Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1) (4 page)

Read Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1) Online

Authors: Kelex

Tags: #anal, #bdsm, #discipline, #bondage, #spanking, #mm, #forced seduction

BOOK: Remy's Wolf (Wolves of Mt. Alexis, 1)
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Looks like he lives in
the valley if the address on here is up to date,” Paul said as he
scribbled the address on a notepad. “Considering this guy probably
has fans, having his address out in the open probably isn’t a great
idea, but glad it’s on there so you got what you needed. Let me
jump in the shower real quick and we can head out.”

Paul jumped from the chair and headed
for his bedroom, but paused and turned as he reached the door. “Are
you going to tell me why we’re going to look for this

He dropped his phone. I’m
returning it,” Hank said absentmindedly as he scanned the computer
screen Paul had just abandoned.

Paul growled lowly. “Don’t bullshit
me, man. I can smell a lie a mile away. Why are we really doing

Hank dropped into the vacated chair
and continued to focus on the screen. He took a deep breath and
slowly exhaled. “He’s my mate.”

Paul whistled lowly. “Seriously?
You’ve found a mate? And he’s human?”

Hank nodded his head, shocked again
that the human part of the equation seemed to be the bigger issue
to focus on. “Yeah. A human. Go get into your shower so I can go
get this guy and bring him home.”

There’s more to the
story, I can tell. Are you going to give me details as we

There’s not all that much
to tell,” Hank replied.

The hell there isn’t. The
rangers and police were out here earlier about the fire, your howls
were coming from that area last night, and you come here with a
phone and a potential mate. I’d say there’s a lot of shit you
aren’t sharing, buddy.” Paul stared at Hank, waiting for a reply
but got none. “Fine. You want a ride; the ticket cost is the truth.
Be ready to give it to me when I’m out of the shower.”

Hank growled, but didn’t turn around.
He heard his brother get into the shower and turn on the knob,
knowing he didn’t want to involve another brother in the whole
truth. The less they all knew about the dead ranger, the

Chapter Four


Remy awoke with a start, his heart
beating loudly in his chest. He scrubbed his face with both hands
as he tried to pry his sleep-filled eyes open. The dream he’d been
awoken from had been incredibly vivid and extremely sexual. He
didn’t really recall the sex parts per se, but he knew it had been.
Just like he knew he’d seen yellow eyes. As he looked down at the
front of him, he saw the thick stalk of his cock tenting the sheet
covering him.

When he reached under the sheet to
pump a tight fist over his flesh, he hissed. The sensation almost
hurt he was so hard. He was going to end up with a case of blue
balls if he didn’t get some form of release and soon. Remy began
fisting his shaft, trying to get rid of the intense need he

As he stroked his cock, images of the
night before came to his mind and made him freeze. His hand stalled
as he saw Aaron on him, punching him, forcing him to the floor. The
pain had been intense, and the fear had nearly caused him to lose
it completely.

But then the wolf had come in. Remy’s
cock jerked in his grip as he remembered the way the man’s body had
unfolded from the fur of the wolf. He’d been graceful, beautiful,
and Remy had felt respectful of the gift he’d witnessed. A real,
live werewolf.

The human half of the equation had
been stunning. Thickly roped muscles had flexed under a light
dusting of dark hair and tanned skin. When the werewolf had
demanded he run, he almost hadn’t. The urge to roll over on his
hands and knees and offer the wolf his due had come over him like a
freight train.

His wolf had been the thing that had
drawn him to that spot, he knew it. Now he just had to figure out
how to find him again. Once he took care of the business in his
hand, he could drive back up to the preserve for a hike and hope he
got lucky. Yet even if he didn’t, Remy had the feeling the wolf
would come find him. And when he did, Remy was going to face the
music and see what it was that had been propelling him through life
for the last months.

But then again, perhaps he was
completely insane and his comic work had invaded his waking life.
Real werewolves? Really?

