Risking It All (17 page)

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Authors: Ambrielle Kirk

BOOK: Risking It All
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e slid the Magnu
m condom down his engorged rod
“Are you certain this is what you want?”

Julissa nodded slowly.

“Without a doubt?”


ce this happens, t
hings will never be th
e same between you and me.

“I’m ready, Q. I’m ready to risk it all.

spread her legs a little wider.

Come get this pussy.”

He lifted one of her legs against his chest and positioned his head at the opening of her pu
ssy. Their eyes locked together. Their
bodies intersected slowly. She felt her canal spreading open wider than she had ever been before, adjusting to his size. When he hit the bottom, she closed her eyes, teeth clenched. “Oh, you feel so good.”

Quinton began moving in and out, slowly. “This pussy is so incredibly tight, baby.”

She wanted to feel all of him, so she arched up to take his entire dick. She began mov
ing her hips up to meet his pelvis

“Slow down, baby.

Quinton took her hips to assist her in slowing her pace.

We have all the time in the world. Slow dow
n and let me make love to you.”

“Q, I’ve never been with another man…e
xcept for Mic—,” Julissa stopped herself before ruining this moment.

“Open your eyes and look at me. I want you to know who’s fucking you,” Quinton demanded
. He moved
her hips slowly with his hands
, t
her and coaching her

Before long, she moved
her hips the same way, meeting
his pelvis, her own hips grinding
in sync with his thrusts.

“Oh, yeah…that’s it, baby.” Placing her other leg up the same way, he pressed forward. With her thighs squeezed together slightly and lifted up against his chest, he plunged down over and over into her, moving a little faster. She gripped his back as another orgasm ripped through her body.

everal positions later he finally let out a loud animalistic groan, confirming that he was finally satisfied. They lay there side by side, catching their breath
, while their
urned to normal.

They must have fallen asleep because they were
wakened by his cell phone ringing this time.
She pulled away from Quinton, and he groaned in protest before breaking their tight embrace.
Seeing she had one hou
r to make it home at the usual time
, she grabbed her cl
othes and jumped in the shower.

What she could not erase was the grin on her face? She felt like a woman renewed. That had been the best sex of her life. Where had Quinton been all this t
ime? Why did she feel so guilty right now?

As she positioned the shower head so that it sprayed down over her back
and sore muscles
, a big set o
f hands wrapped around her waist

“Q…” she closed her eyes and leaned back into his chest.

He was naked, and warmer than the water cascading down over them.

“You didn’t think I was finished with you, did you?” he whispered into the back of her neck.


She never managed to protest as his fingers slid down her belly to stroke betwe
en her legs. He was hard
condom already in place, with
the head pressing into her back.

Quinton moved her to the other side of th
e stall and propped
her hands on the slippery tile. He bit softly into her shoulder as he massaged her c
lit. The steam from the shower
engulfed them, and the sound of the water hitting
the floor seemed to relax her tension.

She parted her legs, accepting him. He sunk only an inch deep into her aching pussy. “More, please.”

clenched around him a
s he teased her nipples
, stroking them lightly
with his fingertips
She moved her hips, coaxing him deeper inside.
buried himself within her with
firm stroke. She cried out against the stall
as the pleasure-pain sliced through her
. Pumping her slowl
y at first, he grabbed her waist
, holding her ass steady.

His thrusts became fast and strong, and he pounded her like a drum. The force of it cause
d her to climax and her legs
became weak. She grasped at the tiles, as she came down from her orgasm, trying to hold herself up.

Julissa went from being standing up in stall to being draped over his arms. “What are you doing?”

“Carrying you.”

“You didn’t come.”

“Don’t worry. I will.”

dropped he
r on the sofa. W
ithout missing a beat,
he spread her legs
and dove into her once again.
He lifted
her feet to his chest,
and angled her,
hitting her G-spot with skillful precision.

“You are so beautiful
He rocked into her while
holding her gaze.

grabbed at the chair cushions as pressure mounted within her.
She couldn’t speak, and she wanted to scream. She bit her bottom lip to prevent it.
He was
and knew exactly
what he was doing
to her

lifted her hips off the couch just as another orgasm raged through her, this time stronger than before.
The walls of her pussy vibrated around
him, and a
fiery sensation flowed through her entire core.
He followed her in climax, tilting his face to the ceiling, and groaning in pleasure.

Later, after they were both satisfied and calm,
she laid out a pair of black dress pants, a blue dress shirt, and business pumps. He
cleared his throat
from the corner of the room
, and
held up a pair of white lace underwear that looked familiar.

“Those are mine.” Julissa smiled.
“Where did you get those?”

