Rise to Submit [Rise of the Changelings, Book 4] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) (24 page)

BOOK: Rise to Submit [Rise of the Changelings, Book 4] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)
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Ian was caught off guard by Mason’s question. Was the man writing the contract now?
Right now?
“I–I don’t want to be hit in any way.”

Mason nodded and began to write again. “Anything else?” he asked as he looked up again.

“Bitten,” Ian quickly added.

Mason set the pen down and turned to face Ian. “How about I put a condition in the contract? I’m a changeling, Ian, and you are my mate. Biting is a way we deepen our bond.”

Ian felt his stomach tie into knots at Mason’s statement. The man
to bite him, but Ian had had nothing but painful memories when it came to teeth. “What’s the condition?” he asked cautiously.

Mason waved Ian over. When Ian was standing in front of him, Mason traced his hand over Ian’s bite mark—the one Mason had given him when he bit Ian yesterday. He stood there shivering as pleasure began to heat the skin where Mason was touching.

“My bite brings you pleasure as well, but it’s not addictive.” Mason smiled at him, and Ian felt the butterflies in his stomach return. “It could be addictive, but in a positive way. Rick bites Dorian.”

Ian stood there considering Mason’s words. He wasn’t going to close the door on the subject, but he really wasn’t sure what he should do. “He does?”

Mason gave Ian a nod. “Ask your brother to show you his mating mark.”

Ian chewed his bottom lip, wondering if he should allow Mason to bite him. That would be a huge step in trusting Mason. He glanced down at the contract and knew he was already taking a big step with Mason…but biting?

“The condition is that if you tell me no, I won’t bite.”

“It’s that easy?” Ian was being blindsided by Mason. The man was willing to forgo the biting if Ian said no. Mason had told him that the contract was binding. If Ian said no, then Mason had to abide by his wish.

“It is.”

Ian took in a deep breath, praying he wasn't making a mistake, and nodded. “Add the condition, then.” He wasn’t very trusting, yet Mason was offering him everything he had ever wanted, craved.

“Give me your safe word. I want it to be something you don’t use often, but will easily remember if you need to use it.”

Ian thought long and hard as he stood in front of Mason, his hands tucked behind his back. “Art,” he finally said.

Mason stared at him for a few minutes and then smiled. “I’m going to get you some supplies so you can start drawing again.”

Ian damn near cried. The man was someone he had never expected to drop into his life, and would die if he ever lost. Ian had no idea someone could be this special to him. He wanted to hug Mason, but held his place, smiling instead. “I’d like that.”

Mason gently grabbed Ian by the back of his hair and pulled him in for a kiss. “I’m also going to include the word ‘yellow.’”


Mason released Ian, sitting back in his chair. “You can use the word ‘yellow.’ It won’t stop what were are doing, but by using that word, you’re telling me things are getting too intense and you need me to slow down.”

This was a lot for Ian to take in, but he understood what Mason was telling him. Honestly, his body was humming just from the fact of Mason wanting to sign a contract with him. But he was also leery. He had been abused for so long that Ian was a bit intimidated to trust that this was the real thing.

He gave Mason a slow nod, once again praying he was making the right decision. “Yellow.”

Mason turned back toward the table and began writing again. Ian stood there and waited. After about five minutes, Mason turned back around and held the pen out to Ian. “Read this over and if you agree, sign.”

Ian’s hand shook as he reached out for the pen, stepping closer to the table, and then picked the piece of paper up. He read it over and saw that it stated everything Mason had said to him. He hadn’t added anything else, only the part where Ian said he didn’t want to be hit.

With a trembling hand, Ian signed on the dotted line Mason had drawn. He let out a shaky breath as he set the pen down. He felt like he had just signed his life away.

Mason picked the pen up and signed the contract as well.

“That’s it?”

Mason nodded as he folded the piece of paper up and tucked it into his pocket. “That’s it, Ian.”

“Now what?”

Mason stood and grabbed the bag that was lying by the door. “We have to get going. Everyone is heading out this morning.”

“Where are we going, Master?” Ian asked as he moved aside.

