Rise to Submit [Rise of the Changelings, Book 4] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) (27 page)

BOOK: Rise to Submit [Rise of the Changelings, Book 4] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)
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Mason unlocked Ian’s thighs and pulled him up from the bed as Ian struggled to get free. He yanked at the chains, crying out, wanting to hurt something for the way he had been hurt, wanting to return the agonizing pain with deadly accuracy.

“Focus on me, Ian.” Mason’s deep, baritone voice echoed through Ian’s mind, shattering some of the images trying to pull him under. But not all of them had fled. More were coming his way as Ian cried out.

His teeth were grinding together so tightly that his entire jaw was throbbing in pain, but the craving still had its deadly talons embedded in Ian’s flesh.

“Ian, open your eyes!”

Ian’s lips parted, his breathing labored as he slowly opened his eyes. It hurt so badly to look at Mason as his own body betrayed him. “Please, Mason. I need. Please.” Ian strained his voice on the last word, feeling as if he were truly dying.

“Yes,” Mason agreed. “You do need, and I’m going to give you the distraction you need to fight this. We are going to work through this, Ian.” Ian almost broke under the lash of Mason’s confident voice, but it wasn’t enough.

Ian didn’t want to work through anything. He wanted to be bitten and didn’t care. He just did
care. All he wanted was his fix, his high, and it didn’t matter that he now knew the bite was slowly killing him. His body still hungered for something that was so deadly for him that Ian knew, one more bite, just might be the last one.

Ian swayed as Mason brought him to his knees. He felt the gates of hell opening once more, pulling him in, the dark abyss calling to him.

“Pleasure,” Mason said close to his ear, “will combat pain.” The cold blunt edge of something rubbery pushed into his ass, filling him and making him squirm.

Ian didn’t understand what Mason was talking about or what he was doing until his body began to vibrate, really vibrate this time, not from the pain, but from something Mason was doing to him. Pleasure he didn’t know he had the capacity to experience washed through him as he felt the last vestige of claws slowly slip from his skin, from his mind.

“And this is on the low setting.” Mason’s rough, sexually laced voice growled into his ear. Ian’s body arched and his thoughts scattered as the vibrations grew harder, more intense. He was shaking as Mason held tightly in his hand the chain that led from Ian’s collar to his pelvic bone, stopping him from falling backward.

“What do you need, Ian?”

Ian’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as his entire lower half pulsated in pleasure. The vibration slowed by a notch, and Ian was terrified Mason would stop.

“What do you need, Ian?”

“More, Sir,” Ian cried out. “I need more.”

Ian’s arms slammed outward, but they couldn’t go anywhere when they were locked at his sides. All he could do was fall forward into Mason as whatever Mason had put in his ass shuddered harder, making Ian fuck thin air.

Mason gave a low chuckle. “More?”

Ian wasn’t sure he could handle any more. Mason was feeding a hunger that had been dormant for so long, until last night, that Ian was willing to beg, borrow, and steal to prolong the sensations. The man had woken something up inside Ian.

Last night had been fantastic, but right now, with what Mason was doing to his body, Ian would—the thing vibrated even harder now, making it almost impossible for Ian to breathe. “Yellow!”

The sensations lessened, but didn’t go away. Ian didn’t want them to recede, but Mason was doing too much too soon. His body wasn’t used to such pleasures and Ian feared he would drown in them if Mason pushed him too far.

“We can continue this pleasurable torture all night, Ian,” Mason said as he leaned back, putting some space between them. “Or we can finish this.”

Ian was panting, his mouth dry as hell as he glanced up at Mason.

“Don’t worry.” Mason’s eyes blazed with a sensuality that bordered on madness. “I won’t let you go. You won’t fall without me there to catch you.”

Ian licked his dry lips. “Finish it, Sir.”

One side of Mason’s mouth turned up into a sinful smile as he lifted his hand. There was some sort of small remote in his palm. Ian watched as Mason’s finger touched the lever and then slid it all the way up. The overwhelming sensations were drowning him, killing him with pleasure, building, increasing. He felt his cock swell, pulse, and the pleasure didn’t abate.

