Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1)

Read Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1) Online

Authors: Kelex

Tags: #anal, #bdsm, #discipline, #bondage, #spanking, #mm, #forced seduction

BOOK: Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1)
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Remy is drawn to the
mountain, knowing he’s in perilous danger. He knows his fate is at
hand and rushes to face it head on. When he’s attacked by a killer,
a wolf jumps into the fray to save him.

Hank has waited a hundred
years to find his mate and won’t stand by to watch his human hurt.
Shifting into wolf form, he kills the attacker and frees his mate.
He lets the human go as he cleans up the mess, knowing he
find Remy and claim
his human at the first possible moment.

Once the smoke clears, Hank
locates Remy and takes what he knows is his. But will the rough
BDSM Hank desires chase Remy away?

Remy’s Wolf

The Wolves of Mt. Alexis,














Twisted Publishing,




Remy’s Wolf

The Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1

Copyright © 2013 by KELEX


Edited by Marie Medina


First E-book Publication: June 2013,


Cover design by K Designs

All cover art and logo copyright © 2013,
Twisted Publishing.


This literary work may not be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part,
without express written permission.


All characters and events in this book
are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is
strictly coincidental.






To the beast in all of us.




Remy’s Wolf

The Wolves of Mt Alexis,


Chapter One


Remy sat at the bar, nursing his
second beer as he watched the game on the screen over the
bartender’s head. He didn’t really follow basketball, but it was
something to focus on as he wasted time. The bar was nearly empty,
and the guy who’d promised to meet him was twenty minutes late.
Perhaps that was a sign that the quick hook-up Remy had agreed to
had been a bad, bad idea, which he’d known before he’d ever said
yes. Internet hook-ups were never a great idea anyway, but he’d
been desperate. He’d give the guy ten more minutes or the length of
his beer, whichever came first.

It had been six months since Remy’s
hellacious break-up, and he’d spent most of that time working or
holed up in his apartment, anything to avoid the social scene. Most
of his ex’s friends were his friends as well, or had been. Remy
hadn’t wanted to be in the middle of the drama with them all asking
questions and picking sides, so he’d just bowed out of life for a
few months. One month had easily become two, then three and
suddenly six months later, he’d become a hermit of his own

He missed interacting with others. He
missed being touched and kissed. He missed sex. So he’d trawled the
dark places on the Internet and found a guy who was most definitely
too good to be true and more than likely an all-out lie. Aaron had
been attractive enough and seemed on the ball, enough for Remy to
handle sharing a few minutes of conversation with him at least, and
he’d looked to be built pretty well. But everyone lied on the
Internet. He was probably some troll.

Remy was desperate enough
that he may overlook it if the guy was, as long as he wasn’t too
far off the mark. It was one night of shared grunting and
satiation. He didn’t need the guy to look like he’d come from the
pages of

His cock already strained against the
inside zipper of his pants, screaming to get some use, and Remy
hadn’t even seen the guy and didn’t know if he ever would. Things
were looking more like another night of empty masturbation and a
cold bed. He took the last sip from his long neck bottle and
dropped it on the bar before looking at his watch. Twenty-nine
minutes and fifteen seconds was way too long to sit and wait for
anyone. After he dropped a couple of dollars on the bar and rose
from the stool, he turned and shoved his hands into his jacket,
ready to head out into the cool night. On his way, he bumped into a
guy who looked vaguely familiar.


Remy eyed the blond and sized him up.
It appeared Aaron was for real and actually looked like his
picture. Shock hit Remy as he realized for once, someone on the
Internet hadn’t lied. Points in the dude’s favor. But he showed up
dressed in a park ranger uniform. Was that some kind of weird
fetish? “Yeah, you Aaron?”

Yeah, sorry I’m late,
man. I got stuck at work and forgot to put your number in my phone
before I left. Looks like I got here just in time.” Aaron stared
deeply into Remy’s eyes, the crystal blue almost hypnotic. “If
you’re ready, I know a place close by where we can go hang

Where’s that?” Remy
didn’t like tardiness, and he was still a little irritated, even
with the apology. Part of him just wanted to go the hell home and
forget this bullshit. How had he dropped so low that he was
chatting guys up in Internet forums, looking for a quick, rough

The game preserve has
some cabins over on the park side that are unoccupied right

An abandoned cabin out in
the middle of nowhere?”
Don’t do it! You
fucking moron, say no and leave!
Remy eyed
Aaron, instantly feeling a sense of distrust as he sized him

But there was something else telling
him he had to go. His head screamed no, his gut told him he’d
regret not going and he didn’t understand why. Even as the word
“no” rose up on his lips, he felt an invisible force pushing him to

They have fireplaces. We
can start a fire for light and warmth.”

