Reindeer Games (12 page)

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Authors: Jet Mykles

Tags: #LGBT Shape-shifter Paranormal

BOOK: Reindeer Games
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told him he felt things far too soon.

“I-I mean—”

Wod’s finger at his lips stopped his words. “Shhh. I think I love you too.”


Jet Mykles

Lon’s mouth fell open, but Wod kissed it anyway. The bigger man drew him

close, chests pressed together, sweaty skin sliding. He laughed softly as he tucked

Lon’s head under his chin. “I plan to keep you close so we can both make sure.”

Lon smiled and did his best to snuggle nearer. “It’s a plan.”

Reindeer Games



Lon swung open Wod’s front door before Bok even finished knocking. Bok

stumbled back a few steps on the porch, mouth hanging open.


Lon threw back his head laughing, knowing exactly what he looked like.

Thoroughly and absolutely debauched. He wore Wod’s oversized shirt over last

night’s pants and no shoes. His hair was loose and probably somewhat tangled, and

he’d made sure that the collar of Wod’s shirt draped open just enough to reveal the

love bite that adorned his neck.

“Did you bring it?”

Giggling, Bok held up a plain brown sack.

“All right, you.” A strong arm circled Lon’s waist from behind and pulled him

up against a hard chest and steely thighs. “You’ve had your fun. Get inside.”

Bok’s green eyes blinked myopically over Lon’s shoulder. “Wow. It really is


“It’s my house. Shouldn’t it be me?” Wod pulled Lon clear of the doorway.

“Come on in.”

Lon squirmed, squeezing Wod’s arm as his best friend passed them by. He

grinned over his shoulder to see Wod’s patient smile. His lover shook his head

slightly, then graced the tip of Lon’s nose with a kiss before releasing him. “Go,”

Wod prompted, patting him on his rear.

Happily, he skipped farther into the room, following Bok to the dining table.


Jet Mykles

“You weren’t specific on what you wanted,” Bok began, upending the bag over

the table to spill out its contents. “So I just brought a variety.”

Lon’s eyes got big. Bok had brought
more toys than he’d thought.

“Well, well.” Wod purred, his eyes on the brightly colored sex toys that littered

his table. “You are every bit the magician Lon said you are.”

Lon bit his lip and stuck his finger through a plastic ring, lifting to find that it

was attached to a string of bright pink beads of various sizes. “Um, maybe this

wasn’t such a good idea.”

Wod hefted a pair of fur-lined cuffs. “This was an

“Knock-knock,” called a voice from the front door. It reopened to admit none

other than Rom. “Am I interrupting?”

“Not yet,” Wod called, hardly taking his attention from Bok’s bounty.

Both of the smaller men watched, agape, as Dasher himself crossed to the

table. Bok nudged Lon, but Lon could only give him big eyes and shake his head.

He’d called Bok but didn’t remember Wod calling Rom.

Rom’s eyes took on a feral gleam when he saw what was before them. “Merry

Christmas! What have we here?”

Lon turned back to the table, to see Wod leering at him across the pile of toys.

“Did I forget to mention that Rom often stops by on Sixth Day for lunch?”

Lon gaped, then glared. So
why he’d suggested they get dressed. Calling

Bok had been a distraction. “You did forget to mention it.”

Wod shrugged, trailing what looked like a pearl necklace through his fingers.

“Sorry about that.”

Lon squeaked when Rom’s arm slid around his shoulders. “I’m
glad you two

hooked up.” Rom even kissed his cheek. “Judging from the spread here, it looks like

you’ll do Wod a world of good.”

“They’re not mine!” Lon protested, backing away from Rom’s arm and the

table. He pointed at Bok. “
brought them.”

Reindeer Games


Without Lon between them, Rom’s attention fell on Bok. Bok just stared. No,

he gulped.

Rom grinned and held out his hand. “I’m Rom.”

An ecstatic smile crested Bok’s face, and he gripped Rom’s hand. “I know. I’m

Bok. I work in acquisitions.”

Rom’s eyes lit up. “
you now?” He glanced at the table. “Oh, wait, I’ve heard

of you. I’ve gotten to benefit from some of your acquisitions.”

Distracted by the weird conversation going on in front of him, Lon didn’t

realize that Wod had circled around behind him until his lover’s arm circled his

shoulders. “You think they’ll make a couple?”

“What? Oh. No. Bok likes girls.”

They watched their friends bend over the pile of toys, completely forgetting

anyone else was in the room.

Wod nuzzled behind Lon’s ear. “If you say so.”

It was not remotely difficult for Lon to tune out Bok and Rom. He’d been

looking forward to introducing Bok to Wod, but Wod had already discovered lovely

ways to distract him. He leaned back and tilted his head to give Wod further access

to his neck and was not disappointed by the lush attention his skin received. He

frowned when Wod stopped. “Hey.”

Wod chuckled. “We have an audience.”

Lon opened his eyes to see two grinning faces watching them.

“Don’t stop on our account,” Rom encouraged.

Bok nodded eagerly, making his green hair spill over half his face.

“Not a chance.” Wod took Lon’s hand and led him to the table. “This one’s all

mine for a while.” He set his palms on the table and surveyed the toys. “Now, before

we go down to lunch, help us choose some toys appropriate for reindeer games.”

Loose Id Titles by Jet Mykles

Fox and Dragon

Just for You

One for the Team

Reindeer Games


Sursein Judgment

Tech Support

Two Man Team


















(featuring characters from the
Heaven Sent

Pretty Red Ribbon

Sexy Spring Surprise

Fiesty Little Firecracker

Sly Spectral Trick

The LEASHED Series

Leashed 1: Two for One Deal

Part of the anthology
with Raine Weaver & Jeigh Lynn

Leashed 2: More Than a Bargain

Leashed 3: The Lion’s Share

Spiritual Noelle

(A Sister “Leashed” Story)

Part of the anthology
Rated: X-mas,
With Rachel Bo and Barbara Karmazin

Jet Mykles

As far back as junior high, Jet used to write sex stories for friends involving

their favorite pop icons of the time. To this day, she hasn’t stopped writing sex,

although her knowledge on the subject has vastly improved.

An ardent fan of fantasy and science fiction sagas, Jet prefers to live in a world

of imagination where dragons are real, elves are commonplace, vampires are just

people with special diets and lycanthropes live next door. In her own mind, she’s the

spunky heroine who gets the best of everyone and always attracts the lean,

muscular lads. She aids this fantasy with visuals created through her other

obsession: 3D graphic art. In this area, as in writing, Jet’s self-taught and

thoroughly entranced, and now regularly uses this art to illustrate her stories or her

stories to expand upon her art.

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