Rev Me Twice (12 page)

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Authors: Adele Dubois

BOOK: Rev Me Twice
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Crystal caressed Tomas’ face, dragged her hand down his neck
and traced his shoulder. Then she met his eyes and searched their depths for
hints of the anger and hurt he’d shown her before his accident. “Tomas, I’m so
sorry for what I did…”

“Shhh.” He lifted his fingers to silence her. “None of that
matters anymore.”

She closed her eyes with gratitude and then pressed another
kiss to his mouth. “Is there room for me on that bed?”

Tomas smiled a little for her. “We can try.”

Crystal removed her shoes and climbed onto the bed, lying on
her side against him, careful not to bump his broken leg. His body felt warm
and comforting, though he’d lost weight and was clearly weakened by his ordeal.
She pulled down the blanket and sheets covering his body to inspect his other
limbs. Thank God, his arms and healthy leg only looked bruised.

Out of consideration for his condition, she didn’t peek
under his gown, though she wanted to. Tomas must have read her mind, because he
offered a sexy grin. “You’re incorrigible, you know that?”

“Just curious. I’m counting on that full recovery the
doctors promised.”

His smile widened. “You’ll be the first to know.” As if on
cue, a tent formed between Tomas’ legs under his gown. They both laughed with
obvious relief.

Crystal pulled the covers back up and laid her head on
Tomas’ shoulder while she wrapped an arm around his waist. Before they
exchanged another word, she yawned and her eyes drifted closed.

* * * * *

The guy on the motorcycle had been hot-dogging her since she
hit the highway in her convertible with Tomas at her side. Her dark hair flew
in the wind and the soft summer breezes licked the exposed skin around her
shorts and tank top. For the first time in weeks, Crystal’s mood was airy too.
Her nipples tightened with the thrill.

The biker didn’t seem to care that her boyfriend was in the
car—he was determined to flirt. He drew alongside her door and flashed her a
cheeky grin. Crystal flipped him the bird and slammed her foot on the
accelerator. Her car shot forward like a line of adrenaline.

Tomas whooped. “Show ‘em who’s boss.”

“You sound pretty frisky for someone who’s just left the

“That’s exactly the reason. I feel like I broke out of
prison and found religion.”

In a way, he had been reborn. Crystal glanced at him and
returned her eyes to the road. Tomas was the same in almost every way, and yet,
not exactly. There was something intangible about his recovery she hadn’t quite
identified. She guessed no one could go through what he had without changing. Their
life together from this day forward would be a new journey.

“I got your apartment tidied up and ready for your
homecoming. There are clean sheets on the bed, towels in the bath and there’s
fresh food in the fridge.”

Tomas touched her knee. “I’d like you to stay with me a few
days, if you can. I know you have to work, but I’d like to have you around when
you’re not at the station. We have a lot of time to make up.”

Crystal didn’t hide her satisfied smile. Tomas had never
invited her to stay with him before. He’d always come to her place. “Of
course.” She pressed down on the accelerator. “Hang on.”

Things were already looking up.

* * * * *

After their shower, Crystal lit candles inside Tomas’
bedroom, wearing a sheer white nightie that looked almost virginal. Almost. The
plunging neckline and see-through bodice left little to the imagination. Her
pointed nipples poked the fabric and brushed the sensitive tips, sending
shivers of anticipation through her. She hurried to light the last two candles
on a bedside table.

Tomas tracked her movements from his place in the center of
his king-size bed. He lay on his back, hands cupped beneath his head, elbows
out, wearing only a thin robe tied loosely at the waist. His injured leg was
raised upon a pillow. They’d done a good job keeping his cast dry while

His gaze rested on the matching thong beneath her nightie as
if visualizing the mound between her legs. A devilish smile curved his lips as
he reached out a hand to her. The candlelight flickered, intensifying the lusty
gleam in his eyes. “Come here,” he said.

Despite what Tomas had been through, he hadn’t lost his
commanding demeanor. Crystal had always been aware that Tomas indulged her
whims and fancies and would tolerate her sexual proclivities only as long as it
suited him. Before his accident she had broken their boundaries and sabotaged
their relationship.

Had she done that on purpose? Yes and no. She had tested
him, but didn’t intend to lose him. Her sense of entitlement had simply veered
out of control.