Mason glanced at him, and Ian stopped himself from taking a step back at the feral expression on the man’s face. “Not Master. The vampires used that term in a sadistic way with you. I don’t want you using anything that you associate with them. Sir will do just fine.”

Ian rolled the word around on his tongue and then nodded, glad Mason hadn’t dismissed his need for that connection without thought. “Where are we going, Sir?”

“I’m not sure yet. I know the men met last night to discuss what to do next. I’m pretty sure they are going to hit the next detention center, though. We need to free the captured changelings.”

“We?” Ian asked, his mind scrambling to understand what Mason was saying. Did he expect Ian to fight and help free the changelings? He would, but Ian wasn’t a very good fighter. He was more liable to get them killed than be of any help.

“No, Ian,” Mason said as he stopped, “you will not be fighting.”

“How do you know what I’m thinking, Sir?”

Mason stopped in front of him, his eyes penetrating. “First, you don’t have to call me Sir every time you speak. Second, I can scent your fear. From what I just explained to you, I deduced what you were afraid of.”

It made sense. Ian glanced at his hands as he picked at his nails. “I’m still afraid.”

Mason cupped his chin and tilted Ian’s head back. “You’ve lived with fear for so long that it’s going to be hard to just let go. I don’t want you being afraid of anything between us. Trusting will come with time, Ian.”

“All I want is for you to be patient with me, Sir. I finally have what I want and I’m terrified that I’ll either screw this up, or I’ll wake up and find out it has all been a dream and I’m still back in that club.” Ian couldn’t believe he was confessing this out loud, but if he was going to give himself fully to this, to them, Mason needed to know how he felt. He wanted Mason to know that he was fully invested in this relationship.

The jaguar ran his thumb over Ian’s bottom lip. “I have all the patience in the world when it comes to teaching you, Ian. I already told you. You’re going to make mistakes. I expect that. But you just have to remember that I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you.”

Ian turned his face up toward Mason and stared into Mason’s deep blue eyes. “I know.”

Mason curled his fingers tighter around Ian’s chin and placed a kiss on his lips. “We have to go.”

He released Ian’s chin and opened the door. Ian wasn’t sure what to expect, but he walked out behind Mason. Everyone was gathered around the Suburban and Bryson’s car. Ian glanced away. He felt like everyone knew that Mason owned him now. He was at the happiest point he had ever been in his life with the knowledge, but he wasn’t sure these men would understand.

Ian stayed behind Mason as his mate walked over to the large truck.

“Freedman plotted out our course,” Rick said as they approached. “We’re heading to New Mexico.”

Mason nodded. “We’ll ride with you.”

“Let’s head out, people,” Rick called over his shoulder. Mason guided Ian to the back door, and Ian crawled into the truck. He scooted over until he was against the door, Mason climbing in next to him.

He wasn’t sure what was going to happen now that Mason owned him, but he had given the man his trust.

Ian just prayed like hell the man didn’t let him down. For the first time in Ian’s life, he finally felt like he had a connection with someone. He finally felt like he belonged and Ian would be crushed if Mason disappointed him.


* * * *


Mason continually checked Ian’s scent, ensuring himself that his mate was at ease and wasn’t in distress. The contract felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket, reminding him of what he had done.

He would have taken care of Ian regardless. The man was his mate. But Ian seemed to need more than just his word. Mason knew about the D/s lifestyle. He had played a few scenes. But he had never, not for one second, considered keeping anyone. The thought of a contract had never entered his mind. Sure, he knew what they were and what they basically entailed, but he had never been interested in anyone signing one with him.

But it was the first thing he had thought about with his mate after Mason decided to step up with his care of Ian.

Mason was going to make sure he learned what every facial expression was for, what every fidget indicated, and what every little noise that came from Ian’s lips meant. He knew basic body language, but each person was different.

Ian was his life now.

Since taking Ian from Nate, this was the first time Mason could sense
calmness around the smaller man. He seemed content to just sit next to Mason as they drove toward New Mexico. It was a vast difference from how he was when Ian first came to them. It was a vast difference from Ian just yesterday.

Mason glanced forward when Rick pulled the truck off the back road. They were heading to a gas station. The alpha pulled up to a pump, cut the motor, and got out.