Remy frowned. “Won’t a smoking chimney
tip someone off that we’re out there?”

I work at the preserve,
and I’m the one on duty right now. No one else is out there but

Remy nodded his head and motioned for
Aaron to lead the way. He followed the guy out the front door and
into the brisk May evening. Remy could see his breath coming from
his mouth, the chill this time of year still low this close to the
mountains. He shivered in his jacket and followed Aaron to his
ranger’s SUV.

You can follow me out,
but just in case, I’m headed to Route 71. The cabins are on the
southside a few miles in on the left.”

Remy nodded and walked to his truck.
He jumped inside the cold cab and revved up the motor. After
letting it idle for a few seconds, he watched Aaron’s SUV pull out
from his rearview mirror and pushed the truck into reverse. He
gunned the engine once he threw it in drive and pulled in close to
the SUV. They traveled the dark, twisting roads cut through the
rocky landscape and climbed higher onto the mountain. As he dropped
the gear, Remy tried to ignore the pit in his stomach. His hard
cock still throbbed in his pants even as the realization he was in
danger pulsed through him. Perhaps it was the adrenaline, but Remy
didn’t think that was totally it.

Why he was following the guy into a
trap, he didn’t know, but something was propelling him to go
wherever it was Aaron was taking him. Maybe after six months of
social solitude, he’d gone insane. Maybe he was suicidal and didn’t
even realize it. But his gut had never done him wrong before, so he
continued to follow along and hope he wasn’t making the biggest
mistake of his life.

After fifteen minutes of uphill
climbing, they leveled out and came to a tunnel. They quickly
zipped through the brightly lit swatch cut through and emerged back
into the dark night. Once out, Remy felt the hairs on the back of
his neck stand up. Electricity filled the air, and he shifted in
his seat, unsure what he was feeling. He followed Aaron another
short distance to Route 71 and turned into the preserve.

The blackness of the surrounding
forest seemed to swallow the light their headlights provided, the
night eerie as the moon hid behind thick clouds. Aaron pulled in
front of the first cabin they came across and parked. Remy pulled
in behind him and got out of his truck, a shiver running down his
spine. The door closing echoed through the empty woods, an owl
answering the sound with a hoot.

Remy looked up as the clouds parted
slightly and showed a brief glimpse of the large, full moon. The
night brightened when the moonbeams were able to penetrate the
gloom and Remy was able to see the path before him a little better.
A wolf’s howl broke the silence around them and made goose bumps
skitter across Remy’s arms. He turned his head toward the sound and
listened as another wolf answered back.

Something drew him to the edge of the
woods as Aaron played with the keys, trying to find the one to open
the cabin. Remy felt the impulse to start trekking through the
trees, searching for God only knew what.

Hey, Remy. Are you
coming? I found the right one.”

Remy wanted to say no, he wasn’t. His
feet prickled with the need to walk straight ahead into the black

Yeah, crazy is as crazy does. He took
a deep breath and turned back to Aaron and walked the few steps to
the door.

We won’t be bothered up
here this time of year,” Aaron said as he motioned Remy forward.
The set of keys jangled from his palm, and he pressed one into the
knob of the old, scarred wooden door and opened it. “We can be as
loud as we want.”

A tremor ran down Remy’s back at the
glint of maliciousness in Aaron’s gaze. Still, he followed the man
inside the one room cabin and closed the door behind him. Remy
looked about the threadbare cabin and its overused furniture, which
had to be at least two decades old. A large couch that apparently
folded out to a bed took up most of the space inside besides the
kitchenette and round table in the back corner. Aaron had already
moved to the fireplace, which the couch faced, and was starting the
promised fire. Once the embers burned in the pit, Aaron rose and
rubbed his hands together while Remy dropped onto the

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