Robert Mitchum: Baby, I Don't Care (96 page)

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BOOK: Robert Mitchum: Baby, I Don't Care
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Many in Los Angeles had expected there would be a memorial service, a remembrance where the people who knew him could come and say something. But there was nothing. Time went by and they never did have anything like that. Tony Caruso had understood that it was only family when they scattered the ashes. He had talked to Dorothy about a memorial, and she’d said they might or they might not. He guessed that might not was preferable.

But that was OK. He remembered him in his heart. A lot of years. He could still see that kid back in Long Beach. Quite a story. “He had his flaws; we all do. And that’s it. I don’t know what else I can tell you. He was my buddy and I loved him. And, man, he was good up there on that movie screen.”


Edward Anhalt

Ken Annakin

James Bacon

Mrs. Alva Barr

Gene Barry

Earl Bellamy

A. I. Bezzerides

Theodore Bikel

Budd Boetticher

Mrs. Layne Britton

Rock Brynner

Harry Carey, Jr.

Anthony (Tony) Caruso

Anthony Cerbone

Charles Champlin

John Davis Chandler

Frank Coghlan, Jr.

John Colicos

Barnaby Conrad

Stanley Cortez

John Paul Dejoria

Jeannette Dill

Phyllis Diller

Edward Dmytryk

Robert Donner

Jim Dougherty

Al Dowtin

Jack Elam

William Feeder

Andrew J. Fenady

Rhonda Fleming

Joe Franklin

Sam Fuller

John Gabriel

William S. Gilmore, Jr.

Robert Ginty

Oliver Goldstick

Leo Gordon

Ray Gosnell

Bert Granet

Margie Reagan Cate Green

Jane Greer

Paul Gregory

John Guare

Guy Hamilton

Jerry Hardin

Toni Cosentino Hayes

David Hedison

Paul Helmick

Edie Hemphill

Hope Holiday

Dave Holland

Mickey Hoyle

Red Hoyle

Kim Hunter

Beverley Jackson

Anne Jeffreys

Roy Jenson

Lee Katzin

Victor Kemper

Burt Kennedy

Sally Kirkland

Max Kleven

Lloward Koch

Andrei Konchalovsky

Stanley Kramer

Buzz Kulik

Irv Kupcinet

Otto Lang

Henry Lange, Jr.

Marc Lawrence

Tom Lea

Lila Leeds

Perry Leiber, Jr.

Janet Leigh

Herbert Leonard

Mrs. Carey Loftin

Malachy McCourt

Roddy McDowall

Andrew V. McLaglen

Dina Merrill

Bart Mills

Lisa Mitchell

D. Michael Moore

Elliott Morgan

Gary Morgan

Terry Morse

Kate Murtagh

Ronald Neame

Alan Oberholzer

Margaret (Smith) O’Connor

Kathie Parrish

Virginia Paskey

Michael Pate

Robert Peters

Norm Peterson

Fred Pinkard

Jean Porter

Vincent Price

Henry Rackin

Alan Rafkin

Sheldon Reynolds

Dick Richards

Leidulv Risan

Allen Rivkin

Phil Rosenthal

Johnny Sands

Reni Santoni

Julie Mitchum Sater

Harry Schein

Doris Seibel

Walter Seltzer

Karen Sharpe

Jerome Siegel

Carolyn Sofia

Herb Speckman

J. Lee Thompson

Ingrid Thulin

Les Tremayne

Paul Valentine

Emma Warner

William Wellman, Jr.

Richard Wilson

Michael Winner

Ron Wright

Reva Frederick Youngstein





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