Ricardo (The Santiago Brothers Book Three) (27 page)

BOOK: Ricardo (The Santiago Brothers Book Three)
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“I’ll admit it took us a minute to figure out what was going on, which is why I’m convinced he had help from someone on the inside.” His footsteps sounded nearer. “The driver was only pistol-whipped to unconsciousness, thank God, and all methods of communications were confiscated.”

Maggie found the gray folder, where she kept the most important specifics of the Burrows case. She turned around. Brandon ran a hand through his loose, straight hair. It distracted Maggie for a moment. She noticed how it curled at the nape of his neck, and shined somewhat.

“Actually, several inmates escaped and we lost time in the confusion of doing a roster check.” He spoke again.

Maggie nodded.

“I wasn’t passed Burrows’s transfer file until the last hour or so. Again, there was confusion as to who was missing.”

“You said he headed south on I-95?”

“Well, that was the route of the transfer bus. It was destined for Wallens Ridge.”

“Is that a supermax?”

“Yes. Located way in the southwest, basically at Virginia’s western-most point.”

“Hmm. Well, it didn’t get very far…” Maggie said almost to herself. She heard Brandon chuckle. She looked up and met his veiled gaze, but his smile hinted sarcasm.

“I have the Cliffs Notes version of Burrows’s file. Let’s go.” She closed the drawer of the safe and quickly turned the dial to seal it shut.

Maggie faced Brandon, who leaned against her office door, his attention on her. His appraisal caused her to warm and Maggie dipped her head again, and gestured toward the door. “Shall we?”

Brandon’s eyes narrowed on her. She paused. Did she say something wrong? Did he expect more? Their best lead rested with the transfer bus. Did he disagree? She opened her mouth to ask what he thought, but he pivoted and opened the door.

“I’ll drive you to where the bus is located.” He stepped out of the office and Maggie followed.

Well, that was strange. Don’t start profiling him, Maggie; you have Burrows to worry about, and that is enough trouble.
Maggie’s gaze caught Doug’s, who stood across the room at another agent’s desk. Maggie put a hand on Brandon’s arm to halt him.

“Just a moment, Marshal.” She hurried over to Agent Fairbanks. “Doug, I want you to pull everything in the archives on Burrows.”

Doug’s brows creased and he held up a hand. “Wait a minute. Burrows? Maggie, what’s going on?”

She leaned in. “Burrows escaped,” she whispered.

His eyes widened. “What?”

“I’m on my way to see the transfer bus where he was last seen. I’m hoping there’s something more that will shed some light on where he is, or might be going.”

Doug nodded, his expression grave. He had worked the case with her; he understood the danger Burrows presented. “Give me a call from the bus when you’ve decided what you want to do.”

“I will. Thanks.” She turned to walk back toward Brandon. He stood where she left him, arms crossed, stance intimidating.

“Something I need to know?” Brandon asked when she approached. He uncrossed his arms and linked his thumbs into his belt loops. Maggie caught a glimpse of a shiny, gold-tinted US Marshals badge near a very large hand.

“Most of the people who worked the Burrows’s investigation have since transferred to other divisions or offices. Doug and I worked on the Burrows case together. I’ve asked him to pull the archives while we’re gone.”

“Will they give us anything we can use?” Brandon led the way to the elevators.

“Well, I have my observation notes and other annotations I believe were crucial to piecing the murders together, along with a psychology workup of Burrows. The archives hold everything else such as interviews, surveillance notes, financials — nothing we would use just yet. Don’t worry; the moment something stands out, I’ll give Doug a call.”

The elevator doors opened and they stepped inside. Brandon pushed the button labeled for the parking garage. “If this guy is as good as he seems on paper, there might not be anything that stands out.”

Maggie frowned at the possibility. The FBI didn’t apprehend Burrows because he wanted to be caught. He sent no letters to the local police, nor left clues for investigators to follow. Burrows made a life out of killing: a life he would rather not have surrendered. Now privy to the investigative methods Maggie used to catch him, Burrows possessed the upper hand and Maggie knew all too well he wouldn’t make the same mistakes twice.


Serial Games: Virginia Justice Book One

Coming May 2014!




About the Author



K. Victoria Chase loves to read, but enjoys daydreaming about romance instead. She received degrees in Criminal Justice and Diplomacy and worked as a federal law enforcement officer for several years before deciding to write a complete novel. Today, K. Victoria Chase is an Amazon bestselling author of clean, interracial contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and Christian romance.



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Additional Titles by the Author


The Santiago Brothers





Richards Family Short Stories

A Thankful Love

A Merry Love


Richards Family Romance

A Lasting Love

Title 2 (Summer 2014)


Virginia Justice

Serial Games (May 2014)

Marked by the Mob (June 2014)

Killer Shoot (July 2014)


Untitled Series

From Across the Divide


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