Rev Me Twice (3 page)

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Authors: Adele Dubois

BOOK: Rev Me Twice
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Crystal let out a sigh. The only reason she hadn’t thrown
the letters in the trash was because they’d been addressed to Crystal Miller,
not Crystal Diamond. She’d been curious as to why the person had written in
care of the studio, when anyone who knew her well enough to know her real name
would also know where she lived. That detail niggled at her.

“The first and second letters were just rants mingled with
mild threats. The third got scarier. It wasn’t until the fourth that I got
rattled. That letter came a few days ago. The fifth arrived so fast it took me
off guard.”

“What about your fan mail? Have you seen similar handwriting
or printing on those?”

“To tell you the truth, I haven’t noticed.” Crystal sighed
and chewed her lower lip in frustration. She should have thought of that. “I
throw most of my mail away.”

“Save everything from now on. Understand?”

Crystal nodded.

“Do you have a pair of gloves in your closet? Any kind, it
doesn’t matter.”

All she could find were a pair made of sheer black lace.
Tomas took them and put them on without flinching. He opened and read each
letter slowly, also taking note of the postmark and delivery dates. “The
aggression has escalated,” he said. “We can’t let this go, Crystal.”

She couldn’t keep herself from whining. “Can’t you do
something without involving the cops? You’re with the Navy military police. You
have contacts. If this ends up on the police blotter, every newshound in the
country will show up.”

He pursed his lips and nodded. “Yeah, I could call a buddy
at the local precinct. Maybe he could look into this quietly. My brother at the
FBI might also be able to help.” Tomas bundled the letters and slipped them
into another baggie. “I hate to say it, but unless someone attempts an assault,
it will be hard to catch whoever is doing this.” Tomas pulled off the lace
gloves and laid them on the vanity table.

Any other time Crystal would have made a sarcastic or
salacious remark about him wearing her garments, but she had no urge to do that
now. She kissed his cheek instead. “Thank you, honey.”

“Honey?” Tomas looked up at her and smirked. “Not
shit for brains
?” He squeezed one cheek of her
butt through the thick terrycloth she wore. “Things
looking up.”

“I have to admit I feel better knowing you’re on my side.”

His expression turned solemn. “I’ve always been on your
team, Crystal. I just wish you’d stop inviting other players into your locker

“Would it make you feel better to know you’re team captain?”
She caressed his biceps and then ran her palm down his arm. Beneath her hand,
his muscles flexed in response. The hairs on his arm prickled.

“General manager. I’ll take nothing less.” His dead-on stare
said he hadn’t been placated this time. It was getting harder to justify her
reluctance to commit when they’d so obviously become a couple.

“I noticed you didn’t say
. You’re obviously
getting to know me well.” Crystal glanced at the open doorway and whispered,
“Close the door, Tomas.”

Tomas locked the door. Crystal took him by the hand and led
him toward the daybed. When they reached the edge, she untied her robe and let
it fall open to reveal her near naked body. Crystal reached out and touched his
face. “I’ve been upset. I think you should comfort me in the way only you can.
Just you. Nobody else.”

Tomas smiled then, all of the anxiety of the past several
minutes draining from his face. “I don’t want you to worry about those letters.
Understand? I’ll look into it.” Hungry eyes savored every inch of her skin. His
gaze traveled over her tiny thong as if replaying her earlier on-screen sex

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her then, and his
full, pliant lips relayed all the concern and desire that had been reflected in
his eyes. His kiss told her secrets he had never spoken out loud—that he loved
her and would put all her needs before his if she would only promise to be his

When his tongue touched hers and he pulled her closer,
crushing his muscled chest to her breasts, his affection and want nearly
splintered her resolve. For an instant she sensed what it would be like to
belong to someone completely. That knowledge sent a heady adrenaline rush
through her that washed a sense of peace over her too. Every nerve ending along
her body tingled from the dual effect.

Crystal broke the kiss, caught her breath and stepped back,
not sure what to make of this unexpected turn of events. She felt
Not his body, but his soul, and the experience rattled and intrigued her at the
same time.

She returned to his arms and kissed him with the same intensity
he’d offered. Their breathing quickened as their kisses became more urgent.
Crystal wrapped her arms around Tomas’ neck, nibbled his bottom lip and then
pressed her lips to his jawline. “What’s happening here, Tomas?” she whispered.

Tomas reached under her chin and lifted her face to his.
Tenderness filled his expression and gentleness glowed in his eyes. He kissed
her softly. “I think you know.”