“You forgot them on Friday. I had them washed this weekend with my things.”

She stuffed the black thong panties
in the pocket
of the dress pants, and took the clean white panties from Quinton, and put them on. “Thank you.”

He pulled on some gym clothes and walked her down to her car.

“Can we meet tomorrow morning to go look at some houses?” Quinton held the car door open and she got in.

“I’ll meet you here at nine.” She closed the door.

He held onto the window frame.
“Don’t wear any panties this time.”

Julissa tried
to hide a smile. When she pulled off
she glanced at
him in her rearview mirror as he headed back into the hotel.

She wanted to turn around.




“What’s wrong, honey? Did something happen at the office?” Julissa
asked, standing
in the door
of Michael’s home office with her arms folded.

He had come home, passed her in the living room without saying a word, entered his office, and slammed the door. Minutes later, she heard his loud voice yelling on the phone. She couldn’t quite make out the conversation because the door was closed, but
from the string of curse words she captured,
e could tell
he was pissed.

“Nothing. Will you order some pizza for dinner right now?” Michael took one look at her, and then focused back on the opened laptop in front of him.

“Okay, but…do you want to talk about it?” Julissa pried the door open a little more and stepped inside. She wasn’t allowed in his office, not even to clean it.

“No, I do not!” Michael dropped his head in his hands, breathed heavily into his palms, and then looked up again. He took a long swig of liquor out of the glass beside him. That was unlike Michael. He never had a drink of liquor without a mixer or a chaser. It looked like he was taking the Jack Daniels straight to the face.

“Michael…baby,” Julissa walked over to him and p
ut her hand on his shoulders, “What’s the matter?

“Julissa, why are you in here?” His voice went from calm to stern.

“Michael, I just…thought you needed someone to talk to.”

“Did I not tell you a moment ago that I don’t want to talk about it?” He glared at her, forehead wrinkled and eyebrows strewn together.

When she didn’t answer, he jumped up. “Didn’t I?”

“Yes,” she jumped back at little, but it was too late.

Michael caught her in a choke hold and backed her up against a wall.

“Michael, please…I’m sorry.”

He did not release his hands from her throat. “You need to listen when I tell you someth
ing! What has gotten into you?”


she croaked.

“You are never to come in my office again. You understand?”

Julissa nodded her head.

He pushed her head forcefully
onto the wall.

“Yes! I understand.” Julissa felt the tears well up in her eyes, but she held them in.

He let go. She turned, trying to make a quick departure, but he caught her by the arm.

“Where were you this afternoon, Julissa?” His fingers were digging into the flesh on her arm.

“I worked at home today. I

“I called the house shortly after lunch and you were not home. I called your office downtown and they said that you worked half
day today.”

“I-I…a new client called me about seeing a property. I wanted to make another sale, so I met them.” Julissa couldn’t believe how quick she was able to come up with that lie. If Michael ever found out the truth about what was going on between her and Quinton, then she feared she would be one dead woman…or close to it.

“Out of my office! Order the pizza and call me when it’s here!”




Michael must have slept in his office last night, because he never
came to bed. Julissa was glad. S
cried for
hours before finally falling asleep. This Tuesday was an off day for her, but she suddenly remembered that she had an important appointment with a client and not just any client. Quinton Brennan was his name.

Looking at the clock in the kitchen, she was already five minutes late meeting Quinton at the hotel. She started to call him to explain that she had had a rough night and didn’t fall asleep until late, but decided against it.

Instead, she pulled on her work clothes, grabbed a bagel and coffee and headed out the door. When she pulled into the parking lot to the hotel, she dialed his number.

, Beautiful

he said on the other end.

“Hi, Q. Sorry I’m a little late. I forgot to set my alarm clock last night.”

“No problem. I was just working on getting a few things done before next week. I’ll actually be a busy man, then. Trying to enjoy the free time while I can.”

“I’ve just pulled up. Are you ready to go?”

“Baby, you don’t sound so hot. Are you okay?”

Julissa sighed. “I have a really bad headache. My day hasn’t exactly gotten off to a good start yet.”

“You sure you want to go out now with your headache? Did you take something for it?”

“No, not yet.”

“I have some Advil. Should I come down and get you?”

“No, I’ll come up.”

Quinton was waiting by the lobby elevators when she came in. They hugged briefly and then rode the elevators back up to his suite. “You don’t look so hot either.”

Julissa looked at him and frowned. “Thanks for the compliment.”

“Oh! You know what I mean. You’re beautiful even on days like these. I just wish you f
elt better, that’s all.” Quinton
held the door open for her and she walked in.

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