The Dom with the Dark Eyes (4 page)

BOOK: The Dom with the Dark Eyes
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nasties like a needle inside the slit,” Rhonda suggested. “That’ll stop you
hardening when your lady touches you.”

winced as Sir went white.

okay, fucking get on with it.”

laughed. “How would men cope with childbirth?” She inked in another section. “Have
an anesthetic?”

Sir said. “Or the human race would die out.”

laughed. “I’d hold your hand and tell you that it’s like shelling peas and the
peasants used to give birth in the fields and go straight back to work.”

for them. I have every respect for all of womankind. That includes you, Rhonda,
for doing this. Do you do many on cocks?”

“A few she said cheerfully. “The favorite
seems to be a script of up yours…”

snorted and Linsey giggled.

shrugged. “Each to their own. “Right, that’s me done. Don’t forget the
aftercare. I’ve left you both instructions. I must say, though I love them.”

did Linsey.

waited while Sir saw the other woman out and returned to her.

she said awkwardly. “ They look good. Yum.”

“Yeah, um… Ah.” He looked at the clock. “Fuck,
I promised to go help in the bakery. I’m going to have to dash. “Ah, shall…”
his voice trailed off.

Linsey took control.

was a great night, I enjoyed every second, but no way am I ready for a
relationship. Nor, I think, are you.”

not. But hey, we should keep in touch.”

okay. You can get hold of me through Tay.”

good. I will. Thank you, my sweet Cherry. For everything.”

was only once she’d texted the cab company and was in the car on her way home
she realized what a stupid thing she’d said.

could he contact her—if he wanted to—when he had no idea who she was?



Chapter Four


pink line is no, two is yes. Or is this the one blue line is yes? Oh balls, no
not balls, oh hell. Definitely hell. Talking of which, and why
I talking to myself aloud? This is
creepy. Is that what it does to you? No, I don’t want to know… oh crap maybe I
Okay, right, count to ten. Two to
ten. Shit no that’s not what I mean. Cool it, think…where the hell is the one
that just says yes or no? Bugger, shit and bollocks. No not bollocks that
reminds me… Argh…” Linsey swept her hand over her desk, and boxes and both used
and un-peed upon wands flew in all directions. The three sticks she held in her
hands didn’t cooperate and stayed where they were.

Like my
pee glued them in place. She looked at them carefully. Whatever she wanted to
think each, in their own way, told the same story.

am I fucked.”

fucked? Sweetness never. Not unless you’ve…ah ha…what have we here?”


been so intent on her discovery—and talking to herself out loud—she hadn’t even
heard the door open, let alone notice Athol Donaldson, a friend, a Dom and a member
of the committee of Dommissimma walked up to her and plucked one of the wands
out of her unresisting fingers.

Athol, have you ever heard of knocking? You’ve just taken years off my life, you

as charged, hon…Oh-oh…” He rolled his eyes. “If this is what I think it is and
you’re the one who sent it like this then yes, fucked you were.”

buggered. She’ll never forgive me.”

now, honey, strictly speaking on this occasion I’d say buggered is what you
weren’t. Screwed? Definitely, fucked, oh yes … buggered is not the way it
works, and believe me I should know. Now unless you went down the turkey baster
route, I’d say you’ve hit the nail on the head. Fucked and screwed.”

gritted her teeth. “I will not demean myself to answer that.”

Athol handed the wands back to her. “Why not?
I would. Now then, do I need to go all macho and call someone out? Butt plugs
at dawn and all that?”

you bastard.” Linsey didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She sat down in the
desk chair abruptly and put her head in her hands. “Oh shit, Athol, what am I
going to do?”

of the corner of her eye she watched him hunker down. The worry and concern on
his face was almost Linsey’s undoing.

Uncle Athol, Lin. You weren’t forced in any way were you?”

She lifted her head to look him in the eyes. “Oh, no, nothing like that, truly.
I just scratched an itch that’s been getting bigger for months and hey ho. Up
the duff.” She stood up and began to pace. “Bun in the oven, up the stick and
bloody well up the creek without a paddle. And not a turkey baster in sight. All
my own doing.”

raised one eyebrow. “Immaculate conception was it?”

His dry tone lifted her spirits.

but immaculate. Quite messy actually. And fucking—used intentionally—marvelous.
Before you ask, no I’m not going into details. Let’s just say, champagne, and fire
eating aren’t easy to forget.”

winced. “Ouch. Tay and Silver’s?”

nodded “Exactly. Not very polite, I agree, but neither of us gave that a thought.”
Linsey gave herself a mental shake. “Right, that’s my five minutes of woe is me,
misery over. I’m sorry you had to see it.” She began to pick up all the mess
she’d created, and shoved them all into a large carrier, added the ones Athol
still held and tied a knot in the bag.

hidden. But, blimey how many of those things did I buy?”

grinned. “At a rough count, seventeen.”

didn’t want there to be any mistake but even I gave up counting after ten all
told me in their own little way that there was no mistake. I, Linsey Mitchell,
spinster of this parish, ex almost partner of one Laura MacKinnon—who, of all
things just happens to be the sister of my business partner—lately a lesbian, and
always a switch, is now officially bi once more…. Plus, knocked up and a full,
sub’s paid member of the pudding club.” She let her breath out in a whoosh. “And
I’m scared shitless.”

honey, no need really.” Athol tugged her into his arms and hugged her. “We’re
all here for you. Whatever you decide.” His tone was level and gave no
indication of how he thought she should act. “Sub’s paid…Well, that’s you half
way there. Once you show your body whose boss, that’s both sides of you sorted.”

