The Dom with the Dark Eyes

BOOK: The Dom with the Dark Eyes
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Evernight Publishing ®




2015 Raven



ISBN: 978-1-77233-583-5


Artist: Jay


JS Cook







The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
No part of this book may be
used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.






Tina for nagging in the nicest possible way for Linsey's story,

and the
Chicks for their help and enthusiasm,
and to

for ignoring the dust bunnies as usual.




, 6




Copyright © 2015






oh why was she here? Decked out like a dog’s dinner with a silver glittery mask
on that only left her eyes, nose and mouth on show, plus a long silver cape,
which covered her from neck to toes.

not much else. A silk and satin teddy and sheer black stockings, a pair of long
dangly earrings and an itch on her spine she couldn’t reach to scratch. Linsey
wriggled uncomfortably, well aware she was out of her comfort zone. She liked
leather cat suits, not ‘almost there’ undies.

that why the invite said no cat suits, no leather and cloaks made of silvery silk,
and satin only? Plus of course the mask, which along with the cape had been
couriered to her earlier in the day.

was damned sure her invite had been doctored. She was certain she’d seen both leather
and cat suits under people’s capes. But Tay was forever telling her leather cat
suits weren’t the only dress suitable for BDSM and she’d bet her favorite red one
this was his way of showing her.

hated it. The crotch of the teddy kept creeping up her butt crack, her boobs
had no intention of being confined within the silk and hold up stockings always
felt as if they were going to roll down and land around her ankles.

for masked balls? Linsey rolled her eyes as she scanned the large garden at the
home of her co-owner and his wife and unhooked one of her long dangly earrings
from her hair for the umpteenth time. How soon could she leave, go home, get
into her yellow duck pajamas, make a cup of cocoa or unscrew the rather nice
bottle of cab-sav she’d picked out as a pick me up? Then, cuddle Clarence the
cat, open the large bar of fruit and nut chocolate that was stashed in the
fridge, and curl up with a good book?

balls were the pits. She couldn’t even find someone she knew to bitch with.

how soon?

soon enough, unfortunately.

Tay and Julia were celebrating the anniversary
of Jules—also known as Silver—being collared.

the silver theme.

and balloons decked the trees and the outside of the house, and the music was
songs like, ‘By the Light of the Silvery Moon’, and ‘Silver Star’.
A barbeque had a silly notice with things
like ‘get your silverside steak rolls and silver hake sarnies here’. The plates
were silver colored, the cutlery the real thing, and the chefs wore silver
aprons and masks and nothing else.

was OTT, but as Jules had said, cheerfully, it was the one and only time they
were doing it so they might as well be naff. Plus, as she was six months
pregnant, if everyone wore capes her bump wouldn’t stand out like the specter
at the feast.

might be naff, but it was good-natured, and everyone seemed to be enjoying
themselves which, Linsey decided was nice. If only she felt the same. Usually,
she’d be in a much better frame of mind, and enjoy the evening herself, but for
some reason not tonight.

It was, she decided, all to do with comfort
zones. Linsey hated being pushed out of hers. Unless it was by choice she
didn’t appreciate not being in charge, and at that moment in time, she knew she
was very definitely not in charge.

So, how long before I can sneak away, and
enjoy my days off?

club—Dommissimma, one of the premier BDSM clubs in the country—was shut for the
weekend, and she intended to make the most of it. Her favorite cab company was
on speed dial, so to get home wasn’t a problem. In theory all she needed to do
was find her shoes—she’d kicked them off and she thought they were in the
nearby shrubbery—check her credit card was still inside the tiny pocket sewn
into her teddy for that purpose, and go.

Mitchell worked hard, played hard and relaxed totally whenever, whatever was
called for.


But this was to her, purgatory. And she knew
she really couldn’t leave so soon. Tay and Jules had entertainment on later,
and one, a fire eater was someone she wanted to watch. Then she’d go. In fact
she’d ring the cab company and give them a rough time to pick her up.

took seconds to do, and satisfied that at least one thing was in her control, Linsey
put her tiny phone back into the inner pocket of her cloak—bigger than the one
in her teddy and better for her phone—and wandered further into the garden. The
entertainment was due to start within the half hour so for now she’d sip the rather
good glass of champagne and watch the others. At least masked, no one would
know who she was and bother her.

for Tay, and he was too busy to ask why she was skulking in the darkness.

isn’t it?” The deep dark voice behind her made her unbalance as she spun around
to face the owner. “People watching.” He … she … went on. “Especially when you
have no idea who it is you’re spying on.”

cloak flowed out behind her, and behind a mask identical to hers she saw dark,
very dark eyes widen in appreciation as the silver material settled back to
hide her once more.

He, she decided it was definitely a he, whistled.

“The cloak looks good, what’s under it looks
stunning.” He flicked one side of her cloak out, put one long finger onto the
soft skin at her neck and stroked downward toward her breast.

She shivered and blushed; she, who never ever
went red, went the color of a ripe cherry.

laughed softly.

I feel it as well.” He caught hold of her hand and put it over his leather-covered
cock. The soft bulge hardened and she curled her fingers around it.

that really her? Feeling up a total stranger? Letting him touch her and not
kneeing him in the balls?

