with intensity and hunger and he felt her desire wash
over him as she scanned his face.

Before he could answer her, the waiter
brought their drinks and took their order. Despite his nerves, Gage
realized he was hungry. He ordered a burger and fries while Kate
asked for cream of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.

Gage sat back in the booth, letting Kate have
her space. “So, how was the meeting with Ursula? Everything okay
with the assignment?”

Kate took a sip of ice tea. “Yeah, so far. I
have a week to turn in the first article and interview. I think
it’ll be fine. I’ve got notes and the recordings; it’s all there.
It just needs to be written.” She smiled.

“Ahh, well you’ll do fine. You’re an awesome
writer,” Gage replied with a grin.

“Thanks,” she smiled appreciatively. “I’m
actually looking forward to writing the series. I think I’ve got my
head around what I want to convey and once I get my teeth into it,
it should almost write itself.”

Gage let Kate talk about her work for a
while, letting her relax, enjoying just being with her. She asked
if he’d called his manager and he laughed, repeating the
conversation, the threats his manager made, the general scolding
he’d gotten.

Kate looked shocked. “He threatened you? With

“Not much. I’m his cash cow, there’s no way
he’d drop me. He left a message earlier actually; I need to call
him when we’re done with lunch.”

Their food arrived and they both ate
heartily, keeping up a continual conversation that included
everything but what Gage wanted to talk about. He was growing
impatient; he wanted to forge ahead with Kate, get everything out
in the open, and get it resolved. But he bit his tongue, more than
once, letting her talk.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, they
were finished. Gage claimed the check, smiling at Kate. Once on the
sidewalk, he wasn’t sure what to do next. Indecision had never been
a problem with him, but this new take-it-slow attitude with Kate
was making it hard.

“Shall I get you a cab? Are you going back to
work this afternoon?” Gage was scanning the street, looking for a
cab. He finally turned back when he realized Kate wasn’t answering

She was smiling at him, an unreadable look on
her face.

“The answers are: yes. And: no.” She took a
step forward, placing her hands on his chest, looking up into his
eyes. He caught a glint of something in those green depths,
something playful and mischievous, but still guarded.

“I want a cab, but I want you to take me to
your hotel.” She stood on tiptoe, kissing him quickly. “I’ve always
wanted to see the inside of the W Hotel.”




Somewhere during lunch it dawned on Kate that
Gage was really making an effort, to let her do this at her own
pace, to really listen to her. She wasn’t sure exactly when the
idea began forming in her mind, but she realized as she watched him
trying to hail a cab that right then, at that moment, there was
nothing more she wanted than to be in bed with him. They could talk
later; right now she wanted the immediate connection that took her
breath away, made her giddy and made her body sing. She wanted Gage
with an immediacy that almost scared her, but also made perfect

And as much as she knew letting herself
tumble back into a relationship with Gage could be devastating,
might be the totally wrong thing to do—and probably was—she wanted
to take that chance.

Kate wanted to take the lead for once, if
Gage seemed willing.
If I can control this, I can keep myself
from getting hurt…again.

The cab ride to the hotel was brief. Gage
seemed a bit puzzled by her sudden change of attitude, but she
didn’t give him a chance to question her. Before the cab even
pulled away from the curb, she pulled him to her, his face in her
hands, kissing those beautiful lips, her tongue probing and then,
as he opened his mouth to her, dancing with his tongue in his

By the time they reached the W, Kate was hot,
ready to take Gage on a wild ride. Gage punched the button for the
elevator, pulling Kate against his hip as they waited impatiently
for the car to arrive.

“So, what’s gotten into you?” He whispered
into her hair, his hand moving restlessly over her back, his breath
hot against her skin.

The elevator door opened and he propelled
Kate inside, hitting the button for his floor. He had her back in
his arms before the elevator door slid shut. Kate looked up at
Gage, taking in the dark eyes and beautiful lips. She ran her
finger down his nose, tracing his lower lip with the tip of her
finger. Gage gently sucked her finger into his mouth, his tongue
hot against her skin as it flicked over her fingertip.

Kate caught her breath as an involuntary
shudder coursed through her body. She felt her face flush, her
heart beat faster.

Gage was looking down at her, his eyes dark,
heavy lidded. He slowly pulled her finger out of his mouth.

“Kate…what are you doing?”

Before she could answer, the elevator door
slid open. They stood for a moment, lost in each other’s eyes. The
chiming of the door sliding shut brought them back to reality. Gage
reached out for the door and it sprang back. He took Kate by the
hand, leading her down the hall to his room.