there’s only one thing that’s going to happen.” Linsey took a deep breath. “In
around seven months give or take, you and Edan are going to be honorary uncles.
How’s your knitting? I fancy mittens and itsy bitsy booties.”

not suit you and wouldn’t go with red leather cat suits.”

sniggered. “Neither will a bump.” Linsey looked down at her still flat tummy,
encased in one of the aforementioned red leather cat suits. “Not long now I
guess, until this is put in the wardrobe for the duration.” She wished she
didn’t sound so wistful. Dammit, she’d suspected she was pregnant for several
weeks, but put off the pee on a stick scenario until she secretly hoped it was

she’d wanted to see if Laura had changed her mind about their almost
relationship and would agree to try to be a couple.

ain’t half going to be complicated,” she said wryly. “I’m having this baby,
Athol. I might be a single parent, with b-all chance of being anything else, but
my pregnancy is non-negotiable.”

Laura?” he asked, concern uppermost in his voice. Athol more than anyone knew
of her on-off relationship with Laura. More off than on, if she was honest.

sighed. “I think that’s over even before it really got started. You know she
married years ago and then they divorced when she decided it wasn’t men she
wanted? It was years before I met her.”


she still won’t accept it wasn’t wrong, and people can change their minds about
their sexuality. She’s convinced it’s wrong for—” She hesitated. “Look, this is
strictly between me and you, and no bloody psychoanalyzing it, she’s adamant no
men around. I’ve never made any secret of the fact that if the right guy came
along I’d swing both ways. Well, he did and I did and this is the result. And
yes we did use a condom, but hey, as everyone knows, they’re not infallible.
This one wasn’t anyway.” She sniggered, suddenly happy. “Or should I say, one
of them wasn’t.”

and was it worth it?”

out of your psychiatrist head, and just be my mate. I don’t need my psyche
explained to me. But yes it was. Every time. No it wasn’t on the rebound, Laura
and I hadn’t seen each other for weeks. Truth be told I was sick of her blowing
hot and cold. She married and decided it wasn’t for her. No big deal. Lots of
people do. A fair few even then decide they prefer their own sex. So what? Others
decide they like both. So why she’s so anal about it I have no idea.”

she isn’t.”

Linsey spluttered. “Yup. Oh, lord, it’s shite
really. And this would be the last straw I reckon. If she was bothered. But
it’s been ohh three plus months since we saw each other. And between you me and
the gatepost, we never ever had a relationship.”

was Athol’s turn to look surprised. “Never?”

She shook her head.

Athol scribed a circle in the air. “You know.”

never, nothing, nada, zilch. She’s one messed up mind person. She’d benefit
from a session with you in your professional capacity I reckon. A shrink might
do her good.”

if she wants it.” Athol perched on the end of Linsey’s desk, grabbed her hand
and pushed her back into her chair. “How do you feel about it all?”

guess she doesn’t. Not my problem anymore, if it ever was. You can’t help
someone who won’t let you. But, hey, I’m thirty-nine Athol, I’ll have my first
child on or around my fortieth birthday. I have no time or inclination for any
more shit. And I know I said she’d kill me, but you know? Tough. Although I
don’t think she’ll give a damn. Because the last thing Laura said to me was,
it’s over.”

swallowed heavily and took a deep shuddering breath.

tomorrow I’ll make the appointment to see my GP, buy my vitamins and see if I
can find someone who makes maternity leather cat suits.” She felt better already.

for you hon, and if not, we’ll customize the ones you’ve got.”

waggled her finger at him, and poked him in the stomach.

oomphed. “Ouch, woman, what was that for?”

Donaldson, you are not taking a knife to my cat suits.”

he grumbled, but the twinkle in his eyes showed her he was teasing.

“Yeah, so am. Anyway with all this angst, I
forgot to ask you, why are you here?”

got a meeting at six with Tay, and whoever it is he wants to add to the committee.
Some guy he’s known for years. I’m guessing you forgot. Edan’s on his way, he
had a lecture to give. He’ll be here by six though. Me, I of course just skived
off.” He laughed, the deep belly laugh so in contrast to his almost effeminate

“Yeah, and if I believed that you’d have a
bridge to sell me.” Athol worked harder than anyone she knew. “Ah, shit all
this pregnancy lark addles your brains.”

Well before we close the subject for now, just one thing.”

She looked up at him, enquiringly.

you going to tell the bloke he’s going to be a papa?”

Damn, she knew he’d ask that.

well there’s one problem there.”

“How come?”

reddened. Athol shook his head.

“That look is worrying me. Hon, fess up, you
know you want to. And anyway I’d wheedle it out of you somehow. Best just to
come clean.”

you bugger. I can’t tell him, okay? It’s not possible.”

“Oh and why? Is he dead or on another planet?”

She took a deep breath.

“We were both masked. And I’m bloody sure I’m
not going up to every dark-haired, dark-eyed guy I see and say, excuse me, do
you have a tattoo on your cock? One that matches the one on my cunt.” She shook
her head and her long blonde and because she’d forgotten to straighten it,
curly hair danced around her head and shoulders like a dervish. “Sorry, isn’t going
to happen.”

once she’d shocked him, she could see it in his eyes.

that again.”

“It was a masked party, we hooked up and got
matching tattoos. And no I’m not going to tell you what.”

“Ri…ight.” Athol shrugged. “So was that before
or after you fucked like rabbits?”

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