Thoughts of the wolf had made Remy’s
cock harder than a rock. He began working his fist over the shaft,
closing his eyes and envisioning the werewolf taking him on that
cabin floor, the firelight shimmering over their skin.

A knock sounded at the door, and he
groaned, close to orgasm. He slowly moved from the bed and tugged
on a pair of shorts. He wasn’t sure who would be there and after
everything that happened last night, he wasn’t sure he wanted to
open the door. Remy crept through his living room and once he
arrived at the entrance, he peeked through the spy hole and saw a
pair of glowing, yellow eyes staring back at him.

The air was knocked from his lungs as
stepped away from the door. His heart started on triple time, his
chest aching from the intense beating. He shook his head, trying to
tell himself he was seeing things. How had the wolf found him so
quickly? An even better question was why? He inched closer to the
door and peeked out again, making sure it really was his

Another man stood at his right, one
who looked very similar to the werewolf. Remy put his hand on the
knob, his heart racing as he paused to catch his breath. Sweat
beaded on his forehead as he contemplated turning the handle. His
tongue became incredibly dry, and he couldn’t swallow. His breath
came in short pants, and his knees shook.

He took a deep breath, as deep as he
could, and manned up, opening the door. Two large, powerful men
filled the doorway. “Hello.”

His wolf captured his glare, a low
growl emanating from his throat. Wolfman lifted his hand, a cell
phone on his open palm. Remy’s cell phone. Remy’s eyes grew large
as he looked at it.

I found this last night
before I left, under the couch. I didn’t want to leave it in the
cabin,” the guy said in a deep, rough voice.

The baritone was enough to make Remy’s
cock stand up and take notice. It ached … for him. Remy reached out
to take the phone, but the man closed his palm and moved away
before Remy could remove it.

Can I come in?” Wolfman

Remy nodded, unable to find his

Wolfman looked at his friend. “Go get
what you need and meet me back here in about an hour.”

The other man nodded, eyeing Remy
closely before turning and walking back to the street. Wolfman took
a step inside Remy’s house and took a deep breath. Remy closed the
door and locked it, his hands shaking on the knob.

Not afraid of me, hmm?”
Wolfman asked.


The man eyed Remy for a moment, and
Remy was shocked to see his yellow eyes were actually a deep
chocolate brown. Had he been mistaken or hallucinating?

You’re not afraid to be
locked inside with me?” the wolfman asked.

Remy swallowed. After years of
immersing himself in werewolf lore, he probably should be, but he
wasn’t. “Should I be?”

Perhaps you should.” The
man growled lowly. “Do you know what I am?”

Remy was almost afraid to say what he
thought, the thin line between reality and fantasy blurring for him
at the moment. “I saw things last night, things I’d always known to
be impossible. At least, I think I saw them. I’ve wished for them
to be real, but I don’t … know.”

The man stalked closer to him. Remy
remained frozen to the spot he stood on, watching the man with a
guarded gaze. The man lifted Remy’s chin up with a finger to make
him look up at the guy. “What do you think I am?”

A were …

Another growl came at Remy’s response.
“Why aren’t you afraid of me? I mean, I sense some fear, but not as
much as there should be.”

You’re not going to hurt
me,” Remy said firmly, although not completely sure of that
statement himself.

And why is that,

Remy almost sighed at the way his name
rolled off the werewolf’s lips. The man, beast, whatever he was,
was gorgeous. He was all lean and long muscle, standing at least
six and three-quarter feet tall, if not more. His shoulders were
massive, his waist narrow with a perfectly round, firm ass. When
Remy eyed the guy’s biceps, he swallowed his lust and tried to
focus on the man’s face. Large brown eyes watched him closely, set
into a handsome, tanned face. Remy could see the man liked to be
outdoors and active, it showed in his appearance. Thin creases at
the corners of his eyes and the faint scruffy beard made him look
rougher and unkempt in the sexiest way.