Inside, they were at each other instantly,
Gage’s question forgotten. Kate’s eager fingers were undoing the
buttons of Gage’s shirt, pulling the fabric away from his body. She
let her eyes travel over his chest, the smooth hot skin beneath her
fingers, the hard muscles beneath. She leaned forward, licking one
nipple, feeling it harden at her touch.

Gage’s hands were pulling at her shirt. She
stepped away from in him and in one swift gesture, pulled the shirt
over her head, her hair crackling with static. She reached for the
fly on Gage’s jeans, fingers working the snap and zipper. Gage’s
erection was pushing against the fabric; she could feel the heat of
his body as she tugged at his clothes.

He’d moved his hands to her breasts,
squeezing them through the thin material of her bra, running his
thumbs across her nipples. The sensation sent jolts of pleasure
straight through her, pooling low in her stomach. She caught her
lip in her teeth, closing her eyes briefly, her fingers stilling
for a moment, letting the sensations of his hands on her breasts
wash over her body.

She opened her eyes, finally tugging his
jeans free of his narrow hips. His erection was there, right in
front of her, curving up the plane of his stomach. Gage kicked his
jeans away, his hands sliding down her back to cup her ass, pulling
her against his body. He looked down at her, eyes dark and
heavy-lidded. There was a brief hesitation and then he claimed her
mouth with his, branding her with a searing kiss, setting her whole
body on fire.

Gage’s hands were clutching at her ass, his
erection rubbing against her stomach, his fingers tugging at her
jeans. Kate reached between them, undoing the snap and tugged her
jeans and panties down over her legs. Kicking her shoes off, she
bent briefly, sliding the jeans off and tossing them aside.

Instantly she was pressed against Gage’s
body, his skin smooth and warm beneath her hands. She let her hands
wander, down his arms, the hard muscles of his chest, his flat
stomach and then she cradled his erection in her hands, cupping his
balls, wrapping her fingers around his thick shaft. His moan of
pleasure sent a ripple through her body.

Tightening her grip on his cock, she slowly
stroked him, watching his eyes, seeing arousal flash across his
beautiful face. His hands were roaming over her body, stroking her
back, clutching her ass, his fingers probing between her cheeks,
pulling her against him.

“Kate…oh, god, baby. This feels so good.” He
bent to kiss her, his lips hot against her mouth. She held his
cock, stroking it, loving the feel of it in her hands, the smooth
skin over the hardness of his erection.

And then Kate dropped to her knees, Gage’s
gasp of surprise making her smile up at him. She held him in her
hand, leaning away from him, looking up at his bewilderment, a
mischievous grin on her face.

“Not what you want, baby? You don’t want me
to suck this big hard cock?”

“Oh, no…yeah, I mean…oh, hell, Kate. You’ve
got me all confused. But yeah, oh…yeah. I want to be in your mouth.

Gage wound his fingers through her hair,
gently pulling her toward him, his erection rising in front of her
face. Kate looked up at Gage as her lips brushed against the head
of his cock.

She edged the tip of her tongue between her
lips, flicking it quickly over his cock, short strokes that made
Gage gasp, delicately licking the underside of the head, feeling
his cock twitch and jerk in her hand.

As she worked her way down his shaft, she
increased the pressure with her tongue until she was licking him,
her tongue sliding across the hot skin, the salty taste of him
driving her wild.

Licking and kissing her way back up his
shaft, she pulled the head of his cock into her mouth, her tongue
swishing over the turgid head. She sucked hard, briefly, a loud
moan escaping Gage’s parted lips. She’d never broken eye contact
and he was still looking down at her, watching every move she made.
The power Kate had, in that moment, made her shudder.
I like
this. I like control. No wonder Gage’s happiest when he’s calling
the shots.

Gage began thrusting his hips forward,
slowly, silently begging her to take more of him into her mouth.
She opened her mouth for him, letting his hard cock slid past her
lips, into the hot wet recesses of her mouth. Closing her lips
around his thick shaft, she held him a moment, letting him gently
pump his hips forward, his breathing growing louder as she swirled
her tongue over his cock. His lips were parted and Kate could see
his tongue slid out, licking his lips.

Kate started moving her head, bobbing it
slowly, working more and more of Gage’s hard cock into her mouth.
Reaching forward, she wound her fingers over the base of his shaft,
squeezing rhythmically as she increased her speed. With her other
hand, she reached down, caressing his balls.

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