Suddenly, the intimacy became too much and she squirmed
away. Crystal giggled to disguise her discomfort. She hated feeling vulnerable.
Maybe the letter had affected her more deeply than she’d acknowledged and that
insecurity had exaggerated her connection to Tomas.

She returned to what made her feel most comfortable and in
charge. Seduction. Theater. Sex as invigorating gymnastics. Crystal dropped her
robe from her shoulders and let it fall near the bottom of the bed. Except for
the tiny thong, she stood naked before Tomas and cupped her breasts. “Take off
your clothes,” she said, and then pulled a condom from the decorative box she
kept on a table next to the bed.

He stripped and dropped everything beside him on the chair.
Crystal tossed him the condom and took in the sight of his massive erection.
She cooed, “I have just the place for you to put that.”

Tomas stroked his hard-on and ran his thumb over the smooth
head. A clear droplet coated the tip. Crystal watched him shudder as the veins
in his cock turned a deeper blue. His hand slid down his shaft and gripped it
tightly at the base, making his phallus grow larger still. “I intend to stick
this in as many places as it will go,” he countered. “Get in the shower and
take off that body makeup first.”

“Ooh I love when you go all alpha on me,” Crystal teased,
sliding off her thong and kicking it to the floor with the tips of her toes.
She turned around and arched her back, spreading her thighs and lifting her
hips to give Tomas full view of her anus and pussy. “Let’s have dirty sex.”

Tomas chuckled. “Do you know any other kind,
mi poco
?” My little temptress.

At that, she laughed with delight and her worries of moments
ago dissolved. Tomas always had that effect on her. His protection was better
than a suit of armor. “No baby, I mean
dirty. I’m going to let
you try something you’ve never done before. As a reward for being so

“I’m wonderful too? Christ, this is a banner day.”

She opened herself with her fingers and toyed with her tight
pink anus. Her channel was so wet she lubricated the rear opening with her
natural juices and slowly inserted the tip of a finger inside to relax the
muscles. After she slid the finger out, she circled the silken area with more
of her essence in a tiny, welcoming swirl.

When Tomas groaned like a wounded animal, she looked over
her shoulder and swept her hair off her neck. “Want to try it? There’s
lubricant in the box with the condoms. I know you’ve been curious. I’ve seen
you watch other couples have anal sex. Even the men. It doesn’t make you gay to
experiment with that, you know. I’m not gay and I like sex with women
sometimes.” Crystal leaned over the edge of the bed and held on to offer him as
much leverage as possible. “I can take my makeup off in the shower, after.”

Without another word, he came up behind her, lubricated the
condom he’d rolled over his cock and gripped her tight enough by her hips that
she couldn’t move. He leaned over her spine and his mouth found the base of her
neck where it met her shoulder. His teeth came down hard, holding her in place.

Tomas and Crystal both loved to bite, but he knew better
than to leave marks where her audience would see them. He nibbled and nipped
the sensitive tendons and muscles in her neck, rippling pleasure across her
skin. Her areola tightened and her nipples brushed against the clean white
sheets of the bed, sending tingles through her breasts and down into her groin.
While his teeth worked their magic, his ready cock probed her ass and readied
it for entry, like a virgin being prepped for her first time.

A strong hand reached around and inserted a thick finger
into her pussy. The finger began to move, stroking her engorged G-spot, sliding
out to massage her slick vulva and circle her erect clit. Crystal moaned and
shuddered. Tomas slowed the pace of her arousal to extend her pleasure, and
then entered her rear passage, one slow inch at a time.

A short stab of pain led to headier sensations. Crystal
fisted the bed sheets and held on while Tomas completed the initial thrust. She
took a deep breath, exhaled and relaxed her muscles further to accommodate his

His cock glided during the first pull. She heard his sharp
intake of breath, and then his exclamation, as he lifted his face from her neck
and arched his spine. His hands gripped her thighs while he stretched and
pressed his belly against her tailbone. “Tight, baby. You are so tight.
I won’t be able to stay in control long.”

When he thrust and pulled again, Tomas found his rhythm, and
inserted a second finger into her pussy, matching the tempo of his fingers to
his hips. He thrust and circled, fucking her both ways until the sensations
blended into one enormous erotic pulse that engulfed her.