What was in that wine?
She’d only drunk half a glass, but
this behavior was so not usual. Even so she gave into the urge to stroke his
cock and squeeze it gently.

groaned. “So fucking good. However, laters, sweetness. I have work to do. I
assume you’re stopping for a while?”

thoughts of leaving as soon as she could went out of her mind.

guess I am.”

me here after the fire eater?” It might be couched as a question but she was
damned sure he intended there to be only one answer.


girl. I have to go. By the way, I intend to call you, sweet Cherry.”

do?” She was puzzled. “Why?” Surely her red cheeks hadn’t been so obvious? She
had a mask on. Heat flooded her again and she had to force herself not to
shuffle or twitch.

He smiled and traced the outline of her lips.
“Cherries are sweet, succulent and habit forming. But let’s say it’s the color
of these lips, which I can see and the color of those lips that I can’t yet,
but will later. The color of these.” He stroked her cheeks. “And the color the
others will be later.”

gasped. The picture he painted made her nipples tighten to the point of pain
and push against the silk of her teddy. “Sure of yourself aren’t you?”

the breathy little girl voice. However she knew it was that or splutter like an

sweet Cherry,” he flicked her earring and set it swinging, “someone has to be.
I want you, you want me, and want is not going to be our master.” He paused and
his grin was sinful and full of promise. “I am.”

juices gathered and slid over her denuded pussy. Maybe there
something for
daring to bare. At least the hair would stop her legs getting
soaked as much. Instead she was in danger of creating a puddle. Linsey clenched
her muscles and did her best to seem cool calm and collected.

At this rate I’ll need lady pads.

a Dom?”

nodded. “What else?”

Yeah, he screams Dom.

switch maybe?” She took a step back and craned her head so she could see his
face, or the portion not covered by a mask, more clearly. “Dom and sub.” She
clarified her words, just in case.

know what a switch is, sweet Cherry. Let’s say with the right persuasion, I
could be.”

good.” Linsey decided it was time to assert a little of her own dominance. “So
am I.”

was his turn to take a step back. “Well, well, life is going to be interesting
isn’t it?” He chuckled. “And on that note, I must go. I’ll see you here soon.”
He turned and left with a swirl of cloak. For the first time Linsey saw what he
was holding.

A red and silver handled flogger.


If it wasn’t so stupid, Michael Radcliffe
would have high fived as he walked rapidly across to the patio where he’d set
his equipment up earlier. He’d rather be sparring with, or flogging the lovely
Cherry than getting ready to fire eat.

it was a little thing to do for Tay and Silver, two of his favorite people. Tay
had stood beside him when the shit hit the fan earlier, and Silver adored Tay.
Ergo he would do whatever he could to seal their happiness. They deserved it.
Rad was one of the few people who had always known Tay was Taylor Mack, star of
hot stuff heroic TV shows, and how he’d met and lost his lady. Now they were
together again Rad was their staunchest supporter.

he was about to do his now little performed act. He tried not to use fire
except for cooking these days.

needs must and he owed it to everyone that it was safe and successful. With his
customary ruthlessness Rad blocked Cherry and anything else out of his mind
apart from his coming demo.

he accepted an hour later seemed to have been the success he hoped for.

usual, once he started he’d been so focused he couldn’t tell if one person or
one hundred people had watched. Usually he enjoyed dragging the oohs and ahhs
out of people who knew enough not to be over impressed, and reveled in the buzz
it gave him.

Tonight had been different. Oh he got the
buzz, but somehow it was increased by the knowledge that hopefully Cherry
watched and enjoyed the show. It had set him on his mettle and he didn’t need
Tay to tell him he’d excelled himself.

rubbed his arm absently. As a body came into view he’d lost his focus for one
split second and burned his arm as he rolled fire across it. He didn’t try to
analyze how, even masked and cloaked like everyone else, he knew it was Cherry.
Luckily it was only the hairs that were singed. But it was a timely reminder
never ever to take his mind off the task in hand.

stuff, mate. You mustn’t retire,” Tay said, and slapped him on the back hard
enough to set Rad rocking on his heels. “Keep your hand in. Talking of which
I’ve a proposition to put to you. Not now though, go forth and find a sub. The
playroom’s set up if you want it. I’ll give you a ring tomorrow late on.” He
winked. “In case you’re busy.”

Rad laughed. “Right, not because you will be?”

“Oh that as well.” Tay waved as he moved off
and Rad turned to wiping down and storing his equipment, ready to lock in Tay’s

worked swiftly, and within twenty minutes walked briskly across the lawn to
where he’d left Cherry.

area was deserted. Nobody at all within thirty yards.

hit him hard. Had it all been an act? Okay they were masked, and it was all
supposed to be secretive and enticing, but she’d agreed. The degree of dismay
he felt surprised him. How could a woman he’d just met and spoken to for all of
five minutes affect him so much? The deep dark sense of rejection was an
emotion he’d never experienced before, and Rad wasn’t sure he’d want to again.

touched his shoulder and he spun round. He could have cried with relief.

I got delayed.” She sounded out of breath and dots of perspiration sheened her
skin. “I was watching the fire eater. It was you, wasn’t it?”

swallowed. She looked hot in more ways than one. “Yeah.”

grinned and her eyes twinkled behind the mask. In the moonlight he couldn’t clearly
see what color they were. He didn’t care. She was there, next to him.

“It was hot in more ways than one.”

bowed very theatrically. “Thank you, my sweet Cherry. Shall I make
hot in even more ways?

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