Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) (33 page)

Read Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) Online

Authors: Francis Ashe

Tags: #werewolf romance, #werewolf erotic romance, #werewolf menage, #vampire menage, #Gay Romance, #gay werewolf romance, #gay werewolf erotic romance, #first time gay romance, #gay vampire romance

BOOK: Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)
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“Take her now,” Boros hissed through his teeth. “Take her now, brother.”

Kalak turned his head to snarl at Boros, but when he did, I grabbed his cock right at his base and dropped to my knees, sliding him between my lips and tasting my own juice. My breath tightened in my chest as I felt the beating of his heart against my tongue as blood pumped in his cock. My hand on his leg twitched as his muscles tightened, and when I wrapped all ten of my fingers around my mate’s cock like it was the handle of an axe, a rumble from deep in his belly vibrated through my chest.

“Yes...Gina...” he moaned under his breath as he grabbed a handful of my hair, tugging it gently.

The twisting of his hand in my hair sent little surges down my scalp and when one of his huge hands cupped my sweetly aching breast, and his thumb brushed my nipple, I sucked a deep breath.

I slid my tongue out of my filled mouth, working it as far down his cock as I could manage, and tasted the bead of juice that welled up and spilled out of him.

Ever so slowly, my mate began to pump his hips against me, forcing himself deeper and deeper into my mouth until I felt him threaten the very back of my tongue. Sucking as hard as I could, I pulled back, flicked my tongue back and forth along his most sensitive part, and swallowed him again, trying to pull his massive cock as far in me as possible.

“,” he groaned in between deep breaths and hip thrusts.

He released my hair and traced a line down my jaw to my chin. He tugged gently on me, and when I opened my eyes, I saw him staring down, right at the place where his huge silver cock split my mouth wide open. When he was at his deepest, I stuck my tongue out, and let the hairs on his shaft rasp against it as I dragged myself backwards and off. His hands trembled just slightly.

The groaning behind us grew more urgent as Kalak lifted me off the ground.

“Face her this way,” Boros said. “Take her from behind, brother. Let her watch me as you fuck her. There’s something about your mate’s eyes that captivates me in a way I’ve not felt before.”

I felt Kalak’s muscles tense as they often did when he was angered, but he soon relaxed as I stroked him from base to tip, running my thumb along the ridge of his cock.

“Your taste,” I whispered in his ear as he put his hand on me to turn me around. “How I’ve missed your taste.”

A smile crept across my mate’s lips for a moment before he shoved me against the cage. God how I loved his power, how I loved the way he made me do whatever he wanted. I couldn’t fight it, even if I’d wanted to. There was nothing I could do, nothing at all, to keep him from utterly dominating me. The wooden slats biting into my cheeks thrilled me even as pain crept down the sides of my neck.

Kalak dragged his fingernails down my back gently at first, but then when he felt my heat against his tip, he got more and more excited until he grabbed my hips and squeezed so hard it hurt.

“Yes!” I cried out. “Hurt me Kalak, drive in deep!”

I didn’t have to wait.

My eyes shot open as my beast man mate stretched my tender pussy around his thick tip, my walls so tight around him that I felt every single line and curve of his prick sliding inside me. I heard him pull a deep breath into his lungs and let it out in a long, slow, roaring moan.

Boros was hunched over, viciously tugging himself with his jaws hanging open and his eyes fixed on my face. Knowing that I possessed the power to render this massive creature incapable of denying himself filled me with a certain amount of smug pride, but before long that pride was replaced with a sweet, wonderful, dangerous stretching deep in my core.

“Push...deep,” I said.

Before I finished the second word, my entire being was wrapped around Kalak.

“Deep!” I cried out, reaching back and getting a handful of the thick hair around his balls, urging him forward.

Slow, hard and intense, the stretch inside me seemed to wrench my body right down the middle the further he went. I let out a soft, pleasured scream, and Kalak grabbed my hair. He urged himself the rest of the way in so that I felt his heat against the back of my legs, threw my head back and groaned.

“Yes!” Boros grunted as he tugged ever harder. “Show me what your mate looks like when you pump your seed inside her!”