Tomas’ accident had changed her outlook. Crystal no longer
assumed she could have what she wanted, when she wanted. Certain things in life
were beyond her control and she’d come to accept that fact during Tomas’

His trauma had humbled her.

She came to the bed slowly, like a bride on her wedding
night. Her eyes remained fixed on Tomas’ smoldering gaze. He ran the tip of his
tongue over his lips as she crawled onto the bed and sat on her knees beside
him. She tucked condoms into his robe pocket. Methodically, she unfastened his
belt and opened the flaps against the bedcovers, exposing his nakedness.

She’d almost forgotten how stunning his body was. Despite
his weight loss, Tomas had a powerful form, defined by years of running and
weight training. Those habits would accelerate his recovery during his physical
therapy sessions.

Crystal smiled down at him. She had her own ideas about how
to restore his vigor. Playfully, she tweaked one nipple. His cock twitched and
thickened beneath the intensity of her stare and the brush of her fingers.
“Your nipple ring is gone,” she said.

“They removed it at the hospital. It’s inside my bag of
personal items.”

“Want me to put it back in for you?” She glided her palm
over his muscled chest and watched his nipples cinch beneath her touch. Leaning
forward, she flicked them with her tongue and was rewarded by the sounds of his
moans. She laid a kiss on his chest. “Be right back.”

Crystal returned to the bed with his nipple ring, cotton
pads and a small bottle of disinfectant. She turned on a light by the bed,
swabbed the pierced nipple and then cleaned the gold circlet. Tomas’ nipples
tightened as she pulled the pierced tip to open the tiny hole. In one smooth
motion she reattached the ring and then sat back on her heels to admire her
handiwork. She gave the jewel a tug and watched Tomas grin up at her. “Turn out
the light,” he said.

Crystal set the first-aid items on the bedside table and
turned out the lamp. She kneeled beside his prone form on the bed. Candlelight
flickered through the darkness, casting a gentle glow over their skin. Crystal
traced the shadows along Tomas’ body with the palm of her hand. “You are so
beautiful,” she whispered.

Though men were rarely described as beautiful, she could
think of no better word.
wasn’t enough to define his clear high
brow, straight regal nose or wide square jaw.
didn’t capture her
awe at the lines and planes defined by sinew and muscle beneath his creamy
golden skin.
was certainly true, but Tomas was much more to her
than a means to physical release. He was a man in a million—and he was hers. It
was like she was seeing him for the first time.

Maybe he wasn’t the only one who had been reborn.

Crystal leaned down to kiss him then, and hoped her kiss transmitted
everything she had never told him. She wanted him to know the depth and
sincerity of her feelings, and sent that message with the slide of her tongue,
the pressure of her lips and the tenderness of her touch on his cheek. Perhaps
she succeeded when Tomas sighed and reached out to hold her closer.

Their lovemaking followed like a ballet as they coiled
around one another as best they could, kissed with more passion than they’d
ever done and touched with more artful skill than they’d ever offered.

“I love you, Tomas,” Crystal said, meeting his eyes, but
losing focus because of her tears. “I’ve loved you for so long. I don’t know
why I couldn’t tell you before.”

He ran his fingers through her hair. “I love you too. I
always have and I always will.”

“Don’t ever leave me again.” She kissed his mouth one more
time and then returned to her knees to pull off her nightie. For a long while
she just sat there, letting him take her in and massage her breasts and stomach
while she watched him touch her. The sight of his hands sliding over her body
brought forth a heady rush. Goosebumps peppered her skin and her nipples
hardened inside his palms. He pulled her to him to lick and suck her breasts.

His erection pressed taut and straight against his stomach
and brushed her pelvis as she stretched over him. While his mouth nibbled, he
slid her thong past her hips. Crystal leaned back and pulled them off.

She opened his legs, straddled his healthy thigh and leaned
down to take his hard cock deep into her mouth. Tomas hissed and lifted his
head and shoulders off the bed while she sucked him in. His hands were all over
her—caressing her hair, rubbing her neck and stroking her back while she worked
his cock. “Turn around,” he said. “I want to lick your pussy.”