Ian struggled against his restraints, his mind screaming
, but he refused to allow the word past his lips. If he could endure what the vampires had done to him, then Ian sure as hell could endure the raw, ravenousness feeling splintering him apart.

Mason stepped closer, pulling the chain harder as his eyes locked with Ian’s. “Stop fighting it, Ian.” It was a command, pure and simple.

Ian panted, his body covered in a film of sweat as Mason reached behind Ian with the hand holding the remote and wiggled the toy around in his ass. The plastic device touched Ian’s prostate and the fight was over.

Ian shouted as his entire body ripped apart with his orgasm. His body was twitching and jerking, but Mason held on to him. He hadn’t let Ian go as the sensations became nearly unbearable.

As he lay helpless, exhausted, and so fucking satiated that it was mind boggling, the device slowly stopped vibrating. Mason reached behind Ian and wiggled the device, making Ian jerk against the man’s chest.

“This seems to be a favorite so far. I’ll keep that in mind.”

A warm, strong hand smoothed down his back, cutting through Ian’s sweat, and then skimmed across the leather surrounding Ian’s waist.

Ian couldn’t move. It was Mason who was keeping him from falling over in a boneless slump. He opened his eyes when he felt Mason laying him down. He didn’t unlock Ian’s wrists, but he did gently remove the device from Ian’s ass.

Ian lay there, his mind too tired to even think as he felt Mason washing his stomach and then between his legs. Ian felt his heart struggling to keep up. Only this time it wasn’t from being beaten by a vampire. It was from being given so much pleasure by a jaguar that Ian was beginning to feel like signing the contract may have been the wisest move in his life.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Mason stroked Ian’s back as his mate slept. His fingers lingered over the leather around the man’s waist as he thought about the withdrawal Ian had gone through.

It still wasn’t as bad as Bryson had predicted—which Mason was thankful as hell—but any kind of adverse effect he had from the fang bites didn’t set well with him. It only reminded Mason how far a road they still had to travel in order to keep the man clean.

Ian wasn’t that far into his recovery.

He thought about when he first took Ian from Selene. Mason had thought himself in over his head. He thought he didn’t have time for this sort of complication in his life.

As Ian lay there next to him in the darkness of the motel room, Mason was glad he had been wrong. Not only was he trying to help heal Ian, but the small man had no idea how much he was starting to affect Mason.

He had grown up without the love and affection most changelings experienced. His household had been cold and sterile, no life, no love—just an aloof father who worked all the time. They had a pack, but his father had forbid Mason to interact with them.

He hadn’t known why. Mason was young when his father had given the command. But now he could see it was his father’s way of trying to get Mason to deny who he was, what he was. He had been slowly grooming Mason to be just as cold and sterile as his father was.

But Ian brought Mason so much warmth, so much…it was hard to even think of a word that came close to what Mason was feeling. He ran his hands through Ian’s long hair, playing with the strands. It was soft and wavy, feeling like spun silk as it slid through his fingers.

Mason glanced down when he felt something brush against his hip. Ian’s fingers were twitching in his sleep. He studied the cuffs, the way Ian’s hands were bound to his sides. After the battle Ian had just gone through, Mason felt it best to keep him bound.

He couldn’t hurt himself if he couldn’t move.

He’d release the locks that kept Ian’s hands at his sides in the morning, but for now he lay there appreciating the beauty of seeing his submissive in Mason’s trappings.

This was better than any scene Mason had ever played in. It was more intense, more personal, and Ian was his mate. That made the stakes a hell of a lot higher.

Ian was a mess right now, and Mason planned on helping his mate get to the point where his self-worth and self-hate weren’t eating at him.

Mason knew the man was feeling this way. It was still in his cobalt-blue eyes. Ian was still beating himself up about what he had done for the past four years.

The man had so much potential, so much worth, but he had to see it in himself before he would start believing it, start living that way.

A light knock sounded on the door. Mason rolled from the bed, careful not to wake Ian as he opened the door. Rick stood there, his eyes going to Ian’s naked form and then to Mason.

“I was told about some big plans going down in Albuquerque.”

Mason nodded. “But we didn’t hear what those big plans were for.”

Rick glanced over at Ian again. “Do you want to talk outside?”

