Rev Me Twice (7 page)

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Authors: Adele Dubois

BOOK: Rev Me Twice
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He hissed again and watched his abdomen ripple with his
shuddering breaths. Crystal gripped his cock and stroked it up and down in even
tempos until his resolve nearly broke.

Finally, finally… he outlasted her. She lowered her
beautiful, full lips over the head of his cock and slowly sucked him into the
back of her throat. The spongy, engorged head made contact with the smooth skin
on the roof of her mouth and shot heat into his groin as her mouth began to

She took all of him in. She slid her lips along his shaft,
sucked his girth and massaged his balls until his hands gripped the edge of the
table and his arms shook with the effort not to come. He grimaced and puffed
out air until deep moans gathered in his throat.

When he could no longer hold back, Crystal redoubled her
efforts and sucked him harder while he came into her mouth. The spasms went on
and on until the room around him turned dark and his energy drained away. He
struggled to breathe. To remain upright.

When he was spent, Crystal ran her tongue along the
underside of his length, released him and wiped her mouth with the back of her
hand. She stood and watched him return from bliss to the world around him. “I
love your cock,” she said simply.

It wasn’t the “I love you” he was looking for, but it would
do, for now.

* * * * *

Saturday morning they headed to Annapolis on Tomas’ Harley.
The wind blew the scent of the Chesapeake Bay across Crystal’s face and she
inhaled the fragrance with a feeling of well-being she hadn’t known in a long
time. She tucked away worrisome thoughts about letters and stalkers and simply
let herself absorb the summer air and sunshine.

She savored the feel of Tomas’ back against her chest while
she held on tight. She loved the solidity of his muscled body and the heat that
radiated through his dark t-shirt. Tomas was all male, and all hers. That
knowledge brought a pang of satisfaction that both surprised and pleased her.
Crystal smiled into the breeze and lifted her chin.

She must be going soft.

* * * * *

They arrived at Lisa’s place and pulled into the long
driveway that circled to the back of the house. Antonio’s Harley sat inside the
carport next to the garage, its chrome glinting white in the sun. A natural
barrier of rose covered trellises, bushes and morning glories shielded the
carport from view of the house and Lisa’s next-door neighbor’s windows.

Tomas parked beside Antonio and he and Crystal dismounted.

Crystal noted with a chuckle that Tomas mentally compared
the size of his bike to his older brother’s while she pulled a bottle of wine
from the storage compartment. Men. Everything they did was about the size of
their cocks. Crystal didn’t know what Antonio’s body looked like naked, but she
was confident Tomas didn’t need to worry about comparisons.

The sounds of laughter brought them around the corner of the
house to the deep green lawn. Tall, narrow wooden stairs led from the yard to a
little wooden deck off the kitchen’s side door. Crystal looked up, but the
laughter came from the opposite side of the steps, near the stone wall
bordering the lawn. She and Tomas walked toward the sounds.

Splashing followed a ring of female laughter. Lisa. Crystal
picked up her pace and smiled as she and Tomas approached Lisa and Antonio, reclining
inside a brand new Jacuzzi. The tub sat inside a clear protective dome that had
been built to look like a greenhouse. Colorful plants had been tucked into the
corners. A wooden bench was stacked with towels. A red bikini and a pair of
black trunks lay strewn on the narrow patio surrounding the tub.

Crystal knew the Jacuzzi had to be new, because it hadn’t
been there the last time she’d visited with Tomas. “Hey!” she called out. “You
said you had something to show us. This is fabulous!”

When they reached the open doorway, Lisa looked over at her
and Tomas with half-closed eyes while she relaxed against the tub. Her
waist-long brown hair had been tied in a series of knots atop her head. Jets of
fast moving water obliterated the details, but it was obvious she and Antonio
were naked. “Hi,” she said softly. “Good to see you. Glad you could visit.”

“Hey, bro. Hey, Crystal. Come on in. The water feels great.”
Antonio held Lisa’s extended leg near his chest. His fingers worked the soles
of her feet in a deep foot massage. Lisa practically purred and sank deeper
into the water. Antonio slid Lisa’s big toe into his mouth and began to suck.
Lisa moaned with obvious pleasure while he continued to massage and lick.

