Robert Mitchum: Baby, I Don't Care (97 page)

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Authors: Lee Server

Tags: #Actor, #Biography & Autobiography, #Entertainment & Performing Arts, #Film & Video, #movie star, #Nonfiction, #Performing Arts, #Retail

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Periodicals and Documents

“A Bare Starlet Puts Mitchum in Doghouse.”
Los Angeles Daily News,
April 5, 1954.

“A Parfait Knight, That’s Mitchum.” United Press, January 22, 1955.

“A Totally Unpredictable Personality . . .” Chicago Tribune—N.Y. News Syndicate, November 24, 1963.

Abdu’1-Baha. “Tablets of the Divine Plan.” N.p., n.d.

“Actor Mitchum Flips with Aid of Irishman.”
Los Angeles Times,
August 5, 1959.

“Actor Robert Mitchum Phoned . . .”
January 31, 1972.

“Actor, Wife Separate; Accord Hope Told.” N. p., March 11, 1953.

“Actors: Waiting for a Poisoned Peanut.”
August 16, 1968.

“Actress Explains Half-Clad Pose with Mitchum.”
Los Angeles Examiner,
April 6, 1954.

“Actress Freed of Vow to Sportsman.” N.p., May 8, 1946.

“Agent Sues Mitchum on Pact.”
Los Angeles Examiner,
June 2, 1959.

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New York Sunday News,
November 12, 1961.

Albright, Dana, and Roberta Ostroff. “Robert Mitchum Raised Hell to the End.”
July 15, 1997.

Alleyne, Enid. “Oh Nights Are Too Short in Trinidad!”
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May 20, 1956.

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December 19, 1965.

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Trail Dust,
Summer/Fall 1994.

Andrew, Geoff. “In Memoriam.”
Time Out
(London), July 9, 1997.

Anthony, George. “Robert Mitchum Talks.”
Entertainment Magazine,
February 1974.

Archerd, Army. “In True Mitchum Style . . .”
July 2, 1997.

———. “Just for Variety.”
June 27, 1974; May 13, 1983; July 29, 1985; April 16, 1986; July 29, 1987; July 31, 1987; May 20, 1988; September 2, 1992; June 11, 1993.

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Sight and Sound,
Summer 1968.

“Arrest Scene.”
Los Angeles Examiner,
September 2, 1949.

“Arrest Scene Draws Crowds.” N.p., circa September 1948.

“Aussie High Court Gets Appeal on Mitchum Tax.”
April 21, 1965.

Austen, David. “Gunplay and Horses.”
Films and Filming,
October 1968.

October 1971.

“Awards I.”
Hollywood Reporter,
January 14, 1992.

Bacon, James. “Mark of Mitchum—Irish Will Long Remember Film Star.”
Newark Sunday News,
October 9, 1960.

———. “Mitchum, Despite Himself, Making Bid for Oscar.”
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner,
November 13, 1970.

———. “Retirement for Good.”
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner,
June 5, 1970.

———. “Surprise Party Like RKO Reunion.”
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner,
June 7, 1970.

“Bandido!” Press Kit, 1956.

“Barbara Walters, Star Reporter . . .”
Los Angeles Times,
April 13, 1983.

Barnes, Aleene. “Hankers for ze Cheeseburger.”
Los Angeles Times,
June 13, 1956.

Battelle, Phyllis. “Mitchum Rich—but Honest.”
Cleveland Plain Dealer,
April 4, 1965.

———. “The Bad and the Good.”
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner,
March 9, 1968.

Beck, Marilyn. “Retired for Good Says Bob Mitchum.”
Hollywood Citizen-News,
June 8, 1970.

Bennetts, Leslie. “3 Mitchums Starring in a New CBS Movie.”
New York Times,
October 14, 1985.

Berg, Louis. “Foreign Intrigue’s Wonder Boy.”
This Week,
December 6, 1953.

Besas, Peter. “Mitchum Feted at Spanish Fest.”
September 14, 1993.

“Bob Goes Legit.”
circa 1946.

“Bob Mitchum Denied License to Race Hoss in New Mexico.”
December 24, 1965.

“Bob Mitchum Due in Court on Flee Rap.”
Los Angeles Mirror,
December 4, 1953.

“Bob Mitchum Fired for Dunking Film Manager.”
Hollywood Citizen-News,
January 12, 1955.

“Bob Mitchum Puzzles Cop.”
Los Angeles Examiner,
December 3, 1953.

