Risky Negotiations (2 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Risky Negotiations
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Knowing that Sal would ask that question, Matt already had the statistics. He settled into the chair in front of Sal’s desk and leaned back, propping one ankle on top of the opposite knee. “They are great. For the fifth year in a row, output has increased by three percent and profit has gone from four percent when we bought it to over thirteen percent this past year. The workers are happy with the benefits they received from us when we took over the plant and it shows in the increased productivity and decreased accidents and mistakes.”


Sal nodded, reading the information more carefully. He put down the papers and stood up, thinking about a possibility, wondering if his plan would work. He looked out the window at the panoramic view of Washington, D.C. but didn’t really see the sun setting on the horizon. The neon colors of red, orange, purple and pink didn’t impact his consciousness as he considered all the ramifications of his plan.


Could he really do what he had been considering for the past year? Would it work? Was it fair? It wasn’t really. But in this instance, would the ends justify the means? He thought so. He hoped so.


He’d been working on the plan for a while and it was finally time to put action to his thoughts. As he reviewed his memory, he realized that there really wasn’t any question. He hadn’t been able to come up with an alternative over the past few years to get in touch with her. This was it, now or never. Why was he even hesitating?


Matt sat in one of the chairs facing Sal’s desk, wondering what was going through his boss’s mind. The past few negotiations with this particular group of workers had gone through with barely a hitch. When ATI, Inc. took over a company, they usually came in and increased the benefits, got rid of a lot of dead wood or bad management and genuinely listened to the concerns of the workers. It was one of the reasons ATI had grown to be such a huge conglomerate. The Attracelli family ran all the various companies with Salvatore Attracelli at the helm and Matt had always been in awe of the business acumen from the man facing the windows.


Not only was it odd that Sal was actually thinking about something. It was unusual for him to not be amazingly decisive. No matter what the issue, Sal usually had a quick answer for everything. There was no hesitation. The man had an incredible head for business, increasing the revenue of ATI about ten percent each year for the past six years – ever since he took over after his parents’ death.


The lawyers for the workers are Massey & Mehan, correct?” Sal asked suddenly, turning to look at Matt.


Matt nodded. “Why?” he questioned, a little concerned. Sal tried very hard to keep things out of mediation. Matt didn’t understand this latest question. It seemed like a no brainer to give the workers what they were asking for. Why were negotiations even a consideration.


Let me get back to you on this,” Sal said and picked up the next file on his desk.


Matt understood that he had been dismissed and he walked back to his office, wondering what was happening. ATI tried hard to be fair and none of the current requests from the workers were out of line.


As soon as Sal was alone in his office, he picked up the phone on his desk and dialed a number. A man immediately picked up the phone, “Phil Massey,” he said in a no nonsense voice.


Phil, how have you been?” Sal started out.


Great Sal!” he said cheerfully, immediately recognizing Sal’s voice, “And I’d be even better if you’d give me another chance to beat you at squash.”


You got it. Call Norma to schedule a time.”


I will. What can I do for you?” Phil Massey asked, understanding that this was more than a friendly call.


Who is the lead on the Templar union contract?” he asked.


Sal heard Phil typing on his computer a moment. “That would be Jim McPherson and Laci Anderson. Why? Are there some issues that need to be worked out?”


There might be,” Sal responded. “If ATI starts negotiations, can McPherson and Anderson maintain confidentiality?”


Absolutely. But you’re in for a tough fight. Those two are great negotiators. Jim is tough and Laci is one of the best lawyers I’ve had. She’s coming up the ranks.”


That’s what I’m hoping for,” Sal said. “Thanks for the information. I’ll let you know if any issues need smoothing out.”


Sal turned and stared out the window. He thought of the woman who had trembled in his arms during one short dance three years ago. She was the complete opposite of what he was usually attracted to in women. He usually dated tall, sophisticated, blonds who knew the game and how to play it. He liked women who were passionate and could tell him what they wanted with that passion.


Somehow, Laci seemed small and fragile despite her luscious figure. The top of her head barely reached his chin and, instead of a sultry blond, she was a blue eyed brunette with long, softly curling hair and beautiful, soft-looking skin that he wanted to touch to feel if it was as silky as it looked. She also had the brightest smile he had ever seen. When she looked up at him, her smile seemed to warm him all the way to his heart. And in some, un-definable way, she challenged him as well. He knew there were depths to her personality and he wanted to find out everything about her, explore each layer and discover what made her tick. He refused to call it an obsession even though his curiosity hadn’t waned in the three years since he’d last seen her. It was more of a mystery he wanted to solve, he told himself.


Since he was admitting his interest, he didn’t discount the way she filled out that purple dress. His memory of her in that satin gown had haunted his dreams for several nights after his brother’s wedding. He vividly remembered her tiny waist, slender hips and long legs, all topped off by voluptuous breasts Sal still thought about.


Did she still look as gorgeous? She’d been a college student back then, he remembered. Would she have gained weight? Filled out differently? Did it matter, he wondered? He had thought about her so many times over the past three years he knew she had gotten under his skin.


During their one dance, he hadn’t dared to hold her close, feeling it wasn’t appropriate because of their ages. But she’d had three years to grow up since he’d last seen her.


Would she be different? Would she be cynical? He certainly hoped not. Her vitality and freshness had been such an alluring trait. She had been refreshing, he thought.


