Read Risky Negotiations Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General
Sal came over and took Jim’s hand. “You must be Jim McPherson. I’ve heard good things about you. Glad to meet you,” he said. Then he turned to Laci. “How have you been?” he asked, his eyes taking in her face.
Laci smiled, wishing she could think of a witty reply. But all she could come up with was, “Fine, thanks.”
Another voice came in and interrupted her thoughts. Laci was thankful to be introduced to Matt Kingsley, apparently the legal director for ATI.
I’ll leave you all in good hands,” Sal said. “Laci, can you stop by my office before you leave today?” he asked from the conference room doorway.
Again, all she could do was nod her head.
He left the conference room and she was able to relax again. And breathe. Her breath came out in a huge ‘whoosh’. She hadn’t even realized that she’d been holding it.
The three of them sat down at the conference table and pulled out their notes. “How about if we go over the salient points?” Jim said as he sat across from Matt.
The three of them discussed the larger issues on the table for about an hour. By that time, Jim had another meeting and they agreed to start in earnest the following afternoon.
Jim left Laci on her own, the two of them driving separate cars because of Jim’s previous engagement. Laci was faced with finding Sal’s office by herself. She would much rather have left with Jim instead of facing him again. She was actually terrified of her attraction to Sal. She wasn’t able to think clearly when he was close. Or even far away for that matter. Despite her fear, there was also a feeling of excitement at the prospect of seeing him again, talking to him, just being close to someone as sexy and dynamic as Sal Attracelli. Her shaking legs carried her down the hallway, instinctively knowing where to find the man.
Norma was not at her desk but Laci saw Sal at the same moment he noticed her standing in front of the outer office desk. The door was open while he talked on a conference call. He waived her into his office, then motioned for her to take a seat in front of his desk.
Laci sat and watched, listening with only half an ear as he discussed numbers and financial details for some other project he was working on. She was able to watch him to her heart’s content, knowing that he was concentrating on the phone conversation so she wouldn’t be noticed.
He had his suit jacket off and his sleeves rolled up slightly. She could see the muscles in his forearms and the light sprinkling of hair. He turned around to pick up a file off the bureau behind his desk and she was given a full view of his backside. Very impressive she thought, staring.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t tear her eyes away in time and was caught! He turned around unexpectedly, her eyes going from his hip area, immediately to his eyes to see if he’d seen her staring. And their eyes collided, Laci’s face becoming hot.
She immediately looked down at the carpet, wishing she could hide somewhere but not having the courage to get up and leave.
The conversation ended a moment later and Laci pulled herself together. Looking up at him again, she saw the slight smile on his face as he came around the desk. “How have you been?” he asked, putting a hip on the edge of his desk, one leg hanging over the side, the other on the floor. He looked like something out of GQ magazine.
Taking a deep breath, she decided to give in to the pleasure of talking with him. “I’ve been doing well. How about you?” she asked, forcing her eyes to meet his again.
Doing well, thanks. You’ve done extremely well for yourself over the years,” he said, referencing her position as a negotiator.
It’s been interesting. I like the work.”
Norma came in and nodded to him and he nodded back, a silent message being conveyed between the two of them.
He was grabbing his coat and looking at his watch. “Are you in a hurry?” he asked.
No…I mean…” Laci started.
Great. Then let me buy you lunch,” he said and took her hand in his strong one.
Laci tried pulling her hand out of his but he wouldn’t let her. “You don’t need to buy me lunch,” she said but stood up feeling awkward with him standing next to her while she sat in the chair.
I’d like to,” he said and put a hand in the small of her back to guide her out of his office. “What have you been up to for the past three years?” he was saying.
Um…mostly just working,” she said as he pressed the elevator button.
I’ve heard good things about you,” he said as they stepped into the small, wood paneled cube, descending to the lobby. “You’ve built a great reputation in a short time,” he said.
Laci flushed with pleasure. “Thank you,” she said, letting him guide her out the front doors. They walked across the street to an elegant restaurant and were immediately seated.
The maitre’d pulled out a silk upholstered chair and waited for her to be seated, then spread her napkin across her lap before offering her a menu. Laci took it automatically, wondering where she had lost control of this encounter. Well, she’d never had control so it wasn’t a matter of losing it. As she skimmed the menu, she told herself that she needed to assert some control, get some bearings and strengthen her position.
Deciding on a salad, she put down the menu and realized that he had been watching her. “What’s going on?” she asked, deciding to be blunt.
Sal’s eyebrow went up. “Going on?” He leaned forward. “I’m just enjoying dining with a beautiful woman.” The wine steward came up to their table and Sal immediately ordered a bottle of 1957 wine.
Laci smiled and crossed her arms on the table in front of her. “That’s flattering, but I suspect that there’s something behind your lunch.”
Sal smiled slowly, showing even white teeth. “Perhaps I have designs on you personally.”
She laughed. “Really,” she replied, immediately dismissing the idea. “Are you trying to alter the negotiations in some way? If so, I have to warn you that it won’t work. The requests from the union members are valid and you have had a great year financially.”