“Bob Mitchum Rides Shiny Bus to Farm.”
Los Angeles Daily News,
February 16, 1949.

“Bob Mitchum, 3 Others Jailed After Dope Raid.”
Los Angeles Daily News,
September 1, 1948.

“Bob’s Not a Slob.”
The Sun
(Sydney), December 22, 1959.

Bogdanovich, Peter. “Interview with Otto Preminger.”
On Film,

“Bond Posted for Mitchum in Traffic Case.”
Los Angeles Times,
December 4, 1953.

“Bosomy Gina Raps Mitchum for Another Dame’ Tag.”
Los Angeles Herald Express,
November 2, 1955.

“Bouncing Around. . . .” N.p., January 21, 1975.

“Bouncing Back. . . .”
Women’s Wear Daily,
January 24, 1975.

Bowers, Carolyn A. “Robert Mitchum: If Anyone Catches Me Acting . . .”
Stars and Stripes,
circa 1970.

“Break Up Party in Home of Lila Leeds.”
Los Angeles Herald Express,
September 1, 1948.

“Bridgeporter on Radio.”
Bridgeport Post,
July 29, 1945.

Brooks, Ed. “Jane Russell, Bob Mitchum Star in Newsmen’s Interview.”
New Orleans Times-Picayune,
September 23, 1952.

Buchwald, Art. “Europe’s Lighter Side.”
New York Herald Tribune,
April 15, 1954.

Burke, David. “Mitchum Is ‘Bored Stiff’”
Sydney Sun Herald,
October 11, 1959.

Byrne, Bridget. “Mitchum Blunt, Riotous.”
Los Angeles Herald-Examiner,
October 18, 1970.

Carpenter, Daniel. “Mitchum Remembered.”
Forbes FYI,
September 22, 1997.

Carroll, Harrison. “Bob Wants Dorothy to Reconcile, Join Him on Mexican Location.”
Los Angeles Herald Express,
March 19, 1953.

———. “Mitchums Celebrate Anniversary at Ciro’s but Fail to Reconcile.”
Los Angeles Herald Express,
March 17, 1953.

Carter, Gene. “’Sleepy Eyes’ Mitchum Can’t Sleep.”
National Enquirer,
July 20, 1958.

Castle, Ray. “Mitchum’s Just Been Sittin’ Since the Rain’s Came to Cooma.”
Sydney Daily Telegraph,
October 12, 1959.

———. “Movie Quest.”
Sydney Daily Telegraph,
November 13, 1959.

———. “The Three Moods of Mr. Mitchum.”
Sydney Daily Telegraph,
September 30, 1959.

“Celebs from U.S. to Receive Italian Award.”
Hollywood Reporter,
June 21, 1988.

Champlin, Charles. “Mitchum: Hollywood’s Enduring Bad Boy.”
Los Angeles Times,
July 2, 1997.

———. “One Icon, Hard-boiled.”
Los Angeles Times,
October 2, 1994.

“Chance to Leave Jail Makes Mitchum Sad.”
Los Angeles Times,
February 16, 1949.

Chase, Chris. “Stewart, Mitchum: Defining America in Light and Dark.”
Los Angeles Times,
July 6, 1997.

Chase, Donald. “That Mitchum Season.”
January-February 1983.

Churchill, Reba and Bonnie. “Mitchum Sought for ‘Wire’ Epic.”
Beverly Hills Newsfile,
January 20, 1954.

Hollywood Reporter,
January 15, 1992.

Clooney, Nick. “Mitchum’s Act Was Quiet Thunder.”
Cincinnati Post,
July 4, 1997.

Coe, Jonathan. “They Spawned the Hollywood Monsters.”
(London), July 6, 1997.

“Col. Bob Mitchum in Bar Brawl; GI Hospitalized.”
Hollywood Citizen-News,
November 8, 1951.

“Conversation with Robert Mitchum, Dorothy Mitchum, Hedda Hopper . . .” Unedited conversation for subsequent Hopper article, circa March 1953.

“Crisis in Hollywood.”
September 13, 1948.

“Dancer Vicki Evans Arraigned as Fugitive in New York Court.”
Los Angeles Times,
January 14, 1949.

Dangaard, Colin. “Mitchum Slams in As Marlowe the Eighth.”
National Star,
May 27, 1975.

Darrach, Brad. “The Last of the Iron Assed Loners.”
September 1972.

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