Read Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection) Online

Authors: Francis Ashe

Tags: #werewolf romance, #werewolf erotic romance, #werewolf menage, #vampire menage, #Gay Romance, #gay werewolf romance, #gay werewolf erotic romance, #first time gay romance, #gay vampire romance

Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)

BOOK: Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)
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Also by Francis Ashe

Bride of Wolves

The Pack's Reluctant Mate (werewolf menage erotic romance)

Claimed and Bred by the Wolves

Claimed Before Dawn (werewolf breeding erotic romance)

Under a Breeding Moon (shapeshifter breeding erotic romance)

Rough Sex with the Doctor

Dr. Blumfield's Humiliation Slave (medical bondage, discipline, and humiliation)

The Monster's Breeding Forest

The Beast Men's Breeding Mare: Bred by the Beastmen 4

Bred by the Beastmen (monster breeding gangbang erotica)

Mate to the Beastman (monster breeding erotica)

Slave of the Beastmen (monster breeding gangbang erotica)

Bred by the Beasts - Beast Breeding 4-pack

The Mother of Wolves

In the Alpha's Den (Werewolf Menage Erotic Romance)

The Viking's Virgin Slave

Claimed by the Vikings (Viking menage erotic romance)

Taken by the Vikings (Erotic Menage Romance)

The Wolf King's Sex Slave

Bought by the Wolf King (werewolf erotic romance)

Trapped in the Minotaur's Lair

A Virgin for the Minotaur (monster erotic romance)


The Wolf's Breeding Lair (werewolf erotic romance)

Wolves Love Her Curves (BBW werewolf menage erotic romance)

The Virgin's Breeding by the Minotaur (Minotaur Erotic Romance)

The Alpha's Reluctant Mate (werewolf menage romance)

The Werewolf's Reluctant Mate (Werewolf Menage Erotic Romance bundle)

Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)

Watch for more at
Francis Ashe’s site

Table of Contents

Reluctant Mates – 21 Paranormal Alpha Male Erotic Romance Stories | Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur, Monster Mega-bundle | by Francis Ashe | Click here to sign up for my brand new mailing list! Stay up to date on Francis Ashe and Ashe Land releases and news. A free e-book with every newsletter, exclusive excerpts and much, much more!

PART ONE – M/F STORIES | Wolves Love Her Curves | Curvy Virgin Werewolf Ménage

Brutally Bred by the Minotaur | Rough virgin breeding

A Virgin for the Minotaur | Rough virgin breeding

Bred by the Beastmen | Rough virgin gangbang and breeding erotic romance

Claimed Before Dawn | Werewolf Breeding Erotic Romance

Eighteen years after my last had a dream, I had one that changed my life forever.

Bought by the Wolf King | Dark Fantasy Werewolf erotic romance

The Wolf’s Breeding Lair | Virgin Breeding

Fang Banged | Vampire Gangbang

PART TWO: GAY STORIES | Jungle Wolves | Gay werewolf ménage erotic romance

The Vampire’s Boy Toy | First time gay vampire erotic romance

Vampire Alley Surprise | First time gay vampire erotic romance

Rescued by the Wolf | Rough first time gay sex

Learning to Howl | First time gay werewolf erotic romance

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this giant megabundle as much as I did writing all these stories. | Click here to sign up for my brand new mailing list! Stay up to date on Francis Ashe and Ashe Land releases and news. A free e-book with every newsletter, exclusive excerpts and much, much more!

Reluctant Mates – 21 Paranormal Alpha Male Erotic Romance Stories
Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur, Monster Mega-bundle
by Francis Ashe


Click here to sign up for my brand new mailing list! Stay up to date on Francis Ashe and Ashe Land releases and news. A free e-book with every newsletter, exclusive excerpts and much, much more!


Thank you for checking out this huge mega bundle! There’s sure to be a whole lot of whatever it is you’re looking for, but before you dig in, check out the contents. Part one is the m/f collection and part two is the gay collection. They’re all hot, steamy, incredible erotic romances, but if you’ve got a preference, just flip to that part. Enjoy!