Kalak growled low in his belly and rammed himself all the way in, slapping against my thighs with his muscled stomach. When he pulled backwards and out, the tiny hairs along his shaft tugged my sensitive skin, making me yelp and dragging so much pleasure from me that I felt like I’d cry if I didn’t have relief.

In, out, and back in, he went, faster and faster, straining his muscles against his own impending climax. Then all at once, he let out a savage roar, rammed his hips deep, and as my cunt convulsed on his shaft, he emptied himself inside me in pulse after pulse of sweet, ecstatic release.

Boros gasped, and I knew what was coming. The muscles in his chest tensed, and his black fur-lined arms tightened.

“Here,” I moaned, arching my back and accepting my lover’s seed in my womb. “Come here Boros.”

With short, lurching steps, my mate’s brother drew near and I reached out through my cage bars to grab him. Wrapping my fingers around his pulsing cock, I pulled him inside my mouth just before he erupted, and when his hot liquid filled my mouth, I choked for a moment before I managed to swallow all but a few drops of his explosion.

For a moment we sat, breathing each other in and trying to return to normal. When Kalak left me, I felt a void open up inside me and immediately yearned for him again. The air hung thick between the two beasts and me, no one willing to break the strangely peaceful silence.

Finally, Boros spoke.

“Kalak, my brother,” he said as he reached through the bars and put his hand on Kalak’s shoulder as my mate took a deep breath. “Come. We have two tribes to save.”


he entire day was spent waiting. For the first time since being kidnapped, I was completely alone. Both of Boros’s sons were gone with their father and my mate. Their plan wasn’t complicated – they were going off to the mansion of the man who owned the diamond mines, who had tried to have their kind wiped out with plague, and give it right back to him.

Past that, I wasn’t able to follow their rough, guttural conversation, even when they sprinkled in little bits of English here and there. No matter what I did, I couldn’t make sense of what they were going on about. But, what I did know is that Boros planned to do whatever it was he was going to do quickly, and then return before nightfall. Then, we were going to go off under the cover of night back to Kalak’s forest camp, and escape somewhere else into the woods. It was all very terrifying, a little upsetting, and oddly, quite exciting.

Early afternoon came and went with no sign of my mate, or his brother or much of anything else except a handful of birds that settled in a nearby brush tree and chirped at me every so often. I kept looking at them, then at the sun, and then off in the distance waiting for something – anything – to happen. Suddenly, I heard a few boisterous voices, some shouting, and then, I saw Kalak.

He had a somber look on his face for all the jubilance of the other beast men. Boros was behind him, and then bringing up the rear were Boros’s two monstrously powerful sons locked in some kind of moving wrestling match.

As soon as I saw him, my body ached for my mate’s touch. Strangely though, I also felt an aching deep inside myself for Boros. That was new. Even though I couldn’t deny the pleasure he’d brought me in the last few days, the terror I felt about the huge, black-fur-covered beastman was awful. Something about the way he watched his offspring hold each other in headlocks brought me a sense of safety.

And then I noticed that Kalak was holding his shoulder.

“What’s wrong, Kalak?” I asked as he neared my enclosure. “Is everything okay?”

“Better than...okay. It is done.”

“Are you sure?”

“For now, yes,” Boros interrupted. “We’ve killed them. Well, the dangerous members of the gang, anyway. But you can be sure that the diamond miner will pursue when he gets more manpower. For now, though, we are safe.”

He looked at me as though I was supposed to respond, so I nodded.

“What does this mean for us?”

Kalak and Boros both looked at me at the same time, both possibly trying to figure it out even as I was.

“So long...we have lived in fear,” Kalak said. “That fear of being slaves. But we still have...much danger.” He reached through the bars of my cage, caressed my skin with a fingertip, and then pulled the door open with two hard yanks that splintered the big stick crammed through the handle which kept it shut tight.

“What are you talking about, Kalak? What danger is left?”

Boros grinned as my mate led me from my prison by the hand.

“The danger,” he said, “is that we’re running out of time.”

He put his hand on my belly and I immediately knew what he meant. No women left, I knew. No children. All destroyed in the diamond man’s plague.

I felt a burning between my legs. So badly did I want one, both, or all four of the beastmen who stood about me that I felt at once crushed by desire and on the other hand, ashamed of myself for being so lustful. But, as I had learned, the beastmen had no use for shame when it came to feelings of love or craving for pleasure.