So you don’t think that I could possibly want to get to know you better personally?” he asked, nodding to the waiter displaying the bottle of wine, indicating that he should go ahead and serve instead of supplying the initial taste for Sal’s approval.
Laci laughed. “No.” She smiled to the waiter who poured her a glass of wine.
Why not?”
Leaning back against the comfortable chair, she took in his charm and handsome face. “Because I’m not your type.”
He raised his eyebrows at that comment. “How do you know what my type is?”
Laci’s head tilted to the side and her eyes narrowed in thought. “Let me guess,” she said, putting a finger to the side of her nose. “Blond?”
Sal’s only acknowledgement was a raising of one eyebrow. But she continued.
Tall. Definitely tall,” she said.
Why tall?”
Because you are tall. Stooping you know,” she said, laughing at his controlled expression. She was hitting a nerve and she liked it. It made him seem more human, approachable.
Go on,” he prompted.
Laci thought for another moment. “I would guess bored, cynical and possibly temperamental but not around you.”
Anything else?”
Laci laughed, watching his control turn to assumed boredom. “And someone who doesn’t tease you in any way,” she finished.
Were you teasing?” he asked dryly.
Sal sat back in his chair and enjoyed her refreshing humor. She was definitely a breath of fresh air. And she was more lovely than he remembered now that she was sitting across from him, looking like a seductress. Even the boring tweed suit couldn’t detract from her porcelain skin, her twinkling eyes that sparkled when she teased him. The prim cut of the suit couldn’t hide her luscious figure either. Her breasts were too full while her waist and her hips were too slender.
No. But I can tell you’d try to stare anyone who teased you into submission. I’d assume you are not used to anyone disagreeing with you either.”
Sal shook his head. “Not true. People disagree with me all the time. My brothers…”
Don’t count,” she interrupted. “Family doesn’t count in this. You can’t get rid of family. You can get rid of girlfriends, boyfriends or employees. Besides, we were discussing your taste in women, not your family dynamics,” she countered. She leaned back, feeling more in control as she took a sip of wine.
I guess you have me all figured out,” he said. Then he slowly leaned forward and took her hand. “Except for one thing,” he said, rubbing his thumb against the palm of her hand.
Laci’s mouth went dry. “What’s that?” she croaked.
If my type is tall, blond, spoiled women, why am I here with you?” he asked.
Laci pulled her hand out from his, hiding both under the table. “That brings us back full circle. Why am I here?” she challenged.
As I said, you’re a beautiful woman and I’d like to get to know you better.”
She shook her head. “I don’t believe you,” she said breathlessly.
Sal sighed. “Well, then, how about if you try and get to know me? As part of the negotiating team, shouldn’t you be trying to find out more about me? Find my weaknesses? It’s easier to do in a social setting. If you wait until we’re in the heat of an argument over health benefits, you won’t have many weapons at your disposal.”
Laci knew he was right. Part of her job was to understand the opposition so she could better argue the possible points brought up.
What’s it like running a company as large as ATI?” she asked tentatively.
She saw approval in his eyes with her question. She wished it didn’t matter, but for some reason, his approval was very important to her.
I assume it has its ups and down’s just like any other job,” he answered.
Laci shook her head. “But you’re responsible for over fifty thousand workers. Doesn’t that weigh on your mind a little?”
Of course. But if I think about it too much, I won’t be able to react.”
I guess that’s true. How did you train to become the head of a multi national corporation?
The same as anyone I guess. I was raised to the position. As were all my brothers.”
Don’t you have a sister as well?”
Actually, I had two. One died a long time ago. Antonia doesn’t work in the family business but works with her husband.”
Laci smiled at that comment. “I heard a little bit about Antonia’s romance with Brett Hancock. I understand there were some issues with them.”
Sal grimaced. “Well, that’s all the in past. They have a little girl now.”
I heard,” Laci smiled nostalgically.
What about you?”
What about me?” Laci said, coming back to reality.
Do you want to get married, have kids?”
Laci looked down at her napkin. “Oh, sure. I bet every woman wants that deep down at some point in her life.”
Why aren’t you married yet?”
My prince charming hasn’t come and swept me off my feet,” she joked.
And if he did?”
Grimacing, she shook her head, “I’d probably think he was trying to mug me and hit him over the head, then the other way as fast as my feet could move.”
Sal threw back his head and laughed. “I can imagine you doing just that,” he said when he stopped laughing.
Laci blushed at the look of admiration in his eyes. “Well, yes.” She said awkwardly. “How old were you when you started running ATI?” she asked, searching for a safer topic.
I was thirty when my father died but I’d been running things for about four years before that. What about you?” he asked. “Why did you decide to go into law school?”
Laci took a sip of wine, smiling over the rim. “It isn’t a wonderful story, I guarantee.”
Let me be the judge,” he replied.
She set down her wine glass and folded her hands on her napkin. “When I was in high school, I worked part time as a waitress for an ice cream parlor. It was fun but I didn’t make a lot of money. I had a junky old car that broke down pretty often.”