He didn’t have to ask twice. Crystal glided her tongue and
lips along the length of his shaft, sucked the head and then released him while
she repositioned her body. She spread her pussy open with her fingers and
perched above Tomas’ face before retaking his thick cock into her mouth. In the
sixty-nine position, they licked and sucked until Crystal rode his tongue to a
shattering climax.

Tomas knew how to tease her clit with the tip of his tongue
until it became fully erect, slide along the furrow between her tender folds
and enter her channel deep with the length of his tongue. Although she had
come, he continued licking her pussy to bring her to another peak. Her skin
turned hot and her breaths came in fast, hard gusts. She had to lift her head
and stretch to take in air as the waves coiled overhead and prepared to pull
her under.

She held off her orgasm and crawled onto the bed beside
Tomas. Reaching into his robe pocket, she found a condom, unwrapped it and
rolled it over his erection. “I’ve missed having you inside me,” she murmured.
Crystal straddled his waist and took all of him inside her in three even
thrusts. Her pussy was slick with orgiastic juices. She held on to Tomas’
shoulders and he held her arms for leverage while she began to move.

Passion and an overwhelming sense of love welled inside her
while she brought them closer to bliss. She looked down at Tomas and he met her
eyes and smiled softly while her hips pushed and pulled. All at once, Crystal
understood the difference between fucking and making love.

Making love was so much better.

With that life-changing realization, Crystal closed her eyes
and let her orgasm consume her. Tomas arched into her and released. Starlight
flashed behind her eyelids and colors flared. Pleasure coiled and unfurled
through her body in rhythmic time.

She let go, body and spirit, and found…rapture.

Minutes passed before consciousness returned. She awakened
to the room like a woman swimming up from the depths of a murky sea. Then she
lowered her head to Tomas’ shoulder, sighed and hugged him tight.

Chapter Six


“When’s the wedding?” Crystal put Lisa on speakerphone while
she dressed for her weather spot.

“I wanted your opinion about that. I’m torn between June and
October next year. What do you think?”

Crystal finished buttoning her suit jacket and went to her
bright dressing room vanity table. There she found
Hot Henna
and ran it over her lips. She fluffed her hair with a comb and rechecked her
foundation for streaks. “They’re both popular months with brides. Temperate
weather. Mid-seventies.”

Lisa chuckled. “Figures you’d think of the weather, Ms.

Crystal giggled in return. “What else would I think about?
The weather is my life.” Or, at least, her career. Watching Tomas’ amazing
recovery as his physical therapy drew to a close had become the most
significant aspect of her life. Tomas had moved to the forefront of her mind
since the day of his accident.

Love was like that
, she mused. It turned your
priorities around.

Who knew love could be so…
? Love had consumed
her, which was totally unexpected and completely freaking wonderful.

Satisfied with her appearance for the television cameras,
Crystal said, “I’m sure you’ll be the perfect bride no matter which month you

“I knew you’d leave the decision to me. Don’t know why I
asked,” Lisa retorted. Amusement tinged her voice.

“You needed a sounding board, that’s all.”

“I’ve been leaning toward June.”

“I knew you’d pick June. You met Antonio during the summer.
Why would you get married in the fall?”

“Exactly!” Lisa’s voice shot up an octave. “I’m so excited!
I’m going to be a June bride.”

A sudden, unexpected pang struck Crystal’s chest. The
wedding chats she’d had with Lisa had culminated in furtive glances at bridal
magazines on bookstore racks and thoughts of white lace gowns instead of
bridesmaid dresses.

What the hell?
Crystal had never wanted to get
married. Wedding plans were like contagions. They spread marital dreams like a
virus, infecting women with delirious visions of their own walks down the aisle.
Apparently, she’d caught the bridal bug.

Her heart did a little
. Lisa’s marriage to
Antonio would make her part of Tomas’
. She would be Pilar’s only
daughter-in-law. Lisa would become an insider, while Crystal would remain on
the outside. She recalled her fight for the right to visit Tomas in the ICU.
The realization that a girlfriend lacked the power a wife wielded made her feel
a little sad and a lot left out.

“I have to go, but I’ll talk to you soon,” she promised
Lisa. Though she had five minutes before her cue, she felt a sudden need to end
the call. Her heart beat faster at the unwanted twinge of jealousy she

Lisa would have a real family—something Crystal had always
wondered about. As a kid she’d made up fantasies about loving homes and what
having one would be like. Starting her own family had always seemed beyond her
capabilities. She wasn’t equipped to be a wife and mother.

