Reindeer Games

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Authors: Jet Mykles

Tags: #LGBT Shape-shifter Paranormal

BOOK: Reindeer Games
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Reindeer Games

Jet Mykles

Reindeer Games

Copyright © December 2010 by Jet Mykles

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eISBN 978-1-60737-901-0

Editor: Raven McKnight

Cover Artist: P. L. Nunn

Printed in the United States of America

Published by

Loose Id LLC

PO Box 425960

San Francisco CA 94142-5960

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical

events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either

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Chapter One

There was a subdued
far overhead. One moment there was only the pale

sliver of moon and stars twinkling in the blanket of midnight sky. Then, from a

faint sparkling of a cloud that wasn’t a cloud, emerged the silhouette of a sleigh

pulled by nine reindeer.

“Here they come.” Pol pointed needlessly. They all knew what was there.

Lon watched with the rest of the handlers, captivated by the sight regardless

of having seen it nightly over the past few months. At first, the sleigh and its

chargers looked like little flying dolls, coasting shapes against the stars. Then they

became more distinct as they neared. Reindeer galloping on air. The magical sleigh

seemed weightless behind them. Even closer and the soft trill of jingle bells filled

the air.

“Welcome home,” one of the handlers behind Lon and Pol murmured.

Lon smiled, nodding. It still filled his heart to see Santa and his sleigh, and it

always would. It was part of the magic that still affected him and his brethren even

though, as elves, they didn’t receive any of the physical bounty of the season. The

feeling, the tone, the power of the giving and love of the Christmas season fueled

the magic that kept their little corner of the universe in existence, and there was no

harm in enjoying it.

The sleigh and its team touched down in the midst of a meadow spread before

a sprawling barn at one end of Santa’s Village. The pulsing beacon of Rudolph’s

nose shed its ruddy glow on the snowy field. Small hooves caused shallow dents in

the deep rifts, the reindeer’s magic keeping them from sinking. The sleigh itself,

although weighted by its rotund master, barely caused any runnels in the snow.


Jet Mykles

The reindeer held their heads high, tossing proud antlers. They gradually checked

their speed as they neared the barn, showing only a little of the exhaustion Lon

knew they felt from the full night’s work. Each year, for the six months prior to

Christmas in the human realm, Santa, the reindeer, and the sleigh passed between

dimensions, bending time so that Santa could personally deliver joy to human

children. The magic of Christmas had created the realm of the elves and sustained

it, and for that the elves worked tirelessly to feed the joy so that on the one magical

day when the times of the two planes converged and Christmas Day was celebrated

simultaneously in both realms, the magic would support them for another year.

Even though that special day was still five weeks away, the anticipation was


Lon stood aside with the other handlers, making a pathway toward the open

barn doors. He waited as the sleigh passed by, then followed in its wake into the

brightly lit expanse of the barn. Specially designed to house a unique sleigh, the

interior of the barn was brightly lit and efficiently ordered. A large cubicle in one

corner housed the sleigh itself during the off hours. Along the wall beside it were

cupboards and shelves to hold spare parts and materials for the mechanics who

tended it. Along the opposite walls were matching cupboards and shelves where the

reindeer handlers like Lon stored the leather harnesses and jingle bells that

adorned the reindeer. Directly across from the large doors was the single red door

that was an entrance to Santa’s workshop. The reindeer brought the sleigh to a halt

in the midst of the clear, hay-dusted floor, and only then did the runners settle from

the air to the ground. Santa accepted the help of two assistants ready to see him

safely to the ground as Lon and three fellow handlers approached the reindeer, two

from each side.

Lon took a deep breath to still his nerves as he approached Dasher. Even after

nearly a full season of working with the reindeer, he still found them wondrous,

Dasher most of all. Three and a half feet at the shoulder, Dasher was the biggest on

the team, and his thickly furred shoulder was on level with Lon’s chest. Lon made

sure to catch the attention of Dasher’s large brown eye before reaching out to start

Reindeer Games


unbuckling the harness. Jingle bells chimed as Pol worked with another handler to

free Rudolph of the harness, while their other coworker aided Dancer. Supple red

leather slid smoothly through gilded buckles, but most of Lon’s attention was on the

gray and brown fur that covered Dasher’s powerful shoulders. Dasher’s spreading

antlers rose above both their heads. By the time Rudolph had moved forward, free

of the sleigh, Lon had the buckles loose from Dasher. A polite pat on the shoulder

let the reindeer know he was free, and Lon held the harness until Dasher’s rump

had passed by. As he moved to his left to begin loosening the straps of Prancer’s

gear, Lon kept a part of his attention on the lead reindeer.

Dasher, Dancer, and Rudolph spaced themselves out in the center of the barn.

Change charged the air, palpable to everyone. Slowly they turned, each carefully

making sure everyone was clear of them. Then separate clouds of what looked like

shimmering snowflakes filled the air around them, obscuring them briefly. One by

one they emerged from the cloud in their true forms. Lon’s breath caught, his hands

stilling for just a heartbeat on Prancer’s harness. From the cloud of magic that had

encompassed Dasher emerged the most beautiful man he’d ever seen. Like his

reindeer form, Rom was tall, just topping five feet. Sleek muscle filled every inch

under pale, milky skin. He laughed and stretched skyward as the magic dissipated

around him, proud and unashamed by his nudity. Not that he had anything to be

ashamed of. He was a perfect specimen of an athletic elf, a prime candidate for his

coveted spot leading Santa’s team. Broad of shoulder, narrow of hip, and hung like a

buck, with sky blue hair falling in a shining straight cascade nearly to his tight,

trim buttocks. He reached over to slap the meat of Wod’s shoulder, congratulating

Dancer for another successful night. Wod grinned back at him, tucking his deep

mahogany hair behind the delicate point of one ear. The blue-silver of their reindeer

medallions shone from the centers of two powerful chests, Wod’s satiny skin a few

shades darker than Rom’s, more of a pale caramel to smooth milk. Behind them,

Tessie, the team’s Rudolph guide, stretched and yawned under the cloud of her

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