Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1) (6 page)

Read Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1) Online

Authors: Kelex

Tags: #anal, #bdsm, #discipline, #bondage, #spanking, #mm, #forced seduction

BOOK: Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1)
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Pre-cum oozed even thicker from Remy’s
cock, his whole body throbbing with the need to release. Hank
ducked his head under the bar, laying his entire body the length of
Remy’s so he could capture Remy’s mouth in another fiery kiss. He
pulled the gag from Remy’s mouth and covered it with his firm lips.
Hank pressed his tongue deep into Remy’s mouth, simulating at the
same pace his cock made as it scissored in and out.

Hank leaned up on one arm, his bicep
bulging, as he looked down and continued to move within Remy’s
body. “You said to let you go. Your body most certainly doesn’t

I wanted you. But I can’t
promise forever.”

Wanted?” Hank paused,
lifting out of the cradle of limbs the bar collected. He stopped
his slow fucking and looked down at Remy. “You
me. As in the past

I want you. There, is
that better?”

Good thing you know to
speak the truth. I would’ve known it for a lie if you hadn’t owned
up to it.”

How’s that? You’ve got me
hogtied. It’s not like I can run away,” Remy spit out.

You want to run away, do
you? Is that why your cock is leaking cum right now?” Hank leaned
back down and captured Remy’s mouth in another violent kiss. He
leaned up and growled. “I’m a wolf. I
the chase. You’d not get very

Hank grabbed Remy’s chin and made him
look at Hank. The hold was rough, almost too rough, but he seemed
to know just where the line was and didn’t cross it. “The reason
you weren’t afraid of me is you sense the truth, don’t you? You
knew I was going to come for you and take you. Didn’t

Remy’s eyes grew large as he stared at
Hank. He didn’t want to admit to any of that, even if he had
fantasized about the wolf taking him in the cabin.

You can’t keep things
from me, human.” Hank gave Remy a hard thrust. “I can read you too

Hank captured Remy’s lips once more
and began fucking him hard. His powerful thrusts plumbed Remy’s
depths. As Remy grew closer and closer to orgasm, Hank pulled from
Remy’s lips, his teeth elongated more. Remy eyed the white teeth,
knowing he was about to be bitten again. His cock jerked, the need
for Hank to pierce his flesh too great. Hank bit into Remy’s neck,
the connection making Remy’s head spin. His heart pounded in his
ears, the sensation of the thick cock in his ass taking on a
greater pleasure as Hank took great drafts of his blood.

Remy screamed his release, cum
shooting from his cock in huge spurts between his and Hank’s
stomachs. Seconds later, Hank began to come, his seed a hot blast
in Remy’s ass. The orgasm seemed stretched out by Hank’s mouth
moving over his neck, sucking the blood into his body. Remy’s eyes
rolled back in his head as the most intense release was milked from
his body. Finally, when it was all over, Hank removed his teeth
from Remy’s neck, laving along the skin.

As Remy took deep breaths and tried to
settle his racing heart, he just lay there with his eyes closed and
his mouth slightly open, shocked and surprised by the intensity of
what he was feeling. When he tasted a tang of copper on his tongue,
he opened his eyes to see Hank dropped blood from a wound on his
finger into Remy’s mouth.

Remy closed his lips and turned his
head. “What are you doing?”

I’ve taken a lot of blood
today. A few drops of this will be strong enough to heal you,” Hank
said. “Here, you need a little more. Open your mouth.”

Remy wasn’t sold on the idea, but Hank
pressed his bloody finger to Remy’s lips. “You know, we haven’t
discussed STDs or protection, and now you want me to suck your
blood from your finger.”

Wolves are immune to
human diseases. Even if you were ill, you couldn’t make me sick.
And the blood will make you feel much better,” Hank said, still
holding his dripping finger before Remy’s lips.

Remy opened his mouth some, and Hank
pressed the tip inside. Remy sucked gently, the metallic tang of
the blood strong. But Hank urged him to suck harder and within a
few minutes, he did feel much stronger. The throbbing bite on his
neck didn’t hurt at all. Hank took his finger away and began to
remove the cuffs binding Remy to the bar. Once he was free, Remy
wasn’t sure what it was he was supposed to do.

Did he just get up and leave, or did
he face this head on and figure out why he was in this place, a
supposed mate?

How did you

Know what?” Hank asked as
he rolled to his side on the bed and looked down at

That I knew you’d come
for me.”

I wasn’t positive. I’ve
never known a human to be a wolf’s mate. But werewolves in your
place know when they’re near their mates and when they’re about to
be claimed. Although, they readily accept the union without begging
to be set free.”

Remy sat up on the bed. “I’m not one
of your kind. This is a lot to take in. And you expect me to be
okay with what just occurred and be your docile slave?”

Slave is a harsh

If you’re a dom, then
what does that make me?” Remy asked.

Submissive doesn’t always
equal slave,” Hank said offhandedly.

Remy reached up and fingered the
collar he wore. “Then what’s this?”

Hank sat up beside Remy. “When we are
in this room, you will do as I instruct. The collar is a visceral
way for you to remember that.”

And when we aren’t in
this room? What am I then? I have a life in the human world. What
will I be here?”

My mate,” Hank

I don’t define myself by
a relationship. There has to be more.” Remy stood and searched for
his clothing in the darkened space. As he moved, he stubbed his toe
and cried out. “Can you turn on a damned light?”

A light illuminated behind him. As he
looked about, he didn’t see his clothes. Remy spun about and stared
at Hank. “Where are my clothes?”

Hank remained on the bed, his eyes
narrowing as he gazed at Remy. A flash of yellow came and went.
“Why do you need your clothing? I’m not done with you.”