Her vision blurred and so she closed her eyes. Deep shivers
massaged the most intimate tissues, muscles and nerve endings of her body. Her
arousal heightened until she could no longer identify fingers or sex organs,
where he started and she began. A blanket of raw sensuality wrapped around her,
brought her to her peak and then shattered. Goose bumps peppered her skin and
her breath whooshed out in a rush.

Tomas’ body went rigid and he stopped moving. He sputtered a
few words in Spanish and then rocked inside her, his fingers digging into her
ass while he came. His orgasm surged while his breaths came out in short, hard
bursts. Finally, he loosened his grip and curled over her back, the heat of his
mouth blowing warm puffs of air on her shoulder.

He laid a kiss on her back. “
Gracias, mi amor,
that unexpected gift.”

Chapter Two


“I don’t want you living alone while someone is threatening
you,” Tomas said, toweling off after their shower. He went to the chair next to
the daybed to retrieve his clothes. Crystal watched the sinew and muscle of his
hard limbs move beneath his skin and admired the sight of his sated cock as he
tucked it into his briefs. Tomas’ body had given her many hours of pleasure
since they’d met. While he was away at sea, she’d almost forgotten how much she
enjoyed his company.

“Don’t you think that’s an overreaction?” Crystal replied,
moving to her wardrobe closet. She sorted through fresh underwear, street
clothes and shoes. “So far, the letters are just words. Nothing’s happened. The
world is filled with freaks and weirdoes. I got scared for a few minutes, but
I’m over it now.” She slipped on bikini briefs and a practical white bra under
loose shorts and a pullover. Slipped on tennis shoes. Ah. It felt good to relax
like a regular girl.

“And nothing’s going to happen. Not if I can help it.” Tomas
gave her that concrete slab look again—the one that said there’d be no

Crystal chuckled. “I think you just want an excuse to move
in with me. To monitor my sexual activity. Or maybe have me more often.”

Tomas grinned back. “Guilty on all counts.”

“Sure you can handle that? Some of my friends are wilder
than me. You’re bound to get an eyeful, at the very least.”

Tomas’ grin faded. “It might be one of your groupies who’s
threatening you. Have you thought of that?”

Crystal nodded. “That’s the first thing that came to mind
with this new note. Said I liked it rough. Who would know that unless they’d
slept with me?”

Tomas blew out a breath and ran a hand through his cropped
hair. “Well that narrows down the suspects to about …”

“Don’t you dare say it!” Crystal pointed a finger at him
across the room. “I’m perfectly aware of my, uh, penchant. That’s why I get
regular health checks and take precautions. I don’t have sex with anyone who
doesn’t do likewise.”

“I still think the groupies are a bad idea. Most of those
types are unstable. They crave attention like junkies crave crack. They’d sell
you out in a heartbeat to get their names in the papers. For a photo, they’d
stab you in the back.”

“Hmm, you might be right.”

“Damn straight, I’m right. You’re a celebrity now, Crystal.
You’d better start thinking about the consequences of your actions. Fame doesn’t
give people a free ride anymore. Celebrities crash and burn all the time.”

The truth was, the first whisperings of discontent had begun
to unsettle her the past few weeks. Though she had a Master’s degree, she was
still taking her clothes off for a living. The television gig was a big step up
from the
Tongue and Cheek,
but the same job, nonetheless. The admission
pained her. She needed to audition for a straight meteorologist job sooner
rather than later. She wouldn’t be twenty-four forever. “Maybe I
Maybe there’s something wrong with me.”

Tears filled her eyes, blurring her vision when she looked
Tomas’ way again. “Why can’t I connect with a man like other women do? Even
when I
to? There are names for people who can’t form attachments.
Scary names.” She swiped her eyes and then gritted her teeth in frustration.
Damn. She’d never intended to go down this road with him. “I’m closer to you
than I’ve been to any other man. How do you put up with me? Knowing what I do?”

Tomas strode across the room and swept her into his arms.
“I’d rather be with you than anyone. You’re funny and smart and the most
beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. You make me feel like I can do anything.” He
kissed her forehead. “I know you’re… spirited, but it sounds to me like you’re
almost ready to begin working on that. To start settling down.”

Crystal lifted her face to his and kissed him softly. The
kiss brought a sense of calm rather than sexual pique. That, alone, made her
feel better. Maybe her proclivities didn’t make her a freak. Perhaps she had
more control over her choices than she’d admitted. “Maybe.”

The look of hopefulness on his face stabbed her heart. For
the second time that day, she sensed something new happening between them. Her
heartbeat quickened with the admission and she backed away from the intimacy.
The intensity was too much.