Tomas turned to Crystal. “Want to go in?” She noticed he’d
eyed Lisa’s slim form inside the water. A twinge of resentment struck,
surprising her. Lisa and Antonio had seen Crystal mostly naked a number of
times at both the
Tongue and Cheek
and on television. There wasn’t much
of her body they hadn’t seen close up and personal. She’d made no secret of her
open lifestyle, either. So why was she reluctant to strip and slide into the

In reply, she lifted the bottle of white wine she held. “I
think I’ll put this in the fridge to chill.” She turned back to Lisa and
Antonio. “We’ll give you your privacy and see you inside, okay?”

Lisa nodded. “Sure. Make yourselves comfortable. I’ve made
shrimp salad for lunch. That wine is perfect. Thanks.” Antonio’s hands worked
their way up Lisa’s leg and she giggled.

Crystal and Tomas left, but Crystal turned back to peek
halfway across the lawn, unable to resist the temptation. Lisa had lifted
herself out of the pool to perch on the side. She spread her long legs and
opened her trimmed pussy wide for Antonio. He moved between her thighs and
began to lick and suck her clit the way he’d done her big toe.

Crystal pulled in a breath while her heart hammered inside
her chest. Though she’d seen dozens of people have sex, the raw carnality mixed
with tenderness and love that emanated from Lisa and Antonio made Crystal’s
knees go weak. She clutched Tomas’ hand with her free hand to steady herself.

She dragged her gaze away from the sensual scene and looked
up into Tomas’ eyes. He looked down into hers and his dark eyes smoldered. A
wolfish grin lifted his lips. “I know how much you love that. Sure you don’t
want to change your mind? We can go back. I’d be happy to oblige.”

Crystal took another look at the couple and watched while
Lisa had an orgasm. Her eyes were closed and her mouth open in a perfect O
while her spasms overtook her. She seemed to struggle to keep her body
supported as her arms trembled. Her full breasts swayed and her nipples
tightened to fine points while her climax continued.

Tomas watched too and another twinge of resentment trickled
through Crystal. What the hell was wrong with her? Any other time she’d be
anxious to join the fun.

Then a thought struck. Lisa and Antonio were different. They
were like
. Having sex with them or around them would feel wrong.
She wanted to know them innocently. Wholesomely. Dear God, she shouldn’t even
be watching.

Crystal said simply, “He’s your brother.”

Understanding filled Tomas’ expression and he smiled at her
with more affection than he’d ever offered. “
Mi amor
, you said just the
right thing.” He pulled her close to him and kissed her sweetly. The tip of his
tongue found hers and glided inside her mouth.

Happiness filled her, leaving her so surprised she had to
pull back from the kiss. She kept her eyes closed, but held on to Tomas. The
emotion that swept through her had been foreign for so long she barely
recognized the feeling. Tears brimmed and threatened to fall. She swept them
away with her fingertips.

“What is it?” Tomas whispered. She opened her eyes. Concern
replaced the affection on his face.

Crystal smiled and shook her head. “Nothing. I’m happy,
that’s all.”

Tomas returned an indulgent smile and led her across the
yard to the kitchen stairs. When they reached the top, Crystal looked down at
the couple inside the Jacuzzi room. They were still making love. Antonio’s hips
rolled and his back arched while he thrust hard and slow into Lisa.

Crystal averted her eyes and looked over at Tomas. “Let’s
get lunch on the table. They won’t be much longer.”

* * * * *

Lisa and Antonio emerged from the master bedroom and bath
fresh from the shower. They embraced Crystal and Tomas in turn and pulled out
chairs at the vintage oak kitchen table.

Lisa shot Crystal an apologetic smirk as they settled down
to lunch. “I hope we weren’t out of line back there.” She angled her head
toward the Jacuzzi. “I assure you I’ve never done anything like that before.”
Lisa turned a bright crimson. “You know, swam naked with another couple
around.” She reached for the bowl of homemade shrimp salad and passed it to her
right for Crystal. Antonio poured and served four glasses of wine. “I would
have put my suit back on if you’d come in. Honest.”

Crystal almost sighed with relief. Lisa hadn’t noticed her
watching them have sex. She wouldn’t want her friend to feel awkward around

Crystal made a sandwich with the shrimp salad and a whole
wheat roll, took a handful of blue corn chips and began to munch.

Lisa continued. “I wish I were more like you. Less
inhibited.” Her eyes lifted in a shy glance that said
I hope that came out
the right way.
She rushed on. “I have my moments, that’s for sure. If I
didn’t, I never would have met Antonio.”