Wolves Love Her Curves
Curvy Virgin Werewolf Ménage


on’t move. You stay right where I put you.” The voice growling at me was hard and dark and I’d never heard it before. I shivered, holding my arms around my nakedness, in the brutal chill of the forest, trying to keep myself upright and not panicking.

“Look at you,” he said. “So pretty, so soft, and so completely helpless, how is it that you people have managed to stay alive for so long?”

“I...I don’t-”

“Quiet, girl, I have a use for you, and it isn’t conversing.”

He moved like quicksilver, closing the distance between us and grabbing my hair in his fist with one swift movement. “Don’t make me keep you still. Understand?”

“Uh...huh, yes,” I said with a nod.

The arm, that I decided must belong to a creature partway between man and beast, tensed and relaxed with a barely contained, practiced fury. He stood taller than me by at least a head and a half, and was covered in hard, bristled fur that stood out on his muscles, and carried a smell of earth, of the woods, and of pure, savage manhood.

Reaching down as best I could, something long and hard and twitching warmed my palm and then began to stiffen against the back of my leg.

“Why...what are you-”

“Whatever I want,” he said.

Then he turned to me and clutched me against his chest for a moment. My nipples pushed against his body, thrilling each time he moved and his hair rasped over them. His hands moved down my sides and settled on the bulge around my hips. 

I couldn’t believe what was happening. I shivered, and when I did he just seemed to like it more. The trembling, the shaking and the beast’s powerful shoves on my belly got me thinking about what it was, exactly, that I was doing with him.

“Hold on,” I said.

“Hunh?” The monster snorted and pulled his fingers away. “She speaks?”

“Yes I speak. I’m a woman. I should be asking
about your chattiness.”

“I...have never had a human talk to me like that.”

“Well get used to it,” I said and put my hand on my hip. “There’s more to women than just ordering us around and demanding what you want because you’re an eight foot tall man-beast. You have to consider our feelings, think about what you could do to make us want you.”

The creature leaned back on his massive haunches. His face was a pinched, brutal thing that seemed exactly halfway between man and wolf, but his posture and the way he carried himself was pure animal.

“You’re a curious thing,” he growled from deep in his throat. “I don’t know why I’m not holding you down right now.”

“Because,” I said and dropped my hand to my side, “you could do that. You could just jump on me and go all in with the shoving and the grunting and braying and howling, but let’s be honest here.”


“Let’s tell the truth. How many women have you taken
like that? Lure them into your lair and ravish them. Fifty? A hundred?”

He clenched his jaws and moved the weight back and forth on his human-like hands. Each time he shifted, the muscles in his chest tightened and relaxed. As much as I wanted to keep lecturing him, the way he stared at me, the way his body moved like furry liquid metal, it caught me off guard and a gasp escaped my lips.

“What was I saying?”

“You were talking about how I need to listen to women, to appeal to their feelings.”

“Right. Yeah, that’s right. Like I was saying, you’re only going to get so far with this before you get bored. That’s what it’s all about, right? I mean, you don’t care about the women. Right?”


“You don’t care if, say, the woman just lays there and lets you have your way with her. That’s fine.”

“Yes, that is acceptable.”

“Instead of that, wouldn’t like for her to...”

I let my hand slide down my body between my legs to where the beast’s earlier urgency had me a little more than excited. A finger moved up one side of my nakedness and down the other. Leaning my head back, I gripped one of my tits, flicked my thumb over the achingly stiff nipple and moaned low and whispery into the forest air.

“Like her to what?” He said.

When I opened my eyes a little, I saw my werewolf uncomfortably moving his hips. Then I noticed that my little show was doing exactly what I wanted. He had to stand up to relieve the pressure between his legs.