Or was she? Lisa had made it all sound so natural.

A knock sounded on her dressing room door. “Time, Ms.
Miller,” a production assistant said on the other side.

Crystal took a final glance in the mirror to check her
clothes and makeup and headed toward the set.

* * * * *

Crystal sat with Yvette at her kitchen table sipping
Saturday morning coffee. The windows had been opened by nine o’clock to let the
unseasonably warm, late October air filter through the apartment.

Yvette added cream to her cup and took another taste. “Mm.
Perfect.” She eyed Crystal over her ceramic mug. “How is it you look so fresh
this morning, while I look like something the cat dragged in?”

Crystal gave her an indulgent smile. “You look gorgeous, as
always.” Yvette wore a short cotton nightshirt with a deep scoop neck and
nothing underneath. Her cleavage was clearly visible and her firm, pointy
breasts poked the sheer fabric. Her long trim legs were crossed at the ankles
beneath the table.

“I slept and you didn’t, that’s all. I heard the music
through your apartment floor. Sounds like you and Gunther didn’t wrap things up
until four a.m.”

Yvette laid one hand over Crystal’s. “You should have joined
us. Brigit and Kiesha were there. They brought along three irresistibly hot
guys. You would have had an

“I’m not doing the group sex scene these days.”

Yvette chuffed. “Who would have thought I’d be hosting the
parties, instead of you?” She squeezed Crystal’s hand and released it. “I
really wish you’d come back.”

Yvette put her mug down and passed Crystal a shy smile
beneath half-closed eyes. “To be honest, I’d hoped you and I would…with
Gunther. I know he’s been with you in the past and I won’t deny I’m attracted
to you. I can’t get the fantasy of the three of us out of my head.” She pulled
her legs up and rested her feet on the edge of her chair. Her nightshirt
shifted, exposing her nakedness to the hips.

Crystal had always suspected Yvette wanted a threesome with
her. “I used to have ménages with Tomas and a third, but we haven’t done that
since before his accident. I don’t have sex with other men anymore. Just

Yvette leaned forward and ran her hand up Crystal’s arm. Her
breasts became fully exposed with the movements. She cupped Crystal’s shoulder
and met her eyes without a hint of timidity. “Would you consider a ménage or a
twosome with me?”

The word
hung in the air between them.

“I can almost taste you when I close my eyes,” Yvette
whispered. She lowered her hand to Crystal’s breast and cupped its fullness.
Her thumb traced the circle of her nipple. “I watched you with Brigit that

A shiver ran up Crystal’s back. Temptation reared its
familiar head. Oral sex was her ultimate weakness and she had no doubt Yvette
would give better than she got. Tirelessly.

She sat back in her chair, away from her friend’s touch,
resisting the pull toward her old life. “I won’t rule out the possibility,
Yvette, but Tomas and I are working on our relationship. We don’t want to be
distracted by sex with other people. Understand?”

Her answer seemed to mollify Yvette for the time being. She
returned to her coffee like nothing atypical had passed between them. Then
Yvette tilted her head and said, offhand, “Once a swinger, always a swinger,
Crystal. You two might have something special, but I’ll bet my life you’ll
indulge your cravings eventually. You’re too hot-blooded to settle for one
partner forever.” She smiled behind her mug. “I just hope you pick me as your
third when you come to your senses.”

Before Crystal could respond, the sounds of an engine
revving beneath her kitchen windows reverberated from the alley. Crystal stood
from the table and hurried outside through the back door. “Tomas!” He sat
astride a sparkling, showroom-fresh black Harley-Davidson like a sun god,
stealing her breath. He wore black jeans, a tight black t-shirt and a new
safety helmet to match. A spare helmet was secured to the rear seat, which had
a padded leather passenger back rest.


He took off the headgear and hooked it under one arm. “Hey,
babe. Want to go for a ride through the park downtown? A biker parade starts in
an hour.”

Crystal kissed him and then ran her hands along the front of
the new CVO, admiring the styling and craftsmanship. “Sure. Sounds like fun.”
She wore cutoff jeans and an old white t-shirt, but was ready to roll.