I’m done. And ready to go

Hank jumped to his feet,
his eyes fully yellow and a growl coming from his throat.
Get used to it.” He stalked from the room and slammed the door
behind him. Remy heard the click of a lock and rushed to the door.
He turned the knob with no luck. After pounding on it a few times,
he crumbled to the floor, trying to figure out what the fuck he was
supposed to do.

He couldn’t stay here, not even if his
gut told him he was where he belonged. His high-handed wolf wasn’t
going to win that easily.

Chapter Six


Hank stalked through his house,
pulling on the shorts he’d managed to snag before he rushed from
his bedroom. The damned human was infuriating. Why couldn’t he just
accept what he was? He walked into the kitchen and yanked open the
refrigerator with a little more force than he’d anticipated, and
the appliance teetered from side to side for a moment before
stilling. Hank grabbed a beer and twisted the cap off before
downing half the contents.


Hank spun on his heel to see Paul in
his living room, tinkering away on his new laptop. “What the fuck
are you doing here?”

Paul set his laptop to the side and
rose from the couch, sticking both his hands in his back jean
pockets as he slouched to one side. Hank knew his brother was
trying to take a non-aggressive pose, which only meant one thing.
He was about to say something Hank wasn’t going to like.

I figured you’d stumble
through this one like a bull in a china shop, so I figured you’d
need someone to talk to once the smoke cleared.”

I’m fine. It was fine.
Get the hell out of my cabin,” Hank snarled before draining almost
all the rest of his beer.

Fine? You just claimed
your mate, after waiting for a hundred years to find him and it’s
? You
must’ve fucked up worse than I expected,” Paul said as he walked
into the kitchen and pushed past Hank to get to the refrigerator.
He grabbed a carton of orange juice and took a swig right from the

Use a goddamn glass. This
isn’t your place.”

Paul smiled as he dropped the carton
back into the fridge and swung the door shut. “So, are you going to
let me help you, or are you going to continue stomping around here,
growling, while your mate bangs on the presumably locked door,
begging to be released.”

Hank snarled and finished off the beer
before reaching in for another. “He’s human. He doesn’t understand
wolf ways.”

And you’re a wolf. You
don’t understand human ways. If you expect him to be considerate to
you, then you need to offer a little courtesy yourself. Plus, where
do I even begin about the fact he was just raped by a psychopath
and watched you maul the guy before burning a cabin to the ground?
Knowing you, I’m sure you tied him down and forced yourself on him,
without thinking about what happened last night. All things
considered, I think your human is handling things pretty damned

Hank froze as Paul’s logic hit him
like a slap to the face. He was a selfish asshole because he’d been
so focused on the claiming, he hadn’t thought about any of those
things. “Okay, Mr. Know-it-all, what do I do now to fix

You consider his needs.
Humans are very social animals, not just within their own pack.
They hold jobs and responsibilities outside a den. There will be
people looking for him, worried. You need to let him find a way to
tie up loose ends and perhaps find a way to live in both

He’s a mate. He doesn’t
belong in that world anymore.” Hank wasn’t prepared to share his
mate with others.

If you can’t tone down
your possessiveness, you’re going to chase him away, if you haven’t
already. He’ll need time to get used to being part of our pack,
just like you’re going to need to embrace his world. There’s no
running and hiding anymore, Hank.”

Hank walked to the sofa and dropped
beside Paul’s laptop, eyeing the piece of technology with disdain.
“It’s not like we are completely ignorant of humans. We go into
their world when we have to. I pay the taxes on this property every
quarter like clockwork and all the bills to bring electric and your
precious satellite television to the mountain. I sell the gold each
month to the foundry. Hell, Louisa couldn’t do the grocery shopping
a few weeks ago, and I went to the damned market. I deal with
humans all the time.”

This is different than
that, big bro. Running errands for the pack isn’t the same as being

Hank shook his head, knowing Paul was
probably right. Why couldn’t his life, and his mate, be simple? One
crazy night and his life was in shambles. “I don’t even know where
to start.”

How about opening the
damned door? Maybe you could show him around our den, let him see
who and what we are. Then perhaps you can let him go home and allow
him to think about what’s happened to him. It will be a lot easier
if he makes the choice to return on his own.”

Let him go? Are you
insane? What if he doesn’t come back?”

If he’s truly yours, he
will,” Paul answered calmly.

Hank was anything but calm. He agreed
with everything Paul said, except the letting Remy go home part.
Perhaps he could start with the others. But Remy leaving him wasn’t
an option. No way, no how.



Remy heard the door opening, and he
sat up in the wolf’s bed. Hank strolled in, seemingly more relaxed
than when he’d left. The werewolf carried a tray laden with food
and a familiar looking duffel bag. He dropped both on the mattress
beside Remy.

I figured you’d be
hungry,” he said as he awkwardly stepped back from the bed and sat
down in the oversized chair. “And I grabbed some of your clothes
and stuff before we left your place.”

Before I was abducted from
my apartment, you mean?
Remy couldn’t
ignore the tiny bit of consideration that the wolf had thought to
grab some of his things before they’d left. “When can I go home?”
Remy asked, his stare pinning the man’s chocolate eyes.

A flash of yellow showed Remy he’d
struck a nerve. That yellow only seemed to appear when Hank was
angry or lusty. Remy felt desire rush through him at the thought of
the powerful lust he’d already witnessed from the male. He bit back
the swamping emotion, trying to steer clear of more sex. Remy
couldn’t think straight when the werewolf went all dom on

I want to show you around
our den. Let you meet some of the
who live here. Eat and you can
use the shower. Once you’re dressed, I can take you

You didn’t answer my
question,” Remy stated.

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