Mason could scent Rick’s unease. “Does his nakedness bother you?”

Rick shook his head. “No, I’m changeling. But I’m not sure you want to disturb him.”

“I don’t want to leave him by himself either.”

Rick nodded. “I’ve asked the others what they want to do. So I’m asking you. Do you want to press on to the detention center?”

Mason leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms over his chest. “What did the others say?”

“Nope, I want your unbiased opinion.”

Mason weighed the options in his mind. “I can’t leave changelings to suffer. I think we should still try to free as many as we can.”

A grin formed on Rick’s face. “That’s what everyone else said.” His smile faltered. “But you know the risks.”

“I do. But what if it was Ian or Dorian in there? People out there are going nuts because their loved ones have been taken. I can’t just sit back when I know there is something I can do about it.”

Mason would kill every single person in the place if it were Ian who was taken. He knew the changelings were being tortured, and his mate had been through enough already.

“I have Rebellion groups on their way. We won’t be going in alone. We plan to attack in two days. That’ll give everyone enough time to get here and a plan to be hatched.”

“Let me know when they get here.”

“Just forewarning you, Nate and Selene are on their way.”

Mason sighed in resignation, knowing Nate was nothing but a big pain in his ass. “Hopefully Sasha keeps them occupied.”

Rick chuckled as he scratched at his jaw. “Nate isn’t that bad and one hell of a man to have at your side in a fight.”

“It isn’t the fighting that bothers me. It’s his smart-ass mouth.”

Rick laughed even louder. “He does have a winning personality.”

“Just let me know when you need me.”

Rick nodded, a wide grin still on his face as he walked away. Mason closed the door. He ignored the news about the irritating bastard and thought about the rescue. He knew the risks. It was probably a setup. As far as anyone knew, there were only two detention centers left. They had freed the changelings from the main detention center in Ohio. No rumors had been circulating about new ones being built.

Mason knew why. They had gathered enough test subjects. They were just outright killing everyone else they caught.


Mason turned and walked back to the bed. He sat on the edge and caressed his knuckles down Ian’s face. “I’m right here.” It was pitch black in the room, but Mason could see just fine.

Ian couldn’t.

“How do you feel?”

He could feel Ian’s face heating under his knuckles.


Mason smiled. “Sore?” He reached down and ran his hand through the crease between Ian’s ass cheeks, lingering around the small, puckered hole. He heard a quick intake of breath.

“No, Sir.”

Mason hadn’t planned on doing anything else with Ian tonight, but as his fingers continued to play, the scent of arousal filled the room and set Mason’s body to pulsating. There was no way he was going to deny his mate when Ian looked so damn good spread out on the bed.

“Spread your legs.”

Ian spread his legs and Mason reached over, locking the thigh cuffs to the waistband of the leather restraint around Ian’s waist. Ian’s legs were now spread for him to indulge.

His mate didn’t say a word as Mason went back to playing at his hole, but the scent of arousal didn’t dissipate either. If anything, it was growing stronger, telling Mason that Ian was okay with what he was doing. Ian may want Mason to dominate over every aspect of his life, but that also meant Ian’s health and happiness came first. If at any time his mate’s scent turned to fear, Mason knew he would stop. It may kill him to pull away from such an entrancing sight, but he wasn’t going to do anything to cause Ian further mental harm.

Skimming his hands over Ian’s smooth thighs, Mason’s cock began to thicken. He was so hard his dick rubbed painfully against the teeth of his zipper.

Mason wanted to show his mate so much pleasure and gratification. Ian had only a few short moments of those desires while in Mason’s care, but Mason planned on changing that.

Reaching down into his personal bag, Mason grabbed the lube and set it aside. He wasn’t going to rush their first time together. Mason wanted Ian to feel every touch, every nuance of desire Mason held for the smaller man.

“Rest position in the middle of the room.” Mason unlocked Ian’s hands from his side and stepped back, giving room for Ian to slide from the bed and do as Mason ordered.

His mate dropped to his knees, spine straight, head down, knees splayed wide. Lastly, Ian placed the palms of his hands on his thighs. Mason stood there, taking in the image Ian presented, naked and in leather.

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