Although he hadn’t seen her in three years, he’d kept tabs on her through her sister Victoria. The whole Attracelli family got together every Sunday to attend church, and then headed over to Sal’s house for a family dinner. It was during those meals that Sal was able to casually ask about Laci, where she was and how she was doing. He’d heard about her employment with a top Washington, D.C. law firm after college and how she had worked up the ranks to reach a lauded negotiator’s position within the firm. He’d also heard rumors about her skills from other companies, all of whom were impressed with her legal abilities.

hapter 2


Two days later, Sal put his plan into place. Calling Matt back into his office, he outlined the counter requests for the negotiations.


Here’s a list of the items I want discussed. This is all to remain completely confidential. We’ll offer the main conference room for the negotiations. I’ll have Norma make sure it is available from here on out, at least for the next six weeks.”


Matt looked astonished. “I don’t get it. Why the changes? I didn’t see anything wrong with the requests.”


Sal looked at Matt. “There’s more to it than I am at liberty to say,” was all he would reveal.


Matt took in Sal’s stern expression and stood up. “I understand,” he said. After a moment, he shook his head and said, “Actually, I don’t but I know you have your reasons.” Matt took the list and left the office, leaving Sal with a mysterious expression on his face.


Sal put his hands into his pants pockets, trying to anticipate all the possible outcomes of this action. He considered each of his brothers and how he would counter their arguments. Satisfied that he had everything covered, he called up Phil Massey again.


Phil – we’re starting. Can your people meet tomorrow to discuss the initial list of requests?’


Phil hesitated for only a moment. “I’ll have them there.”


They discussed details for a few minutes, and then hung up, agreeing to play squash later in the week.



Laci held her briefcase in front of her as she and Jim rode up the elevators. She tried not to let her nervousness show, but she wasn’t sure she was accomplishing anything.


She was about to see Salvatore Attracelli again after three years. She’d seen his picture in the newspaper occasionally. He regularly dated society women or models which made the paparazzi drool. The business section quoted him occasionally as well. He was one of the business power people of Washington, D.C., setting the trends and leading the pack.


But was he really as gorgeous as she remembered? As handsome in person as he was in the newspaper? She couldn’t imagine anyone could live up to her memories. He was almost larger than life now and too handsome for words in her mind. Laci convinced herself that she’d built him up in her mind because she’d been so tired and overwhelmed with finals for school, job interviews and studying for the Bar exam.


Oh, but the way he’d made her feel as they’d danced slowly together! She thought back to that one dance and how she had shivered in his arms, loving the gentle but firm way he’d held her.


Laci shook her head and refocused on the present. That had probably just been the exhaustion but he had made her blood sing. She remembered the muscles under the fine wool of his tuxedo. And the strong legs leading her through the dance. He had so much strength, but his hands had been extremely gentle, as if she had been made of china.


She probably wouldn’t even see him, she thought as the elevator ding sounded, indicating that they had reached the fifteenth floor. The doors opened silently. The executive lobby was an impressive room, filled with gorgeous, wood antique furniture and thick green carpeting. The lighting was subtle and subdued. Laci hesitated before stepping onto the carpet, suddenly feeling like a school girl again.


A stern woman in a brown tweed suit was heading directly towards them, a slight smile on her face that didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m Norma, Mr. Attracelli’s secretary.” She turned her stern gaze onto Jim. “You must be Jim McPherson,” she said and extended her hand to shake Jim’s. “And you’re Laci Anderson,” she said and offered the same hand. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to the conference room,” she said and immediately turned, not waiting for a response from Jim or Laci.


Jim glanced at Laci, his eyes widening, indicating that he had the same impression of the fire breathing woman. Laci had to suppress a laugh, understanding his look immediately.


They were led into a handsomely appointed conference room with a long table polished to a high gloss. At one end, the wall consisted completely of floor to ceiling windows. The other end of the room held a bar and sitting area. There were twelve leather chairs surrounding the table.


Can I get you a cup of coffee or tea?” Norma asked, standing beside the door as if she were about to bolt away.


Both Laci and Jim declined and Norma went on to explain, “Matt Kingsley will be here shortly. He is the ATI lead for these negotiations. I’ll ensure that he is on the way so you both aren’t kept waiting.” With those words, she left the room, leaving Jim and Laci to stare blankly at the door.


Laci immediately put her briefcase down beside one of the leather chairs and turned to Jim. “What do you think?” she asked.


Jim shook his head. “I’m not sure what to think,” he said, referring to the reason they were here. “It is odd to have to work this one with ATI based on their union-friendly reputation. We’ll have to see how this plays out,” he said.


Laci nodded her head in agreement. “I wonder what he’s up to.”




Salvatore Attracelli,” Laci explained, biting her lower lip in concentration. “It’s just odd the way this is falling out. I wonder if something else is going on that we’re not aware of,” she said.


Do I always have to have an ulterior motive?” a deep voice from the doorway asked.


Laci’s heart immediately went into overtime as soon as she heard his voice. She had her back to the door to the conference room but she slowly turned to face him.


It was worse than she realized. The man standing non-challantly in the doorway was more handsome, more attractive and definitely more dangerous than she remembered from her sister’s wedding.


This man was devastatingly gorgeous, she thought.


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