Reindeer Games (5 page)

Read Reindeer Games Online

Authors: Jet Mykles

Tags: #LGBT Shape-shifter Paranormal

BOOK: Reindeer Games
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from the fireplace in front of Lon. Wod crossed the room to stand before him,

effectively blotting out sight of the room, his hands on slim hips. “Well?”

Lon’s voice caught in his throat. He had never seen another elf look so

imposing. Clad only in snug, stretch velvet pants in what might be dark green, Wod


Jet Mykles

looked so very large. Lon could have sworn he was ten feet rather than five. His

long, wavy hair looked black in this light, with just a few crimson strands shining in

the dark. It was bound in a tail that trailed over the great expanse of one broad

shoulder and bisected his chest. Lon had never appreciated the truly golden sheen

to Wod’s skin before, nor noted the length of his neck or the strong set of his angry

jaw. His eyes were large, with even more of a slant than most elves’, and completely

black in the dimness. Currently narrowed, they looked almost bestial, as though

Wod’s other shape was carnivorous, not a reindeer.

When Lon didn’t speak, Wod’s chin tipped forward, and a shorter fringe of hair

spilled over his forehead to shadow his eyes. “

Still Lon couldn’t speak, captivated by those eyes. So mysterious, so much

darker than most of the eyes he knew. He should say something, but all thought

escaped his present state of mind in front of this fearsome creature.

Wod tilted his head to the side, exposing the quirk of one eyebrow. Then he

smiled, a sensuous curl to the softest curves in his face. He leaned forward and

propped a knee on the cushion to one side of Lon’s thighs. Thick, powerful arms

came forward to brace on the back of the couch. “Have you nothing to say for

yourself, little Lon?”

Lon swallowed, and a small squeak escaped as he pushed into the softness

behind him.

Wod’s shadow engulfed him as the larger man leaned even closer. The thick

tail of dark, wavy hair spilled into Lon’s lap as Wod’s face came closer. The scent of

sleighberry wine laced the waft of his breath as it caressed Lon’s parted lips.

Lips. Face. Shadow. Shivering, Lon closed his eyes to the confusing sensations,

only to discover another as warm lips found his.
Too much
. His body couldn’t take

this. Too much anticipation. Too much want. He was wound tight, primed to blow at

the slightest touch. His mouth opened to Wod’s, seeking the relief of a true kiss, no

matter its source. These weren’t the lips he wanted, but these lips were

more than suitable to slake his thirst. Seeking comfort, braving the darkness, he

Reindeer Games


reached out. He couldn’t find clothing to grasp so settled for the rope of silky hair.

His fingers tangled in it, jerking. That produced a deep grunt in Wod’s chest,

followed by a sweep of the world when Wod took firm hold of Lon’s shoulders and

swiftly stretched him out on the giving comfort of the couch. Lon whimpered,

overcome. Both arms slipped up and around Wod’s neck, scattering hair down the

heated skin of his shoulders. Wod’s weight descended on him. Lon whimpered,

rolling his hips up, aching cock seeking the tautness of the other man’s belly even

through the layers of his trousers and jacket. All the while, Wod’s mouth devoured

him, sucking in his tongue, seeking and exploring every inch of his open, wanting


“Now this is more like it,” Wod murmured against Lon’s lips. He shifted his

bigger body up, creating a little space to work his hand between them. “I was

beginning to think you didn’t like me.”

“Didn’t…?” Lon blinked his eyes open and swallowed over the ache of need at

the base of his throat. Beyond Wod’s dark head, shadows of flames danced across

the ceiling.

Slight tugs signaled the loosening of his jacket’s buttons. Wod’s head

descended to graze soft lips along Lon’s collarbone just over his light undershirt.

“Mmm. You’ve been avoiding me.”

Shock mixed with the melting heat in his bones. He lifted his hand, fingers

spread, and watched the dark fire of Wod’s hair spill through them. He could easily

imagine it as flames, singeing his skin. “Avoiding…?”

Wod chuckled, nipping softly at Lon’s neck. “We’ll talk later. Although…” He

sat up and lifted one hand, brandishing the dildo, which looked cobalt in the

shadowy light. “I would love to know why you’ve been carrying this around all


Sight of the dildo banished confusion from Lon’s brain.
Oh no
! His state

suddenly became blatantly apparent. He lay spread out like a feast on Wod’s couch,

belt discarded, jacket open, undershirt rucked up to expose a swath of his belly.


Jet Mykles

With his legs draped over Wod’s bent thighs, his arousal served as an obvious pole

in the tent of his trousers.

Before Lon could turn panic into flight, Wod slid his free hand over Lon’s

erection, squeezing through the heated velvet. The look in his eyes was every bit as

hot as his touch, perhaps more. He waved the dildo in the air, the toy looking

surprisingly comfortable in his grasp. “You’ll tell me about it, won’t you?”

“Oh no!” Lon’s panicked thoughts finally reached his tongue.
! He

struggled to sit up.

Wod frowned. “What?”

“No no.” Shaking his head, Lon pulled up his knees, prepared to roll over.

Trouble was, Wod kept hold of his cock. He squeezed to get Lon’s attention.

“Hold on.”

Lon froze, knees and feet in the air, head turned toward the front door. “Oh no,

I shouldn’t be here. I
be here!”

Wod’s voice stayed low, soothing. “Lon, wait.”

Frantic, he reached down to grab Wod’s wrist. “Let go.”


“Please, let go. I need to go.” A whimper colored his voice. Wod wasn’t hurting

him, but he had a good hold.

“I said

Easily shaking Lon’s hold on his wrist, Wod released his crotch to spread the

hand over the center of Lon’s chest. When Wod leaned into it, Lon had to give in.

Even in his half-mad state, he recognized that he wasn’t going anywhere unless

Wod allowed it.

