Rising from the Ashes (4 page)

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Authors: Jessica Prince

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Rising from the Ashes
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I enjoyed spending time with Charlotte, and honestly, the sex was out of this world. But her jealousy was starting to grate on my last nerve. The only reason things had lasted this long was because I’d finally admitted that I needed to move on from Savannah.

I didn’t see anything long term with Charlotte, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy the company while it lasted. I just wasn’t planning on tying myself to the very first person I’d started dating since Savannah and I broke up. I was still young, and if I couldn’t have the person I really wanted, there was nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy what I’d been missing out on all these years…was there?

I tried to make my voice as casual as possible before answering. “I don’t think so. I’m sure I would have heard something if she had a boyfriend.”

“Oh, that’s right,” she replied.

I didn’t need to see her face to know she was pissed. Her words were practically dripping with sarcasm.

“I forgot that you’re all BFFs and tell each other

I rolled my eyes in the darkness of the truck. “Charlotte, I’ve told you a thousand times that everyone likes you just fine. You feeling like an outsider is all in your head.”

I could see her profile from the lights in the dash, and she was sporting one of her signature poses—arms crossed over her chest and an unattractive pout on her lips.

“Yeah, well, Savannah doesn’t like me,” she whined.

The need to defend Savannah hit me like a Mack truck. “And whose fault is that?” I asked in a condescending tone. “Maybe if you weren’t so damn rude every time she was around, the two of you could actually be friends. She really is a good person, Charlotte. You’d know that if you actually made an effort to get to know her.”

Charlotte let out a huff and started hopping around in the seat next to me before shoving her finger in my face. “I knew it! I knew you still had feelings for her!”

I could feel the headache building behind my eyes. I took one hand off the wheel and started to rub the bridge of my nose. “I don’t have feelings for her, Charlotte. Our relationship ended a long time ago. We are
friends.” I wasn’t sure how truthful that statement was though.

A part of me would probably always have feelings for Savannah. She was the first girl I’d ever been in a relationship with and the only one I’d ever loved. She would always be special to me.

“So, you’re just automatically taking her side?”

Jesus Christ! I’m talking just to hear myself talk.
“Damn, woman! There are no sides. She’s my friend, and you’re my girlfriend. That’s all there is to it.”

We sat in silence for several seconds, and my headache started to recede slightly. Finally, I felt the bench seat shift as Charlotte scooted toward me, and then she started to rub her hand up and down my thigh.

“I’m sorry, baby,” she cooed in my ear before licking the shell of it and slowly kissing down my neck. “I hate being jealous, but I just can’t help it.” Her hand went straight to the crotch of my pants, and she began massaging my dick through my jeans.

I had to hand it to her. There were times when she was almost too much for me to handle, and I thought about just throwing in the towel. But damn, did she know how to use her hands and mouth. It was almost as if she were made for sex.

I let out a deep moan as my cock started pushing painfully against the zipper of my jeans. I had to use all my willpower to keep my eyes from rolling back in my head as I tried to focus on the road in front of me.

“I just care about you so much, baby,” she whispered. “Do you care about me?” She lightly bit my neck, hitting just the right spot.

I’d tell her just about anything she wanted to hear at that point. I knew it was absolutely pathetic, but my cock was doing all the thinking for me. “Yeah, baby, I care about you,” I said on another moan.

I felt a tug as she undid my belt and started to unbutton my pants.

Nothing like road head to get a couple past a fight.

“I’m so sorry about that. I don’t know why Jeremy was being such a dick tonight.”

I was completely humiliated by Jeremy’s behavior. I’d specifically told him that Ben was an attorney at my firm, so Jeremy would know to be on his best behavior. I might not work directly for Ben, but for all intents and purposes, he was still very much one of my bosses. That meant my friends’ behavior was a reflection on me if one of my bosses saw us out in public. I was going to kick Jeremy’s ass the next time I saw him.

Ben gave me a dazzling smile as he patted my hand that was resting on the bar. “It’s all right. I do have to ask though—did you guys have a thing or something?”

I was taken aback just a little by that question. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, that just seemed a little like jealousy to me. I just assumed you two had dated or something.”

I waved my hand in an attempt to brush off his comment. “Yeah, but it was, like, seven years ago. We’ve been over for a
long time. We’re just friends.” Just saying those words made my heart hurt.

The look he gave me clearly showed that he didn’t believe me. “You’re sure you’re just friends?”