“I’m starving,” she said, stepping out of his embrace.
“Let’s warm up that Chinese food in the break room and have dinner.”

* * * * *

They hopped on Tomas’ motorcycle and headed out of town with
their libidos sated and their bellies full. The Harley breezed through DC’s
sultry downtown with the steady hum of traffic. Lights winked on across the
city as summer twilight gave way to darkness. The air turned cooler, brushing
Crystal’s face and whisking her body like bits of goose down. With her arms
wrapped around Tomas and perched on his bike, she couldn’t think of a place in
the world she’d rather be.

They stopped at a red light. Pedestrians crossed—lovers
holding hands, a woman carrying a small child, a group of loud, chattering
teens. Her skin prickled with the soft wind and she breathed in the scents from
a sideway café. Warm fresh bread, red wine. Foamy beer. Hot cheese and
jalapenos. Crisp tortillas.

A group of four men at a table with a pitcher of ale and
pilsner glasses watched her with obvious interest. Gazes slid over the length
of her long, bare legs and exposed arms. Hugged her breasts. Glided over her
neck. A husky blond shot her a kiss from the tips of two fingers. Crystal smiled
and blew him a kiss in return.

Their connection lasted less than ten seconds before the
light turned green, but Crystal saw the flash of recognition on the blond man’s
face when he put her features to her name. He stood from his chair and yelled,
“Crystal!” while he watched Tomas open the throttle and take off down the

Crystal got that a lot.

She repositioned her sore bottom on the plush leather seat,
savoring the phantom sensations of the pounding Tomas had left…behind. She
smiled inwardly at her mental pun. When she shifted her backside on the
passenger seat, she found a nub of thick padding and heavy stitching that
rubbed between her legs in all the right places. The engine shot vibrations
deep into her core. She shivered with pleasure.

Though Crystal didn’t consent to anal sex often, offering
herself to Tomas was her way of extending the olive branch for not telling him
sooner about the malicious letters she’d received. The submissive posture was a
symbol of trust, and she believed he understood that unspoken gesture. If she
knew Tomas, he’d be kinder and more protective of her than ever in return.

Crystal pressed her sneakers harder against the foot rests
and wrapped her arms tighter around Tomas while she closed her eyes and let the
road rumble beneath her. When she was with Tomas on the back of his motorcycle,
anything seemed possible.

While they flew, she could be a renowned television
meteorologist who had predicted and averted the effects of a deadly storm with
her timely reporting. She could be proud to tell Tomas’ mother, Pilar, about
her work and not have to lie about her job. When people looked at her, they’d
see an admirable woman of substance and not just a stripping weathergirl.

She opened her eyes to watch the buildings, parks and monuments
whisk by, like tiny increments of time. In her business, time was the enemy.
The WCNT gig was good, but wouldn’t last long term. It was a stepping stone. If
she concentrated her efforts on making a new demo and scheduling auditions, she
might be able to find a better job before her one-year trial contract with WCNT
expired and they offered her a standard renewal.

They reached Crystal’s apartment and Tomas parked the Harley
in the narrow alley adjoining her renovated brick front duplex. Crystal rented
the downstairs luxury apartment from her upstairs neighbor, Yvette, who liked
to hang out with Crystal when she had friends over. Crystal hadn’t yet invited
Yvette to her livelier parties, but probably would soon. She was getting a
clear vibe that Yvette wanted to…come with her.

* * * * *

Crystal poured vodka over ice at the wet bar while she and
Tomas settled in. A knock at the door followed. Tomas glanced at the kitchen
clock on the wall and frowned. Ten o’clock. He was pulling double duty the next
day to help out a buddy and couldn’t stay up half the night screwing around
like Crystal could. Didn’t this woman ever sleep?

When she bounded to the door and opened it with
a cheery hello, he knew they were headed for another all-nighter. He downed his
drink and winced. One knock at the door and Crystal seemed to forget everything
they’d talked about in her dressing room.

“Gunther!” Crystal exclaimed. “Come in.” She stepped back to
allow the makeup artist and his two female companions inside the room. Tomas
scowled. He knew Crystal and Gunther had an occasional thing going and that
Gunther put his hands on Crystal every night to prep her body for her show.
Tomas’ knuckles burned every time he saw the guy. He rubbed one hand across his
opposite fist to ward off his urge to flatten him.