Hovering over him, slim arm curved with hard muscle, Wod pointed at Lon’s

face with the tip of the dildo. “What’s with you?”

Staring at the tip of the dildo still encased in a thin layer of plastic wrap, Lon

tried to swallow a hysterical laugh. Air dried his eyeballs, too exposed.

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Wod shook the dildo. “Talk to me this time, Lon.”

Swallowing, Lon shook his head. “I shouldn’t be here.”

“I want you here.”

Surprise brought his gaze to Wod’s. He opened his mouth to question the

matter-of-fact words, but what came out was: “I love Rom.”

Clearly this was not what Wod expected to hear. His mouth opened, then

closed. Fine brows soared up, then knitted close over the narrow bridge of his nose

as he studied Lon for a long moment. “Does Rom know that?”

Lon fought a whimper, unable to look away from Wod’s penetrating gaze. “No.”

“Hmmm.” Wod started to ease back but leaned in again when Lon twitched.

“You stay put, or I’m going to tie you down. Do you understand? You’re going to

to me.”

The thought of Wod binding him effectively froze Lon. Although he didn’t feel

right in such an intimate position with Wod, he stayed where he was as Wod sat

back on his heels. “C-can I sit up?”

“No.” Wod tapped the bare sliver of Lon’s belly with the tip of the dildo. “You

stay exactly where you are and tell me what this is all about.” He tossed long dark

fringe from his face. “What were you doing at Rom’s?”

Lon winced and hoped the relative darkness hid the flush to his pale skin. “I-I

went there to talk to him. I d-didn’t know he had company.”

“Hmm. But you got a good eyeful anyway.”

Lon allowed himself a small frown. It wasn’t possible for him to flush with any

more embarrassment. “How did you know?”

“I followed you.”

“W-what? Why?”

“I saw you start down Rom’s drive. I wanted to know what you were doing.”



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.” Wod pointed with the tip of the toy. “
asking the questions

here. What were you going to talk to Rom about?”

“T-that’s private.”

“You were going to tell him you love him?” There was a slight note of surprised

derision in that low voice.

It allowed Lon to deepen his frown. “Yes. I was.”



“Why? Do you even know Rom all that well?”

“Well, no.” Lon squirmed, trying to lower the hem of his undershirt without

reaching for it.

“I didn’t think so. Did you think he’d confess the same back to you?”


“What did you expect?”

“I don’t know.” His fingernails dug into the couch when Wod dropped his hand

so that palm and toy rested on Lon’s bared belly, entirely too close to his aching

arousal. For that matter, entirely too close to the evidence of
arousal, clearly

defined in snug pants. “I just wanted to tell him finally.”

“That you’re in love with him.”


Wod seemed genuinely confused, which just made Lon want to squirm more.

“Did you want him to fuck you?”

Without thought, Lon pushed up on his elbows. “That’s not what it’s like!”

Wod raised a hand—thankfully without toy—to spread over Lon’s chest. But

he didn’t push him back down, just left it there as a reminder. “Okay, okay, don’t

get your knickers in a twist.” Wod grinned at a private joke. Was he laughing at

Lon? “Why do you think you’re in love with Rom?”

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“Because I



“You admitted you don’t know him.”

“I-I… Well, what I
know is wonderful.”

“Really? And what do you know?”

“I don’t think I want to tell you.” He glanced pointedly down at their crotches.

“N-not like this.”

Wod glanced down, and Lon would swear that both their cocks swelled. He bit

down over a groan.

Then, to his profound relief, Wod shrugged and eased back. “All right, you can

sit.” He stood but turned immediately, pointing at Lon. “But you’re staying here.

We’re going to discuss this.”

From his seat, Lon glared at Wod’s back as the bigger man turned away. “You

can’t make me stay.”

Wod threw a dark glance over one broad shoulder. “I
.” Just the look

assured Lon that Wod had at least a few ways of physically detaining Lon. “But I

think you’ll want to stay.”

Self-conscious, Lon drew his undershirt down and his jacket closed. The dildo

fell with a loud thump on the thick rug that covered the hardwood floor, and he

stared at it, unable to make himself pick it up. “Why?” he asked, unsure whether

looking at the dildo or tracking the other man’s movements around the room was


Liquid poured into a glass mug, and Lon peeked up just as Wod poured a

second mug of deep red sleighberry wine from a thick earthenware jug set on a side

table. “Because,” Wod said as he pushed the cork back into the jug. He turned, two

glasses in hand. “I can tell you
you need to know about Rom.”


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Chapter Five

Lon stared up at Wod, ignoring the drink held a few inches from his face.

“Excuse me?”

Wod raised an eyebrow and jiggled the mug. “Have a drink.”

Lon took the mug, more to get it out of the way than to sip. He wrapped his

hands around the warmth he set on his knee. “What did you say?”

Wod’s grin was not hidden by the drink he lifted to his mouth. He sipped,

watching Lon over the rim, then lowered the mug and licked moisture from his lips.

“You say you’re in love with Rom.”


Wod took his time lowering himself to the couch beside Lon. He stretched out,

wedging into the corner with one knee bent over the side and the other resting

against the back of the couch. The position opened his crotch to Lon, who tried his

best to ignore the clear outline of the cock straining Wod’s pants.

Wod took another sip, then curled the glass against his cheek. “If you’re in love

with someone, you should know all you can about them. Rom and I have been close

all our lives. I know everything you need to know.”

Lon narrowed his gaze. “Everything?”

Wod’s wicked grin told him more than he perhaps wanted to know.


Hastily Lon averted his gaze. He brought the wine to his lips to buy time to

think. But sleighberry wine would not be ignored, especially when it had been

perfectly mulled. The berries themselves were tart, with a faint, cool sweetness to

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