Remy closed his eyes for a second and
tried to capture his control. “Because I just know you won’t. If
you’d wanted to hurt me, you would’ve done so last

Perhaps I like to toy
with my victims. Heighten the fear. Wolves do so like the

Remy shook his head. “No. That’s not
why you’re here. You’re here because you want me, but not to kill

You’re so sure.” The guy
leaned his face down a bit, until he was mere inches from Remy’s
face. His eyes flashed the yellow Remy remembered, apparently
brought on by strong emotions. “And you’re right. I do want

Remy released a small breath and took
in another, the man’s masculine scent heavy in his nose. He ignored
the desire to inhale again, needing to fill his lungs with the
man’s smell.

It was hard for me to let
you go last night,” the wolfman said.

Remy swallowed, insecurity filling him
again. “And why’s that?”

Because I wanted to do
this,” the wolf said before leaning in and claiming Remy with a
masterful kiss. As soon as the man’s lips were on Remy, he melted
into him, needing his touch as much as his next breath. Their
tongues warred with one another, swirling around and tasting as
their lips crashed.

The wolfman grasped the back of Remy’s
head and held him close, setting the pace and intensity of the
embrace. Remy felt his knees and thighs shake, and his cock grew
impossibly harder. When Remy felt sharp canines descend in the
man’s mouth, he pulled back, suddenly reminded the man wasn’t a man
at all.

And he’d just kissed the guy without
even knowing his damned name.

Why did you stop?” the
wolfman asked, a tongue running over one of his sharp teeth. His
eyes were completely yellow now and incredibly sexy.

Will you bite me with

Yes,” the wolfman said.
“It will only hurt for a moment. I’ve been told it heightens a
mate’s pleasure when they are bitten.”

A mate?
Remy took a step away from the wolfman. There was
more to a mate than simply being his. Remy knew the research could
be wrong. It was a lore wrapped in a lot of mystery. But the
implications of what the wolf wanted were staggering. “A mate?
Don’t wolves mate forever?”

It’s simply a term for a
wolf’s lover. It simply means you’re mine.”

The wolfman nearly growled the word, and the tremor ran
through Remy, heat flooding his body. He suddenly wanted to be the
wolf’s completely, ready to surrender everything. The compulsion
scared him a bit. Remy drew in a deep, leveling breath as he took
another step back. The wolfman took a step forward, negating the
retreat Remy was trying to make. He took one more step back, and he
hit the wall. Trapped, he felt his heart beat escalate even more.

The wolfman nodded his head. He took
another step closer and was hovering inches from Remy once more.
“Yep, you’re mine, and I won’t be denied.”

A shiver ran up Remy’s spine once
more. Was this the something he’d been racing headlong for the
night before? For so long, he’d felt as if he stood on the edge of
a cliff, a mysterious future spiraling out before him. It had
scared him for so long, the doubt and unknowing making him

He was drawn to the wolf. Remy wanted
the man to kiss him again, wanted him to do more than kiss him.
“What’s your name?”

Henry,” the wolfman said.
“But everyone calls me Hank.”

Kind of hard for a man to
claim ownership of another without the two knowing names,” Remy
said, his voice shaking. He knew what he’d said was inane, but he’d
felt the need to talk in order to ignore the need swamping

I know all I need to
know,” Hank spit out before lowering his head once more to capture
Remy’s mouth.

This time, Remy had nowhere to run,
his back against the wall. Hank pushed closer into him, the man’s
hard, thick cock throbbing under the wolfman’s jeans. Feeling
Hank’s desire only heightened Remy’s, and the need for the man to
claim him slammed into Remy.

Before last night, Remy wasn’t the
type to have anonymous sex with random strangers and look where the
night had led him. Even though what was happening felt right in his
gut, his head screamed at him to stop Hank. But there was also a
part of Remy that knew Hank wouldn’t be denied. And he didn’t want
to deny him anything.

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