Crystal knew she was referring to the day she’d met Antonio
in Annapolis. Crystal had heard the story. Lisa had deliberately dressed like a
hooker, braless and brash, in a sheer red tank top and ultra short shorts to
break up with her cheating midshipman boyfriend, Rick Bennett. She’d strutted
her stuff through town in the hope of making him jealous.

While Lisa strolled down a sidewalk in the tourist area,
Antonio had ridden by on his Harley. In a moment of uncharacteristic craziness,
Lisa had lifted her tank top over her breasts and flashed him.

Antonio crashed into the sidewalk and had fallen at her

Crystal leaned closer to Lisa. “I wish I were more down to
earth, like you.” She smiled wistfully at her friend. They were both beautiful.
Otherwise, Lisa was everything Crystal was not. Stable. Moral. Happy to live in
her modest house with a roommate who traveled. Content with monogamy. “Maybe we
can learn from each other.” The women clinked their wineglasses and exchanged
knowing winks.

Antonio tapped the rim of his wineglass with the tines of a
fork. “We have an announcement.” His brilliant smile across the table at Lisa
filled the room with light. Crystal’s heart galloped in her throat as she
looked from one to the other. When she met Tomas’ gaze, he shrugged. He
obviously had no idea what was coming.

“I asked Lisa to marry me last night, and she said

Lisa extended her left hand into the center of the table. On
her third finger a brilliant round diamond glistened beneath the kitchen
lighting. She wore an expression of such love and joy that Crystal’s heart
ached. She reached out and squeezed Lisa’s wrist. “My very best wishes.” One
only said “congratulations” to the groom.

Tomas got up from his chair and hugged both his brother and
Lisa. “When you said you had something to show us, I thought you meant the new

Crystal swallowed, her throat tighter than it had been five
minutes ago. “An engagement is much better.” She lifted her glass with Tomas to
toast the happy couple. What was that pang in her chest? She shook off a sudden
feeling of antipathy.

“We want you both in our wedding,” Antonio said. He turned
to Tomas as he sat down again beside him. “Be my best man?”

Tomas slapped his older brother on the back. “You bet.”

Lisa said to Crystal, “Will you be a bridesmaid? It would
mean a lot to me.”

“Of course,” Crystal replied. “I’d love to.” She snickered
behind her hand. “Just promise me the gown won’t be made of ruffled pink

Lisa laughed with her. “Will coral do?”

The couples ate and talked for another hour about wedding
plans and then cleaned up the kitchen. Afterward, they relaxed with beers in the
living room.

Antonio brought up the subject of Crystal’s problems. “Tomas
told me about the threatening letters you received and the subsequent

“We saw you on the news last night and read about you in
today’s headlines. You’re a bigger celebrity than ever,” Lisa added. “I’m just
sorry your fame has come at such a high price. How are you handling all this?”

Crystal took a swig of her beer and then twirled the bottle
slowly in her hands. She needed a moment to think about that. After a few beats
she looked up at Lisa. “I stayed in denial a long time. That helped.” She shot
her a quick smile and realized the truth of her words. Crystal denied whatever
she didn’t want to see. Or feel. That had been her M.O. her entire life. Maybe
if she looked at this situation objectively and let the information filter in,
she could figure this problem out on her own.

Antonio spoke again. “I talked to my contact at your local
precinct and have kept in touch with Tomas. Everything that can be done is
being done. I guess that’s not much consolation when the person is still out
there.” He frowned into his beer bottle. “I wish there was more I could do.
Without evidence… “ His voice trailed away.

“Tomas plans to talk to my landlord. She’s an eyewitness to
someone entering my apartment.”

“You know what they say about eyewitness testimony,” Tomas
interjected. “On the other hand, this might be just the break we need.”

“I hope so.” Lisa stood and gathered empty beer bottles.
“Anyone want another?”

Tomas shook his head. “I’m driving. One is my limit. We’ll
be leaving soon.”

Crystal got up to go to the bathroom. “I’ll be ready in a
few minutes.” Her sling-back heels clomped against the hardwood floors on her
way down the hall. Inside the powder room, Crystal inspected her reflection in
the oversized mirror. An attractive woman with hard eyes stared back. She
blinked, hoping to soften her expression, but it didn’t work. When had she
become so jaded? Lost?

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