Gunther held out a magnum of expensive champagne. “For you,

He nodded in turn to both girls at his sides, and they
smiled up at Crystal almost in unison, with big, bright eyes and long, thick
hair that had to be weaves. “For you too. If you want. Practically virgins and
healthy as newborn babes. Remember my dates Brigit and Kiesha from that
riverboat cruise WCNT sprang for last month?” He ran a free hand over the front
of Kiesha’s sheer tank top and squeezed her firm, braless breast. Her dark
nipples cinched, poking the thin yellow cotton. “Best party ever.”

Kiesha smiled at Crystal with glossy, coral painted lips.
“I’m a huge fan.”

Brigit, the blonde, grinned too. “Love your show. I think
you’re amazing. Thanks for inviting us in.” She stuck out her hand for a
handshake like she’d entered a business meeting.

Tomas made his way toward them, a pulse pounding his jaw.
“Are you pimping for Crystal now, Gunther?” By the hungry looks these girls
gave Crystal, it was clear they swung both ways.

Gunther held out his hand for a handshake. “Tomas. Good to
see you, man. Aw, come on, don’t be like that. Nothing could be farther from
the truth. The ladies and I just thought Crystal might be up for some fun.
Since you’re here, you could join us.”

Tomas eyed Crystal. “I have to be up at eight.” He wouldn’t
leave Crystal alone, but he wasn’t her mother, either. She could do what she
wanted. He just wished she weren’t so trusting. For all they knew, Gunther
could have written those threatening letters. His gaze shifted to the dining
room breakfront where the notes were hidden until he could deal with them.

Crystal ran one hand up under his shirt, tweaked his nipples
and tugged the single nipple ring he wore. His cock instantly hardened.

“They’ll be gone by midnight,” Crystal promised. She
whispered in his ear as if she’d read his mind. “Gunther is a friend and I
won’t sleep with him anymore if it bothers you. I know he’d never hurt me, and
I’ve seen his handwriting, so stop worrying.”

She turned and looked pointedly at her makeup artist. “Tomas
and I have to be up early, but you’re welcome to stay for a couple of hours.”

“Let’s get this party started,” Gunther shouted, following
Crystal to the kitchen to open the champagne. Tomas turned on the sound system
to stream nonstop Spanish music from satellite radio.

“Ooh I love this station,” Brigit said, moving to the upbeat
tempo. Her long blond hair swayed down her back while she undulated her slim
body to the sounds. Kiesha came up behind her and pressed her groin to Brigit’s
ass. The girls moved in syncopation to the rhythms.

Gunther stepped back into the living room and handed both
girls a flute of champagne. He returned to the kitchen for the bottle and
brought it back with him. After filling his own glass, he placed the magnum on
the coffee table, and slipped between the girls to dance and grind.

“C’mon, stud, let’s show them how it’s done,” Crystal said,
pulling Tomas to the center of the room. She turned around and anchored her backside
to his groin. With the next beat of the music, Crystal widened her stance and
lifted her arms for balance while she swung her hips against his. The boner
he’d had for the past several minutes grew harder against Crystal’s tailbone.
this woman drove him wild.

The scents of her freshly washed hair and scrubbed skin
blended with the smells of alcohol and night air that still clung to her. While
she moved against him, her undulations picked up speed. Crystal’s excitement
was contagious and filled his senses as Tomas hugged her hips and ran his hands
down the tops of her bare thighs. The vibrations of her tensing muscles against
his palms sent tremors up his arms. His body turned electric. Desire shot
through him, stealing his breath.

He recaptured his breath, exhaled and dragged one hand to
Crystal’s mound while the other cradled a breast. In perfect syncopation, he
rolled his body against hers while he pleasured her with his fingers. Her head
lolled back against his shoulder as she gave herself over to him.

The music swelled and the heady scents of sweat and
pheromones tinged the room. With Crystal’s head resting on his shoulder, Tomas
had a clear view of the trio dancing on the opposite side of the room. His
arousal spiked as he watched Gunther lift Brigit’s short cotton sundress over
her hips. Her tight, bare ass rolled and plunged beneath a tiny pink thong.

Gunther pressed his groin firmly between the halves of
Brigit’s ass and began to grind. Behind him, Kiesha turned around and rotated
her butt against the underside of his. Her hands played over her breasts and
then rose up to lift her hair and let it fall like rain over her shoulders. Her
eyes remained closed as she gave herself over to the music and the mood.

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