Dorian turned in the seat. “I have to use the men’s room. Come with me, Ian.”

Mason felt his mate stiffen next to him. He knew it wasn’t because he feared his brother, but this was the first time—with everyone present—that Ian was waiting for Mason to tell him he had permission, or not. It seemed the small man was taking the contract and their chosen lifestyle just as seriously as Mason was.

“Go ahead, but don’t take long,” Mason replied.

Dorian’s brows furrowed as he glanced between the two of them. “He needs your permission to use the bathroom?”

“He needs my permission for everything that he does, Dorian,” Mason stated flatly.

“So, what, he’s like your slave or something now?” Dorian glanced at Ian. “What the hell did you get yourself into now, Ian?”

Mason could scent the explosion of anxiety in the truck, and he wasn’t about to allow Ian to sit here and be ridiculed for their decision. “That’s none of your business, Dorian.”

“He’s my brother,” Dorian pointed out heatedly. “He
my business.”

“Not anymore.”

Dark Peruvian eyes clashed with Mason’s, demanding an explanation Mason wasn’t going to give. He didn’t have to answer to Dorian. Rick was not
alpha. Mason’s alpha was funding experiments on kids, which meant Mason had no alpha. He was his own person. Just because he was in Rick’s Rebellion group did not mean he had to bow to the man’s every command. He followed because not only was Rick a good leader, but Sasha and Freedman were as well.

There was a large difference between listening to someone who made sensible choices and obeying someone’s every word.

“Leave it be, Dorian,” Mason warned.

“Why does everyone look at me like an asshole when I go nutty about Ian? I love him. He’s my baby brother, and I care what happens to him. I’m not going to sit by and watch him be abused. I already failed him once. I won’t let that happen again.” Dorian’s tone was filled with anger, but Mason could see in the man’s eyes that he truly did love Ian.

“Can’t you see that, Ian?” Dorian asked. “Can’t you see that I’m only trying to protect you?”

“So am I,” Mason said as he leaned forward. “He is my mate, Dorian. You are not allowed to interfere.”

Dorian’s eyes narrowed. “Says who?”

“Pack law,” Rick replied as he leaned into the window. “Mason claimed Ian,

“So, you claimed me, but that doesn’t mean I need your permission to piss.”

Mason could hear the gas pump working as it filled the Suburban, wishing like hell Dorian would just leave things be. He really wasn’t trying to fight Rick, but that was going to happen if Dorian didn’t let up.

“Every relationship is different, Dorian.” Rick cupped Dorian’s face and smiled at his mate. “What works for us may not work for Mason and Ian. In claiming his mate, Mason has essentially vowed to protect him and care for his every need, as I have vowed the same about you.”

“But I can at least make my own decisions.”

Rick chuckled. “That you can.” His face grew serious. “But not all are as strong as you.” His eyes flickered to Mason. “Not saying there is anything wrong with giving someone complete trust to know what’s best for them.”

Rick knew. Mason could see the knowledge in his light-grey eyes. He knew Ian wasn’t to be directly addressed. Mason was grateful someone had a damn clue.

“I’m trying to understand,” Dorian said as he glanced back at Ian. “I really am. I’d rather struggle with trying to figure your dynamics out than lose you, but—” Dorian shook his head as he turned back around in his seat.

Ian glanced up at Mason.

“Do you want to go?” he asked his mate.

Ian nodded.

Mason glanced at Dorian, who had turned back around. He gave the man a look that said if he fucked with Ian, there would be a price to pay, even if Dorian was mated to an alpha.

He watched Ian slip from the truck, but Mason was out the door as well. He wasn’t going to be far, and he wanted to keep Ian’s scent within range.

The two walked to the side of the building and then stopped. Dorian turned toward Ian. Mason couldn’t help but hear. He had changeling hearing, after all. But he kept his head turned, glancing at Rick, who was replacing the nozzle and screwing the gas cap back on.

“What’s going on, Ian?” Dorian asked.

“Nothing I haven’t given my full consent to,” Ian replied.

“So you go from one man controlling you to another?”

“You don’t understand, Dorian.”

“I understand that my little brother—”

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