Kalak dragged his finger down the center of my body, pushing aside the fur blankets in which I had wrapped my nakedness against the cool breeze. He took one of my breasts in his hand, sliding his thumb in a circle around my aching, sweetly-sore nipple. I had never felt like that before, not even for all the times we’d made love, or he had taken me, or Boros had forced himself upon me. Something in my chest turned a flip.

“Do we have time for you to...?”

Kalak stifled a laugh.

He turned me and took my hand to the bar on my cage, urging my fingers around it. I grabbed, and squeezed as he shoved himself inside me, into my sopping sex, which still had not recovered from three days of being used first by my mate’s brother, then by Kalak himself when he returned for me. Without turning, I reached back with the hand not braced against the wooden slats, and felt the power of my beastman’s leg flex each time he strained to push himself deeper inside.

When he was almost entirely in me, Kalak’s hand slid up my back and squeezed again on my aching breast, so sensitive at the tip that I almost screamed. His rough, callused palm rasping over my pebbled skin made me squeal in delight just as a wash of agony swept from my belly to my shoulders.

Boros stepped close, whispered that time was quickly coming, and that we needed soon to leave for the woods to avoid detection. I heard Kalak grunt and then he looped his arms around my hips, pleasured my sex with a fingertip, and drove himself so deep and hard against my raw pussy that his fur-covered balls slapped against my thighs.

Loudly, he groaned, holding me in place and driving his hips against me harder...harder...ever harder. I tried to call out his name, but one of his hands slid up my naked body and gripped first my throat, then covered my mouth so that I could not. No sound escaped me except for a groan that started somewhere near where his cock plunged inside me over and over, wet and hard and hot.

“Yes!” I squealed the instant his hand left my mouth and his fingers curled in pleasure on my stomach. “Yes Kalak! Fill me with your seed! Put a baby inside me, please!”

My groaning turned wilder as Kalak rammed himself against and inside my body with increasing ferocity. Harder, faster, deeper, he slammed me against the cage with such force that I thought he might break the bars. Then, just as the pain he was driving inside me got to be very close to unbearable, I felt the familiar pulse of pleasure deep in my core wash over and through me, and the agony of his cock stretching every fiber of my being gave way to convulsions that shook me to my core as my climax overwhelmed me, and Kalak hissed his come.

So deep in me that I felt his pulsing against my womb, my mate’s cock swelled, balled and then exploded, soaking the walls of my pussy with his hot, seed-filled load.

Pump after pump, he groaned, squeezed my body, and erupted. Over and over he drove deep and climaxed until finally he stiffened, held his breath, and stayed still until he began to go soft. When he withdrew, Kalak sighed and caught me in his mighty arms as a warm trickle ran down the inside of my legs.

For a moment, he just stood there holding me against his body, warming me with his fur and his flesh.

“Is everything okay?” I said. “You seem different.”

Only hours before, my mate was nervous, rushed and had a tight draw to his face. Now though, he seemed as at ease as he was when we first met a month ago, before the terror with the diamond miner began in earnest.

“I...relief,” he said in his broken way. “Relief, but afraid. Know things going to be okay as long as Kalak have Gina.”

That made me smile.

“And you will,” I said. “As long as you want me, I’m yours.”

Behind us, Boros and his sons were doing moving something around, and then the roughly thrown-together campsite began to collapse one tent at a time. We watched for a moment before Boros reappeared near my cage, the home I’d known for the last few days and rattled the bars.

“We leave,” he said. “We got now to Kalak’s camp, and then we make for the new place. We leave this one behind.”

“New place? What do you mean?” I asked.

He and Kalak both frowned.

“We...talked,” Kalak said in his halting way. “Must go...somewhere else. Make new home.”

I swallowed, knowing what he meant, but more than a little afraid. “We can’t do it here? In the forest?”

For me, the strange forest that the beastmen inhabited had become home. I longed, at first, to return to civilization and the comforts afforded a well-to-do television host. But it didn’t take long before I grew attached to the greenery and the life all around me. Now, having to leave, I couldn’t imagine it.

He shook his head and then turned to Boros. “Must go.”

Boros nodded.

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