Tomas squinted against the sun. “I bought you a black bodysuit
to keep you safer on the roads from now on. For the parade, though, we can make
an exception. Put on one of your biker babe outfits, okay? It’s a nice day and
we’re not going far. I’ll wait while you change.”

Picturing herself half-naked on the Harley appealed to her
exhibitionist tendencies. Her nipples hardened at the image and warm tingles
spread to her core. Then Yvette’s taunts came back to haunt her like a
prophecy. She hesitated. “You know men will look at me. Are you cool with

“Yeah. You’re all mine, right? What man doesn’t like to
brag? Show off what he’s got?”

Crystal laughed. “There you go again. Comparing cock sizes.”

Tomas shrugged. “Men are competitive. That’s our nature.” He
revved his engine for emphasis. “Go ahead and dress sexy for me. I’ll be here.”

She squeezed his biceps and then returned to her apartment.
Once inside her bedroom, she stripped naked and opened her bureau drawers.
There she found the selection of fantasy outfits she’d bought to wear on the
back of Tomas’ first Harley. She’d seen pictures of biker babes on the Internet
and knew that women wore next to nothing at biker bashes. Some women attended
parties nude. Others held all-female group sex shows for the men at biker
conventions. Crystal shook her head. Those guys had it made.

She and Tomas wouldn’t go that far, but she had to admit she
missed her walks on the wild side. A fantasy ride on the back of his bike might
be just the ticket to add zing to her conservative new lifestyle. Maybe they’d
find a way to stay committed but experiment occasionally on the down low.

Did the Navy have to know
every damn thing

She pulled out a pair of shiny black vinyl shorts little
bigger than a thong and pulled them over her hips. The tight cloth framed the
cheeks of her bare ass like pale half moons. Tomas would go nuts when he saw
these. She found the matching vee-neck halter-top that barely covered her
oversized breasts. On her feet she added four-inch black stilettos. Good thing
she wasn’t expected to walk in the parade. A fresh coat of lavender lipstick
finished the look and she was ready to go.

Outside, Yvette leaned over the front of Tomas’ spanking new
bike, giving him a long look at her perky breasts while she chatted him up like
she didn’t know better. The back of her nightshirt had been hiked up over her
ass and her legs were spread. She’d lifted her hips, knowing full well Crystal
would see her open pussy and pale pink folds when she stepped into the alley.

Yvette was really working her application as Crystal and
Tomas’ third.

At the click of Crystal’s heels on the pavement, Tomas
looked up and whistled. Yvette did a slow turn with her head and shoulders, but
didn’t cover up her T and A. She smiled a huge, fake, you-caught-me smile at
Crystal. “You look amazing,” she said.

“You look pretty good yourself,” Crystal replied with a

Yvette only laughed and ambled away from the motorcycle.
“See you two later.” She shot them a little wave and went back inside.

“I think she wants something from us,” Tomas said. His
knowing grin told Crystal he knew exactly what was going on.

“She’s applying for our open third position. I told her I
don’t have sex with other men anymore.” She narrowed her gaze and stared him
down. “You made it very clear you were tired of ménages.”

Tomas glanced at the apartment building and back at Crystal.
“You’re right, I did.”

“Sorry about that now? Having second thoughts?”

Tomas pulled her to him and buried his face in her neck. He
nipped her ear. “You were always the wild one. I have a feeling I won’t tame
you completely. I’ve accepted that. For what it’s worth, though, I only want to
be with you.”

She nipped him back. “I love you, Tomas. Have I said that

He nuzzled her cheek. “Yep. That’s why I have big plans for
us. Let’s have dinner tonight and talk about them.”

Crystal kissed his mouth and slid her hands down his chest,
grateful for his complete recovery and the promise of a shared future. She
moved to the rear of the bike. “You’re on.” She released her helmet from its
lock, pulled it over her skull and hopped on the back of the Harley.

“If paparazzo film me riding around town in this getup, Marv
will be happier than a stuffed clam,” she said over the engine roar. “What
could boost TV ratings higher than a straight-laced meteorologist looking like
a weekend biker babe?”

“A biker babe in a white wedding dress and veil,” Tomas
hollered back.

He opened the throttle, kicked the clutch and drove them
into the Saturday morning sun.

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