Rock Solid (Rock Hard #3) Seduced By The Rockstar - BBW Erotic Romance (10 page)

Read Rock Solid (Rock Hard #3) Seduced By The Rockstar - BBW Erotic Romance Online

Authors: Adriana Hunter

Tags: #rubenesque, #rockstar romance, #bbw romance, #curvy heroine, #bbw erotica, #rockstar erotica, #bbw heroine, #full figured heroine, #rubenesque erotic romance, #curves romance, #rockstar romance chicklit, #rocker romance, #rockstar erotic romance, #rubenesque billionaire romance, #rockstar contemporary romance

BOOK: Rock Solid (Rock Hard #3) Seduced By The Rockstar - BBW Erotic Romance
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Gage sighed, pulling Kate against his chest.
“I don’t want to put anything ahead of you in my life, Kate. Not
again. I’m not sure how I could manage being on tour again and away
from you for so long at a time. I couldn’t handle it. We’ve been
apart for long enough.” He kissed her forehead.




“I’ve got an idea.” Kate plopped down on the
couch next to Gage. She’d been listening to him strumming out the
melody for a new song. Chad had left a few days before and Gage and
Kate had spent the time since really discussing their future
together. Gage had finally admitted, almost tearfully, that he did
miss performing, but he was more afraid of losing Kate than he was
of giving up performing.

“What’s your idea? New paint color for the
bedroom? You can’t repaint the room every other week, Kate.” Gage
shifted on the couch, setting aside his guitar.

“No, not that…or, not now. This is different.
I think we should go on a vacation. Get away from New York for a
few weeks, go someplace exotic maybe.” Kate waited anxiously for
Gage’s reply. He’d become almost a recluse lately and she really
wanted to shake up his routine.

“Vacation? Hmm, yeah. I think that’s a good
idea. Where to?”

Kate leaned forward, kissing Gage quickly,
sliding off the couch. “I’m not telling. I want to do this for you,
plan the whole thing. Is that okay?”

Gage laughed, picking up his guitar. “Sure
thing. You did a great job with the apartment, except for
repainting the bedroom six times. I guess I can trust you to plan
out a vacation.” He ducked as Kate took a playful swipe at his
head, still laughing as she headed to her office.




The morning of their departure, Gage had
tried hard to guess where they were headed, but Kate had refused to
answer any questions, finally refusing to even speak. They’d gotten
to the airport before she even gave Gage his passport.

“Okay, Kate, tell me where we’re going. I
can’t stand this anymore. You wouldn’t let me pack, you’ve been
locked in your office for days and I’m not used to not knowing what
is going on. Tell me where we’re going, baby. Come on.”

Kate smiled. “Alright. Just a few more
minutes and you’ll know everything.” She led him to a flight
information kiosk. Scanning the screen, she ran her finger down the
list of international flights, stopping at one listing.

“That’s our flight.” She flashed a look at
Gage, watching as his forehead crinkled in confusion.

“Kate, that’s Germany, Oberhausen.” He turned
to her, not understanding.

“What have you done?”

Kate took his hands. “What I should have done
a long time ago.” She took a deep breath.

“You need this, you need to be on tour, and
you need to be living your dream. This flight will connect you with
your band and you’ll have a few days to relax before the tour picks

“But… what are you going to do, Kate? How
does this work for you?” Gage’s eyes were locked on hers, worry
creasing the corners.

“I’m a writer; I should be able to write from
anywhere, right? And you’re a rockstar, with an exciting life and
stories to tell; stories that I think would make for a fantastic
book. A book that I’m going to write.”

Gage looked at her for a long moment. Then a
smile spread across his face, that smile she loved.

“So, you’ve got this all planned out then, do
ya? The world according to Kate?” He laughed, throwing his head
back. Kate smiled; it had been a long time since she’d heard that

“Are you sure about this?”

Kate nodded, smiling, her heart lost in the
pleasure, in the knowing that Gage would protect what they have and
that he’d never again let her go.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

Her words were a soothing caress to his
conscious that ached for certainty. He wanted nothing but the best
for Kate, to give her everything her heart desired. In that moment,
he could see as clear as day that the only thing she really wanted
was him. With a deep sigh, Gage pulled her close, holding her
cheeks with his hands. Studying her face for a brief moment, making
sure that this was what she really wanted, he lifted her chin and
kissed her gently. Kate inhaled deeply as his arms encircled her,
banding tight around her before, cradling her face against his

“I love you.”

“I know,” she replied softly. “I love you,
too. For always.”

Gage’s eyes flashed with desire as he pressed
his lips against hers again.

“Let’s go.” He took her hand in his and led
her towards the ticket counter and towards their future



About The Author

Hunter writes stories for those who live to dream. Her stories run
the gamut, from romance, fantasy, paranormal to captivating stories
of seductive medieval nights, and wild, adult fairytales.


If you are fascinated by unique tales
Adriana will deliver on her promise to create spellbinding stories
that will tantalize your senses and provoke your imagination.


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