I let out an uncomfortable laugh. “Yeah, I’m positive. You met his girlfriend, Ben. And tonight was the first time in months that Jeremy and I have really even talked to each other.”

Luckily, Emmy and Luke picked that moment to come over and introduce themselves, giving me a reprieve from the awkward conversation I was having.

“Hey there,” Emmy said, extending her hand out to Ben. “I’m Emerson Grace, Savannah’s best friend.” She and Ben shook hands before she threw her thumb over her shoulder. “This is my lesser half, Luke.”

Ben and Luke both laughed as the two men shook hands and introduced themselves. I loved how my best friend took every opportunity to put Luke in his place. They might be nauseatingly in love with each other, but Emmy was still one hundred percent herself…unlike

“So, you’re the lucky couple?”

Emmy wrapped her arm around Luke’s waist, and he slung an arm over her shoulder.

“Oh, no. I mean, he’s definitely lucky to have me,” Emmy said as she poked Luke in the ribs, “but we aren’t engaged or anything.”

“Yeah, that would be those two over there,” Luke said. He extended his arm and pointed out Gavin and Stacia by the jukebox. “The girl who’s clearly three sheets to the wind and the guy who looks like he’d be thrilled just to clean up her puke
the lucky couple.”

Emmy shoved an elbow in Luke’s side as I smacked him across the back of the head.

“Play nice,” I told him. “They’re in love.”

“Just callin’ it how I see it, Killer.”

I hated Luke’s nickname for me, but even I had to admit that it fit pretty well. After all, I had threatened him with bodily harm—and possibly murder—several times right after he moved back to town.

I turned my attention back to Emmy and noticed she had a cheeky little grin on her face. That couldn’t lead to anything good.

“So, how do you two know each other?” she asked.

Before Ben had a chance to respond, I jumped in. I didn’t know why, but I had a feeling I needed to clearly define my non-relationship with Ben and fast.

“We’re coworkers,” I blurted out. I didn’t miss the disappointed look that briefly crossed Ben’s face when I said that, so I tried to ease the blow. “Ben just started at P&C a few weeks ago, and he hasn’t really gotten the chance to meet new people. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity.”

It’s official. I am so off my game.

Ben hung around a little longer to chat with me and all my friends. He seemed to hit it off pretty well with everyone, and by the time he got up to head out, Brett had already invited him to the show their band was doing next weekend. I might not have made any progress with Jeremy, but at least I’d made a new friend and helped Ben to get to know people in town.

Score one for me.

After he took off, Emmy and Lizzy plopped down on the stools next to me while Brett, Luke, and Trevor headed off to play pool. Gavin had finally decided it was time to call it a night when Stacia declared to the entire bar that she wanted his seed and that he needed to give her a bunch of babies. They’d taken off shortly after that.

“So…” Emmy started with that smile plastered on her face. “Ben seems cute.”

Ah hell.

“Don’t even think about it, Emerson Grace. He’s just a coworker and maybe a friend.”

“Says you,” Lizzy responded. “That dude looked like he wanted himself some Savannah lovin’.”

I rolled my eyes and downed the last of my beer. “You bitches know I don’t dip my pen in the company ink. That’s just asking for trouble.”

I started to stand when Emmy got serious all of a sudden.

“It’s time, Savannah. You and Jeremy have been broken up for a while. He’s finally moved on. Don’t you think it’s time you did too?”

The crushing weight I felt each time I thought of Jeremy came back, and the smile slipped from my lips. “I just don’t want a relationship right now, Em. I’m good, I promise.”

I hated lying to my best friend more than anything. I was so far from okay that it wasn’t even funny.

“I just don’t get it!” she exclaimed as she threw her hands in the air in exasperation. “It’s obvious you two still love each other. Why the hell can’t y’all just get back together?”

From my peripheral vision, I caught Lizzy’s sympathetic look. She was the only one who knew the truth behind mine and Jeremy’s breakup.

“He’s with Charlotte, Emmy.”

“Oh, please. You know as well as I do that he’d drop her in a minute if you’d just give him a chance!”

I’d had enough for one night. “Okay, I’m done with this conversation.” I reached for Emmy and gave her a hug before releasing her and hugging Lizzy. “I’m out. I’ll see you guys later.”

“You are so damn stubborn!” Emmy exclaimed.

I turned back with a smile and threw over my shoulder, “Yeah, but you love me anyway.”

“I can’t figure out why,” she called back with a laugh in her voice.

The only thing I could think of doing was getting to my house, face-planting into my huge, comfy bed, and sleeping through the next few days.

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