“Right now, do you want to just throw me across this rock and fuck me, or do you want me to,” I sucked a hissing breath and let it out with a dramatic sigh. “Lick you and scratch you and climb on top of that huge cock and push it so far into me that it hurts, but I just keep grinding away because I need you so bad I can’t stand it?”

A tight pinch made goose bumps crawl up my chest and spill over my shoulders. A red flush followed right afterward, and immediately after that, I had a wolf-man inches away, breathing hot jets down my neck that sent chills down my spine.

“I guess you’d prefer it the way I said?”

He answered with a growl and then with a sniff of my hair, and a hand on my chest, pushing me backwards.

“Maybe,” he said, “we should meet somewhere in the middle.”

The hard, callused hand on my chest sent thrills curling up my belly, between my tits.

“In... in the middle?” I was breathless.

“You,” he growled as his fingers closed around my throat and he pushed my knees apart with his cock and wrestled it between my thighs, “you will keep making those noises and talking to me like that and I will do what I want.”

“Oh!” I cried. “You’re hurting me!”

“Good,” he said with a grin. “Very good.”

He squeezed again, moving the hand on my belly back up to my swollen, aching breasts, pinching one then the other. Then he bit, then dragged those claw-fingernails down my chest and pulled a breath from my lips that welled up from deep inside me, hot and wet. He clamped down lightly on my shoulder with his teeth.

The wolf’s cock moved between my legs, slid up my slit and down, then pushed just insi-



“You have to be kidding me. Ugh!” I rolled over, flopped my half-dead arm against the alarm’s snooze button and then remembered, when it refused to stop, that I’d broken it a couple of days ago. In fact, the side of my hand still hurt a little from where I’d socked the crap out of the thing.

I rolled over, I punched the clock again just to make sure it wasn’t going to work, then grabbed it, yanked the batteries, threw them across the room. The clock had an irritating look on its face so I followed the batteries with the clock and grinned when I heard the bastard break against the wall. I’d have to buy a new one on the way home from class, but you know what? Small victories can make the worst days into the best ones.

What day is it? Friday. Guess I should actually bother to go today. At least I can say I didn’t miss another whole week if the professor notices me being gone. But then again, what difference does it make? I’m one face out of a hundred. May as well be a thousand.

Pulling on a flannel that fit very well a year ago, I was a little distressed to find out that it barely buttoned. It did, and it wasn’t horrible looking or anything, but if the growth on my hips continued, this time next year, I’d need a new shirt. My pants were the same story, they fit, but just. And when I let the shirt fall down into place, a very obvious bump around the top of my khaki cargoes was right there.

Hanging out.

I poked it.

It’s threatening me

Another jab and my finger sunk in deeper than I remember it going the last time I tried that. 

It might be threatening to overtake my belt, but it’s not a big deal. Come on Lacy, really. Keep hitting the gym and keep up what you’re doing. You’ll be fine. Just stick with it this time and don’t give up.

“Yeah,” I said to myself in the mirror as I turned back and forth. “Yeah, I guess so. But, God! Why now? Why not after I turned forty and had a few kids and my husband doesn’t care because he’s got a big gut, too? Why’d it have to happen halfway through college?”

I did my best to stuff my tiny bulge underneath the waist of my khakis and that flattened me out a little bit.

See? All better. Just took a little creative shoving. Stop worrying so much. Rock, from class, he still looks at you. He doesn’t care about a little bump here and there. Then again, that guy has so much testosterone running through his veins that he’d probably jump a cat’s bones if it had a nice, big ass. But man, those muscles sure are something.

Thinking about Rock got my blood pumping, at least in my cheeks. He was a big old slab of beef with the biggest shoulders I’d ever seen, huge arms and one of those backs where you can see the muscle lines through a t-shirt. And for some reason, even though he could have the pick of the litter, so to speak, he kept asking me out. I never said yes for some reason, probably because I always figured he was just playing a nasty joke on me.

BOOK: Reluctant Mates - 21 Paranormal Romance Stories (Werewolf, Vampire, Minotaur and Monster collection)
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